For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing
susannah - I agree! It would be good to know so I could share the info, so if it does work I made try to stop one or the other as an experiment to see. Also don't want to take more things than I need, that way I can save the money I would spend on supplements or meds and buy more shoes!
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Yesterday would have been my 13th day on arimidex and during lunch after church, I realized I had forgotten to take it.
Since it has been known to cause insomnia and I always take it in the morning, I skipped it altogether yesterday, but took it early this morning. I feel like av young woman who missed her birth control pill, but I'm sure missing just one won't hurt anything.
Any thoughts?
Paula0 -
Soteria from what I have read you did the right thing. If you miss a dose take it as soon as possible unless it's close to the next regular dosing time… then just take one at that time. You don't want to OD on ESD. It's not like if one little sperm gets away you can become pregnant. This is starve the cancer. One day of eating won't make it healthy if you continue to start the following day. At least that's the way I'm going to look at it.0
Lago thanks for the reassurance. I thought that was right but wanted to be sure. I have learned more since joining this forum in mid-August then I ever could have imagined. I always thought cancer was a Once-&-Done kind of thing. That you were stage 1,2,3,or4 and you were treated then was cured or not, but I had no idea of the risk of recurrence, or all the horrible consequences of it.
You ladies are such an inspiration!
Paula0 -
Soteria Just be sure to check with your onc when ever you get advice. BTW you onc will ask you how many "servings" of ESD you missed so be prepared. This obviously happens a lot. I've been pretty good. Been late once (15 hours) but never missed in 1.5+ years because I take it in the morning.. Now my evening supplements I'm not as good about.
Yeah I too though you either die or you don't with this breast cancer shit and once you did your 5 year pentance you were in the clear. Never knew about recurrence but at the same time most women think that recurrence is more the norm with early stage… but it is not, especially after 5 years. You still can have a recurrence but it's a very low percentage. linky (Aug.2008)
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I took mine in the mornings too. I bought one of those 7 day pill dispensers and put it right on top of my underwear draw. Some days I couldn't remember if I took it or not (chemo brain?), so that way I could look and if there was still a pill in Monday's slot, then I knew I hadn't taken it yet. I only forgot a few times, but I would take it as soon as I realized. I'm sure it would haven been fine to miss a day or two, but I felt too creepy about skipping (although if I didn't take it until noon, I would take it a little later the next day, like at 9:00 instead of 7:00). Sigh!
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Lago, I just read the link you gave. As they did not study the risk reduction effect of taking anti-hormonals, our stats would be even lower
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Soteria: I always keep an extra one in my purse, in case I should forget to take it before I leave in the am. It's the only rx I take, so keeping an extra one is just insurance. Haven't had to use it, though. For some reason, I just remember to take it with my supplements I take.
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I have to keep at least one of each of all my meds in my purse, I take a lot so I want to make sure I have them if needed. Since I have to take so many (morning load is 11 - without supplements) I don't forget it.
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I have one of these for the morning and one for the evening. Actually I have 8 of them. I fill them monthly:
Other options:
Just do a google search: "pill case on keychain"
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How cool is that?0
Lago, I used to use the monthly one,until I ended up in the hospital, and never got back in the habit. I should start up again. I tried a keychain one, it fell off do I don't use those for things I need. BTW, I have been on A for more than a month, and, I really haven't had major SEs, do most show up later, or can I relax a bit? Much love.
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15 days on arimidex and so far no side effects except a little irregular, but that could be the diverticulosis, and is easily remedied. The back of my left hand sometimes throbs, but I was already starting to have some joint problems in that hand, so I don't think it's an Se.
On a good note, I'm sleeping better than I have in years.
I pray I don't get more side effects. I hear some ladies say they don't get them until months into therapy. I do take Claritin with arimidex every morning.
Paula0 -
Moonflwr I didn't have any SE for the first 3 months. Then a little stiffness in the morning started. I have some stiffness but it's much less if I keep moving (which I do). While I prefer not to have this "stiffness" it's something I can deal with. I've been on ESD now for almost 19 months and have no plans on stopping. I have a friend that's on Lupron and the same ESD… she has a little stiffness in the morning then it completely goes away. She does have some hot flashes but that could be from the Lupron too.0
Moonflwr: Just "celebrated" my 2-months of being on anastrazole. I started getting hot flashes, but have subsided substantially. What I have noticed though is I have soreness in the joints of my fingers on one hand at night. What's that about? In the morning, they are fine.
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kjiberty my left hand is stiffer than my right. I assume it's because I move my right hand more. I get it in the morning but maybe that's because I take the drug in the morning… but I really think it's from the inactivity.0
Ok, thanks! I will quit worrying and just wait and see. I always have sore joints due to arthritis anyway, so I wouldn't know if Arimidex is adding to that anyway. I have to get both knees replaced too, both are bone on bone and had to wait til my bc was taken care of. Sorry, ill quit whining now! LOL actually relieved to know this seems to be going well. I mean I had a few minor flashes, a couple sleepless nites, a bit of short temperedness, but that was in the first week and not since, except for the minor flashes, but some other meds also cause those so I am not worrying about that either. oh boy, I must have hit the talk a lot button today! Sorry! LOL
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Moon, never apologize for "talking" too much. We are all here to listen and help as we can. BTW, where is Port Washington? I'm a former Neenah-Menasha gal myself. (long ago, LOL.)
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Chris, half hour north of Milwaukee on Lake Michigan. My daughter is living in Lebenon, PA and working in Philly.
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Here's an interesting fact: after my BMX last year, I was always cold. Freezing, in fact. I could never get warm.
Even when it was 110 degrees here, I'd be freezing in the air conditioning. Everyone would be sweating and panting and I'd be wearing a sweatshirt in an air conditioned room.
Even in the dead of summer, I'd have my electric blanket set to "high" until I warmed up.
(I remembered that this was the way it was when I started perimenopause 14 years ago.)
Then I started the Anastrozole September 5th.
Had one night of hot flashes, then started taking it in the mornings.
Now - the A/C doesn't bother me, I no longer have those "cold flashes", and the electric blanket stays off.
Could it be that the drug offsets the other condition? That would be sweeeeeeet!
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Blessings, I have the same problem, I used to be oh so cold all the time. Now I am on Zoladex (Lupron) and Arimidex and my hot flashes come on suddenly and I am sweating for a good 5 min. People at work will even say, my god.. you look SO hot! Lol.. I hate it but at the same time, it that is all I have to complain about, its OKAY!! I too have major stiffness when I wake up in the morning and if I sit to long, my lower back, my pelvic and feet but as I move Im ok..
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How manY prunes is a serving? I think the arimedex is affecting my digestion. I am also trying to do calcium but I've never done well with it, over the years I just dont like how it seems to slow down my digestion. My bone density was just checked before I started Arimedex, it was good. Going to try some liquid calcium my PA recommended. Funny, just as they are saying that calcium may not be that useful for bones in general, my MO insists on me taking soe. Sigh. However, I will try again. Ergo the prunes.
So far I am like nancyjac, stiff and achey in the morning. But not too much the rest of day. Almost 3 months of taking it. Hope that is all. I thinks doctors tend to minimize SEs, maybe they think we maximize them.0 -
I wish I could do prunes but they upset my stomach
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Try prune juice, or the primed come individually wrapped I forget the fancy new name now, but whatever they call a serving that's what I'd start with.
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Ruthbru says she eats 6 dried prunes, so that's what I tried. I love them, but 6 doesn't quite do it for me, so I'm better with 4 a couple times a day.
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HA...I bought prunes to help my bones except now I find DH and GD helping themselves to my stash!
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4 a couple times a day, meaning 8, or 4 total? I was fine the first two months but weird here on month 3. Who know what it's related to! Been taking colace every few days. Helping. Stiffness in am too which subsides as I move around though I have take ibuprofen a few times. Ah we'll, hope it stays like this, not worse. Meanwhile I am 3 mos post chemo and now various of my fingernails are breaking off quite low. So much fun.
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lisa....the study says 8 to 10 prunes a day...can take them any way you like!