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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    Thanks everyone for all the YOGA tips, gonna go look for a video tomorrow!

    I'll pass on the standing on your head one


  • Mary59G
    Mary59G Member Posts: 52

    Peggy, after meeting you I couldn't even think of where you could loose an inch!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Mary, that advice came from and under-60 instructor! I figured I can do enough damage to my body by accident without standing on my head on purpose! Have fun shopping!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Thank you, Mary. I have a fat waist. And it's gotten a bit fatter. Time to do something about it. However, the popcorn I just scarfed down watching the Red Wings hockey game really wasn't too bright or helpful.Shocked

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Mary I did P.T> after my radiation had healed.  I discovered about 3 months later that I couldn't use the left arm as well as I should.  It was very helpful.  I am a fan of PT as it is what is saving my poor wrist that I fractured in Feb....

  • Kathy044
    Kathy044 Member Posts: 94
    Mary with that many nodes removed perhaps you should start in a registered program rather than just following some video so that you can be told the appropriate adaptations for poses that could put you at risk of developing lymphedema. If you have low bone density and are on Al's you have to watch out for yet another set of poses, (perhaps Lago can jump in here), life can certainly get complicated after BC. Kathy.
  • Kathy044
    Kathy044 Member Posts: 94
    Carol, one of the members on the BCO Lymphedema forum, helped with the development of this lymphedema exercise article doc for SUSO-040113.pdf
  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    Just came from PT. Had been doing my yoga poses with too much intensity reaching and not enough moving to the beginning of the limitation, holding it there and deep breathing to get things to loosen like silly putty. Ended up pulling soft tissues into my belly and messing up my pelvic floor. Really need a skilled therapist to help guide us through this. Often times less is more!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ChloesMom, definitely good advice. Something we often forget :)

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    I just thought I would post this as I am sort of  offended by it  and I'm not sure why.

    I went to the Arimidex website where you can read about the side effects an d there are tips for dealing with them.  The last tip is "Watch a funny movie, it never hurts to laugh..."

    Now I don't suffer from the side effects you can feel, but it made me wish whoever wrote that sentence and the people who approved it would get them all over night!

    I must have an abundance of Cortisol in my body this a.m.  I feel like TOWANDA THE AVENGER......

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Really? I can understand why you are offended. I am too. While laughing seems to help a lot of things, I don't quite see how it helps the SEs of Arimidex. And on the "official" site, too. Really strange. Not professional at all. Maybe the people who wrote that are the same people who blew that Budweiser label about eliminating "no" if you drink it.



  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Redheaded1 - sheesh, I wasn't just offended, I actually saw "red" when I read your post about sufferers from AIs being told to "watch a funny movie, it never hurts to laugh ..." as a way of dealing with side effects. Unbelievable!!! As someone who had to stop taking AIs after 3 years of SE torture, it certainly wasn't an easy decision for me or the dr. to make. And yes, watching a funny movie (and laughing) can hurt ... What an insulting and demeaning comment for them to make on the Arimidex site and I am with you - I hope the writer and whoever approved that advice receive at least half of all possible AI symptoms!!! Call me "Solinda the Avenger" I hear you about that cortisol, ha ha (I have now put my bugging out eyes back in their sockets ...) :-)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    You should contact the company with your complaint. It is certainly not professional of them to trivialize anything connected to their product on their official website (or anywhere else, for that matter). Maybe if someone at the company was aware they were insulting their customers, something would change. It would be worth a shot.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Peggy - Even though my MO wrote 'dispense as written', UHC would not approve Arimidex. (I had the awful itching, burning, peeling scalp.) The generic was Accord. I asked the pharmacy for Teva and it's been ordered. I guess this is best - now I will see if it's the drug or the fillers.

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    ruthbru - I am most certainly willing to contact the company and let them know that their comments are demeaning. If nobody ever lets them know how insulting it is, they will feel free to make more of this kind! Redheaded1, could you please give me the link where you saw that "lovely" advice. Thank you :-)

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    I have two Rodney Yee beginner yoga DVDs, I love them! They only take about 20 minutes so I can do them after work before dinner, an there are no difficult poses. The stretches really help my joint pain, especially the hips. After I don't know how many years I can actually bend down and pick something up off the floor without all the sound effects!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jilly, that sucks that your insurance wouldn't approve brand name Arimidex. Hopefully, just changing to Teva will do the trick. Fingers and toes crossed. If there are further issues, maybe your MO can have a chat with the insurance carrier and tell them why you need the brand name. It COULD work.


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Hmmm ... I checked out the website, and yes "watch a funny movie, it never hurts to laugh" is there the last coping strategy for dealing with Hot Flashes.

    I don't think it's very professional, even for hot flashes, on a medication site, but it's not there as a coping strategy for any and all of the side-effects, just Hot Flashes. Each side effect has its own pull down menu with coping strategies.


  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    Todsy my ankles swelled up the left more than right. Saw this is a possible SE of this stuff? Wonder how much swelling is too much. I am going to try compression hose tomorrow. Any thoughts?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    I wouldn't think ankle swelling would be an arimidex SE. Have you turned, twisted, injured your ankle somehow? Eaten a bunch of salty food? Is it unusually hot & humid? Do you have circulation issues? I would start with ice & elevation and see if that makes any difference. If it doesn't and it is pronounced or gets worse, I'd see my GP.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626

    it's both ankles. Might be residual SE from taxotere - will check w MO. Thanks

  • sybilskelton
    sybilskelton Member Posts: 22

    Chloesmom, I had tremendous swelling in my legs and ankles for several weeks after I finished the Taxol treatment. I asked the doctor about it, and he said it was definitely a residual effect, and the reason it cropped up after I was done was because of the steroids they give during chemo. I did haul out the compression stockings that they gave me at the hospital when I had surgery. It seemed to help a bit, but mostly time took care of it.

    Good luck

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Watched a funny movie last night. Feet still sore. Maybe it doesn't work for Exemestane

    But seriously if someone is experiencing depression/sadness on these drugs it is very dangerous just to recommend "See a funny movie!"

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Lago, HAHAHA!! And you're so right!

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    I had tremendous swelling after Taxotere and my MO prescribed a diuretic which I only had to take for a few days -worked wonders!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Jilly, if the Teva brand doesn't work for you, you can get Arimidex brand from Astra Zeneca Direct for $30/month

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Rhody...if I get it from AZ direct, is income a qualifying factor?

    If I have the same reaction with Teva, should I push for Arimidex approval or request Aromasin?

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    if you are that concerned about the reaction then perhaps you should ask for aromasin now?  docs will not have a problem switching it I am sure

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Income, insurance doesn't factor in on direct from AZ. All you need is rx from your doc.

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    Rhody, I do the Arimidex from the company. Its a simple process, I gave my credit card number and they just ship to me monthly for the $30. They do not ask about income or insurance because they will not bill insurance.