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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    I have a hair question...I have been on arimidex for about 1.5 years. My hair has noticeably thinned, and I'm usually ok with it, mostly because I'm very lazy!!

    My daughter is getting married in about 2 weeks and I want my hair to look fuller in pics. I keep my hair short, so I don't want extentions. Does anybody know of a product that covers your scalp or just makes your hair look fuller for the day? Maybe a powder or spray?? What would something like this even be called??


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    CGESQ, I haven't tried this product, but QVC sells it and the reviews seem very good. Joan Rivers Hair Fill-in Powder . That might do the trick for you. It kind of "colors" your scalp so the thin places don't show up.

    SoLinda, I think I'd gladly suffer hot flashes for 21 years if my BC didn't come back. But lordy that would be rough. A friend of my mother's had them forever - naturally. She was overweight but not obese. It is so strange how they effect us all so differently.


  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Peggy - yes, I will gladly suffer through the hot flashes forever if BC doesn't come back. The temperature averages here from 35 degrees celsius to 42 C every day, so you can imagine how hot and red and sweaty I am! Wait, cancel that vision, ha ha ... I am not overweight and am very slowly losing weight to get to the lower end of my BMI. I don't drink alcohol anymore and only have one cup of coffee (a big one!) a day. I do, however, love hot peppers ... I also try to keep my stress levels down. Nobody in my family has had hot flashes like mine! I do believe my thermostat has broken Happy

    Iago - you are lucky having so few hot flashes! I thought when I stopped taking an AI that my flashes would disappear. I was wrong ... My gynecologist onco. said that some people have hot flashes for just 2 years, and others for much, much longer. I have given up so many things since this whole cancer journey started, I don't want to give up hot peppers, too. I have a feeling that it wouldn't make a difference for me anyway!

    Hot flashing Hugs!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SoLinda, You live in a nice toasty place. I should join you since I love hot weather! I'll bet you're right - you have a faulty thermostat! Good for you for losing weight - that's hard to do. I haven't given up wine (one largish glass a night) or coffee (usually 1 mug regular and 1 decaf a day - I'd drink more if it didn't make my acid reflux act up). I'm not into hot peppers so can't say if they would make your hot flashes worse but probably they do. Most of my dietary changes over the last decade have come about just from age. I don't tolerate greasy foods anymore and I generally eat healthier than I did when I was young.

    I *think* that stress is what caused my breast cancer. Caring for DH at home with no help for 4 years was extremely stressful and I was exhausted to the point of collapsing. My stress level is way down now that he is in a nursing home. You're smart to keep stress under control.

    Take care and maybe they WILL go away!


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I didn't give up hot peppers. No way.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    lago, no way on giving up the hot peppers! I am addicted to them!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,540

    Golden, I would stir the raisins around a little.I suppose I put about half a liter bottle on mine.They will be soft but dry in the end.

  • Golden01
    Golden01 Member Posts: 527

    Thanks, Ruth! I went and bought another bottle of gin but decided not to add any after I stirred them around. They are still absorbing the gin so I think I'm good to go! I would start with a bigger bottle the next time!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I tried the gin raisin thing....but didn't know to leave them out and covered. I put them in the fridge and they never really evaporated...but YUM! You could make a great drink out of that.

    I was prescribed Cymbalta for joint pain on Arimidex. It made a huge difference for me. So much better.

    I have also developed all kinds of arthritis things in the last year. Had the wrist/thumb issue. I have a splint that I only need to wear as needed now. Ended up getting cortison shot in my wrist as the tendon kept rolling out of its home unannounced, and I would nearly go to them lo or or its hurts so bad. Much better since then.

    My hot flashes are better on arimidex than they were on tamoxifen. Those were so so bad...dripping, and I would nearly have an anxiety attack, and they occurred at least three times an hour round the clock.. Arimidex flashes are very warm, mildly sweaty. Occassionally, I will have a pretty bad one. Red wine triggers them, so although I love it, I try to stick with white now

  • swissmiss
    swissmiss Member Posts: 12

    Hi all, newbie here :)

    I've been taking anastrozole for about two months. I was taking tamoxifen for about six months just before I started anastrozole. My main concern right now is the bone and joint pain; the pain is so severe I am losing my mind! Due to liver damage (doctor is still trying to narrow down the cause), I was told to limit my intake of pain relievers, but in order to function during the day and to sleep at night, I would gladly be on a continual ibuprofen drip. My MO suddenly closed his practice, so I don't have anyone to call about this at the moment. What is your experience with this pain? Does it go away? Is there an alternative drug that might be precribed? Have you ever thought of just quitting anastrozole?

    Thank you for your help

  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    I'm starting month 4 on anastrozole and had considerable bone and joint pain. I think it just magnified my preexisting arthritis. Last week I started gentle yoga and am amazed at the difference. My flexibility has increased and joint pain down to just a nuisance level. I hate adding more pills and think this is the fix for this one side effect. Now if I can just find a solution to the others. Your physician may be able to prescribe others and some people have some improvement on others. I really look at it as my body's reaction to lack of estrogen. If you search lack of estrogen side effects, you get a list of side effects of the meds doing their job. It seems like everything is a trade off. Hopefully you will find a combo that works for you as we all handle it differently. My MO had also recommended accupuncture, but insurance won't cover it and on a ongoing basis is costly for my budget. Most libraries carry a few gentle or restorative yoga dvds. You might want to try it for a week or two. A very low cost, noninvasive alternative. Hoping it helps.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    My liver values went up when I went on Anastrazole, but as of Friday, (1 year on drug) they are where they should be. My cholesterol however was elevated again --from 198 w/o drug to 233 with it. I have been like a sweet addict for three weeks, consuming anything with sweet taste to it and even started having wine every night with my dinner.....Gained 13 lbs. told onc and he said its the drug..... He hasn't called about the cholesterol results, but he knew I was going to go on Fish Oil supplements and increase my exercise, etc. I probably screwed up the numbers with the caving in to the cravings..... I have also started having the aches and pains as of about 30 days ago, but I can tolerate it if it doesn't get any worse.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I've been on anastrozole for 9 months now. No aches or pains that weren't present before I started it. My total cholesterol has always been elevated since my HDL is extremely high - 95 earlier this year. My LDL is a bit high too but the ratio (which is more important; it's total cholesterol divided by HDL) is 1.5 (lower is better). I haven't changed much of anything to do with my diet since my Dx. I still have wine with most dinners. I eat a sort of low fat diet because I can't tolerate greasy foods anymore. I'm not much into sweets. I do not take fish oil - just Vitamin D and folic acid supplements.

    Good luck, SwissMiss. Do try yoga - it can't hurt! Jo, I'm glad it's helping you!!!


  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    trying clariton for joint pain, hoping it works like it did with neulista shots. The neuropathy is hard to determine if it is the same or worsening, not painful , but plenty numbness. Will post after a few days on clariton for the joint and ache pains.. Be well girls

  • swissmiss
    swissmiss Member Posts: 12

    Thanks, Ladies, for the advice and understanding. You talked me off the ledge...I was just about to flush those pills down the toilet LOL! I keep saying I'm going to try yoga, and well, I guess now is that time. I didn't realize gentle yoga existed, so I'm off to find a DVD. I also think I will try the Claritin...if it worked for neulasta, maybe it could help here. Thanks again :)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    good Trina, and yoga is always good, it brings my BP down 20 points before my MO appts! it is important for you to do this

  • PeggyG6020
    PeggyG6020 Member Posts: 23

    I just wanted to say that I started anastrozole on May 15th, I went through a really terrible time at the end of June with horrible joint and bone pain. I have arthritis, and that really flared up, also. I take nothing for my arthritis, even though my rheumatologist thinks I should- don't think my pain is that bad. I started the claritin, and omega 3s about a month ago. Two weeks ago, all of my symptoms disappeared. I am so glad that I stuck with it. I really think the omega 3 had something to do with it. I am vegan, so I take algae omega, but I'm sure most people can just take fish oil.

    So, I suggest that you give it the 3 month trial that is suggested, and try exercising (walking), and adding claritin, and maybe omega 3. It's worth it to stay on it. I am so glad I toughed it out.

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    adding the fish oil to my regiment, also looking into the essential oils, just got the link, so checking into this option also... Thanks Peggy for the feedback...

  • HappyOwl
    HappyOwl Member Posts: 1

    I started taking Anastrozole in January 2014. Within a month I had developed trigger thumb. I've now had several cortisone shots and just finished a second steroid pack. Seems to be helping, but it helped before and then came back again. Very frustrating especially since I don't know if there is a direct connection to the meds or not.

  • Thereselm
    Thereselm Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I am 56, had a lympectomy in March (had to go back for a second surgery as I didn't have clear margins). Didn't have to have Chemo but had three plus weeks of Radiation. I started on Arimidex right away. I'm osteopenia so had an injection of prolia and if insurance covers it, will get a shot every six months. I have fatique (but some of that could be due to a demanding job), some joint ache (but nothing to brag about). My biggest frustration is HOT FLASHES which I never really had to deal with before. Of course it doesn't happen when I'm cold :-) just when I'm hot (hot weather), tired or upset. It leaves me feeling really drained. So, the main stuff I struggle with is Hot Flashes, Zingers and my breast (even after several months) is still tender and aches quite often. It's a constant reminder everyday of what I'm dealing with - makes it hard to move on. Does anyone else feel this way? I know I'm lucky it isn't worse but it's still a daily fight for me. Outwardly, I look fine so my wonderful husband, family and friends just act like it's something that I dealt with and is over. I have a pretty big scar that I see everyday that is a constant reminder.... I'll feel better when I get rechecked at the end of August. Sorry to be long winded

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Welcome, Thereselm! Glad you found us but sorry you have to be here. That's a bummer having to have a second surgery. With your hot flashes you can tell that the Arimidex is working, can't you? Obviously, your body should pay attention and only flash when you're cold! Do have a talk with it :)

    Zingers can linger as you know. I didn't have them with my Lx but years ago I had surgery on my ureter and had them. At that time my PCP had me use Zostrix around the incision. It really calmed those annoying nerves down. But you have to be exceptionally careful using it - don't get it on open sores, keep it out of your eyes and, for heaven's sake, don't touch your girlie parts after using it (without washing it thoroughly off). My former boss ( a man so no girlie parts :) ) used it after hernia surgery and discovered the hard way that privates and Zostrix are a really bad mix. But it does work!

    It does sound like you need someone to talk to. It's very difficult to share all these feeling with your spouse. I suggest you as your MO for a referral. There may be a nurse navigator or survivorship nurse who could help. You've been through a lot in a short period of time and being depressed is not unusual. Most people don't realize that you never really "get over" BC. It's always lurking in your mind. Keep writing here and talking to us. We'll listen and might even have advice for you to help you cope. We've all been there and have big shoulders should you need one or two to cry on!

    Also, it really does help us if you make sure your profile is complete and made public. Then we know exactly what your diagnosis was, treatments have been, etc. It makes a difference at times with our suggestions.

    I know it's hard, but try to stay positive. I believe that helps you heal.


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I agree with Peggy, do stay positive! By the way, I am clean and clear after 7 years! you can be too!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    Just wondering if any of you have researched all the beauty products and lotions that mimick estrogen and mess up hormones? I have and it is scary! There are a lot of ingredients that totally need to be avoided. Also, does anyone know if you have to go off Arimidex prior to surgery?

  • PeggyG6020
    PeggyG6020 Member Posts: 23

    Thereselm, I forgot about the hot flashes, they seemed to go away with the Omega 3s, Here is what is it the Omega 3 product I use-Algae based omega 3 and DHA. I thought I had hot flashes when I went through menopause, but oh no, not anything like what I got when I started the Anastrozole. But, they are pretty mild now, so not really a problem. Also, try yoga, tai chi, walking, or some kind of easy weight bearing exercise. Even a 15 minute walk, lifting a couple of cans of soups up over your head 3 times with each arm is not a lot, but it helps. I did get exercises after my LX, and I try to do them also.

    Also, I agree with PontiacPeggy, you should be able to get some counseling through your Breast Care center, I have used that a few times, and it sure helps. I know the feeling from others of, well, you're done, it's clear, move on with your life. I think we all get that. But, you have to figure where you are in the process of dealing with all of this. Sometimes it's such whirlwind in the beginning, you have no time to process your feelings. And I know it's especially hard for people close to you to know what to say. Meditation is also a get way to clear your mind, relax, and let your feelings come to the surface. I used healing meditations almost every day during this past year, and I think it helped. People are kind of shocked when they see me, I look the same, I act the same, I came through this pretty well in spite of having Crohns. But, I also have had a few times in the past where my Crohns was serious enough to kill me. So, I think it's just a little easier for me, I have never thought, oh this could kill me-it's very rare with breast cancer, we get excellent care, and it's very curable. For every negative thought, you need 5 positive thoughts. So,talk to someone, and think about what is on your bucket list, and start planning to do one of those things! We have to just get through today, yesterday is history(forget it), and tomorrow is going to be the best day ever!

    Mysunshine4, I quit using all of those products 5 years ago. Check with your doctor on whether you have to go off of the anastrozole.

    Good luck everyone!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    gee computer is crankie tonight, wonder if is the Windows 10 thing~~

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Iris, you have Win10? Thought it wasn't going to be out for another week or two. Windows Secret said that declining to do automatic updates is really really hard, nigh onto impossible. And we know that all the updates aren't exactly functional when issued. That makes me want to wait a bit (or a long time). How do you like it?


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    you do not stop Arimidex for surgery

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    welcome Theresa, most of us who have had surgery, double here for me, you do get those zingers occasionally, nerve Paine, growing back or adjusting. Had surgery in January, mostly still numb in a lot of places, BS says might come back but not always, so figure big adjustment to deal, go with the flow and be glad they got it, or are getting it. Stay off soy, any hormonal based products etc, they are the problem... We're here for you.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, my computer is just dang stupid! not on Windows 10 yet but it seems to be something will not be able to avoid. I have a cheap laptop that has crashed so many times. My thinking is that if Windows 10 gives me more issues than I am calling my cute little gym pal who is more than willing to go shopping with me for an Apple thing!

    yesterday in the middle of a thread it just died, I gave it a 5 hour nap then restarted but one of these days~~~

    I need therapy, heading to the pool for some lap swimming that will relax me!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    proudspin I'm still on Win7 and have no issues