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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950


    I used to get UTIs often too. I started taking cranberry pills daily though, and I haven't had one since (it's been years). If you haven't already tried that you might give it a shot.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    bladder problems are very common side effect of low estrogen. You probably have atrophy. I work very hard at alleviating the pain with vaginal moisturizers and avoiding acidic foods and drinks like soda, citrus, spicy food and I drink low acid coffee, no black or green tea and drink a lot of water.

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333

    Ladies please help. Just got my Prescription today. Had an BSO so now I am in menopause whether I am ready for it or not.

    can you tell me if Arimidex 1mg is the standard dose? I just got my bottle today . I made sure it was TEVA brand( thats the good one right). Should I take it morning or night?

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    exercise guru. The standard is 1 mg. Some people take it morning and some at night. I did morning but found I didn't sleep well at night so I take it in the evening. Other people find they do better taking it in the morning. See what works best for you.

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333

    Brutersmom thank you for responding so promptly. really appreciate itSmile

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Exercise Guru, I take mine in the morning. I have no trouble sleeping any time! I take most of my pills in the morning so that works for me.


  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Exercise guru, 1mg is the standard dose. I don't think it matters if you take it in the morning or night. I take it at night because I got out of order on my morning routine one day and forgot it so I just started taking it at night.

    Ladies I have been having uti problems every time after sex and even got sent to a urologist to view my bladder when I tested for blood in my urine. No issues there at least. I was prescribed uti medication as a preventative. I take one after sex and supposed to take one the next morning but frequently forget that one and no more problems. That has been such a relief.

    Octogirl come join us on the "Lets post our daily exercise" thread. Those ladies will motivate you to exercise for sure!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Two Hobbies, you probably have atrophy from the lack of estrogen. Bladder pain and frequent UTI's are potential side effects. Try using a vaginal moisturizers. Some women use coconut oil or vitamin E. I have had some success with KeyE vitamin E suppositories and NeuEve both of which I purchased on Amazon. You may also want to consider cutting back or eliminating acidic foods and drinks like soda and coffee /tea, citrus, spicy food etc. It keeps the bladder from getting too irritated.

  • TikkasMom
    TikkasMom Member Posts: 32


    I read taking 2 tsp honey & 1 tsp cinnamon dissolved in cup hot water helps UTI, worth a shot...

  • Cardinal
    Cardinal Member Posts: 10

    molly50 - I have been having some of these symptoms earlier and have just started on Arimidex, so your ideas of what's working for you are helpful, and I will give them a try. So much great info on these boards from sharing - thank you :)

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Cardinal, I hear you. Mine started during perimenopause and ramped up after my bso. I had it under control with estrogen cream until breast cancer came knocking on my door. Now I have been scrambling to get it under control again.

  • TwoHobbies
    TwoHobbies Member Posts: 1,532

    Molly I do use the vaginal moisture too and I did all the other tricks and still got them. Although I haven't tried honey and cinnamon, Tikka. That sounds delicious even if it doesn't work!

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90

    have been on the med for almost two weeks and so far I am doing pretty good although I do notice slight constipation. I have been throwing chia seed on everything:) I also notice I have a post nasal drip that just won't go away. Any chance that is a side effect?

    Thanks Phyllis

  • bjb01
    bjb01 Member Posts: 46

    PNY. I had the exact same thing, drip, cough and a tad of a sore throat. it lasted a few weeks then subsided. that is a listed side effect, and they do say that it will get better :)

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90


    THANK YOU!! I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me:)

    I am having my exchange this coming Tuesday and they are doing liposuction from my belly for the fat grafting. I sure hope I stop coughing soon.

    THANKS Phyllis

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    PNY, I used took Claritin for the first few weeks which helped the drippy nose and the joint pain. Then it dried me out too much and the sinus issues cleared up on their own.

  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    I finished rads last Wednesday and have been lurking over here for about a week or so. I met with my MO last Thursday and she wanted to start me out on tamoxifen for two years. I wanted to go with the AI. I can always switch I figured

    After reading way too much about the side effects of Anastrozole I plucked up the courage today and started taking it. I'm trying to keep a very open mind about this therapy. My BC nurse navigator said about half of the women have joint pain and of those, about half will overcome it after some time. I'm still trying to figure out why the medical community considers this treatment so acceptable when the debilitating side effects cause so many women to quit treatment.

    I've been post menopausal for 7 years. I'd like to think that this keeps me from feeling the full blown side effects. I took HTR for 20 months before my diagnosis. When I went off of them in September and the worst side effect I had was insomnia. I still wake up 2 or 3 times a night, but now I am able to go back to sleep faster. I've only ever had mild hot flashes, and never very many.

    How many days does it take before you start feeling the side effects? I felt a little dizzy this morning and feeling really tired tonight.

    What supplements do you ladies recommend? I've had my vitamin D level checked last week and it is low. I know I will need to take D and calcium as I already have osteopenia.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Suzie-Q, Where in Michigan are you? I take 3000 D3 daily. I added folic acid since I intend to keep on enjoying my glass of wine with dinner. My MO prescribed Fosamax for my osteopenia. I haven't had any problems and hopefully you won't either. It's nice to be done with surgery and rads, isn't it?


  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    Hi Peggy, I'm in the middle of Monroe County, south of Detroit and about 10 miles north of the Ohio boarder. I've been trying to curtail my nightly glass of wine with a little success except on the weekends. My MO said I needed to cut back to the bare minimum. LOL! Another quality of life issue! I just cant watch Downton Abby without a glass in hand

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Suzie-Q, not THAT far away. Next time we southeastern gals get together, I'll post here. However, we meet at a vineyard in Jackson and we all drink so your MO might not approve. I never asked my MO about drinking and he never said anything. I have one glass most nights with dinner. Here's our group and forum SE Michigan Get Together. PM me if you want to join us and I'll put you on the email list. BTW, we welcome anyone from anywhere. Probably won't meet until the weather is a bit more conducive to driving.


  • Suz-Q
    Suz-Q Member Posts: 110

    Thanks Peggy! Sounds like fun!

  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    Vettegirl - Just know that you are not alone in the joint popping. I have it in my knees, shoulders, one elbow and wrists. I don't trust my legs to support me on steps without a good grip on a sturdy rail. I have limited mobility in one shoulder that I am seeing a physical therapist for. My movements in gentle yoga (the one thing that was helping) is more limited on that one side. I even have problems with closing a car door (wrist painfully pops), must put on my coat left sleeve first. I feel like I have aged 30 years. I avoid some activities and go out less. I will be taking a break of 1-2 months from Anastrazole with my MOs blessing to go to Europe for a month. In some ways I dread it because I don't think I will be able to get around or do the things I want. I sometimes feel like an observer to life than a participant because of my limitations. I will be switching meds when I get back.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    gypsy-Thanks for responding.  Wow-it sounds like you have it pretty bad too :(  I hope you feel better while off the meds.  It just seems so odd that all this can be from the meds.  I had a mri on my leg yesterday and am waiting on the results.  I am scared to death I have bone mets.  I could not even get myself off the mri table yesterday.  The nurse had to literally pick my leg up and move it for me-I couldnt move it.  Then-I could barely walk.  This is so horrible.

  • gypsyjo
    gypsyjo Member Posts: 112

    I'm looking forward to the break and to see if life can go back to what it was. I do hope the effects disappear before my trip. I was going to go off the meds about a week prior, but my MO suggested a month prior then regroup once I get back with the results from the break. He mentioned moving to tamoxifen, but we will discuss in more detail later. I did have some arthritis in my big toes and some achiness in one knee. It has gotten considerably worse and impacts so many more areas now. I will be looking for other options. The gentle yoga does help physically and mentally. Things do seem to loosen up, but I shy from making many commitments, am last off a plane, and have difficulty getting around. I look for grab bars and sturdy tables to push myself up. I went to a concert last night and had trouble getting to my seat in the balcony because of lack of handrails. The stiffness also impacts my balance. Thank goodness my DH is aware of my problems.

    I also think some of the issue is losing muscle strength so I focus on that. Hoping your MRI turns out alright.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jo, I hope the break helps. I'm so sorry you are suffering. That sucks.


  • TTfan
    TTfan Member Posts: 162

    I am 3 weeks into an Arimidex 2 month break taken because of exactly what Jo describes plus mental fog and depression. I am 59 and felt 90. I feel amazing already, fog and mood lifted, back to the gym and yoga, can get down stairs without clutching the rail. Not perfect, but so, so much better! Yes, these meds can cause all this misery, but also yes, at least for me, it seems to reverse quickly when off. I don't know yet what I will choose after the twomonths, another AI, tamoxifen or nothing.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    TTFan, awful choices, aren't they? So difficult to make. Very glad you are feeling better. Has to be a huge relief.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    So I guess I am not the only one who feels like garbage all the time. My legs are getting weaker and I just never feel like myself.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Molly, that's so discouraging. Most of us want to take AIs and it's so hard when one we are taking causes such awful SEs.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    I know Peggy, but for now I will continue until I see if it gets worse or better. I don't want to give the cancer cells a chance to come back.