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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    my file is supposed to say Teva only too. I use Walgreens.

    ALWAYS ALWAYS check before you accept your rx. They have screwed it up, I refuse and make them get Teva.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Spookie, I also have that on file with Walgreens and have gotten non-Teva anastrozole. I refuse it also.


  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    I went to get my prescription and they said they couldn't get the Teva because of something to do with the manufacturer, so I am taking the Accord again. My feet actually seem to be less painful now, but we also sold our house with concrete floors so that probably helped. When we went to Home Depot, I had to leave because I could hardly stand on their floors.
  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    Interesting .. do your feet hurt all the time ? Or just on hard surface?

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    Hi Mama, they have hurt a little in the past if I wore sandals all day, but after I started the AI they were painful when I first walked, but got better after a few minutes. I still exercised by brisk walking mainly. Then when I switched to Teva, it actually got worse and now that I am on Accord this month I realized that they aren't as painful. However, I have found that if I wear my Ahnu hiking boots, they hurt much less and most of the summer it was too hot to wear them so now I don't know if it was the change in meds or shoes!
  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Here's a question for other anastrozole users: Have you experienced depression and a change in personality? I started taking anastrozole in July and have felt very lucky with my minimal SEs (mostly dry eye). But I've become aware of a definite change in my personality - I'm very short with my DH (he's being very patient) and I feel listless. I have everything to be thankful for and happy about but I feel despondent. I'm supposed t see my MO in December but I'll need a new prescription next month. I'm thinking of asking for an earlier appointment and discussing these changes I feel with him.

    Any advice?


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I got witchey when I started it. Hard to deal with myself.

    Definitely talk to your MO.

    Could be a post treatment let down, like PTSD

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I had so much going on when I started Anastrozole that I couldn't have singled that out for causing anything. Putting DH in a nursing home, watching him decline and then his passing less than a year later. But nothing would surprise me.


  • Mandycat
    Mandycat Member Posts: 17


    That is the problem I had. I had depression but also personality changes. Estrogen or the lack of it definitely effects the brai

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    So, Mandycat, what did you do? Are you still taking anastrozole? Did you start taking an antidepressant? What else can we do?


  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    I was a little down and short tempered when I started, but, fortunately I am much better now. I think I was afraid of possible SEs. This stuff is emotional and we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves. When my DH commented several times about my mood swings at first I was defensive. But then I finally “owned" it and as soon as I said to him, “yes and I've been through a lot" my impatience lessened. Now, feeling much better and try to keep positive and grateful. Gentry hugs to all. Hope this helps a bit.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    I take Ritalin for PTSD.

    80% of BC patients have PTSD.

    Just see a great mental health person and find out what you have.

    My MO Team kept trying to treat depression. I was not depressed. I was so HAPPY to be alive and have the cancer gone but the shock of it all took a toll on me.

    Coach Vicky

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    Tamoxifen did more of a number on me than Anastrozole, but I swear by Vitamin D and magnesium. They both helped me immensely. I ran out of vit D the other day and I could feel that low feeling coming on, but after one pill it was gone. I take 5,000 IU a day and a teaspoon of Natural Calm powdered magnesium daily. Obviously you need to check with your dr., but those 2 supplements helped me come out of a pretty serious depression after being misdiagnosed for over a year and a half. (Along with counseling, exercise, and reading these boards.) 😀
  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    wow thanks for all those comments girls! I really was starting to think I was a weeny

    I tried explaining to my (is ' dh' dear husband??)

    That its hard to comprehend it all , I feel like Im in a fog and I also am a bit listless. Its annoying! . I should be jumping for joy , but my knees hurt.. and well I still have some aches and how can I be sure Im now fine?? Its not like they test us to prove its gone

    I think Im afraid if Im too joyfully confident I may jinx myself... there I said it. Im still a little scared..

    I just started the arimidex a week ago 2 days after finishing radiation , so it s most likely a combo of after effects , definitely PTSD, and the lack of estrogen

    So ritilin helps? I will be returning to work next week, a stressful bank job...

    When I try to think about the last 11 months , its almost like looking back on a movie or nightmare and thinking was that me? That went thru that? I had to pull strengh from somewhere deep inside me and put on a good game face to get thru it all.. it was mentally exhausting on top of all the physical stuff

    Im thinking its ok and normal for us to be dazed and drained from it all .. just hope it doesnt last too long..

    . I dont recognize myself ( mentally) its like my brains numb. But I agree coach, I dont think Im depressed we have gone thru a trauma.. and the after effects of chemo and radiation are real and hopefully will fade in time

    On a lighter note ... Any one elses hair growing back salt and pepper ?? ( mine was brown) its very' Jamie lee Curtis ' Lol... but Im thrilled its hair!!

    Well ladies ... We all got thru it somehow , and aren't we powerhouses for it.. strength we didnt realize we had..

    So somehow we will find that strength again , after we catch our breaths , and keep on thriving!!

    ❤️To all

    Mama oz

  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356

    Hi MamaOz, Salt and pepper hair is another thing we have in common. Lol. I did highlight my hair pre chemo and I'm sure I had some grey (I'm 51) but I did not have a whole head full of it. I was a to head as a child but more a dishwater blonde as an adult Funny you mention Jaime Lee Curtis. I sent a pic of her to my stylist a while back saying that was what I wanted to look like whenit gets a bit longer.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I think your post is about 100% how most everyone feels at the year point.

    Some days (and I am 17 months post diagnosis) I still awake thinking WTF happened and was it to me? I am very fortunate in that my DH has been outstanding thru all of this. On those days when I was on a generic Arimidex and cried every morning over something, he just asked what he could do. Things are a lot better now and I seldom cry anymore.

    I di cry on Sunday. My husband and i went to our Arsenal Commissary and Gas Station. The Arsenal is an Army post near us. The Commissary is the grocery store for active duty and retired military. If I am over explaining, sorry. I know not everyone on this site is from the USA.

    Anyway, I am at the Commissary while my husband gets gas and joins me later. I am walking down an aisle and see another couple. The woman stops and blurts out how she loved my hair. She went on to say how attractive the cut was. I tear up. I explain that this is my chemo hair. It is not how my hair used to look. I had brown hair that I had highlighted blonde. I also share that I really appreciate what she said and how kind she was because things have changed so much for me. She and her husband expressed sorrow and were also kind. She hugged me and pointed her finger saying "you just remember you look good!" It is not the first time this has happened yet is always leaves me a little rattled. The strange thing is NO ONE ever stopped me before chemo hair (black and silver now) to say my hair looked even decent. I want to get to the emotional strong place where I can just say "thank you" and not tear up.

    Coach Vicky

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    DH can be anything you want.

    Dear Dumb #%$& husband.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    coachvickey...just curious how ritalin helps PTSD? As far as I know its for ADD and ADHD. Glad it helps you though. Good luck to all.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    my son in law and grandson are ADHD. They both have used it, and coffee, to settle their feelings. Coffee, normally a stimulant, works in reverse for them.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I knew something was wrong with how I felt. I was happy but unmotivated to work or complete a project.

    My Primary Care got me to a great Psychiatrist and he gave me some tests. That is how he made the diagnosis. He also read the side effects of Arimidex and said the drug was "brutal."

    The Ritalin keeps me focused. I take a small does when I wake up and again around 3:00pm.

    My Oncology Team has NEVER considered PTSD for a BC Patient.

    My Psychiatrist also gave me some things to do:

    Come up with a plan especially if I decide to retire and have goals.

    Find a reward for myself to celebrate this victory.

    And, finally, go easy of myself. He told me to stop trying to play the note that I was playing. He told me to find a new note. The way he phrase "find a new note" was kind and insightful. I hate the term "new normal."

    I hope this is helpful.

    Coach Vicky

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    So are you saying that PTSD caused you to have ADD?

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    Coach and kb870 ! Yes its so funny on the hair.. I get so mant compliments and keep your hair like that it looks great.. but like you said its hard to just say thank you

    And I believe Ritilan helps with. Concentration ...

    Spookiesmom. Like your version of the DH lol

    Thanks for all the feedback😊

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I don't know. I do know the activating event for this was in April 2017.

    I just hit a low in April with fatigue from low saturated iron. I also had a lump on my left reconstructed breast (it was a bad suture) and an unexpected surgery. Some interpersonal comments from my MO Team did not help with all that was going on. I am pretty tough and the comments were insensitive. I was also dealing with horrid side effects from an Arimidex generic.

    When I saw the psychiatrist, he just seemed to be able to put everything together and get me to a better place. He thinks I will be off the Ritalin by the end of the year.

    Coach Vicky

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    Hey ladies

    So I have been on Arimidex 5 months now. A few months after I started, I started with the odd migraine headache. I did have a CT scan and it came back normal.

    But these headaches are unrelenting. I have at least 3 a week now so really it has extended into constant headache. I can feel nausea, hot/cold flashes with them and a pounding heart. My neck and shoulders are tight and tense and I am not sure if its because of pain of headaches. I can feel lightheaded too.

    Plus, my knees have started to bother me when walking and now and then I get pain in feet and in my joint near my thumbs.

    The headaches are starting to affect my quality of life.

    Has anyone else suffered this with Arimidex or should I seek another reason?


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    Are you on the brand name or a generic?

    There are 17 generics.

    Keep track of your symptoms and ask y MO for a change.

    Tell your MO you will only continue with an Rx with less side effects.

    If you will share the brand you are on, other women have better insights and offer alternatives.

    Coach Vicky

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    Hey Coach Vicky:

    I am on TEVA. I am in Canada and I think thats all I can get. But I'm not sure.

    I see my family physician on Thursday and will mention the headaches.

    I see my MO in November. She is thinking of turning me over to my GP for checkups. A little nervous about this.


  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    Wallan, how is your blood pressure? I had to go on medication after starting Arimidex, although I was borderline high for years. The reason I ask is your symptoms sound like they could be caused by high blood pressure. Just a thought.
  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    I know I overkill with my records but I really believe tracking my side effects by date and Rx in an Excell Spreadsheet, helped me talk to my MO about quality of life issues.

    I think it helped him make the connection with my hands and feet swelling to both Herceptin and Arimidex realizing the Arimidex was contributing to the need for a long term Rx to counter the swelling.

    Coach Vicky

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    I have always had great blood pressure. At beginning of August, I had my heart checked out because of the panic attacks I was having in May (I know it takes months to get into a specialist here in Canada) and my blood pressure was 120/80. I was getting some headaches then. They have gotten more frequent now. It scares me because of course I think brain mets. I had a CT scan at end of August and it was normal. By that time my headaches were starting to get quite bad too, just not as frequent.

    I'm on Effexor too which I started at about the same time as the Arimidex for anxiety. My anxiety is under control more or less. I do know Effexor can cause high blood pressure too. I am wondering if that is the issue now. Sigh...


  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Hello Ladies,

    I haven't been here in quite awhile, but felt the need to come back and read....and I'm seeing so many of you with the same issues I am having.

    #1 is the fact that Walgreens can't get Teva! They told me today it should be back by mid November.

    So I've been on Accord for a month....where do I start??? I look around me and my house is a complete disaster. Not that I was a great housekeeper to begin with, but this is just ridiculous. The problem is, I don't feel like doing ANYTHING. I mean NOTHING. I can't get motivated about anything. I've been working on a bunch of craft/crochet projects and while I WANT to do them, when it gets around to actually doing them, I don't feel like it.

    I actually seem to be feeling hyper, yet also could cry at the drop of a hat. It's all just so weird and I hate the feeling. Is that just the meds working or is it the Accord?

    And my feet and hands are so stiff most of the time. I have also developed a pain in the middle of my's the piriformis muscle, they tell me, which inflames the sciatic nerve. I'm doing PT for that and the large lump of scar tissue in my breast. Yesterday, I had my first mammogram after surgery and they found a fluid filled lump...seroma, I guess, though they said it wasn't big and the PT would help. I haven't heard from my MO on it, not sure I will. The report I got from the radiologist said my mammo was normal.

    See how my brain works? I'm all over the place and can't organize my thoughts. The miracle is that I'm actually sleeping better finally. But I think it's because I found an essential oil blend that I diffuse at night. However, even though I'm sleeping better, I'm still so exhausted and brain fogged all day.

    The other good thing is that the hot flashes have lessened...maybe one a day, not very intense, sometimes fewer.

    Sorry this was so long....