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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    I am sorry that you are dealing with this, Wallan. I tried Effexor and could not handle it - nausea and dizziness. I do remember reading that you really need to wean yourself off slowly if you decide to stop taking it. Let us know how your appt. goes.
  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Hi, Nancy - good to hear from you. My first month was on Teva; I've been on Accord since (I'm on the third month). I don't know if you saw my earlier post but I've been really irritable and feeling listless - sounds rather like what you're feeling. My next appointment with the MO is in December; I'm going to call and see if I can get in earlier to talk with him about this. I'm not having any joint pains but my eyes are bothering me (I'm putting in more drops these days) and my memory is definitely foggy.

    I had developed a seroma in the axillary area (where the lymph nodes were removed). My surgeon sent me to get it drained. He has released me from his care now.

    Glad your first mammo was normal! I don't have mine until January - my RO wants me to wait until six months post rads.

    Hope all is well inWisconsin!


  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Hi MJ,

    My seroma is also near the lymph node that was removed. I'll have another mammogram in 5 months, which will be a year since they found the cancer.

    My eyes are also very dry. I do the gel drops at bedtime.

    Yes I did see that you are irritable and listless. I can't say I'm irritable any more than usual, but I am melancholy. Crying is getting to be normal. I see my MO and my BS in December also. Bone density scheduled before the MO appointment.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Nancy - were you having these feelings of apathy while on the Teva anastrozole? Or did they start with the Accord? I'm wondering if I have my pharmacist get the Teva for me if that will make a difference. Even though it's more expensive than the Accord (for her), she said she would do it. That might be the place to start.


  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    OK - my irritability just reared its ugly head. I was trying to explain the ins and outs of generic anastrozole to my DH, saying I thought I'd ask the doctor to request Teva when he sends in my new prescription and that I would talk to the pharmacist about it. As I was talking, he started turning UP the volume on the TV (he's watching the ever-so-important Let's Make a Deal). I said, "Oh, sure, turn up the volume while I'm trying to talk to you." His answer: "I'm listening to you but you've said all this before." I told him I hadn't said this specifically as the question about Teva vs. Accord had just occurred to me this morning. And then I told him he's worthless to me (talk about irritability!).

    The truth is he hasn't listened to me through this whole ordeal - or at least that's my impression. Yes, he drove me to my radiation treatments. But if I want to express any concerns, he tunes out. I think that's his defensive mechanism so he doesn't have to face his fears. Doesn't make it easy for me, thou

    Thank goodness for all of you ladies!


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    I am sorry, Tappermom.

    Coach Vicky

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192


    Well I saw my GP today and my blood pressure is normal. I had a bit of headache when I was there, not too bad. Just got over a bad one. He says it is very likely my changes in estrogen are triggering migraines. He told me to take magnesium, be sure to do aerobic exercise frequently, and get at least 5 hours of interrupted sleep every night using melatonin. He told me the body aches and sore joints are also from the Arimidex. He prescribed regular paracervical massages and a script for amitripyline which he told me to fill if the exercise, magnesium, sleep and massages do not diminish the migraines.

    He said I could stop it and advised I think about this carefully and talk over risks with my MO. I told him the MO is suggesting I see him for followup and he said that would be fine.

    I also have a low thyroid so he is boosting the Synthroid I take for that a bit.

    So, I think I will try all these recommendations. I will talk over the risks of not taking AI with my MO because I don't know if I can survive 5 years of migraines on an almost daily basis.

    At the same time, I am scared to stop it.


  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    MJ, I'm so very sorry....some men can't handle the emotional side of our illness. Well, my husband has NEVER handled the emotional side of everything. But I won't go into details.

    And yes, this feeling of apathy and crying at the drop of a hat started about 3 weeks after I started the Accord. I met with my nurse navigator today because she had my Treatment Summary and Aftercare Survivorship Plan she wanted to go over. After we were done, she just looked at me and said "and how are you doing..." Well, that was all I needed. My eyes welled up and I told her all of these feelings I've had. She asked questions and took notes and then said she was going to call my MO's office and let them know what was going on and that I should hear from them by the end of tomorrow and if I don't, to call her on Monday. She has been a Godsend though this whole ordeal.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Wallan, I took amitryptiline for years...helped my moods AND helped me sleep. But after several years, it's effectiveness wore off.

    I do hope that you get some relief. Just lack of sleep can wreak havoc.

    This medication is the pits...but it's doing what it was supposed to do. Eliminate estrogen and that's why we get all these side effects. I just hope it's worth feeling like crap for 5 years.

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    Hi MJ and Nancy618:

    MJ: I understand how disappointing and lonely it is to have your DH check out emotionally on you. My DH checks out too. The first time I had BC he never engaged in taking me to appointments and pretended like everything was normal even though I was bald and teary eyed and weak from chemo and rads. And only one boob. I was devastated. Next time around (this time), I told him what I need. So he takes me to appointments but there is no emotional availability. I am told this is his coping mechanism by my oncology psychiatrist to minimize and pretend everything is okay. Well, I say, what about my coping mechanism? I would like acknowledgment, sympathy and support from him. But it is what it is so I go to my friends for support.

    Nancy618: thanks for your kind words. I am on Effexor for anxiety so to take another antidepressant on top of that does not sit well with me. My GP assures me it is safe with no interaction. Luckily my GP does not push meds really. Its an option he presents and he leaves it up to you to decide. He is really about healthy living so he agrees I can try the other alternatives first. Do you take other meds with ampitryline?


  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Thank you for your words of comfort and support, Wallen. That's what I mean about this site and you ladies - you're always there for your sisters.


  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Wallan - I'm curious about your GP's suggestion of magnesium. I've been reading about its effects on depression. What dosage did he recommend? And it's OK to take with the estrogen suppressant?


  • Mandycat
    Mandycat Member Posts: 17

    I stopped taking the anastrozole for now. I have follow ups with all my doctors at the end of the month and hope to come up with a permanent plan at that time. I just want to give myself a chance to recover.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416

    Tappermom, when I was in a deep depression after being misdiagnosed for 20 months, I read every study I could find. I came across one that said that taking magnesium 3 times a day for a week lifted depression. So I got a powdered supplement called Natural Calm at a health food store and took one teaspoon twice a day in my tea. It worked wonders for me and I still take it every day, but I did cut the dose to once a day. (It also has laxative effects.) My onc knows I take it and didn't say anything so I hope it is okay to take with Arimidex. I also take 5,000 IU of vitamin D. I think everyone has to find what works for them as far as depression, joint paint, etc. go. I should add that exercise and counseling also helped me with my depression, but if I skip the magnesium or vitamin D, I can feel the low mood coming back.
  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Thanks, Peregrine. I already take 5,000 IU of Vitamin D. Today I bought magnesium tablets, 250 mg each. I'll try one a day and see if they help. I go to fitness class three times a week. I've never had any counseling - some may say I'm in dire need of it!


  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Tappermom....just be careful how much magnesium you take. It will definitely affect your bowels!

  • pabbie
    pabbie Member Posts: 70

    Wallan: Amitryptiline has worked wonders on my migraines. I took a headache class and this was one of the drugs they suggest. I also take magnesium, vitamin d, and calcium at night before bed.

    I've changed my AI to Anastrozole this week. I've already tried aromasin and letrozole.

    DH's can be pains in the arses. But mine has been with me through all my cancers which started in 1999 with colo-rectal cancer at the age of 41. BC in 2008, BC recurrences in 2014 and 2017. That's why I'm trying hard to make one of these AI's work.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    Wow, pabbie - you have been through the wringer. You are to be congratulated for your perseverance! I hope you can manage the anastrozole SEs.

    Thanks, dtad - I read several articles and that's why I chose 250 mg. I'll just take one a day and see what happens. My mood is already better this morning - the Wisconsin game just started and they intercepted the ball and scored! Go, Badgers! (My daughter and SIL both have degrees from UW Madison.)


  • Trish694
    Trish694 Member Posts: 1

    Hi. This is my first time posting. I was on tamoxifen after my mastectomy. I had so many side effects and felt suicidal that my doctor switched me to anastrozole. I also have to receive a shot every month in order to start menopause.

    I have been taking the anastrozle for a week now and I have dizziness constantly. I move my head and the room spins. I have read through the side effects an that is one. I am wondering if someone has experienced this and if, at some point, idoes it goaway. Thanks

  • wallan
    wallan Member Posts: 192

    Hi ladies:

    My GP never said anything about the magnesium interacting with the Arimidex or lack of estrogen or anything like that. He told me to go to a health food store and buy magnesium biglycinate. (150-300 mg per day). He said to take it before bed. He told me it will be laxative like.

    I have noticed in the last few days that my joints are worse. My toe joints were my toes join the foot hurt when I walk on them. I actually limp. My knees hurt all the time now too. I am starting to get hot flashes which I have not had since I started. And insomnia is back where I wake up after a few hours of sleep and can't sleep again despite melatonin. Sigh.... I wonder if this will get worse or if it will come and go or if I will just get used to it and not notice it after a time. Last headache was two days ago. Can't wait for next one. LOL.

    I did start back to work and I wonder if stress hormones exacerbate symptoms from Arimidex. Or is it just because I have been on it long enough and symptoms are now appearing as my estrogen dries up.

    Anyways, I see my MO in November and I will discuss side effects with her and how to manage them. I am scared to quit the drug, although it has crossed my mind. Quality of life is more important to me than I realized.


  • pabbie
    pabbie Member Posts: 70

    Should I ask my pharmacy for the Teva brand for generic Arimidex?

    Thank you.

  • CarolynMarie
    CarolynMarie Member Posts: 3

    thank you for this information.

    I HATE ARIMIDEX.....kills libido, makes joints (hips in my case) ache and causes fatigue...when I suggested to my oncologist that I halve the dose she responded that there is no data on the outcome of any other doses. When I suggested that according to research I read about cutting occurrence rate further then Arimidex with fasting she said she was not aware of it (appeared in JAMA) I feel like the oncologist is a dead end for my isues with the side effects of this drug. WHAT to do? I really am frustrated!


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    There are something like 17 manufacturers of the generic Arimidex.

    See if a different manufacturer would work better,

    IMHO, your Oncologist works for YOU. If you are not getting what you want from this person for success fire them and find someone who will serve you.

    Best wishes on a workable solution.

    Coach Vicky

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    Has anybody here switched from Arimidex to Tamoxifen? My doc is allowing me to try estrogen cream and he says if it works that he would rather I switch to Tamoxifen.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I switched. I’m doing 10 mg 3 times a week. Had some problems with it at first. May bump up to 20 mg daily in Jan when I see mo.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Pabbie - I am happier on Teva than I was on Accord. Even though it should be written in my pharmacy notes, I do have to check that is what they give me before I leave the counter. I don't know what is happening with Walgreen's drug supplier. No Walgreens in our area had atenolol for about 2 months. I had to transfer my prescription.

  • pabbie
    pabbie Member Posts: 70

    taco1946, I spoke with my pharmacist yesterday regarding Teva.

    This is my first prescription. If I have side effects, I have to ask my onc to request Teva for me. I'm starting with the Breckenridge manufacturer out of Florida. And my psych upped my anti-anxiety for me.

    Wish me luck, last AI to try.

    Take care.

  • SandraSummers
    SandraSummers Member Posts: 9


    This is my first time posting. I was diagnosed in January of 2017 with IDC stage 1 grade 1 with a low oncotype score (I think it was a 6). I had a lumpectomy and radiation. In May I started taking Arimidex and this week I have stopped! The joint pain is so bad all over my body, along with severe nausea. Anyone else on here with a similar story just decide to stop the hormone thereapy?

    Thank you so much

  • SandraSummers
    SandraSummers Member Posts: 9

    Sounds very similar to what I am going through. Have been on the arimidex since May with no side effects until the past 6 horrendous in the joints I couldn't take my top off over my head...leg pain, back pain, nausea, weird muscle sensations. I have stopped the arimidex for 7 days and feel like my old self. I have my appt. at MD Anderson on the 23rd of November and will see if I can stay off is a horrible drug for me.

    January 2017 diagnosed IDC 1.8cm, stage 1, grade 1, onco score 6 no nodes thank god

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Talk with your MO, there are other meds you could try.