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Pinktober Revolution



  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Shells43, I too wonder if any cell(s) were broken away during biopsy that could have gone into the bloodstream.  The thought actually went through my mind while the biopsy was being done.  And I got a really bad feeling about it when a failed biopsy on a second spot caused a large hematoma to develop which caused the radioactive dye to not go to the sentinel node.  Still think about it  Gut feeling.  What worries me is my gut was correct regarding my diagnosis and the sentinel node biopsy being negative.  Oh well, only time will tell.  

    I still feel some focus needs to be placed on prevention and a cure for those already in the throws of cancer.  

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Linda............some days are diamonds, some days are stone.................hugs

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    About biopsies, I have to say it, I have to... I succumbed to biopsies for the first time in July 2012 after a PET CT showed node activity, didn't know what it was.  Last year I did not allow biopsies, I just had the mass removed (too naive to know they had not done enough tests, biopsies or not).  So this year, the agreement was with surgeon / US biopsy dude to use a fine core needle, he did on left neck node (infection).  But while I was snoozing, he used it on right then used the punch five times or so.  I was out of it, but on way home I was freaking out, omg, what did I do, I felt like the gernade was tossed into my body, everything let loose from cancer node (and it was 3 of them w at least two being left from previous surgery) to pour through the bloodstream, went into a three week tailspin, finally got a grip due to trusting my protocol.  I still have not confronted him, nor any of the MDs who I feel truly let me down.  Biopsies frighten me.  And these doctors and the research leave us on a sinking barge with most of their choices.  Yes there are some who really truly care, others who are ingrained to do the best they are able... but I say they know not what they do, they have blinders on or if they know they are not 'allowed' by medical constraints to admit a thing to us.

    Have been reading all the comments, this one in particular resonated, I am still so very upset obviously.

  • MustangIA
    MustangIA Member Posts: 54

    Sharing the hoodie/T-shirt fundraiser I'm doing right now as we lead up to October...seems to fit Pink Revolution quite well.​signup/1d7b1iqj

    The link will take you to the design - if anybody wants to participate, the money is being raised for The Pink Daisy Project and METAvivor Research & Support, Inc. You can read about the project at the link below. Last year, I raised 27K, this year - shooting for more!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309

    I've been gone for a little while so this may have been suggested, but I think it should be mandatory that any item that claims to be donating a portion of the proceeds to BC causes should have to put how much it is. They could literally donate one cent and be telling the truth in their advertising. And if you're going to buy it anyway, then yes, I guess a penny is better than nothing, but a lot of people impulse buy because they see that symbol. I'd rather they give that money to someone for gas to help off set the cost of going to treatment, help with food, hotels for those that have to travel for treatment, etc., if the money isn't going to a reliable source.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    mustang - can't get your shirt/hoodie link to work

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Me either, I tried, too, Mustang.

    I'm sorry about the biopsy/chemo discussion I started. I didn't mean to freak anyone out AND go off topic. I know chemo sometimes fails. I was really thinking out loud about my aunt's situation and it made me mad.

    I'm sorry to have touched some nerves, especially to you lovely ladies. I know we have all done what was recommended by our docs in good faith that they have our best interest in mind. I hate this disease that outsmarts our best science and scientists and still finds a way to keep invading our bodies.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    I'm not in favor of mandatory anything regarding this disgusting disease - there are simply too many variables.  That said, it doesn't seem a terrible idea to have a "mandatory" second opinion on the  treatment schedule.  But even that would probably suck.  My first doc (who I left because she was trying to push me into a BMX) had me scheduled for chemo and rads.  My second group of doctors said an immediate "no" to rads and then sent a sample of my cancer off to be tested in regards to chemo.  The score was low - so no chemo either.  However, no chemo, no rads - means no choice in regards to taking or not taking hormone therapy.  I was "lucky" in that I didn't have to take the truly terrible treatment and had the type of cancer that should respond favorably to AIs.  But two women in my family have already died of this disease, so I know I'll certainly be aware and somewhat stressed for the rest of my life - however long it might be.

    Back onto the subject at hand, though.  People are in general "aware" of breast cancer.  What more women need to be "aware" of IMHO is improved diagnostic options.  I was well aware of breast cancer, as it has been a plague in my family.  What I was not aware of was breast MRI's.  Had I know of them, I would have been "aware" of my own breast cancer when it was still DCIS.  It's possible I could have avoided a mastectomy.  For certain I could have avoided losing my lymph nodes.  Improved awareness doesn't need to be the awareness of cancer - they could push a few other "awarenesses" like diagnostic tools and causes, for example....

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Gardengumby, you make some very good points. My own sisters are now going for MRI in addition to mammograms since neither my mother's or my own cancer was picked up on mammography. They are all very much more aware of various treatment options should they ever develop cancer, and I pray they do not!

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706

    I had mri and it still did not show the cancer at any early stage. Our diagnostic tools are still not very good so don't rely completely on them. I don't know what the answer it. Awareness and/or early diagnosis are still not a guarantee of getting a cure. We need a vaccine and a cure. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Dear friends---everyone's on a roll this morning.

    Every poster from page 1-18 got the same note re: wordsmithing.

    What will effectivelly happen is that we will, in the end have something that is copyrightable. I will absorb that cost. The named coptrighters will be the sisters from here, don't know how that will exactly work yet, but all things are doable.

    I have asked several because of their writing skills to ne involved in Phase I construction.

    Phase II will be a second review by all with input, but at that point--concentrating on major points would be the orientation

    Once I post the list of wordsmiths, I will instruct them what to do next.

    Those wanting input into phase I construction , buddy up with one of the primary writers and send your thoughts by PM to them. You also can post them here. This will continue to facilitate thought here and allow the primaries to have access to your particular thought through their PM's. which will reduce primary writers seeking and finding info.

    My role will be to be the facilitator and forming the contruction. A writer too. But b/c of other projects on BCO, I have learned a few tricks to allow for construction.

    When the volunteers have all responded I will post them, and where the constrution site will be.

    Check this post for the next few days. I will add need to know info here, so, it's not all over the place.

    Phase one's Goals:

           Mission statement

           vision statement

           Development of representative slogans

    If anyone believes something else should be consisdered in phase one post here and Pm me and I will edit into here for all to see. This medium does not lend it self to easily accomplishing what we want to do. But it is doable.

    We are late in starting this, but we have 20 pages now from which to gleen info.

    I'm going to be presumptive and ask SpecialK to be our librarian/researcher.

     At least with this revolution, we don't have to be worried about being shot or hung for treason as our Forefathers did.

    If someone would volunteer to go back from page on and consolidate all the slogans into one box. No commentary just slogan i.e

    Foctober---Barbie1958(or) granny(?) Pg. 1   We then can reference slogan, originator, and where to quickly find it by having pg number

    Would facilitate if theire were 2-3, they need to be in boxes that are sequential. This can be accomplished by  posting in a box Reserved for consolidated slogans pges 1-8, next box same but pages 9-14, third box. pages 14-25 . Adding perhaps two more boxes for future additions. Once a box has a the title in it it is reserved and can be edited at will. If b/c of and individuals care program projections mean they will be in the "recovery room" allot. This may not be something you want to volunteer for. When I get 3 volunteers for this we will post within seconds of each other to reserve the boxes. If someone posts in between, I will ask that they delete and repost after the reserve boxes. This will allow for visual continuity.

    So, I think this enough to get started with--Off we go revoluntionaries.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

     I totally agree,Pink Stinks and the only thing pink are the d...n scars for real. Men do get the prostrate cancer but not nearly in the droves that we get BC,still its no picnic for anyone man or woman and dont forget cancer is an equal opportunity disease it strikes children also. It is the evil in the world. Evil people can be incarcerated but this evil of cancer,it wont bow to any judge or jury.

    I know they are toying with vaccines and such and have to do a million clinical trials and pass the FDA and go thru all the politics of how the big pharma will lose money if any kind of cancer gets a prevention.

    "We Will Not Wear Pink,We Will Not Back Down,Give Us a Cure or Go Home"

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    layla - prostate cancer is diagnosed in men pretty much as frequently as breast cancer is diagnosed in women on an annual basis, approximately 230,000 cases of breast cancer per year versus 240,000 cases of prostate cancer.  Women die from breast cancer more often then men die from prostate cancer - approximately 40,000 versus 30,000.  This information comes from the American Cancer Society.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    SpecialK will you be the research/librarian? sassy

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    sas - you are funny...

  • jomama2
    jomama2 Member Posts: 12

    I love this thread!!  I was trying to find somewhere to view the documentary "Pink Ribbons, Inc." when I stumbled upon a review in the New York Times that mentioned a 2001 essay titled "Welcome to Cancerland" by Barbara Ehrenreich.  It's lengthy, but well worth the read:

    Hopefully, the link will work.  It goes along brilliantly with "Think before you Pink" and the "Pinktober revolution".

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Member Posts: 277

    Garden Gumby, I appreciate what you said. Awareness is not as effective and I am reading here. Had I known dense breast tissue= possible problems, I would not have lost both breasts. The yearly mammogram did not pick up multifocal DCIS.

    I know I will get put down for saying this, but it is better to have a disease that everyone is aware of (Via pink ribbons) My brother in law has an obscure disease, it will never be researched, never be recognized, not in 10 lifetimes because it is so rare. He will die. I am alive.

     But that said, wow, I am so impressed with the creativity and passion here!!! Get you ladies behind some serious fundraising that goes to research and we will have our cure. I think a shirt that says Finding the Cure (the research group named) would go a long way to get money in the right place.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Jomama --welcome

    Crystal--never know the evolution of the revolution!!!!!

    Special K so was that a yes??

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Reserved for pg 1-10 slogans

    Get over it" you say...Spend a week in my treatments and tell me h GMAfoley Pg1


    "Look at the bright side..... [insert any stupid comment made here] ...." Linda3, pg1

    "Survivorship is much tougher than dying!" Linda 3, pg1

    "Survivorship sucks when everyone is happy that you are alive

    but no one cares about your daily struggles with pain

    treatment effects years after you should be 'fine'"

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ l

    FOCTOBER!!! Find a CURE!! barbie1958, pg1


    Wearing pink never CURED anyone PatMom,pg1

    We're aware, now let's find a CURE

    There is no "good kind" of cancer


    B - bruised, black & blue, bills, biopsy Veggy, pg1

    R - radiation, raw, relapse

    E - emotionally exhausted, excision

    A - awful, adverse effects, anemia, aspirate, assinine doctors

    S - struggles, side effects, swollen. scars, scared, sleepless nights, surgery

    T - taste alteration, tired, treatments, tumor

    C - chemotherapy, chemicals

    A- appointments, appointments, appointments

    N - neoropathy, nausea, needles, nervous, new normal, neulasta, nadir

    C - crying, cranky, carcinoma, complication, core needle biopsy

    E -encapsulated, excision, extravasation

    R - relapse, rough, recurrence

    Doesn't look so pink anymore!


    MY pain doesn't exist? sas-schatzi, pg1

    Let me give you an example.

    Where would like it?

    Searing , cutting or burning?


    FockAwareness Kate33, pg1

    Find a Cure!


    Breast Cancer is a disease

    not a marketing opportunity


    Find a cure, I'm tired of walking. Stormynyte, pg1

    There is nothing pink about 40,000 deaths yearly.

    We are aware, find a cure!


    Quit working on how to help men get it up Mini1, pg1

    and start working on getting cancer out?


    FUCKTOBER....Find a damn cure/vacine. Grannydukes, pg1


    Screw "Think Pink"... Think CURE! msjag, pg1

    The only "good kind" of cancer is

    in the minds of people who don't have it


    I long for the day Blessings20, pg1

    When we can PREVENT cancer

    Not just cure it


    The good kind of cancer? sas-schatzi, pg1

    Breast Cancer Kills Julz4, pg1

    What's good about that!


    Stop Pinkwashing, Start Researching" Kate33, pg1

    "Race for the Cure?

    It's not racing if you're standing still!"


    The only thing pink about breast cancer is the scars it leaves behind Kate33, pg1


    The only thing pink that cancer sas-schatzi, pg1

    leaves behind are the scars

    To our bodies

    To our souls

    To our lives

    To our relationships

    To everything we hold precious


    Breast Cancer Survivor voraciousreader, pg1

    Does NOT Define Me.

    I am a LIFETIME warrior


    START TO THINK 1Athena1, pg1



    cure=life cookiegal, pg2


    Cancer can go

    Fuck itself


    Screw the new normal. I want my old normal back.

    Why yes, isn't it great that you can get a tummy tuck Mini1, pg2

    A boob job now and insurance has to pay for it.

    Are you an Idiot, Braindead, Stupid,

    Or just mean?


    Yes, do tell me another story about a friend mini1, pg2

    that was fine one minute and dead the next week

    It really cheers me up.

    Are you an idiot, stupid, unkind, or mean?


    43,000 U.S. breast cancer deaths in 1992. JoanQuilts, pg2

    40,000 U.S. breast cancer deaths in 2011.

    This is not progress.


    Breast Cancer Chabba, pg2



    You think you want new boobs? mimi1, pg 2

    Be careful what you wish for

    You have a a 1 in 8 chance of getting your wish.







    Breast Cancer Grannydukes , pg 2

    Find the reason, a vaccine or the cure

    Find something!!!!!


    If you get BREAST CANCER today 1Athenai, pg 2

    You are not that much less likely to die with additions

    than you were 50 years ago

    slightly less, but not much less.

    So, much for advancement of science


    I have come to HATE pink! purple32, pg 2


    Breast Cancer treatment composite of Mini1's statement

    One treatment does not fit all pg 2, sassy

    Same treatment for all

    Can be poison for one

    Excellent for another

    I don't want one to be the one that is


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    reserved for pg 11-20 slogans

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    reserved for pg 21 30 30 slogans

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    reserved for pg 31 plus slogans

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    jomama - Pink Ribbons comes out on DVD on Sept. 25, 2012 - it has been patiently waiting in my netflix queue!

  • jomama2
    jomama2 Member Posts: 12

    Thanks SpecialK...I am one of the electronically disenfranchised, but I will find a friend who has Netflix...really want to see it!

  • SuzyBlue
    SuzyBlue Member Posts: 84

    If only 'thinking pink' cured cancer!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    Layla - I don't know if you intended it or not, but "Pink Stinks" is a GREAT slogan!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Have enjoyed reading all your ideas. I still like some pinks and do wear them but really don't get me going about pink products etc.

    Was trying to find a slogan I liked and came across these, think we could foctober most of them!!!  not sure how to link it but it works it you cut and paste it.

    The best /worst slogan /ihave seen was 'Breast Cancer is no big deal' put up by our Breast Cancer Research Trust which incidently I do support. I had very srong words for the head of BCRF. What they intended to do was after a few days add ' we are looking for a cure' and then later 'Help us cure breast cancer'. the bill boards came down within 48 hours. (They are already starting clinical trials but still have a long way to go.)

    If I ordered a T shirt do you think it would get here, being New Zealand, before October? Looking for somewhere here to get one made.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Breast cancer isn't a pink ribbon.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Sas......not sure how to put my slogans me stupid............or just not with it .............

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Ducky and all don't worry about what'm doing. Going back over last 20 pages and consolidating slogans into one post. I'd thought abought it from the beginnining. Wish I had done it then. Will take a couple days or so to do. NO BIG DEAL. I have and end site of all that we need to do. Just enjoy being here and what you want to say. Even post that doesn't have a slogan, I've looked at what the message was--refer to above "compositeof mini's pg2-sassy" I'm reading each post as I go through to see what the message is and whether it can be turned into a slogan. Others are verbatim. I asked for volunteers on this. But then they might not see the bigger picture. Not to be denigrating. But reading each of your posts so many times. I get the message. Some i have alter a bit. Some more than a bit. What i will trust is that you all will read. If what I have written doesn't represent your statement Pm me and I will change , the next time I'm on.

    I believe in what we are doing---all here do too. What we need is a coming of the minds, to establish a basis. The worst that can happen is you put PINKTOBER REVOLUTION on a tee and someone says WHY? AND you don't have an answer. -----------I related this either here or somewhere else. A nursing strike in 1977. The core group didn't involve the Operating department nurses. On the night before the strike. I was asked whether I was going to strike. I asked what were the issues. Not a single OR nurse could tell me why-- question was "why are you striking" answer "because everyone else is"   Wrong give me issues and answers of negotiaions that have failed. WE were not included or notified of activity.  The greatest % of nurses that were "scabs" were OR nurses.  Why? Because we had a highly developed sence of independence. The OR nurses that went out were younger and hadn't developed that sence. Had the people involved us in the process, they may have found great advocacy within us. But they didn't.

    So, my goal hear is to consolidate thought. I'll go through the drugdery of creating a slogans page. From which those that I have asked to be wordsmiths, to develop a statement. From that statement we can uniformily state why PINK and the manipulation of PINK is repugnant to us.

    Do not espouse a cause that you can't back up in words. A slogan doesn't cut it----may sound good---but we need the information behind it to back up the cause. I have asked 6 particular people to be are wordsmiths. Each has particular skills. I sent the message to all. One responded. Then there was a directed message sent to 5. The range of the 5 was based on input here. Plus, watching there input on other forums/threads. The mix was based on a 180 degree response to things, but still within the realm of what we want. I'll keep you aware of response.

    If the response is not good-----then my choices were wrong ---so far 3/6 have accepted.