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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • Summer_Girl
    Summer_Girl Posts: 25
    edited January 2013

    I agree for any and all cancer treatment, going to someone you trust is very important.  I spent a lot of time researching my surgeon and my radiation ocologist and I was very pleased.  So, of course I am researching the doctor for after patient care. 

    PHXSunshine, The good thing is, people live doing the natural approach, as well as, the conventional approach.  And of course the same is true for people who pass, both using the conventional and natural approach.  Unfortunately, I personally know too many people who have died using the conventional approach.

    MadBluebird, thank you so much for the history on your path towards balancing and bioidentical hormones.  I really wish for that quality of life that balanced hormones brings, plus some believe balanced hormones actually deter recurrence.  I am also working on the diet and vitamins, but I plan on seeing a cancer-nutritionist to lock that in.  I am finding it very tough to keep weight on, but slowly it is almost back to normal. 

    My sweet treats are oatmeal cookies

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013


    If you are trying to put weight on in a  healthy way, I might suggest nuts for omega 3's .


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Laurie - I'm with you on the weight gain. People tell me all the time I'm lucky to be skinny. Not so lucky when you're too skinny. And really not lucky when you are gluten-free and can't eat a lot of fats. On a diet of primarily fruits and veggies, limited and very lean protein and no processed foods, it's very difficult to gain weight. Even worse, when you get sick and lose a few pounds, it's to put them back on. I've been trying to get to 3 digits for 2 years. I was really close and then I got this stupid flu. Back down I go. My doctor has told me that I have a "new normal." A friend tells me that she has a hard time thinking that she met me in weight watchets. :-) sigh

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited January 2013

    Well, think i am definitely joining this group.  Aromasin did a total number on me, and my Onc told me to stop taking it and see her in 2 weeks.  SEs included severe joint pain, insominia - 2-4hrs of sleep a nite, heart palpitations, fatigue, depression.....and more....  Ive been off of them for 4 days and it feels like the SEs have escalated.  The heart palpitations are really scary, and im getting them several times a day, several at a time.  

    Ill see my ND after the Onc appt to discuss how to deal with estrogen naturally - as well as scan this thread.  Im really looking forward to feeling better soon.  

    So glad you are all here!

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited January 2013

    Shayne, why are you getting hormonals if it is a DCI? I would think a DCI would not require any treatment other than maybe surgery. What reason did the doc give you?

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited January 2013

    I also don't understand why you would need radiation. Isn't radiation to clean up any cancer cells that might be lurking elsewhere?  But your cancer was contained in the duct so wouldn't the lumpectomy have taken care of that?

    Sorry if I sound ignorant, but I want to know as much as possible if my cancer recurs.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited January 2013

    They usually recommend hormonals if you are er/pr positive.  Aromasin has not yet been approved for DCIS, but my Onc sent me literature stating studies that it will be soon.  She said the SEs were less than Tamox (which is what they usuallly prescribe) and safer than tamox, so she said.  

    My Rad Onc and my BS and Onc all recommnded rads for me.  Even tho i had surgery, there can still be microscopic cells that are unseen by MRI or other tests.  In fact, there were a couple microscopic dcis cells in the pathology that were not seen on the MRIs.  I still had clean wide margins.  It might be seen by some as overkill, but I elected to do it on their advice, and because Im 54 and have a 12 yr old daughter.  

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for the explanation. I think you made the right decision.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Shayne - I am right there with you with the AI's. My docs have them listed as allergies for me. It was beyond horrible. It took me a few weeks for the worst symtoms to ease up and several months now to get over the rest. My vision is still not normal and will likely not return to what it was. My MO still wants me to take Tamox, but I've had a blood clot, migraines, and other stroke risk factors. They just haven't proved to me that the benefits outweigh the risk at this point. That may change in the future, but for right now, I'm going au natural!

  • phxsunshine
    phxsunshine Posts: 156
    edited January 2013

    Welcome Shayne, I've been wondering how you've been doing and I'm sorry it has not been good.  I have been off the Rx for 3 months now and I am feeling like me again, it feels good to be back in my skin.  The SE's are fading for the most part.  I hope the same happens for you and every day "clean" is an improvement over the last.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited January 2013

    Hey Phx!!  Good to see you here.... I see the list of Hormonal Therapies  I guess you can rest, assured that you have tried them all.  3 months to feel better?  well, itll be spring then, and I am so looking forward to feeling like myself again!  When the weather is better, hope to get down to the valley for one of the get-togethers.  

    I also had some vision issues that I think will be permanent.....but maybe now wont progress further.  

    Ive lost 2 people this month to BC.  The memorial for one is tomorrow.  Im v grateful for my life today

  • Summer_Girl
    Summer_Girl Posts: 25
    edited January 2013

    Purple,  Thank you for the suggestion for weight gaine; it's funny, as I signed on, I am snacking on a cashews.  Nuts are on my list of snacks (healthy with calories).

    Min1 - you and I are in the same exact place.  I passed into triple digits; my goal is my normal weight of 106 and I only have 4 pounds to go.  I know you understand, I have to really focus on eating all of my small meals for weeks to gain a pound, but if I miss one, it seems like 2 pounds drop off.  Or, if I am stressed, the pounds drop off.  I eat mostly vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish and pasta.  For snacks, nuts and oatmeal cookies.  I actually do better when I am exercising, so maybe that is how I passed back into the triple digits. 

    I dread the thought of getting the flu, because 5-10 pounds drop off and it takes a year of hard work to gain it back.  I got the flu shot this year and I am washing my hands a lot to try to avoid it.  So sorry you have to struggle with that.  It is just slow, slow, slow and steady, but you will get there. 

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013


    Do any of you take this ?
    It is being touted for use for triple negatives ( FEB 2013 Prevention mag) as a Medical breakthrough.

    Claims that it supresses Triple Negative cancer and also reduces spread to lungs by 70%.  I know it contains DIM, as well as other ingredients.

    Pls do your own careful/thorough research.

    Hope this helps someone !

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Posts: 929
    edited January 2013

    Purple, I take Prevention and can't find this article and want to read it. Can you help me find it? What is the title of the article?

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    It is under MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGHS on page 26  FEB  2013

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited January 2013

    Laurie - 106 is my goal as well. I was up from 89 to 98, but had the flu and now am on clear liquids and likely will be for awhile. You probably did get a bump from the exercise as muscle weighs more than fat. That often frustrates dieters who are excercising but not losing weight, but is good news for us. I find mysef trying to balance the cardio aspect of it because I don't want to burn too many calories.

    Purple - I don't take the supplement in the article, but I do take just about everything in it except the quecertin (sp?).

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    Yes mini, I did notice that the formula was one that some ppl take as individual components of their regimen.  Perhaps you can feel even more confident that you are on the right track then !

  • mybee333
    mybee333 Posts: 672
    edited January 2013

    I believe it was on this thread that ordering DIM from ActivaMune was recommended.  I only took it about 2 weeks because it gave me terrible stomachaches.  I unfortunately missed the 15 day money back guarantee window.  I just tried to cancel my next 90 day shipment and the website WONT LET ME.  Apparently this is some sort of contract!?!!  It says I don't meet the criteria for cancellation.  If you call them you get a message that says "Leave a Message".  As if they're going to call you back.  And then I see in the fine print that if you ARE able to cancel your contract, they charge shipping for the first shipment AND the second shipment, even though it is a month before the second shipment is to occur.  I have NEVER run into this kind of BS before and plan to call my credit card company tomorrow if I don't get resolution and fast.  This is unbelievable.  The ninety day shipment cost $104. so of course they want the next shipment to go through. I am certainly in no position to afford this!!

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    fight fight fight!

    You CAN win this , bee.  Once you get a live person, immediately ask for a supervisor.  Be sure to tell them you plan to post their response to a website that has 125,00 viewers and you would like to put in a good word for the company!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • HLB
    HLB Posts: 740
    edited January 2013

    You can also contact the your states attorney General. I did this with a similar scam years ago and they were all over it! They sent me letters along the way letting me know of the progress they were making with the scammers.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Posts: 1,233
    edited January 2013

    edited to add note to Shayne - I just noticed your post and hope you are felling your way through.  A sublingual CoQ10 strengthens heart.  I sure hope you are better.

    Also, when you have time and do feel better Shayne, I checked into melatoin today.  Everything on this link is supportive of taking natural melatonin and building it naturally through medtation, darkness and combination.  The link is a google / firefox result -I did search for"melatonin breast cancer"  I jut don't understand the warning to not taking it long term.  So, please explain or post some references, since I cannot find what you meant on last page.  Thanks.

    ActivaImmune - I too heard of it from online and later bco.  I had to stop taking it bcz my thyroid was feeling swollen, I have severe thyroid issues.  I hated to stop taking it but had to cancel.  I had issues with the reps doing their part.  I called - you have to call - and was disconnected on my cell, they never called back and they take messages so they should have called me back and it is a circus I think.  Call ad ask for the supervisor.  You will not love her either but she will get the job done I suppose, she did for me.  I didn't know about the small print.  I was on one bottle at a time I think, over a year ago. Good luck.  An idea, if this does not work and if there are some who want the ActivaImmune, you could sell it to them, it is done on here to help each other, no profits but we pass on stuff we don't need privately.  


  • BilateralBeauties
    BilateralBeauties Posts: 12
    edited January 2013

    Dogsandjogs, Lymphoma survivors get pet scans regularly to watch for any additional signs of Lymphoma. My mom drinks the stuff and thankfully has been all clear for five years from second round, 10 from first. The reason BC does not get pet scans as while cancer initially goes to the axilla or nodes, mets is to places like bone, liver, brain, not systemic lymphnodes like lymphoma. For lymphoma, pet scans are like mammograms. People with lymphoma have extensive scaring in the lymph system. So they watch for changes or hot spots of cancer. Stage IV cancer is known to have these scans once mets is confirmed somewhere. But looking always finds something and unless there are symptoms, there's no reason to go down the rabbit hole of looking. It doesn't help survival and it just increases costs. In my case, within 45 days of ending treatment, surgery, chemo and rads, I started having intense abdominal pain and diarreah and vomiting episodes. We spent 10 months doing CT scans, MRIs, Ultrasounds and finally I was referred away from Oncology to a GI doc and diagnosed a failing gallbladder. For breast cancer, scans more often turn into a circus of tests that are not helpful. Real symptoms get scans.

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited January 2013

    People with lymphoma have extensive scaring in the lymph system.

    Do they end up also getting lymphedema then ?  Would sure seem likely.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited January 2013

    Thanks so much Bi for the explanation!  I have been wondering for some time exactly what tests she was having, but didn't want to ask her.

  • Summer_Girl
    Summer_Girl Posts: 25
    edited February 2013

    Mini1, It is so frustrating to get close to a milestone in your weight gain and then have a setback.  Sometimes, I just skip the scale in that situation for a little while, or to boost my esteem, I weigh myself at night wearing heavy clothes (ha ha).  Let me know when you get to your next good milestone, whether it's next week, next month or next year.  My next goal is 104....I just can't seem to get past 102!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2013

    Day - I do eat pretty much that way, it's just part of mine is genetic and involves my pancreas and liver. Plus, I'm just naturally very petite. I wear a 0 or a 00 in pants. Prior to being sick I wore a 2 most of my life. Except during a few years when I was taking care of my mom and brother before they died and was living on gallons of sweetened soda, I've never been over weight. I topped out then at a size 10, which for me seemed huge. I lost 25 lbs and was cruisin along and 112 for a long time. I probably would have been a few pounds lighter but I lifted weights, so that added a few lbs. Right now I'm just trying to eat healthfully. I eat very little packaged food, but have found a good GF pizza crust and some good snacks for emergencies. Thankfully I work for a company that deals primarily in organic foods, so I get a lot of good info and products to try. Right now I'm supplementing my meals with an organic protein drink.

  • Venicejoy
    Venicejoy Posts: 2
    edited February 2013

    Hi HBL

    I know it sounds crazy. I don't want radiation, chemo or drugs. I did the lumpectomy and removed the ovaries to reduce estrogen levels. Also cut fats, processed food, meats, cheese, and eggs. I juice a lot and eat lots of grains and veggies. Started prescribed supplements last month. I see a naturopathic dr to monitor blood count etc... Also trying to relax, laugh and add exercise..stretching yoga to my routine. To be honest I don't know what the future holds but I believe in nurturing our bodies and soul. I don't think poisoning the body will fix the problem but empowering it to protect us will. When I spoke to the radiologist and oncologist I asked them ... So how do you monitor the progress? Both gave me similar answers, "we cannot monitor the progress but the side effects." Only time will tell. In the end I respect those who choose the traditional treatment. Each one of us needs to decide what is best for our bodies. Either way has a sense of what I call "gamble." Big hug to all!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Make sure you get enough B12. Vegan regimen can deplete you of that and then you'll think you got early Alzheimer.


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