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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • wondering44
    wondering44 Posts: 261
    edited December 2021


    I have Bulk Supplements Turkey tail. The doc did say I can double the daily intake due to cancer.

    MO cancelled the Zoladex Infusion at appointment. She said since I have not had a cycle in 24 months due to a hysterectomy I no longer need it. I kept my ovaries at hysterectomy and I am peri-menopausal. She said I should start the Letrozole instead of waiting until January like originally scheduled. She said she will monitor my hormone levels to see if they decrease. I am not sure if that is a win or a "half way" to do the hormone treatments. I thought the whole reason was to stop the hormones. Maybe she knows somethingI don't?

    QOL is a factor in decision-making. I will see how it goes. If I had been diagnosed earlier at my annual mammograms or diagnosed correctly at diagnosis and done chemo to shrink the tumor I may have decided a different route. Since I did not, I am moving forward with natural remedies and medical treatments. I will see where the road takes me. Either way, I don't know if any of it will be successful or not. I think it is all a crapshoot until I get a clean bill of health and pass from natural causes fifty years down the road. No guarantees on any roads taken. :-)

    I wish you success in your treatment and QOL. I am sure having to manage everything on your own makes your road much more difficult.

  • racheldog
    racheldog Posts: 209
    edited December 2021

    Wondering44.....thank you. May I ask where you get your Turkey Tail? Have you also done DIM or had anyone suggest that?

  • beatingbc
    beatingbc Posts: 24
    edited January 2022

    It is interesting that this site will allow links to pharmaceutical sites, promoting healing and stablilizing cancer for those of us at stage 4, but when those conventional drugs do not work and when someone suggests a site for rso, it is deleted. We need more people to oppose toxic chemicals in healing cancer and should promote those that are natural, like rso as I can see from my own research. It is an option. Would you rather do a clinical trial where there is NO evidence and they say the words MAY and MIGHT and COULD? And they are using you as a test subject or go with an alternative option where there are loads of testimonials online if you search cure bc/rso? Free help to doctors and still paying a premium for your insurance and denied medical alternatives that your insurance company will not agree to cover. The American Breast Cancer site, states themselves that they are aware of the possible cures of BC using rso. However, the pharma companies gives large donations to pharma drugs and they all make loads of money off of us. Testing, testing and more testing. DO we get compensated? No.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442
    edited January 2022


    I posted on your other thread but it bears repeating. In my ten years on bco I have never seen any thread or comment deleted unless it is a rules violation. Obviously, once it is deleted we are unable to see it so it's futile to “guess" why it was deleted but the moderation on bco is both fair and firm about abiding by forum rules. I also imaginethat you've read the header on this forum: does NOT recommend or endorse alternative medicine.

    Yes, we do have members who have chosen alternative paths for bc tx but if you are interested in alternative tx this may not be the best site. Take care

  • beatingbc
    beatingbc Posts: 24
    edited January 2022

    Sorry to hear about this also. There are essential oils that you can use to balance your hormones, applied topically or you can use a drop in you coffee or tea. All you have to do is search essential oils to regulate hormones. I have used these and rso and I no longer have the sleepless nights in sweat or hotflashes throughout the day. Hope it helps you because it helped me and I did not use any pharmaceutical meds for that or general pain at stage4. pos, est/ pro, her2 neg.

  • racheldog
    racheldog Posts: 209
    edited January 2022

    BeatingBc, not sure what you mean about "rso??" I am looking for alternatives. I wish to goodness there were more real legitimate studies on alternative medicine. First of all, the naturopathic doctors are frowned upon as not being "real" medical providers. I had been researching adding one to my journey but they are mostly all private pay and very expensive. Insurance companies usually to not cover them, maybe a rare policy does , but even acupuncture , massage, etc are all out of pocket. Slowly they might be incorporated into western medicine but usually the choices on your policy reimburses them so little they do not have a lot of experienced providers.

    What I am SICK of is the amount of Breast cancer (mostly MBC) commercials that are so BS I hurry to grab my remote and turn them off or switch stations. Imagine what they pay TV stations to promote their drugs. They are on all day, all hours. One night during the news hour there were four commercials on cancer drugs. Oh, big Pharma, thank them for pushing you into your MO office to ask about these so they make more money. I cannot believe over the years that there has not been FDA lawsuits or Breast Cancer (or any cancer groups) starting petitions to oppose this nonsense on TV. Again , you will never see any Natural Alternative commercials suggesting anything. Of course, not "data" or research per most oncologists.

    I just ordered and tried the low dose DIM breast supplement from Life Extension and have been taking that the past couple days. The dose of DIM is not high but it does have the vegetable extracts, etc. Who knows.

    I have not seen any deletions on this site removing alternative choices but then, there are not many threads?

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442
    edited January 2022

    rachel dog,

    RSO stands for Rick Simpson oil, a full spectrum cannabis product. FYI, though you may not have experience with the newer drugs aimed at those with MBC (Ibrance, Verzenio, Kisqali), they are not a cure but have been amazing at extending life, which is all they promise. As someone who is stage IV, I welcome that as do many stage IV patients. Many of our stage IV sisters are very happy that these drugs exist though no one likes the commercials. As someone with a long range perspective on stage IV, I can tell you that many are living longer due to these drugs. I have not used any of these newer meds but will if needed.

    I can't speak to funding research for other alternative treatments but I can speak to cannabis. Despite changes in legality on a state level, it is still federally illegal. This throws up a lot of barriers particularly in terms of funding and transportation of product across state lines and most importantly, banking and money transfer issues for a federally illegal product. It is classified as a schedule I drug just like heroin. Until that changes, research will be sparse to non-existent. TBH, I have only seen anecdotal evidence of any of the many claims that are made about RSO and curing cancer (there are also claims it cures many other diseases which is always a red light for me). However, I am a huge proponent of cannabis use for symptom relief. I am not “against" RSO but at this point the scientific evidence to support its ability to cure cancer and other diseases is simply not compelling. I also support more extensive research into it but until its federal status is changed this won't be happening any time soon. I also realize that testimonials and anecdotes are evidence enough for some.

  • beatingbc
    beatingbc Posts: 24
    edited February 2022


    I totally agree with you. It is like promoting BC so the pharma's make more money. I also find it interesting while reading all of our dx er/pr+, her2-, stage IV, mets to bones, for an example that many are using so many different drugs. I don't see many luminal A here and that is what I have.It is supposed to be 70/80% of most bc dx and the "easiest" to treat. I was taking quercetin to help block estrogen and tumeric, etc. I had posted earlier aobut essential oils too. For me they also help reduce/balance hormones. I started with anatrozal only after dx 2016, did 12 chemos and 17 consec days of rad-targeted therapy, after lumpectomy of left breast. That lasted until dec. 2019 when my pet scan lite up like a Christmas Tree. Mets to bones. They doc started me on ibrance/fasoldex. That combination per a report written, only last about 14 months. Had pet in Dec 2020 and it came back in 4 spots, the same 4 spots tat were also in the 2019 pet. All along my vertre and specifically left ilac. I don't get it. SO, after only those 2 treatments, now they wanted to put me in a clinial trial. That is when I told my doc about rso. She was supper supportive. Checking me in a month, well now next week. She is also aware of Dr. Manuel Guzman and Dr. Cristina Sanchez 20 year study out of Madrid. I live in Spain, so I told my doc that I wanted to volunteer as a human patient. I have read it is important to use a ratio of thc/cbd-according to your dx. So we will see what the numbers are next week and go from there. A clinical trial to me is like giving 1 group a placebo and the other new drugs, hence with more side effects that are bad for your liver, kidneys and other organs. Hope this post helps you and others. Stay strong.

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849
    edited February 2022

    What essential oils are best to use in regulating hormones besides Frankincense, and how should you use it? I've heard using a carrier oil and massaging it into the bottom of your feet. I just ordered the frankincense, but like variety.

  • beatingbc
    beatingbc Posts: 24
    edited February 2022

    You are right, reflexology in the soles of your feet are good. There are certain areas on the feet for each oil, organ, etc. Also the inner ankles. I use thyme and rosemary and massage on hte soles and over my lower section. I also eat rugala, oatmeal and other foods that help to balance and or block excessive estrogen. Use lemon, ginger and many others in my tea. Specifically, I actually use olive oil as a carrier. Make sure that the oil is pure. Frankincense is expensive, but it works.

    Hope it helps you too!

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 849
    edited February 2022

    Thank you BeatingBC I'll check it out!


  • marveldanvers64
    marveldanvers64 Posts: 4
    edited April 2022

    Hello, I'm new to this place ... and so thankful I've found it. I just had a lumpectomy last week with sentinel node biopsy. I have hormone therapy in my future as well as I am 100% ER & PR positive. I believe in natural treatments, so was curious if anyone has had success? Thank you.

  • jinnynh
    jinnynh Posts: 27
    edited July 2022

    All I can say is HA HA. 4 MONTHS!

  • jinnynh
    jinnynh Posts: 27
    edited July 2022

    The article at titled "Unveiling the mechanism of action behind the anti-cancer properties of cannabinoids in ER+ breast cancer cells: Impact on aromatase and steroid receptors" (sorry, can't eliminate the bold text) seems interesting. I will mention it to my oncologist in October. I wonder if her hair will curl when she hears this. I don't know if cannabinoids have been mentioned in regard to breast cancer--there are too many posts. But just in case. If my oncologist would agree, however, I'd also have to get the OK by my cardiologist. The joys of growing --not old--but older!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,442
    edited July 2022


    We have a thread on cannabis basics if you are interested:

    Not only is my mo aware of my cannabis use but when I was first dx’ed the social worker at my medical facility offered to help me obtain a medical cannabis card. My state is now legal for medical and recreational use.

  • jinnynh
    jinnynh Posts: 27
    edited September 2022

    Hi exbrnxgrl: Thanks for the info. However, I fear I won't be able to take cannabis orally because I looked up the interactions and it interacts with the blood thinner I have to take for my arrhythmia and could produce bleeding. When it's not one thing, it's another. I will probably try astragalus, which is supposed to have anti-cancer properties and is also good for the heart. I currently take quercetin, curcuma, and transfer factors. Until yesterday I was also taking graviola, but I decided to give it a rest because of my trigger thumb problems. I read it can cause neuropathology. Till now I have blamed the Arimidex, but Graviola may have also influenced it.

  • marciam
    marciam Posts: 84
    edited January 2023

    Good for you ! I’m a vegan and use plant based medicine as well as herbals .

    I had a recent scare with uterine lining thickening due to taking a drug called a vista for boneless. It’s similar to tamoxifen I had to go off it immediately it seems to have caused an uptick in estrogen and stimulated a growth on the overy . I did juicing and added garlic and ginger which are powerful anti-cancers to my morning routine with just orange juice in the ninja and it was amazing how it worked it’s totally gone now. As to breast cancer I have had no recurrence since 2010 I’m 12 years old and I had stage four with a brain tumor. If you’re interested in my vegan cookbook just contact me an email and I’ll be glad to share it. Good for you and keep going you can do it through natural foods and methods.



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