Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally
hi grannybarb, diatomaceous earth (food grade) is used to kill parasites in animal farms..the animals can eat it safely.. it is very dangerous if you breath it in.. affects your lungs, and since it's very very fine powder, most likely when will "fly in the air"... i've used it (not for my own health) but for sprinkling in my garden to kill ticks.. that's what it's for too! Personally would not eat it...
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Quick question- hope its ok to post it here. I was diagnosed with DCIS in December 2013 and had a BMx in January 2014. My family history consists of;
My mom- breast cancer
My maternal aunt- breast cancer
My maternal grandmother- ovarian cancer
My maternal great aunt- ovarian cancer
I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy in July 2014 due to heavy periods, large clots, failed iud and uterine ablation. Due to my family history my breast surgeon and I think it's beneficial to also remove my ovaries. When I questioned how being put into surgical menopause should be handled (I'm 41 years old and premenopausal) it was suggested I take estrogen. My cancer was ER and PR positive !!!! I don't think it is wise to introduce estrogen into my body if that is what helps the cancer grow... Any thoughts? Have any of you had similar experiences? I meet with a medical oncologist for the first time on June 4. I have my exchange surgery on June 2 and then hysterectomy July 1. I never met w MO before because my breast surgeon said my cancer was DCIs so w BMx the cancer was gone and I didn't need to consult about tamoxifen etc....
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I'd say you are 100% right! Taking estrogen would feed the cancer or potenial new tumors trying to develop. Some women even cut out soy products as well.
I had a total hysterectomy and was put on a hormone patch (estrogen) several year prior to my diagnosis of ER+, PR+ and HER2+, I was told to immediately stop using the estrogen patch.
Mommies at home are great jobs! Take Care!
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Livin in sunshine-
Thanks for your post. Ya, my gyno wanted to put me on estrogen patch too but I refused!!! My mom was diagnosed w estrogen and progesterone positive bc about 6 years ago. The gyno was actually mad at me for not getting the patch!!!! Glad I didn't!! I used to be a stay at home mom. I'm a grade 6 teacher- but I'm on medical leave til fall to have exchange and hysyetectomy. How was your recovery from hysterectomy? I'm having total hysterectomy w bilateral oophorectomy. I NEED to be 100 percent by end of August! That's when I go back to work.
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Hi Mommyathome,
My mom had her ovaries removed entirely when she was in her early-mid 40s after having 3 kids, because of fibroids/cysts.. and even though hormone replacement therapy was offered (not mandated then), she didn't take anything. She is now in her mid-70s.. so over 30 years have passed, she is gorgeous, active, and very healthy overall!
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Thank you so much for your post as I am nervous how removing my ovaries will effect my bone density, memory loss etc.
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Your recovery should be easy. I had mine laparoscopically. I had some rare complications so wouldn't be a fair comparison. You should sail through it!
Good Luck.
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I'm having abdominal hysterectomy and I've had 4 c sections..... I'm just hoping they don't find anything..... You know, the c word!!!!!!
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Maybe your body will just go on auto pilot and know how to heal easily since you've had 4 C sections. I have children also... all pretty grown though, now. 17, 19, 21, and 22. ALL boys.
I, too, was kinda concerned about hearing about cancer during the time of surgery, however, theyve probably already done a CA 125 test (I think that's what its called). That could indicate if there is a concern for ovarian cancer, if my memory serves me right.
NO MORE WORRYING ALLOWED! ........ I know that's easier to say than always to do.
Take care.
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Livin in sunshine-
My kids are 12, 10, 7 and 4. I haven't had a CA 125 done yet. I consult w the gyno on June 10 and that's on my list!!! Lol
I have my exchange June 2, MO consultation June 4 to discuss tamoxifen, hormones and menopause etc, then hysterectomy July 1. Sounds like fun, right?!?! NOT! But it needs to be done. I joke w my husband that come August I'm going to be a new and improved me!!!
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What about having a CT scan to check if there is any cancer anywhere if you're concerned about discovering unexpected sites? Good luck with it all. You sound very brave. Best wishes.
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Ladybird dancer,
That's something I'll ask my gyno on June 10. Thanks!!! Brave?!? Not sure about that! Lol
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mommy - I read this book "what your doc might not tell you about BC" and it's written by two doc and one of them is specialized in hormone therapy. In the book it did mention about hysterectomy that you need some hormone to balance your body. I think you might want to visit a hormone doc and find out more. But the book also mentioned the studies on hormone helping BC was limited.
And not all estrogen is bad only very few evil ones.
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You are brave! Did you escape chemo?!
If so, yes, you are almost home! Chemo is great (well kinda and kind Not!) when you need it.
If no chemo for you, you really are close to being new and improved... I joked with my hubby the same way!
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Livin in sunshine,
Yes, because my cancer wasn't invasive I got away with not having chemo, radiation or tamoxifen because I chose to have BMx. If I did lumpectomy route, I would've needed another lumpectomy because my margins weren't clean, radiation and tamoxifen. I didn't want to take a chance do I did BMx.
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Hi Mommy, I had a DaVinci robotic hysterectomy 2 months before they found my breast cancer which was 98% ER +. The first few days afterwards I was miserable (didn't do well with the pain meds) but I recovered very quickly and even had unrelated shoulder surgery 2 weeks later - trying to get all my ailments fixed before my high deductible started over. Recovery seems so much faster than the old days. If you can find someone who can do the robotic surgery I highly recommend it. I had only 3 tiny incisions. I kept my ovaries but according to my doc they've either shut down or are in the process of quitting. I had a couple hot flashes but once I started taking CDG Estrodim I've had no menopause symptoms and I feel great. You might want to check out Suzanne Somer's books. She had breast cancer and is a proponent of natural hormones. I have not pursued any of that. It makes me a bit nervous whenever the word hormone is used
. By the way, do you have a recliner? I remember not being able to sleep in bed after my hysterectomy. I was much more comfortable in my recliner. It was the getting in and out of bed which was the hardest.
Keep us posted on your progress. I had a BMX, too and so was able to avoid chem and rads.
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it was suggested I take estrogen.
Personally ?
I wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole .
Look into black cohosh and DIM/ google them and perhaps check with a naturalist dr. and decide. You are going through an awful lot - I sure wouldnt want to ' muddy the waters' with estrogen.
Good Luck.
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What is CDG estrodim?? I originally was going to do robotic but they couldn't do it until aug 1 and I NEED to be back at work 100 percent the last week of August so I decided w gyno to do abdominal july 1.
I do have a recliner in my bedroom from the BMx. I'm sure I'll be putting it to use again... Lol
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MommyAtHome - I (like Purple) wouldn't touch estrogen with a 10-foot pole. My MO also said not to take anything like Estroven, or any other soy based hormone aid. She said that I could eat a little soy, but that she wouldn't recommend it, so I also stopped eating edamame and will only indulge in tofu about once a year as a treat (I love hot and sour soup with tofu - one of my favorite dishes). Good luck going forward. I'm sure you'll be fine - (tamoxifen was NOT my friend, I hope you have better luck with it than I did) - I've been on letrozole (femara) for 2.5 years now and am REALLY looking forward to the end of it.
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Thanks for your response!! I didn't have to take tamoxifen. Because I BMx my bs said the cons out weigh the pros....
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Just a comment on Soy. I have been told by my nutritionist that fermented soy is OK, i.e. Tofu and miso soup and something else I can't quite remember off-hand. What she warned me against was anything that was processed such as soy milk, soy yoghurt and any other way that we in the West have perverted the ancient art of soy manufacture. One of the reasons that orientals have less BC than us is because they don't mess around with their soy and make "pretend" food with it. Fermented is good, processed is not.
Good, good luck.
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RE: garden I also stopped eating edamame....."
LadybirdYou may have the most accurate answer yet!
I havent gone near soy since DX , but just bought some edamam yesterday.Dr JOEL FURHMAN ( who is amazing, but who can really eat like he does?!) actually claims that edamame *prevents* BC! Pretty bold guy.
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purple - make sure those edamame are non-GMO. i think i've read it's one of the big GMO items.
i started eating tofu again, YUM. it used to be one of my fav foods and now i enjoy it even more. if i am traveling in china, i would love some soy milk, we have sweet and salty kinds. i had some when i visited BJ. i wonder how it's made here in the west.
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GMO?! Sorry- pls enlighten me, junepingthx
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Genetically modified organism - only organic and fermented soy is ok for us, even soy isoflavones should be non GMO
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mommy, CDG Estrodim is a combination of calcium d glucarate and DIM... DIM is short for something really long. I'm on my phone so I can't easily give you info but just do a google search for it - or look at reviews on amazon.
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THX Lily!
So the edamame should be okay, right ???0 -
if the edamame beans are genuinely organic then i think so in moderation
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I have to agree with the naysayers here regarding hormone therapy. Additionally, nearly all of our soy is made in the USA and is GMO. I also just read an article that in its processing it is soaked in a bath that includes hexane and rinsed with chlorine. Eww.
My mother had a hysterectomy prior to having cancer. She had a mastectomy, but no hormone therapy, rads or chemo. She lived 12 years before passing away from a non-cancer related cause, and she had no problems except a few hot flashes.
I took the DIM until I had to stop all supplements to see if my liver enzymes went down (they were quadruple what they should be). Now that they are nearly normal, I will be reintroducing them one at a time to see which one, if any, caused the increase liver enzyme levels. I had no problems at all with the DIM. It will be the first one I reintroduce.