Haiku for Fun



  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    Stone heart turns to flesh

    Love is a superpower

    Turns Beast to a Prince

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    Mermaid needs freedom

    Father disapproves of her

    Rules with his trident

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    A fork for a comb

    Lobster for a guardian

    Got Whatzits galore

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    Dreaming of that world

    Caribbean lobster sings

    Gotta kiss the girl

  • love it! Disney should do an adaption in poetry! LOL

    Rain, rain, go away

    Too much water, way to deep

    Often leads to mess


    Yes, had to hire a diaster recovery company and filled this ^

    Diaster hit us

    Load up all the memories

    Crying for the loss


    Sure it could be worse

    No one has died in this mess

    Memories only

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    Moonflower, I'm so sorry about this disaster! Did your home get flooded? My condolences. That is painful and sad. I hope you will be able to recover your loss quickly. You are in my prayers.

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    Dear Moonflower, haikus for you

    Calm after the storm

    River is wide you will cross

    He will restore you

    Precious things are saved

    The breath in you still remains

    Hold fast to your hope

  • yes, we were hit during the storms. Sewage, though, not rain. Sigh. Heck of a way to purge.

    Basement smells so clean,

    Havent seen the walls in tears

    NOT the way to purge.


    Lets hope NC gets hood help.

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    For you, Moonflower

    Beauty for ashes

    Restoration promises

    Memories treasured

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    High tower long hair

    A low friend in high places

    Defeats the old witch

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938


    Repeat of a previous Autumn poem.

  • My left breast removed

    Flat scar where it used to be

    Hope it saves my life

  • Hospital roommate

    Sobs with both breasts taken off

    Wish I could help her

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    amigirl. Sorry you are on BCO. Sorry for your roomate too.

    D*mn you cancer, d*mn

    Dreadful change you make in us

    No thoughts of after


    Yet we will survive

    Turning our thoughts of after

    Into our real life


    New reality

    New challanges not asked for

    We WILL conquer all

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    I am so sorry for your suffering, Amy. ❤️ We are here to lift you up and encourage you. 🌹

    What beautiful, compassionate haikus, Moonflower

    Be still my sweet child

    You are beautifully whole

    Flesh holds the Spirit

    No one can steal you

    You're in the palm of my hands

    Forever Amen

  • Breast off yesterday

    Woke today with period

    Guess I'm still female

  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    Dear ((((Amygil81))))

    Heartfelt grief for you

    Female soul undefeated

    Healing begins now ❤️

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    amygil? How you doing? Hope you are not hurting too bad.

    Look at what was done

    Not looking lets the fear win

    But surgery sucks

    Pain will go away

    Scars take much longer to fade

    But yes, they DO fade...


  • MissBianca
    MissBianca Posts: 1,291

    ((((((amygil)))))) Sweet Moonflower 🌛

    A purple Moonflower, for you.


    Purple Moonflower

    Please reveal your secret night

    Gown dressed for Flora

  • Fitting for my foob
    Fills my empty left bra cup
    The rest of my life

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Valentines Day came.

    Valentines Day also went

    So Happy Hearts Day!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Reposting one of my original poems for the season

    Eostre Poem

    The Mother cloaks herself in green

    This early springtime morn;

    And everywhere new life is seen

    A world again reborn.

    The cycle of the seasons clicks

    Just one more turn ahead;

    We suffer time's relentless ticks,

    Lost dreams, and words, unsaid.

    The swollen streams have had their fill,

    They hold it with no lack.

    And though the days are colder still,

    There is no turning back.

    We seem to always want to hold

    Onto the old ways too;

    But if your choice is always bold,

    The future is for you.

    And so the Mother's cloaked in green

    This early springtime morn;

    And everywhere new life is seen,

    As we, once more, are born.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Sometimes things go right

    Sometimes things go very wrong

    Dealing with it - life

  • zogo
    zogo Posts: 19,908

    Winter is coming

    Cold, sleet, snow and shoveling

    Please pass by quickly!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    oo, not winter. Fall is just starting. Heres my

    Autumn Falls Poem

    The vista glows in tones of orange and red.

    The eyes take it in, until the soul is fed.

    Preparing for the days of little but black and white,

    Trying to absorb every color within sight.

    For when those days of darkness,

    begin to heavy weigh;

    Go deep within, without a doubt,

    That's where the colors stay!

  • Vermillion sunset

    Scatters rays through the water

    Twighlight engulfs me.


  • New BF, shower

    Can't hide my mastectomy

    We cry together

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Sorry you had to go through that Amigil. Hugs

    Heres another seasonal poem, hopefully to brighten your day:

    Christmas Cheer

    Christmas comes but once a year.

    Lots of joy and lots of cheer.

    Food's great, the company's too;

    It's just that there's so much to do!

    Haul out the wreaths and lights

    Colors shine right through the night.

    Buy the presents, trim the tree;

    Hope a present's there for me!

    Wrapping paper piled so high,

    Only one more gift to buy.

    When it seems to never end,

    There's always just one more to send.

    Suddenly before you know it,

    Budget's tossed and you just blow it.

    Bank account is just a wreck,

    That's ok and what the heck!

    Christmas is just once a year;

    That's ENOUGH of all that CHEER!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Merry Christmas!

  • Astrid
    Astrid Posts: 1,033

    after silent night

    Promise of a new year

    Quiet joy unfolding