Any avid horseback riders out there?



  • chele
    chele Posts: 132
    edited January 2014

    Cowgal, that's terrible news about your gelding!  Poor guy.   

    You've been on the same AI's I've been on, except I'm still stuck on Aromasin.  I don't think they do a danged thing for me.  I was on Tamoxifen when I progressed to stage IV, switched to Arimidex until my MO wanted to try Afinitor/Aromasin, which promptly failed so now I'm trying Doxil while staying on Aromasin.  We tried to get a biopsy to see if my hormone status had changed, but no luck, the tumor was too small.  I'm lucky though, I really haven't had any SE's from them, near as I can tell.  I don't know what caused the elbow pain but I'm taking Gabapentin for that and it really helps with a lot of other things too.

    It's been really cold here, my horse pens are a mess.  I have Blue, *my* gelding, and I have a pony that I got for my great-niece.  He is quite the booger about running Blue off his feed so he is penned separately during the day.  Don't need a round pony and a rack of bones horse!  I'm dying to go riding but I'm a fair weather rider so it will have to wait! 

  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited January 2014

    Yes, there are just some days that it isn't worth trying to ride in.  I used to take every riding opportunity I could but I stopped doing that a few years ago.  If it is too windy, which it is often here or too cold or too hot then I figure the horse probably would like the day off as much as I do. 

    I talked to one of our friends that is a roper that deals with higher priced horses than I have to see if he might have some advice on trying to help my gelding with his navicular and coffin bone problems.  He told me about Equi-bone and gave me the website.  He has not personally used it but he had heard it was for problems like these.  It would work out to about $100 a month to put the horse on it.  I plan to research it to learn more about it.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited January 2014

    Cowgal, hi! I ride cutters. I have one that has an OCD lesion on his right hind stifle. I have had him on Equibone for several months. It is building bone. A friend of mine had great luck with the Equibone on her horses navicular stress. Also, need to get your shoer to shoe him with wedged shoes...he or your vet will know the proper degree of shoe. Have, also had good luck (6 mo pain relief) with injections to area.  Another friend had the stem cell injections done. 

    It is a hard disease to control and/or maintenance. I wish you great luck. Hope this does not sound like I am telling you what to do....just sharing experience. I love my horses (all horses). Can't stand for one to suffer!!

  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the information jlow51!  The normal injections that they do my vet thought that there would only be about a 20% chance it would help him in his situation and they would do nothing for the coffin bone spur.  How did your friend's horse who did the stem cell therapy do? 

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited January 2014

    Good.  It has kept his horse sound for over a year. I am keeping a friend's horse now, that is a severe navicular w/ bone spur. We had him injected and special shoeing. He runs around like a colt. Owner said yesterday he was about ready to start roping on him again. Doc gave the all clear. 

    You can have them nerved but I am really not a fan of that procedure. I'm afraid they won't know where their feet are!! Vet says that isn't the case!! It is a terrible condition, though....a healthy horse with his feet coming apart on him!! Good luck!!

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies, I am new to this thread. A gal on another thread found this and told me about it. Wish I found you earlier. 

    My partner is a 10 year old Crabbet Arabian-- love of my life horse and my lifeline during recent BC. Just last week my 22 year old Morgan whom we have had for all his life was put down. I found myself crying more for that loss than of my breasts! Odd horsewomen...

    At any rate I am saying hello.


  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited January 2014

    Hi Quaatsi and welcome!  I grew up in Tucson. 

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited January 2014


    Howdy everyone!

    Would love to join you ladies on this thread.  Hubby amd I have four horses and a pony.  Two Quarter Horses, a Appy,  Pony for our Granddaughter and a Quarab who was born at our hobby farm.

    As a teenager I showed in  Halter, Western and English pleasure and did some endurance with my Arabian mare. But my true love was High School Rodeo.   

    I married young the first time and could not afford my fur babies so was without them for several years till I made some serious life changes.  Remarried and now have a small hobby farm.  We mostly trail ride and camp with our horses.  When the boys were young they did some 4H events but never caught the horse bug their mom has.  We lucked out with our Granddaughter who is horse crazy!  Top picture is of Serenity and her pony Romeo. I can't wait till she can join 4 H and start showing.  Her pony is a seasoned show and trail pony so I hope we made the right chose in buying him for her.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited January 2014

    Hello, Northwiinds!!! "Cowgirls Don't Cry" one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite duos!!! Love the pic of your granddaughter and her pony. How old is she? Girls and horses...a special love affair.  It has been all my life, started riding in the saddle in front of my Dad when I could barely sit up!!!  I have 4 granddaughters. Two are, like your GD, horse crazy! The other 2 are very young and not certifiable yet!!  I, presently have 15 horses, all QH.  We raise cattle, so we use them for both work and play.

    Welcome! There are lots of ladies on here that have horses they love. I'm sure they will be checking in.

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270
    edited February 2014

    hi all- Northwinds- I too mostly camp and trail ride. I have done a few endurance rides, found I enjoyed the training more than the competition, then had a horse accident and put that aside. Out of good shape needed for that but I still ride long and hard( or maybe that is just in my mind).

    We just got another horse. Wanted a Morgan again but the breeding style was too hard to find in this part of the country. Most people have gaited Morgans and/or ones with lots of saddlebred. I prefer the old style.  So we found another Crabbet Arabian-- possibly even more mellow than my 10 year old. This one is 6 and is primarily for my 18 year old who has mild CP-- horses make him like everyone else!  Anyway, excited to be bringing him home on Sunday--  two grey geldings!

    Anyone else? Q

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited February 2014

    Our Granddaughter is four.  She is such a hoot.  At first she was terrified of horses.  Her first pony who we lost last summer was a old little Shetland POA cross.  Took her a year to warm up to sitting on her alone without grandpa holding her up there.  Then we took her to a rodeo and she saw all the ladies riding and one let her sit on her rodeo horse.  She came home a changed cowgirl, lol.  Now she pulls her pony around all over and this Grandma can't run fast enough to please her while I lead the pony.  She only rides by herself at a walk.  But loves to trot!

    We have friends with Morgans and they say the same thing.  Prefer the old lines and around here they are all the show ring type or morabs.  Congratations on your new Arab gelding!  I grew up with Arabians.  Still love them best to this day however I feel like I am too big to when I ride them.  As a kid all my friends had Quarter or Appys and teased me about my little Arabain mare who was 14.2.  So now I stick to the bigger horses. Hope they make me look smaller!

  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited February 2014

    Too bad about the Morgan breed.  When I was young my father had a 1/2 Morgan 1/2 Quarter horse.  What a wonderful horse he was.  We have two paints and one quarter horse. Like jlow51, we have cattle too so the horses are for play and for work but I admit they are pretty spoiled.

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    so it was a beautiful day in western North Carolina...I decided I needed to get out and ride my horse, which I have not done in over a year and a half. I rode bareback with halter and lead rope in the pasture. It was so calming and relaxing! Felt so good to be riding...aka walking. So I go around one more time and he flushes a bird and jumps sideways...and I fall off. Land on my wrist shoulder chest and face/head. Good thing the ground was soft! I was a little woozie and sore but I'm ok. Just feel like a big dork. My horse is a 21 yr old grade gelding. I'm just happy to have had him since he was 8. Loy's of good memories with him...mostly from the mounted position :) hope you all are able to get out and enjoy your horses too!


  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited February 2014

    Kjones13!! Glad you are ok! Yes, it is always more fun to be on their back than under them!!! I rode Saturday. It was pretty here and just could not resist.  

  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited February 2014

    You shouldn't feel like a dork.  We have all been off our fair share of times.  Anyone that does much riding has been off.  I'm glad you are okay too but I know it must have been frustrating that you were getting back to riding and you had this happen. 

    If it makes you feel any better.  Several years ago we had cattle near the Kansas/Oklahoma line and my husband and I were going through the cattle.  I was on my old paint and my husband was on his quarter horse.  A train track runs next to the pasture the cattle were in.  A motorcycle was running on the side road near the track.  This horse is really good about not spooking except for motorized things.  The ground went to shaking, the motorcycle goes by and here comes the train and they whistle and it was just too much for my horse and he freaked out and off I went.  To add insult to injury on the other side of the pasture is a major highway so everyone going along that highway got to see me get bucked off.  My husband just looked and me and said that I should have been able to stay with my horse.  I landed on my back so I had a sore back for a while.  A month or so later, my husband was taking his mother to the doctor in Wichita and they used to have a short daily horse tip on one of the local radio stations.  He had to call to tell me that the tip that day was from Gawani Pony Boy and it was to dismount your horse if a train was coming because it was safer since the ground would shake, etc.  I told him...well I did dismount sort of. Loopy

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270
    edited February 2014

    Actually, I like your picture Kjones-- isn't that the way we are supposed to look???  LOL  

    We had a "ranchito" in the mountains of Arizona and all I had to do was open the door  from my house and LOOK at the barn and I was dirty!!! 

    We all get dumped and when we are recovering from chemo…well our bodies just don't have the core strength. In december I was riding with a friend and while my Arab is not spooky, hers is but if her was, so was mine. We were cruising at a fairly high speed around a blind corner and another horse was coming from the opposite direction.  Well, my friend's Arab spooked so Mine JUST HAD to… he zigged and I zagged and well, you can imagine what happened.  I didn't look like you since it was all nice and sandy but I think it was somewhat obvious when I got back to camp that something had happened. I totally attribute that to lack of strength and i kinda take pride in the fact that I was even willing to push myself-- so you should be proud of the fact you got on-- bareback and all!!  Wear that dirt with PRIDE!!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited February 2014


    That is my sweet boy Dakota. I feel like a giant bruise today. Yea, I have NO strength compared to pre-cancer! I'm still glad I rode. It was a great day. And I figured that my bone mets must be staying in check because if the cancer had spread, I definitely would have broken a bone yesterday! Who needs scans?! :) thanks for sharing your stories. If you ride long enough, you will at some point fall off. I have had my share of spills. Luckily none too bad. Wow--a train!? My horse would have joined your horse in that bucking event. I wonder if someone got you on camera? They may have thought that was their AFV $10,000 video! Haha! 

  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited February 2014

    Dakota looks like a real sweetheart and very handsome!  I love his color too.  I have wondered if someone caught my train ordeal on camera too. If anyone won any money off it, I want my share! Happy

  • Quaatsi
    Quaatsi Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    Good morning girls-- well, we got the new boy to go willingly into the trailer. Didn't take him any where just wanted him to know it was safe.  I think he is learning to trust us-- certainly beginning to be bonded.  It is his birthday today and he is 6-- nice, real nice for a 6 year old.  We will be taking him to a trainer for a few weeks since he is primarily my son's horse-- otherwise I would do the work.   

    OUr weather is FINALLY getting cold-- we need it.  There has been a rash of pigeon fever due to the dryness and warmth here.  A friend has a 32 year old mare with it-- not sure she will make it through but the barn she is in is treating her and my friend like a pariah --  they have been isolated from al the others-- another notch in the ignorance of arizonans!  

    Well, hope your saturday is good! Q

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited March 2014

    Good morning! Have had a sad week. Carried my horse to to the vet Wednesday and he was diagnosed with Cushing's disease. It is an advanced case. Never had the long curly hair that is the obvious sign. Since my dx have not cut on him competitively.  My surgeries, reconstruction but mainly because every time I would start to leg him up, he would be sore. Never the same place...sometimes the knee, sometimes the hocks, sometimes the back end. Never a way to pin point the pain. Had him to the vet many times....a couple of vets. They would X-ray, determine it was inflammation, inject his times they would say I was just babying him but like you ladies know, we know our horses and there was something wrong. Had the farrier shoe him more supportively still problems. Finally carried him to a Texas A&M equine specialist.  They had me notify my insurance agent. We are just keeping comfortable hoping to give him a chance to get better. He will never cut again even if he rallies. He is one of those horses that has more heart than he should....will do anything you ask him to do. A big horse for a cutter....thus the barn name "Big Boy".  Vet will see him again in six weeks to determine if we are making headway with treatments. (5 medications a day and some twice a day) Thanks for listening.....knew you ladies would understand.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited March 2014


  • cowgal
    cowgal Posts: 625
    edited March 2014

    So sorry to hear about Big Boy. Yes, I think we understand. Hope they are able to help him. My horse with navicular is one of those with a lot of heart too. Breaks my heart to know I may not be able to ride him again. I'm sure that must be how you feel knowing you will never be able to cut on Big Boy again.Sad

  • chele
    chele Posts: 132
    edited March 2014

    I'm hoping to show my horse, Blue, at the High Plains Horse Show again.  Last hear I showed in the speed events and Ranch Horse classes.  This year I want to add Showmanship, Hunter Equitation and Hunter Pleasure.  Blue is such a jewel, I want to show off how versatile and willing he is.  We've been practicing and I think he's doing great!  I'm amazed at how quickly he learns! 

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited March 2014

    chele--yay! That sounds like so much fun! Glad you are able to get out there and not only ride but compete! Keep us updated!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited April 2014

    ahhhh! I just want to scream! My horse foundered last Wednesday. He got DMSO and then I'm giving him pain meds everyday. Had the farrier out and he just trimmed him. The vet said he should feel better by Monday, but he isn't any better. In fact he has been laying down to relieve his feet. I feel so bad for him and super guilty because I had treatment Monday, a colonoscopy Tuesday, and was recovering yesterday, so I had no idea how bad he was. I board him and the guy takes care of him, but just called me today to say that he was worried. We taped foam to his front feet and he seems muh better. He was lying down when I got there. Gave him some hay. Going to ice his feet in a bit. The vet didn't put him on bute but something that starts with a p...I suck at remembering drug names. I don't think it's working. Waiting for a different vet to call me back! Just had to vent. It just kills me to see him in pain!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited April 2014

    Kjones, is it previcox?  That is for pain and inflammation.  If that is the drug you can give him a click of Bute morning and evening..

    I had to put Big Boy down three weeks ago. It has been so sad. 

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited April 2014

    jlow, I'm so, so sorry you had to put Big Boy down. I love the pic of you guys cutting.  He looks just awsome and damn good lookin'.

    Kjones, I'm thinking very positive thoughts for you and your horse.  Please check in tomorrow and let us know how its going.


  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited April 2014

    Kjones , how is your horse? Thinking of you, both!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited April 2014

    thank you! He really doesn't seem to be much better...waiting for the farrier to find something...can't remember the name of lift his frog and it tapes on. Sorry I am so spacey. I am still trying to recover from treatment and procedures. Yes, his medicine is previcox. The vet also thinks he has cushings...I can't take much more. 

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited April 2014

    Oh no! That is what Big Boy had!! I have a great farrier. He used a dental impression material and packed Big Boys feet, next he put a soft silicone pad and then nailed on shoes to keep it all stable. He got great relief from the pain from this. They gave Big Boy a medication that was really for humans who have Parkinson's to help control the Cushings. Your horse will be fine when you get the laminitis under control. 

    So sorry, I know how sad and draining it is to deal with this along with your treatments. I will be praying for you both!!!!


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