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2013 Survivors!!!



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year everybody.  May this year be full of good health and joy.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year to all my Warrior Sisters.  I am so very thankful for this place and this group.  

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited January 2014

    Aruba - ow!!!! So sorry to hear about the fractures, wishing you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.

    We spent the evening with friends also and I was very happy to still be up at midnight - my DH thanked me on the way home, when I asked him what for he said he knew I had gone to the party for him - he knows me well - love that man!

    Wishing all a happy and healthy New Year

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332
    edited January 2014

    Hope everyone has a great 2014!

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited January 2014

    iatigger - LOVE love the Roseann Roseannadana reference (I' know I spelt that wrong).

    Aruba - If it isn't one thing.....  (((more hugs)))

    I went to a friends for dinner (DH went to his homegroup NA meeting) and then I met him there.  By 11:00 we were home by ourselves - no one else wanted to join us) snuggled on the couch watching the ball drop.  We dropped shortly thereafter. It occurred to me that I have moved up on the old age scale.  Prior, recent, years it's been staying home with friends (or NA convention),  but now we've graduated to just being home alone.  I used to party like a rock star on New Years.  One year I was on a boat in the middle of the Thames off my rocker..... Crazyiness how time changes you.

    Now it's time to brace for this damn snowstorm. stay warm ladies.

  • aruba
    aruba Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2014

    DH came home and drove me to ortho in blizzard like conditions.  Bones broken but not displaced except one spot.  He put on cast and will xray in one week.  If no movement of bone , no surgery and just a cast for several weeks healing. Could you all cross your fingers, toes and whatever else that no surgery will be needed?  This was such good news..worth the pain!!!!  Hugs and please be careful out there if you are in this storm,,,gonna have a high temp of 0 and low of -11F (-24C) by Monday... Brrr!!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited January 2014

    Aruba - will be praying for bones not to move. Glad you had a good navigator in the storm.

    Everyone I hope is home or home soon and safe/warm.

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2014

    Aruba .. Fingers and toes crossed ... Here's hoping no surgery needed.

    Crappy weather here ... Lots of wind to go with the snow so have snow covered roads and white outs ... Stayed put all day.

    Stay warm and safe everyone.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2014

    Aruba: here's to no surgery - positive vibes your way.

    Juneau: if we were the same age I'd bet we'd have met in London.... I used to party very hard in my mis-spent youth - NYE and most other nights Loopy

    Lostinmo:  good to see you.

    All of you on the East Coast or wherever you are if you are in the line of the storm, stay safe and warm.

    Hugs xxxxxxxx

  • iatigger
    iatigger Member Posts: 269
    edited January 2014

    Juneau, cant take credit for rosanna rosannadana, that was luvmygoats but I agree with you. I Miss Gilda. glad you had a nice New Years eve.

    Aruba keeping my fingers crossed for you. Positive thoughts for healing with no surgery.

    Jo, stay safe in this lovely winter weather. Sounds like record cold on Sunday here down to -20 with windchills -40. Hoping the weathermen are wrong

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited January 2014

    Brrrr hope all of you in the North are able to stay inside and be cozy and safe during this crazy weather! Heck even here it's only 46 which is dang cold to us! So much for taking down outside Christmas lights.

     Oh Aruba- so sorry for the break. I too will pray for those bones to stay put!!!!!

    Websister-how nice of your husband to acknowledge the fact that he knew you  just went to the friends because you knew he wanted to go. I think as we age we do go do things we don't particularly want to do ourselves, but know that our spouses want to do, however, we often just kind of take it for granted and fail to thank each other. After reading about your husband thanking you and how much it meant to you, I made that one of my resolutions; to thank my husband more often because he is always going places I want to go- if it was up to him he would be very  content to stay at home every weekend and eat at home as well.

     I know what you all mean about how times have changed as we got older! We had out of town friends come in for New Years Eve and New Years Day- It was funny because we hung out with them when we were in our early 20s and lived in the same town and we partied hardy in those days sometimes all night. Here we were almost 40 years later, as 4 seniors barely able to stay awake until 10 on a normal night, now struggling to stay awake until midnight. We really made an effort even going so far as to take a brisk walk after a late dinner but we succeeded! It was really a nice and special New Years.

    Stay warm and safe!

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year everyone!!!  I just lost my post, so here it goes again...

    We drove to Colorado for Christmas with my bro and his fam.  He lives in the foothills west of Denver.  It is gorgeous there!  We walked around, went shopping without our coats on. I really wish I was still there. (No, not for the pot.) We're bracing for -40 below wind chills on Monday and Tuesday.  I think they'll cancel school. As much as I'd like to go see the Packers in the playoffs, I'll have to pass on Sunday's game in Green Bay!

    Aruba, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall!  Damn ice!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you won't need surgery!

    Mom of 3, I'll definitely be in your pockets! I think you'll be happy your DD's surgery will be at the children's hospital.  Ours has been fantastic. Whether it's been for testing or surgery, everyone there is used to working with kids and are so kind and good at what they do!

    Juneau, you're boss sounds like a real POS! Karma is a bigass bitch and what goes around comes around.

    Nettie, welcome! I know how you feel about second guessing and questioning everything.  I feel like I'm paranoid half the time!  My breast surgeon (director of my breast clinic) was an advocate for breast sparing surgery.  I know she would have done a mastectomy if I had really wanted it.  We went through all of the statistics and decided on my course of action.  In the end, I have to trust that we made the right decision.  My outlook is forever changed and passing that one year anniversary was a big hurdle for me.  I feel such relief now.  I want to enjoy life, not waste my time worrying about what ifs.  None of us knows how much time we have left, we're just way more conscious of it now. I guess if I had to pick a New Years resolution, it would be to try to live my life more in the present.  My DD #1 leaves for Australia on Monday for a three week interim course on Leadership and Cultures.  I am so excited for her.  The trip turned out to cost double what we expected, but I told her to take advantage of opportunities when she can.  She has a friend whose mom is battling a BC recurrence, so this past year's reality hit her hard.  I find the "live like it's your last day" to be  so unrealistic.  Most of us have jobs, school, children, whatever.  I like the "living in the present" idea  and hope I can follow it this year. Have you checked out the Dancing in Limbo book that Juneau has pictured up above? It's a really good book, I highly recommend it. Well, I'll stop babbling on now.  

    Wishing everyone a fantastic 2014!! Find your happy!! 💗Sheila

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2014

    just want to say "hugs" Swgee ... Miss you and wishing a great 2014 ... 

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Member Posts: 199
    edited January 2014

    miss you too Joanne! Can't wait for 2014 get togethers!!

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627
    edited January 2014

     Thanks SwgeeWi. 

     I'm  trying to learn to deal.

    I  find lots of info  on these pages.

  • Momof3GreatKids
    Momof3GreatKids Member Posts: 285
    edited January 2014

    Swgee - Thanks for being there when we go to the surgeon on the 15th. It can't come fast enough for me. I know the waiting is bad, but it is 150% worse when it is one of your kids!  Unfortunately, we know too much about the children's hospital due to past issues, but I know that is the place she needs to be. I am also glad that it is only 45 minutes to get there from our house. I would drive as long as needed, but it is great it is as close as it is.   I will keep everyone posted. 

    Hugs everyone!!! Have a great weekend!!!

  • Johnetta
    Johnetta Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    For those of you on Facebook: 

    I have created a facebook page - IDCFacebookFriends. I have found that these boards are great for information and support, but it seems hard to REALLY get to know the others here. I think becoming facebook friends in this way will allow us to more easily share happenings in our lives (not necessarily breast cancer related) and get to know each other on a deeper level. I would so love to know more of you on a (real) and personal level Do you have kids? grandkids? hobbies? etc. Let's share them on this new facebook page (and pictures too!)  I have found that many of my friends and family see the end of active treatment as the end of cancer. (True in many respects, but as we who have been through it knows, it stays with us in some way for the rest of our lives). 

    Log in to your facebook and look it up. It is brand new so there won't be many at first, but let's see how it goes.


    A place where those affected by the breast cancer diagnosis can be a part of a community who understands. A place where friends are made. A community of people who "get it," who can offer support, encouragement and help to each other. Spread the word!

  • Johnetta
    Johnetta Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    If it is hard to find,enter the email in the search bar

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited January 2014

    johnetta, I tried but just can't find the page.

  • Johnetta
    Johnetta Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    I found it by using the email search

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited January 2014

    ok, hanks johnetta, I got it.  I think this is a great idea, thanks for starting it.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2014

    I cant find it either.... this is what I get when I put in the email address

    No results found for

    Showing results for idc s facebook friend hotmail com.

  • Johnetta
    Johnetta Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2014

    Boo! It shows up for me when I search the email address. 

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2014

    weird... maybe its my pathetic use of FB - dunno, but I will keep trying.

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2014

    Any chance you can post the link on here - maybe that will work?

  • Tazzy
    Tazzy Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2014

    yippee.... that worked.   Just sent you a friend request too - not sure if that is what I was supposed to do or not - told you I am pretty pathetic when it comes to FB.

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies. Been laying low on posting but reading always. Too much to catch up on tho - so sending you all good vibes. Been doing pretty well, although this morning - for the first time in a few weeks - woke up with that mildly anxious feeling. I hate to say it - but I think I've found one of the causes. Haircuts. With every haircut, I seem to have some mild anxiety issues. I don't get it. I dealt just fine with the loss of hair and the subsequent scarves, etc. And I was even kind of thrilled with it when it was super duper short and just coming back in. But now that I'm trying to figure out the short cut I want to keep it at, I'm struggling. Finding it to be such a sensitive issue. I don't want to be that lady. I have my life. My hair shouldn't matter. Sigh... I think too that I'm realizing I'm just mentally and emotionally exhausted from the past year and a half. We put all that we have into fighting cancer - and when you're on herceptin - that goes on for even longer. And then all of a sudden - you're allowed to put your mental energy somewhere else. But I'm finding I don't have it. I think that is really the root of my anxiety. When typical life issues crop up on a daily basis - I'm fresh out of energy to deal with them. So I freak out. I guess knowing is half the battle. Been able to use some of the tools I've gotten from the social worker - so I see progress for sure. But man, I hate feeling the way I'm feeling this morning. I just want to enjoy this weekend day with my family before the work week swings into gear again. So - deep breaths, a long, hot, indulgent shower, and off I'll go to make the best day I can of it. After all - if things had gone differently - I might not have been here to enjoy this day... Thanks for always giving me a place to vent ladies. Hope you all have a super day and find your happy! I'm certainly going to try to find mine. Something tells me my kids will help in that department! Love you all! :) 

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited January 2014

    great post Ramols ... Thanks for sharing.   It is funny (not the right word) after everything you (we) have been through and what causes anxiety.   Take care and enjoy those kids ... Hugs xoxo

  • Momof3GreatKids
    Momof3GreatKids Member Posts: 285
    edited January 2014

    Ramols - I understand about the anxiety of hair. I still haven't gotten the guts up to even get a trim. My hair is almost back to where it was before I lost it all so I know I will need one soon, but haven't had the guts up to even make an appointment. I have been going to the same hairdresser for the past 25 years and I have always trusted her to do what she thought was best, but I am still anxious now. 

    Hugs to everyone!!!!!