2013 Survivors!!!
I miss all of you, and often think of the early days of fears we shared and the mutual comfort that we found here. I’ve been reading and catching up, some happy news, some sad and difficult.
I’m doing well, most of the time, but still get anxious. On a happy note, my daughter is getting married in September, so thrilled!
Is anyone on a lowdoes of estrogen deleivered vaginally? Dryness is really an issue for me.
Love to you all.
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Susannah, yes, I am. The pain was getting unbearable, and DH is not ready to give up that activity yet, unfortunately, so something had to be done. I researched on here and one person was told by her MO at - I forget which one but a major well known cancer center - that estriol was safe, but estradiol was not. I found a cream that has estriol and use a small amount daily, it has really helped a lot.
Not long ago there was a study that said that even Premarin cream (which I believe is estradiol) applied vaginally did not raise the risk of cancer recurrence. So I'm not concerned about it. It was a quality of life issue, for me.
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I have this as a favourite and here a couple of us are. I am doing well so far and we are off tomorrow to the Bahamas to sail with friends. Cindi, how are you and your husband? I will always remember that you and I are the seniors. Jennie and Susannah it sounds that in general you are both OK. Having a wedding to look forward to is wonderful.
I have written a few blog posts more recently and link is below my comments I think.
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Hello, my favorite survivors. I also still have alerts on this site. Always nice to hear someone pop in ...
I’m still retired and loving every minute of it! No recurrences on my end. Once I get rid of my winter cold. I will be great!
Love you all
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hi ladies. Been thinking about everyone lately. My dad is still fighting his bladder cancer. My sister has joined our club. And I am doing well y 1/2 years out. I’ll come back later when I have more time. But I am about to venture on a journey with my therapist to look into the grieving I never did during my cancer journey. Has anyone else had issues with hating their body since cancer/chemo
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Hi my lovelies! I'm quickly approaching 7 years NED. It's been a while since I've been back on the boards and as soon as I logged in I started having an anxiety attack. Although, I don't have any issues, the fear came flooding back.
Since the last time I've been on my daughter started High School, and in 3 short months, she graduates, I can't believe that. I'm a new aunt to 4 new babies in 3 years, my brother had a baby on 6/11/15, my sister had twins on 6/12/15 and then that same sister had another baby on 7/25/18. I'm very blessed to be a part of their lives. Because my name is difficult for them to say, they call me Aunt Cici and it's the best. My husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary in October, we are wanting to take another trip, we just don't know where.
For those of you on AI's, have ya'll heard of the Breast Cancer Index test? It's different from the Oncotype, They use the tissue from your initial breast biopsy to determine if you can go off your AI earlier than 10 years. I go next Friday 2/22 to get those results. I'm hoping I'm able to get off them. I took a 6 month vacation from it to see if my liver enzymes would go down and they did. My liver enzymes were up to 110 and in 6 months they lowered 39. Hope you all are doing well I miss ya'll!
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Hi my lovelies! I'm quickly approaching 7 years NED. It's been a while since I've been back on the boards and as soon as I logged in I started having an anxiety attack. Although, I don't have any issues, the fear came flooding back.
Since the last time I've been on my daughter started High School, and in 3 short months, she graduates, I can't believe that. I'm a new aunt to 4 new babies in 3 years, my brother had a baby on 6/11/15, my sister had twins on 6/12/15 and then that same sister had another baby on 7/25/18. I'm very blessed to be a part of their lives. Because my name is difficult for them to say, they call me Aunt Cici and it's the best. My husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary in October, we are wanting to take another trip, we just don't know where.
For those of you on AI's, have ya'll heard of the Breast Cancer Index test? It's different from the Oncotype, They use the tissue from your initial breast biopsy to determine if you can go off your AI earlier than 10 years. I go next Friday 2/22 to get those results. I'm hoping I'm able to get off them. I took a 6 month vacation from it to see if my liver enzymes would go down and they did. My liver enzymes were up to 110 and in 6 months they lowered 39. Hope you all are doing well I miss ya'll!
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Hi my lovelies! I'm quickly approaching 7 years NED. It's been a while since I've been back on the boards and as soon as I logged in I started having an anxiety attack. Although, I don't have any issues, the fear came flooding back.
Since the last time I've been on my daughter started High School, and in 3 short months, she graduates, I can't believe that. I'm a new aunt to 4 new babies in 3 years, my brother had a baby on 6/11/15, my sister had twins on 6/12/15 and then that same sister had another baby on 7/25/18. I'm very blessed to be a part of their lives. Because my name is difficult for them to say, they call me Aunt Cici and it's the best. My husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary in October, we are wanting to take another trip, we just don't know where.
For those of you on AI's, have ya'll heard of the Breast Cancer Index test? It's different from the Oncotype, They use the tissue from your initial breast biopsy to determine if you can go off your AI earlier than 10 years. I go next Friday 2/22 to get those results. I'm hoping I'm able to get off them. I took a 6 month vacation from it to see if my liver enzymes would go down and they did. My liver enzymes were up to 110 and in 6 months they lowered 39. Hope you all are doing well I miss ya'll!
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Thank you for your response. My GYN believes the cream that you mention is safe, but my breast surgeon is refusing since I Old not tolerate any AI. I am 7 years past disanosis now. I have an appointment in a couple of months, will discuss it with her again then. It’s very disheartening, but I’m trying everything that is not hormone based for now. I amso pleased that it’s helped you, there’s hope!
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Hey Ladies,
I find myself drawn to this page in times of need. Back undergoing tests due to severe pain in right shoulder and arm...same side as before...I had ultrasound yesterday, where they discovered a mass on my neck. Because of the position they were unable to biopsy, so CT scan booked for 27th. And there I am again, back in that dark place ...waiting.
Sorry for bringing you down ladies.....but I needed to vent....I am so angry!.
Onc has told me they cant say what it is yet but went on to tell me they had more drugs and Chemo available.....which didnt exactly settle my nerves!!
So can I ask that you say a prayer for me in the hope this is just a benign tumor or left over debris from the last round of treatment.
love and Hugs
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ThIs is exactly what we are here for! Of course you have all our love and support. In your pockets all the way. Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts. Keep us posted.
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Just a quick update....unfortunately the CT has now confirmed I have stage 4 mestastic Breast Cancer in lungs and chest. I start the rounds of Dr appointments in the next few weeks to see what is available, but as I have become resistant to the hormone blockers, my choices appear to be limited.
Thank you ladies for the years of comfort I got from this page and wish you all the very best for the future.
Keep up the good fight my lovelies.xx
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Certainly not what we were all hoping for but know you will give it your best fight. In your pockets all the way. sending lots of love, prayers and positive energy. Keep us posted on your journey.
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Ireland there are other options. I know it is not what any of us ever want especially those of you are 7 years + since the original diagnoses.
I lasted 4.5 years on AI's and since the summer of 2017 I have been on a few chemos and with crazy neuropathic pain I almost gave up a few months ago. I was on crazy amounts of narcotics and it was die or stay in bed not moving much. Luckily I was a candidate for an embedded intrathecal pain pump which was a miracle. I still have no use of my right hand but the chemos have done something. I quit chemo in November (my choice) and had a CT this week and there is no progression.
So Ireland see what the options are and we will be cheering you on.
Chrisrenee, so good to see you here with such good news. Susannah and Believe it was so good to see your names.
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This is a copy/paste from the British Columbia thread.
I have always been a communicator and I hope that now more than ever that we can share with each other. Some of you are on active treatment, some having to travel distances for treatment, some waiting for appointments or phone calls from doctors. Please share especially if you want to connect here or by email or even telephone. We can also share ideas on how we are getting things done. Love to you all, Marian
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I took tamaxaphen. No big deal. I had her/2 and it was what was the protocol. I did lose my hair. The good thing is that I don't remember a lot of the down days. My hair was so much fun coming back in and I actually lost a lot of weight with this drug. It took about 3 days to kick in and then I'd just sleep all day like a baby. I had no help so I drove myself to and from treatment. I've heard the cold caps work. From what I went through the best part was the adavan they give first and I slept through the whole.9 hours of treatment every 3 weeks and the Herceptin for a year every 3 weeks. I thought about it like a horrible job I'd have to work at for a year. I never let cancer own me. I wouldn't let it into my soul. I'm out 7 years now with no libido...Just wonderful.....0
it has been a long while since I have checked in. I was reading a blog post that marianelizabeth posted on Facebook today and started thinking about everyone so thought I would come and catch up. So sorry to hear of your stage 4 diagnosis Ireland20, I hope your treatment is going well. Everything has been so different this year with COVID19. I am managing a provincial team for our healthcare system and we have been very busy. Hoping all are staying well. We have been hearing so much about the US election up here in Canada.
My family and myself are well, grandchildren are growing quickly. I’m hoping to retire in 2 1/2 years but we will see what the economy does. Thinking of you all today and sending my love and a big virtual hug.0 -
Websister, it has been a long time since you and I had coffee in Calgary while I was there on a visit. Thanks for reading my post and you will know where I am at. It is not great but on the other hand, it could be worse. For anyone else who would like to catch up, the link is just above treatments etc.
Ireland20 what is the treatment decided on after you got the CT results?
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Hi Marianelizabeth,
How are you keeping? Hope everyone is staying safe.x
I was originally put on to cdk/4 ribociclib and faslodex plus xgeva. However due to Covid I was taken off this in April and put onto Cisplatin, as onc wanted a belt and braces job to keep me out of hospital due to pandemic....however whilst this seen a regression on some tumors, I ended up in hospital for nearly 3 weeks due to side effects....they thought I was a goner and wanted a DNAR _ they forget what us fighters have been through - So I said No....."I want everything you can fire at me and as many attempts at resuss as needed....dont worry about a few broken ribs' 🙄. Luckily it didnt come to that and now I am back on cdk/4 since June and Sept Ct showed mets in shoulder , spine and hips but no progression, and no progression in chest and lungs either since june scan..so I will tske that. I manage the pain with cocodomol 30/500 and diazepam 2mg so Side effrcts minimal, and I have managed to keep working...tho I am currently reviewing that stance as I have enjoyed the time covid has given me with Kids. I have always seen giving up work as giving into it, but hey Im beginning to change my outlook. !!!
Take care everone and stay safe.xxxxx
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It's always so hard to hear the less than desired outcomes of breast cancer - There but for grace of god go all of us - But I am impressed by each persons outlook and positivity as they face this next hurdle. So far so good for me on the cancer front - On the personal front not so much - a very unexpected divorce (shocking actually) after 30 years of marriage and a train wreck of all my retirement plans. But it's the hand I was dealt - I hope I can get my life back on a new path and begin to "enjoy" my retirement and the rest of my life - it's too short to waste.
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Hi ladies! Three months shy of my 10 year cancerversary (and turning 60!) I’ve been diagnosed with IDC in my other breast. Just got the path report Friday. I spoke with a Nurse Navigator (that’s new this time around) and they’re doing further testing on my HER2 status to see if it’s positive. (ER+, PR+). I meet with a breast surgeon tomorrow. I will definitely go for a mastectomy. I’m done with this bullshit! Take care. I’ll post again when I know more
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I had my mastectomy last week. No recon yet. We’ll see how healing and treatment plan goes. My breast surgeon thinks I’ll have radiation.
The one sentinel node that lit up had micro-metastases. I just assumed I’d have chemo. She said they’ll check my Oncotype Dx score and then make that decision. How do they know it hasn’t already spread? The appt with my Oncologist is next Thursday. I guess I’ll know more then. I was also wondering if my PsA fits into this anywhere
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I’m sorry to hear about the new bout of breast cancer. I hope you are doing better now.🤗 My 10 years cancer free was 10/2022. So far so good. I did have a high Oncotype Score but choose to just have a lumpectomy and 5 years of Tamoxifen.
Next time we hear from you I hope it will be better news.
Take Care🤗
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Hi SWgee - I am so sorry to hear about all this? How are you doing?