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  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    how cute

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2014

    Wren44, what a great way to start my day! You can never go wrong starting out the day looking at kittens, puppies or babies! Thanks for sharing those cuties!

    FK, YES again!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    good morning

    Yes I have been busy sending messages to the sistas who left because of all the drama

    Who wants drama????? Not me

    No there will be no drama on this thread


    slow.... I cannot find u...r u where???? 

    Please check in

    I'm also lookin for Chabba...


  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited July 2014


    Hope you find chabba.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2014

    so you are looking to start trouble again?
    got errands today, later all

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    PTS I'm takin that as a YES

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2014

    I will be at the party and I want one of those kittens.....

    Fire is on fire

    llove the shoes, used to wear them, when I was young and thin...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2014

    fire, am here so see you

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2014

    Hey, can those kittens be "party favors" or "raffle prizes?" LOL...actually, I have an all black kitty boy (he is 12 now) that I got from a shelter when he was 6 and even though he is a diabetic and a lot of work and a lot of $$$, he is my BABY! I have had cats all of my life (and dogs too) and this is the single smartest animal I have ever had (or he has me actually) so black kitties are "da bomb" as the kids say..LOLWinking

    Actually, I don't do "kittens" anymore cause they are easily adopted at the shelter but older cats, especially special needs cats get passed over all the time and they are so sweet and happy to get a new home. Love me some kitties!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014


    and this is a pic.of WHO?????

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2014

    I'm just helping get these big enough for adoption. Two are going to another foster parent this afternoon. We're keeping the 3 biggest ones. That gives us an edge to sleep longer (hopefully). We have a 7yo adult foster cat who made it clear that we're on our own with the kittens. We got her after all her teeth were pulled. She only eats canned food but otherwise has no special needs. I can do medications and fluids so we usually get adults that need nursing care.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2014

    If you want a laugh go to 'The way we were"

    Hugs Alyson

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    U look beautiful Alyson

    Jacky Kennedy wore hats like the one u have on

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2014


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2014

    Lovei gma hru

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2014

    Blondiex48 - Nice to see you!!!! 

    Been with grandkids all month - Grandsons went home on the 6th and I'm taking my 13 year old granddaughter to Enchanted Forest today and Dad will be picking her up there.  I only get to see her for 2 weeks out of the year and will miss her terribly for another year - but we will be going out with a bang.  We are going to try to break the log ride record again. Means 19 times down the ride this time....

    Hopefully, I handle it this year with all the lymphedema and heat.

    Ok have to end this with a funny:


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    GmaF does that mean u won't be hear for the Big Bang at the end of the month?

    Gee I hope not....u did say yes right?

    Sorry I have been MIA for a day or so..been busy 

    My summer friends came up and this is the first time we had time for a get together...

    And the summer is half over...yay...

    It's been beautiful nites and morning and the rest of the days r beautiful

    Please let it stay that way...

    I'll be back

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    see I told u I would be back

    The date for the party is the last day in July

    And every last day of the month unless it's a holiday or a weekend,then it will be the day before.

    Remember to share all the good stuff that happened to u during the month of July...

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2014

    I'm still here...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    u scared me for a minute when u said u were goin away

    I no u will have lots of good stuff with the kiddies...yay

    It wouldn't be the same without u GmaF

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2014

    I just got my granddaughter back to my son on Saturday - I'm grandchildless and the moment and it is very quiet.  

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    sometimes quiet is good

    Rest up everyone,,,and start planning and makin a list of all the good things that happened to u this month..

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2014

    Works for me 

    I was thinking the same thing need Andrew, he ids 8 to come over night but have to wait till after his summer reading program.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2014

    hmm, my fav nephews had the nerve to grow up!  both are 6' tall or more and dang if they have not produced any little ones yet~~that is ok but sure would like to have some little ones to spoil or play with!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014


    U want my Greyson for a while?

    He is 2/ &1/2 yrs old

    But a spoiled brat...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014


    don't let that smile fool u

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited July 2014

    they are sneekie at that age!  I have some of those on my brothers kids and they can be a real,....whatever!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2014

    What a charmer! That face needs a big kiss. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited July 2014

    he is fresh

    He spits at me all the time

    Yeah with a smile on his face

    Mommy does a good job of spoiling him....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2014

    I"m so glad we stopped the spitting day one. 

    This little guy has such a sweet smile, but he can be a terror if you get him mad.  Still looking for his pouty face pic.
