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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696
    edited October 2014

    Got another victim for the bonfire tommorrow. The little punk who had the nerve to be rude and mean to my eldest niece over something that this person who hasn't known her all her life and see what she has had to endure! Ticked me off royally!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2014

    I'm sorry but I gotta start this party right now

    They finally caught the #2 most wanted man Eric Frien

    Today I was right there in Dixon City.

    I'm on such a mental hi now...I'll sleep good tonite

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited October 2014

    Yes! Fantastic news. People can feel safe again. And the kids can enjoy Halloween, too.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited October 2014
    1. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited October 2014

      I'm tryin to post a pic

      Since I updated my iPad im losing posts here

      And I cannot post pic.

      Ducky..where r u?

    2. Alyson
      Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
      edited October 2014

      FK I was having that trouble with my iphone and found I had to enable the phone to use my pictures because I had updated software. 

      Did you see my message about you and me and the limo?

    3. crog234
      crog234 Member Posts: 324
      edited October 2014

      Happy Halloween!!!!

      FK  I heard the good news on TV last night and immediately thought of you and how now you could relax.  Well at least from not worrying about him being on the loose anymore...

      Ok so today is the party.  I have a couple of good things to share.  

      1. Had a wonderful visit from my sister who I don't get to see but maybe once a year.

      2.  Had my 6 month checkup at the Cancer center this week and all is still looking good.  

      Headed now over to the bonfire as I have something to throw in it..  See you all there.

    4. april485
      april485 Member Posts: 1,983
      edited October 2014

      Happy Halloween!

      About half of my office is out today so will be taking the front desk duty for several hours. I get to see the kids when they come in with parents (our office is kid free normally but no one gives the moms a hard time cause babysitters are expensive and we are a social services office so why not be kind, right?) I have some candy to give them Loopy

      Hubby finally called the doctor to get to the bottom of what is going on with him. This makes me very happy!Happy

      BBL! BOO!

    5. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited October 2014

      happy Halloween sistas

      I still can't figure out what happened with the pics....

      Alyson,U gotta explain how u did that ..I did the update and only here it's a freezes up...and yes I saw ur pm about the dream...U gotta follow throu and come here..

      Well my good news is chock full of happiness

      Baby Cali is DOIN great....

      Today my Greyson turns 3 yrs.old

      I gained back some of the weight I lost..THANK GOD

      And I'm feelin soo much betta now

      I can finally go out without the stupid life saving pad between my legs

      Focktober is over Tonite...yay


    6. gmafoley
      gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
      edited October 2014

      Lost the topic again - Found you - guess that's my good news.  Other news is I haven't received a denial letter for my breast reduction yet. The doctor's office said the doctor is getting the insurance company more information that they requested. 

    7. Alyson
      Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
      edited October 2014

      Morning all. Quite quiet Halloween here. Had some decoration up and when I ran out of sweets I took them down and shut the door. Had one other group knock, some lassies who visited when little and they were really good when we said we had run out.

      Now this silly dream. I told FK about it. I was in a stretched limo and went and picked up Firekracker then collected lots of others and we went to visit Ducky - it was very funny. We were giving the lovely young driver a very hard time. Just wishful thinking - I must buy a lotto ticket today.

      Big hugs

    8. m0mmyof3
      m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696
      edited October 2014

      Heading over to the bonfire with the two I'm throwing on today

    9. PoppyK
      PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
      edited October 2014

      I'm here.... but can't think of any funny stories right now. One of my boys broke his arm this week, another is a teenaged pain in the butt, sick dog, sick guinea pig, stressed DH.... I have had a week!

      Looking forward to reading everyone's funny stories! And I am picturing myself in Alyson's limo......

    10. SlowDeepBreaths
      SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
      edited October 2014

      Happy Halloween!!


      Poppy, you've had a horrible week. Better throw all that stuff in the Bonfire.

      Kracker, I'm so glad they caught that guy. That IS good news. No more sleeping with one eye open.

      Alyson, I hope that's a premonition! Maybe you're dreaming about the trip you're going to make to the States next year!!

      April, great news about your DH!

      Crog, Congratulations on the good checkup!! That's awesome!!

      Mommy, Good for you for keeping that Bonfire burning.

      Blondie, Love your new pic!!

      I've been scrambling for some good news this month.

      My daughter was finally diagnosed after three years of suffering. I guess that is good news.

      Her diagnosis wasn't so good, but I guess it could always be worse - right?

      I'm looking forward to reading other people's good news today!!

      Love to all.

    11. proudtospin
      proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
      edited October 2014

      well good news is the reno on the upstairs bathroom is coming along, better to fix the dang thing than have the tub fall through the ceiling (there was a slight and long term leak~~)
      good news is it looks lovely and no surprises so hoping to finish by middle of week


    12. SlowDeepBreaths
      SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
      edited October 2014

      PTS, I love renovations when they are done.

      Falling through the ceiling would not be a good thing.

    13. proudtospin
      proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
      edited October 2014

      yes, this is what I tell folks who say why are you doing this now.....

      it is mostly done, I can see how it will be in the end and contractor will finish up next week]

      course, he then needs to fix the ceiling in the laundry room where the leak came down, and replace the door....but that he assures me is simple~~

    14. Beachlady28
      Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25
      edited November 2014

      What a great thread!  I am annoyed when people say "Oh you will be just fine". Well, how do they know that for sure?  Actually the thot will always be in the back of my mind that this evil may resurface some day and do me in.  It is not like a broken leg that gets fixed and you wear a cast and get PT and all is well.  This stupid cancer can strike again even after going thru painful surgery, taking pills for 5 years and enduring radiation and chemo!  Wow it sure fells good to vent !!!!!!!!!

    15. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited November 2014 impressed with the responses

      Don't forget to go to the bonefire to burn all ur stuff

      I'm gonna try once again to post a pic.slow sent me

      Oh it is SOOO me....thank u

      Here goes

    16. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited November 2014

      Here goes nuthin

      Won't post.gotta throw all this nonsense in the bonefire

      I get this dumb update and everything is messed up on here

      DUCKY where r u????? Help!!!!!!!

    17. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited November 2014

      one last comment and im off for the nite

      A big yay,yay,and yay again


      No more PINKWASHING...

    18. PoppyK
      PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
      edited November 2014

      Welcome Beachlady, The ladies here are great! Sometimes it just feels better to tell people to STFU!

    19. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited November 2014

      Good morning November

      I don't thin I met beach lady yet...welcome...if I were U I would run right now

      This gang is nuts

      Wait till U meet Ducky...hmmmmmmmm

      I want to welcome in November....please wear purple for pancreatic CANCER..U no im not for this at all but if u get this damn disease it's a death dear friend lost her youngest DD...

      Goin to an Auction soon..


    20. Beachlady28
      Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25
      edited November 2014

      Hello all ! What is this bonfire thing you all are talking about?  This is the best thread ever! 

    21. SlowDeepBreaths
      SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
      edited November 2014

      Welcome to this thread Beachlady. 

      The Bonfire is a place we go to burn all our bad stuff.

      See link below.

    22. blondiex46
      blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
      edited November 2014

      Welcome beach lady 

      Thank goodness nobmore pink, yippee 

      Off now 2 read, mall tomorrow  i think, just to hang beeen a long time, will be wheelchair hooked up n hope eating, at friendlys with the gc.. oh btw, dont like Halloween. ..but i got some candy from the gc.

      Bye happy sunday

    23. Alyson
      Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
      edited November 2014


      Happy birthday Firekracker

    24. m0mmyof3
      m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696
      edited November 2014

      Happy Bday Firekracker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    25. FireKracker
      FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
      edited November 2014

      thanks very much the fireKracker..

      This I pad I wanna thro out the window

      I wanted to say thanks for the birthday wishes.....grrrrr

      It's 27 deg.with the wind chill factor..chilly but the sun is out..

      Goin to my GDs time.


    26. PoppyK
      PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
      edited November 2014

      Happy Birthday FireKracker! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!