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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    one of the best birthdays I had in a long time

    My Great Grands entertained me all day

    And I ate like a pig

    My GF brownies,to die for

    I asked them on the bonefire and im gonna ask U here too

    Who is crazy???? Ducky or ME????

    Just one word will Bo

    Blondie is good for that

    VEGGy used to be good at that too.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited November 2014

    Both :)

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    hahaha slow

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited November 2014

    crazy - yes

    evil - no

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2014

    Both really crazy. 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014

    Just have a moment but wanted to wish FK a Happy Belated Birthday! xo

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    keep em comin

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    testing mt I pad

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited November 2014

    Ddhey fire hru

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014

    Blondie? Ummm, what? I missing something? Winking

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited November 2014

    I think it's code.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    me think it's

    Hi fire hru is how R u

    Blondie must be tired

    She always reminds me of veggy when she does that...

    Anyway I'm fine...

    Anyone have problems losing posts?

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited November 2014

    I haven't had any problems.

    Sometimes I have problems posting to the right thread, but that's my own problem. :)

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited November 2014

    Yep fire that is what it is, off today, lurking..


  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited November 2014

    FK, you're good.

    ((((Group hug for Blondie))))

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    I had the best teacher


    She used to make me crazy

    I would write this long post to her and she would answer with one or two words

    So far since I complained to the mods my iPad is worki

    I'm not pushing my luck and im tired

    Nite all

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited November 2014

    Glad you're able to post again FK!

    Resting sounds like a great plan!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited November 2014


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    good morning

    It's still working


    We r havin spring like weather,,,likin it a lot

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited November 2014

    Yep, up all night Fire

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    someone gotta go to blondes house and change her time clock

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited November 2014


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    seriously sweetie

    U need a new time clock...I think the old one expired

    I think we should have a Thanksgiving party

    I'm soo pissed off with this major holiday so downplayed in the stores

    The whole week of thanksgiving we should share what we r doin

    What and if we r cookin

    What do u think of givin it a try?

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited November 2014

    Sure! I have my last chemo infusion the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, so I will be thankful for that.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2014

    hmmm, I have an ENT apt Tues before Turkey day and will be dang happy to get past that thing.  Have a nice....problem, two invites for Turkey dinner.  First one is with a long time pal, great cook but her hubbie drinks like a fish and I am reducing my alcohol in the past years.  The other is my great neighbor who has given my rides to all sorts of doc appts, likes wine (like me) but not lots.  Really would like to go with my neighbors but need to figure out how to get out of the first one? 

    Suggestions as to excuses?  either way it should be a nice week.  Great idea Fire !

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited November 2014 aggravated with my MO's office. Have had an appt set up for today for months. Last nite, I get home from work and a message on the answering machine saying " We have to reschedule your appt tomorrow cause Janeesha (the PA) only sees Dr. What'shisname's patients on Thursday, not your doctor's patients. She sees them on Tuesdays.

    Would not be so bad but hubby had an accident with his car and we are down to one so we rented a car so I could go this f$%#ing appt today! Sometimes doctors think we have no lives. Then they knew I was pissed by my message last nite so they call me this morning and say "Ok, keep the original appt! Well, I am at work now and the appt was in 23 mins from when they called me and I am an hour's drive away! WTF???

    Ok, I will STFU now. Just annoyed as hell cause this appt was made in JULY! Ugh!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    good morning

    PTS why don't u go to both parties????have a little bit of each treat.

    April...oh U poor what R u gonna do????

    Me im makin a banana bread soon

    Goin to the dentist...yeah the good old dentist cause one of my bottom teeth hurts...3ok on a full moon..such fun...NOT

    I also have an appt.the day before thanksgiving with the 2nd.opinion dr...but I'll ge at our party...

    Don't have any idea what I'll be makin yet...


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,696
    edited November 2014

    Hate when that happens April, I've had that happen to me recently, no fun!

    I had an issue this week for an appointment this week. Was supposed to see my plastic surgeon this week but had no ride. So I had to reschedule it for next Tuesday. Hoping that when the plastic surgeon sees me next week, she will green light the reconstruction.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited November 2014

    boy does my spelling suk

    I hope everyone understands what I'm

    Dentist at 3pm today.grrrr

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2014

    One of the reasons I love my neighbor hood is that I have several folks in my life, neighbors and such that will help me with rides.  I think it took the dang C to get me to open and ask for help!  Then again, economy means a few folks are unemployed or early retired and available.

    FK, can not do both turkey parties as one is north and one is south of me and I have bad memories of spending the day driving between houses as a kid.  Will pick one but do not need to do so yet.

    Rainey day so been chasing dust bunnies around my house, dang but there are a lot of them!