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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015

    hey slo

    How r u doin with the pics?

    Did Ducky send one in yet?

    How about blonde?

    And I must get in touch with Joan

    Maybe over the weekend I can catch her

    Is anyone else havin puter problems with this site?

    I have to sign in every time I go on


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2015

    Having a great day so far. Breakfast with DH and lunch with sister.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2015

    Alyson, I hope your day was wonderful!!

    Kracker, I have nine pictures and yes, I did get one from the Duckster!! I thought I would number each photo and give a list of the ladies that sent pictures. Then you can number each one with your guess. Example:

    1. Ducky

    2. FK

    If anyone has a better idea, please let me know. We still have time for anyone that hasn't sent a picture. The more, the merrier!!

    I log in and out every day because I am paranoid. I NEVER stay logged in to anything. But, the problems I was having logging in have been fixed. I don't have to change my password every time I log in anymore.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015

    Alyson..Glad your enjoyed your birthday !

    Slow.. I think your idea for the photo comp sounds great.. The winner should maybe have some sort of important title bestowed on them ?? I don't know what though... I mean we already have Jo as the Queen , .. and of course Ducky is the Odest, Prettiest, Smartest etc.. So.I am not sure what would be appropriate??


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015

    Why do I always have such a big gap posts and my dx ?? Seems such a waste of cyber space to me.!!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015

    Typical it didn't happen that time

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2015

    Lucy, I know many of the ladies with an ipad have been complaining about that. I use a laptop and have never had that problem. Sure hope they get it fixed for you!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015


    If UR havin problems with BCO the mods want to no about it

    I think it's only with the iPads

    Correct me if I'm wrong

    Slo,,,the numbering of the a great idea

    U r an excellent helper....I have a plan for next month right up my sleeve

    And that's where it's gonna stay right now

    It was a very sad day for me neighbor and smoking buddy passed away...53 yrs old.Yes he was sick and finally his heart couldn't take it anymore...3 out of our smokin group passed this UR...NO NOT FROM SMOKING.

    I'm exhausted from crying...

    In the past 2 yrs.that im living here 10 ppl.passed away....damn...

    I'm done...early nite

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2015

    Oh no Kracker. I am so sorry. Gentle hugs to you.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2015

    Hello I thought it was party time but I must be early.

    Big hugs

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2015

    uh oh....I thought it was the 31st???? Kracker????? Did I get the date wrong???

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2015

    Whew!!! You had me worried Alyson. I still have a crown to make for the winner.

    This is from Kracker on the Bonfire:


    It's time for an update on the party on the stfu thread

    It's March 31 on a tues...the last day of the month

    Bring UR baby pics

    That's the theme for the month

    Please show up

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2015

    Hi Kathy 7.......

    Let me introduce myself......I'm Ducky.........I am also the oldest (80 next month), the prettiest, funniest, smartest, sexiest, and a member of the "Mile High Club" with my own Pilot.......

    Your gonna like it here.......great ladies.....we laugh, cry, share, love each other.......but most of all we have fun, so ya'll come back now....ya here.........image

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2015

    Oh and watch out for Firecracker..........she's my partner in crime..........Oh, here she is..........and I'm the gorgeous one on the right in the burgandy shirt...............shut up Firecracker.............LOLimage

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited March 2015

    Ducky is correct in her own mind..

    We elcome

    Fire, so sorry u r down sending u a big KISS

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015

    I don't see anyone new here!!!!!

    What am I missing????shut up Ducky

    I'm missing my mind..there I said it

    Just came on to find out another sista from 2010 passed

    Blondie,Ducky and crogg....U proly remember her...her advitar is pic.of all different color wigs.her name was Adey...sooo sad

    Yes the party is tues

    Thanks slo for all the help

    My partner in crime is busy lookin in the mirror admiring herself

    Ducky U r all that and more...give her the damn crown.

    One thing UR crazier then I am

    Ask anyone...

    Although im jokin around im very sad about death surrounding me..



  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2015

    Kracker, I think Ducky is taking lessons from me and posting to the wrong thread. We had a newbie on the Bonfire. LOL

    Edited to say: Like adoptive mother, like daughter. hehe

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2015

    Better early than not at all.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015

    Ducky... I love the photo of you and FK.. !! :-)

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015

    Ducky... I love the photo of you and FK.. !! :-)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2015

    Slow just think........if our newbie comes to STFU.....I won't have to go through my introduction.........see there is a bright side to my empty space from the neck up........LMAO

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2015

    HaHa Ducky..I have posted on the wrong thread so many times I've lost count.!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2015

    Little Chunky cute

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015

    my princess CALI

    She keeps me from Thinkin of all the crap that's goin on around me

    I hope u all R ready for the party on tues

    Been bakin from last nite

    Did everyone send their

    Alyson,how U been feelin?


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2015

    Mine is in...............of course since I am the won't be hard to find me..........LMAO.........just hope Slow picks ot the good ones, and not the one where I look liike a chubby frog...............

    Shut up Fire......

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited March 2015

    no comment Ducky

    I no im the craziest

    How come only 9 ppl sent in pics?

    Ok fess up


    I no of 2 sistas who have no pics...and the rest of U????????

    U have until tues....

    Come on

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2015



    JUST BEING FUNNY....................LOL............COME ON LADIES.........SEND THEM IN.........