Facial Moisturizing Suggestions?

Hi ladies,
I am in my 50s, and haven't used moisturizer on my face in a few years. I would like to begin using some again, and want to get the kind without the parabens and all the garbage we shouldn't be applying to our bodies.
What kind do you recommend? I had several small bottles of stuff while going through chemotherapy a year and a half ago, but one thing I didn't care for was the smell. I prefer as unscented a brand as possible because most fragrances give me an instant headache.
Hope this is okay to post in this forum, as I wasn't sure where to ask. If it's been addressed before, I would love a link if anyone has it. Thanks!
divine - here is a link to a site I use when looking for new skin/body/cosmetic stuff. Click on the category and it will list stuff in order of desirable or undesirable ingredients. I personally like Boscia and Korres products, you can find them at Sephora - I don't find them to be heavly scented and they are well vetted by the linked site. If you have a Whole Foods near you quite a number of the organic products can be found there. Also, www.drugstore.com is another good source. I also use olive oil soap by Neolia and they have some moisturizers too.
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There was a lot of discussion at one time about coconut oil, but I do not remember which forum it was on. I had a problem with the smell. St. Ives body lotions, available at CVS, are bad ingredient free and quite reasonably priced.
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I tried coconut oil. I really did.
I tried to condition my hair with it, but it took so much shampoo to get the grease out, it looked even drier than before.
I tried taking my eye makeoff with it, and it burned my eyes so bad I had to stop.
Then after a few weeks of using it to moisturize my face, I broke out with the worst whiteheads I've ever had in my life.
Now it's sitting in the jar, waiting for summer, so I can slather it on my feet and put on a big pair of socks to soften the skin.
What I DO use on my face (given to me by my Dermatologist and approved by my MO) is Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion For All Skin Types.
It's fragrance-free, very light, but is a very good moisturizer. I wipe my face with a warm washcloth, then smooth on some lotion, and my skin is very soft and supple.
It does have chemicals that I can't pronounce, but no parabens, and like I said, was approved by my MO.
I also use the Cetaphil Antibacterial Soap Bar.
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I'm also in my 50's. Last year I started using a moisturizer by Ren and really like it. No parabens or animal testing. It's expensive but you only need to use a little at a time. I bought it at Sephora.
Good Luck!
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I use hydropeptides brand. No parabens.
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I haven't checked for parabens, but I have been using olive oil body butter from The Body Shop. I put it on my face and on my body. I also use their olive body scrub, again both face and body. So far I am happy with this.
ETA: SpecialK, thanks for that link. Apparently the stuff above is not so great. Oh well!
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Hello The DivineMrsM,
I use Josee Moran's organic argan oil. I get compliments on my skin (this is after going through six rounds of chemo, taking Herceptin, and being radiated {finished the 8th of 21 today}). Your skin gets very dry with all the treatments, but I have to say that the argan oil has me glowing!!!
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momine - I think a number of years ago the Body Shop stuff was all made from good ingredients, but the founder passed away and I think they were taken over by L'Oreal, so a bunch of their products now have additives.
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Divine Check out the thread "Phyical Aging Appearence". It hasn't been active in a while but there is tons of info.
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SpecialK, thanks for the skindeep link; love it.
Not sure I want or need to spend $30+ on moisturizer. I'm sure there's something less expensive that would work. The coconut oil sounds...greasy and smelly! Maybe it's not, and I know tons of people swear by it, but it doesn't sound right for me.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
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I see there's an 'organic' section on the Walgreens website, so I'm checking it out.
What I'm noticing, while looking at different products on different sites, is that 'face serum' is a big thing these days. That's something new to me. I read up on that a bit, not sure that I want that, either. Just really need a moisturizer.
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I visited the dermatologist last month with "issues" from head to toe. I started a regime of petroleum jelly. Yep, good old Vaseline that everyone has hanging out in their cabinet and hasn't used it in years. I know there are all kinds of controversies of using it, especially on the face, but if you need a really good moisturizer, look no further than your cabinet. I thought it would clog pores and it wasn't good for you because it's made from petroleum. But if it's good enough for a baby's behind, then it's good enough for my face. I've been using it all month long and have a follow up with the dermatologist today, so I'll report back later if there's any thing else to share. I've been using it on my face because my face BURNS....when I sweat in the summer and from the cold in the winter. She also has me lubing up my feet with enough Vaseline until my feet "squish" and having me wear socks...the same socks EVERY NIGHT FOR A WEEK. My feet, which I always thought were the prettiest part of my body were EXTREMELY sensitive and I was starting to get minute wounds on my feet. Couldn't wear a sandal for more than 20 minutes without getting a wound. Walked around with band-aids. When it got to the point that I was getting wounds, while wearing "comfort toe" seamless socks, I knew it was time to visit the dermatologist. All seems to be better now. Still have some fine tuning to do. But if you're asking what's the best moisturizer, and you are not looking for "ageless" skin, then I would suggest petroleum jelly.
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Take a look at this article on our site, written by Dr. Marisa Weiss.
(personally, I am about to try extra virgin olive oil on my skin, as I've heard great results --- even on your face....)
Moderator Melissa
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Melissa... I've heard about using olive oil... Sounds....delicious!
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I use Dr. Bonner's magic soaps to wash my face. I started out with the peppermint & now I use Tea Tree Oil. It has olive oil & other oils plus all natural ingredients in it. I have been using it for 15 years. I just love it. You can use it for your whole body too. There is a variety to choose from. Right now I am using Simple moisturiser on my face as I was looking for ways to get rid of the Parabens. I like it. It's inexpensive, has no purfumes & cost's about $12 a bottle at Wally World. They have several kinds some heavier duty than others. It tends too be not too heavy. I have not had any skin issues with it!
Love this topic!
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Check out the brand www.yestocarrots.com No parabens - I've been using moisturizer (facial), shampoo and creme rinse. Now sold at Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS and some Walmarts. Relatively inexpensive, works great -- I can't recommend it enough!
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I went to Walgreens last night and took some time looking at their products. I had read about the yestocarrots, which got good reviews on line, and there is I think yes t blueberries and cucumber stuff as well. The blueberry product had too strong an odor. The carrot cream was not bad. What I finally decided on, tho, was Avalon Organics VITAMIN C RENEWAL - Rejuvenating Oil-Free Moisturizer. I usually am favorable to citrus smells, and this one is very mild. It was about $23, more than I wanted to spend, but I did.
I also purchased some St. Ives body wash.
When I was going through chemo a year ago, I thought Burt's Bees was the only organic stuff around, so I'm learning. I had a few Burts Bees products, but didn't care for the smell. It was just odd. Plus to smell it now would remind me of chemo. I tried their shampoo and conditioner and didn't think they worked too well. I might try some other organic hair products. It would be nice if the different brands would offer small samples to try so you're not stuck paying for an $8 bottle that doesn't do your hair justice.
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btw, I like Vaseline's emollient properties and have used it on my face. I just think it's too sticky for daytime use. I have to find my jar of it, tho, because my feet are big old dry crackly pads right now and need the overnight treatments of Vaseline to help soften them up.
Not sure I could go the light olive oil route either. Sounds kinda greasy. Is that just the same stuff you cook with?
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Burt's Bees is also a good brand; just stay away from products that use royal jelly because apparently it has estrogenic properties (if you are ER+ as I am).
I just started using virgin coconut oil on my face at night and love it...I have a highly sensitive nose, and thought I would hate the coconut smell, but it's mild at first and then dissapates quickly.
I use Ivory soap in the shower. 99.99% pure, they say. But I used Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap in the 70s and loved it, too.
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If you're interested in making your own, here is a recipe I quite like. Absorbs well....not greasy, very nourishing to skin.
In a jar or bottle your mixing:
Fill 2/3 full of Jojoba oil
Add emu oil to fill
a couple drops of chamomille essential oil
All ingredients are/should be available at your local health-food store.
There are many concoctions on the web for making your own, but this is the only one I've come across that's not overly greasy. Of course, everyone's skin reacts differently so you can experiment. You get the added benefit of knowing exactly what you're putting on your skin. I don't really believe all the ingredients are listed on a commercial cream anyway. JMO.
ETA: the ingredients may seem expensive, but they make ALOT!
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I also have been stuggling with this as I have been surgically menopausal since 2007, on anti-estrogens and the winter is very drying to my skin. Recently I stumbled across a lotion caled Kiss My Face. It is fragrance free with olive and aloe, paraben free. It does have some alcohol in it so it is not as greasy, but I love it! I bought it in Canada at a health food/organic store, across from where my daughter takes piano lessons. It was about $15.00 for 118mls.
website: www.kissmyface.com
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That's a cute name for a product "Kiss My Face".
My skin seemed to feel a bit better today since using the St. Ives shower gel. Not sure if that's too soon to tell that it makes a difference.
So far, I really like the Avalon Vitamin C moisturizer.
I use Burt's Bee's lip balm to add a touch of color to my lips, then go over it wit Burt's Bee's Shiny Lip Gloss. I absolutely love the lip gloss, it's my favorite I've ever used of any brand.
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Oh, I just looked up the Kiss My Face website, and it says their products are sold a several local Kroger stores in my area, so I will check that out next time I'm in there.
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julz - I see that you are ER-, but the ER+ padies may want to stay away from products with Tea Tree oil.
divine - Kiss My Face is also available at Whole Foods. Here is the link for the Neolia olive oil soap (I use the bar soap) and moisturizers - they are very mildly scented and not at all oily. Every now and then they do a free shipping promotion - I usually stock up then - I just ordered 24 bars!
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Try organic coconut oil! If you have a sams or costco, they sell it there. I use it for everything. Makeup remover, body and face moisturizer. I love it. It doesn't feel greasy and absorbs right in. I has an anti-bacterial property so it doesn't break you out or clog your pores.
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Thanks, Special K. Their products seem so nice! I just signed up for their newletter.
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Thanks Special K! They do come in many different kinds. Only the one comes with Tea Tree Oil. I only use it on my face & a bottle lasts me 4-6 months. But still that's good to know.
Divine...I love the Burts Bees lip balm. I'll have to try the lip gloss.
Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions.0 -
We don't have a Whole Foods in my area; there might be one in Pittsburgh. My son attends college there and it's also where I doctor at, it would be a matter of finding the time to check it out. Seems like soooo many people shop there and love it.
I am in Walmart at least once a week for groceries and such. I don't know that they have an 'organic' section'.....hmmm....well, I know that's where I got the Burts Bees lip stuff, so I'll look in that area and see if there are any other organic products there. (They also don't seem to have an organic food section, that stuff is kind of interspersed with all the other food. Krogers has several aisle devoted to all the organic stuff, but I go there less often and it's pricier).
I haven't ever been to a Sams or Costcos.....they have them on my way to Pittsburgh, gosh I should probably visit at least one of them...seems like everyone gets everything there as well!
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Costco is definitely worth checking out! I love their Kirkland brand products. Everything I have gotten has been better than brand name. I have the Simple products mentioned above at Walmart. I have been trying to find the perfect facial moisturizer as well. I usually need the cream version as opposed to lotion. My moms dermatollogist recommended Cerave and Cetaphil. I have used both but I don't know if they have bad ingredients. I loe cocnut oil for my legs but not for my face. It is greasy but if you wait a few min it does absorb quickly. However when I use it on my face my wrinkles so so pronounced! I looked at myself in the car mirror and had to go back in and wash my face and start over. I think maybe the powder I use is absorbing the cocnut? I am 49 and have always been mistaken for much younger all my life until BC. Now I'm a wrinkled mess! Not willing to pay lots for tiny jars that really don't make a difference. Lately I have been trying things that I find at Ross and Marshalls. They have all kinds of expensive looking skin products for cheap. Sometimes I will use the body cream because its cheaper and comes in a bigger jar and I think the only difference sometimes is sunscreen, which I don't want in it anyway.
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Devine.....The Vaseline brand works terrific on the feet. Last week, I bought Walmart's version of petroleum jelly and I'm finding it's not as thick as Vaseline, so it's a better choice for the face. Don't like the "fresh scent" of it, so I keep applying Vaseline to my lips....and feet.
Saw the dermatologist again. Loves the progress I'm making with my feet and fingers too. I was getting tiny cuts on my hands and feet....felt like paper cuts! My face itches, stings and burns. The petroleum jelly has DEFINITELY taken it down a notch. The texture of my skin looks the same, but the skin does glow...which I think is kind of nice. Mind you, I still have wrinkles, but they now glow....
I also read that petroleum jelly makes eye lashes grow more "lush." I'll let you know in the future if that's true or not...