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2013 Sister Warriors



  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Pacools, you sure are having a time of it; I am hoping the worst of it is behind you.  You did get good news with the clear margins and negative nodes.  And do not "should" on yourself.  You made the right decision for your treatment plan (which, in some ways, is still unfolding).  You will be monitored closely (we all will), and if you have anything else show up, it will be dealt with. But, you are on course to deal with the cancer, and with good fortune and effort, this will be extent of it for you.  As for bras, when I was scoping out things, I do believe I saw bras that hooked up front (multiple hooks, not just one), and ones that zipped up front, at Walmart.  Check out the website, see if that's what you're looking for.

    TMM60, you are so right about being monitored closely and having a team to get us through this.  We'd all like to pretend this didn't happen to us--so the desire to deal with it and move on is strong, but the reality is our new normal is we have to be diligent to watch for recurrence once we rid our bodies of the cancer currently inside of us.  I picked up some good ideas with that "Getting Ready" CD.  Going into chemo with the very positive attitude that the people there are working to help you rid the cancer of your body, and visualizing the chemo entering into your body and going after the cancer.  Instead of focusing on possible SEs and the experience, embrace and support the purpose that you are getting that tx: to seek out, attack, and eliminate any rogue cancer. Welcome its presence in your body.  Visualize it doing its job.  Visualize yourself having minimal SEs, just that the chemo is finding and destroying the cancer in your body.  You can do this.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    Positivethinking- Just reading that your MRI came back with good results in the other made me feel better or gave me some hope! I also understand the need for our DH and to feel desired when we feel a bit broken. I love that you got a sexy wig and I am sure you both are going to have some fun with that. It is horriblely hard to carry this inside.

    Cuetang- I hadnt thought about the MRI in terms of a baseline, thank you this does seem to make alot of sense to me to have. I guess the fear of what it will show is so scary, I have to remember it is the right thing to do. ILC is sneaky, it doesnt form a lump, more like sheets of irregular cells, mostly in a nice little line. Most who are DX are DX with a big area due to the fact mammos do not find ILC, nor does a ultrasound, MRI is the best tool but even that with dense breasts not so easy. I asked my BS if there was more C in the breast and he said he didnt know, the rads would take care of it. So, I keep thinking the MRI may also show them whats happening there. I know its the right thing to do. BMX may be an option, I have been doing alot of reading about it and have looked at pics too, I am impressed by what I see. I love my girls and dont want to go that route but if necessary its good to know in 2013 we have options.

    new2bc- thank you. Very scary to be told one thing when it is another. Just shows us all that they really just dont have all the answers or know whats happening in there. I respect your decision, how has it been for you? Are you happy with them if you had reconstruction? What type of surgery did you have?

    TMM60- the more I read the more relief I feel and fear! Double edged sword. Thank God the lung nodule was fine, I am sure you were beside yourself with fear. Are you sticking with the lumpectomy followed by chemo and then rads or no rads? Your hubby sounds wonderful, I would love some burnt bacon, what he did was straight from his heart. So hard on them too, I know it is our bodies going though it but its their heart. Mark my hub was not here this morning when I was posting, I didnt know but he woke my younger son up and they did some Valentines day shopping! I know whatever he got will be very specail to me. Hes a good guy with a big heart and he is scared, just typing that reminds me how LUCKY we are. I know some go though this alone.

    Pacools- NEGATIVE nodes!! RAH RAH, that is the best news!! I am sorry this week has been tough for you. My lumpectomy and SNB were 2 seperate surgeries, the lump was not a big deal the SNB I am still have pain after 17 days and a 4" incision. I think you and I are in the same place wondering do we do a BMX or move forward.. until I know everything I cant make that decision. I have been wearing Fruit of the Loom cotton sports bras, I step into them so I dont have to move the arm much. They are cotton and very comfortable and cut low enough in the arm pit that it doesnt bother my incision. I am a D cup so not alot of support ( I am a underwire girl) but they are the best thing I have found. I read on another thread many like the Genie Bra, I looked at them online very similiar. I wore a underwire last night and it felt good to have it on, felt even better to take it off after about 6 hours. I got the cotton ones at Walmart, you might find the open front type there, I am pretty sure I saw them. I dont get there often I have a Target about a mile from here but Walmart seems to carry a larger selection of 'cheap' bras of many styles. I have xanax I take a half in the evening if I am worked up and it helps me sleep. I cant take them in the daytime even a half knocks me out. My pain pills (percocets) boost my mood but I try not to take them unless I need them, I dont want to need them one day and have them no longer work. Take care of YOU.. keep in touch with US.

    Thank you all for your advice and experiences, you warm my heart with your kindness. xo

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    TTM 60 - Thank you for reminding me the whole person needs attention. I have always seen myself as a type a in control leader. I think this DX has under minded my confidence, at 62 that is scary for me. I work full time and manage 25 people I can't fall apart when I have so much to be grateful for. I know my treatment plan will be developed by many and not 1, strength in numbers,I just need to calm myself down. For you why was chemo recommended early and no negative nodes? Only if you are comfortable answering, of course.

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 253
    edited February 2013


    I am happy you are already feeling better. I had double mastectomy with no reconstruction. I may consider reconstruction down the road but honestly I was scared of having more pain with Tissue Expanders. I read some people had some issues with them. I guess I am ok with the decision I made. I just did not want to wait for more test results for the good breast periodically when I lost my confidence in mammograms since I had dense breasts. I just don't know how they sent us a letter every year after each mammogram saying that there is no abnormality in our breasts when they could not even see behind the white lines.  

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    pacools- I have also been "boss" or team leader much of my career. In that role, we are expected to be calm, cool and in control. But I guess we need to put in perspective our work selves and our personal selves. I would venture to say that no one on our teams would have any problem with us showing our humanity at a time like this. I think we can still be professional and human at the same time. Not everyone needs to know all the details, but an honest and realistic approach to what I can and cannot do has been received very well. The job will get done, and I've found that most people are happy to pitch in where needed. People generally like to be trusted and needed- I know I do! As for our personal selves- we know who we feel comfortable sharing our full feelings with and who we lean on for support. I can't say that there haven't been a few who surprised me in a disappointing way, but the vast majority have been really super and a few who surprised me in a very good way. That's humanity again.

    I'm happy to share with you why I am having chemo with negative nodes. My Oncotype testing on the tumor came back high intermediate at 28. That means I have an approximate 19% chance of a distant recurrence in the next 10 years. I personally don't like that number and my MO strongly urged me to do chemo to lower that risk. I didn't want chemo, don't like the thought of chemo, but I'm sure I can handle it. Better to do it now when I'm young (53) and healthy, then kick myself in the rear 10 years from now if I would have a recurrence and didn't do what I could to lower the risk.

    I hope you are feeling better today and resting well- be gentle with yourself!

  • Speedy4
    Speedy4 Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2013

    Lemon68~I was diagnosed with IDC in my right breast. My BS ordered an MRI w contrast of both breasts. The MRI showed another suspicious area in the right breast (thankfully leftie was clear) so my BS wanted it biopsied. When they tried to biopsy this second spot by ultrasound, they couldn't find it so I was scheduled for an MRI guided biopsy. Unfortunately during this second biopsy the radiologist missed the second spot and biopsied the original tumor. My BS then fought with my insurance company who had denied his request to approve a 3rd MRI to make sure there really was a second spot. I'm glad he did because there was a second spot that happened to be right on top of the original tumor that my BS was able to remove with a lumpectomy.

    Although all the testing and all the waiting were really frustrating, I'm glad I persevered and ended up doing the right surgery for me. There were times I doubted the path, but I trusted my BS and knew he was being as careful deciding on surgery as I was. It's important to have all the information available to make the decision that's right for you. Wishing you the best of luck!

  • emort72
    emort72 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    Evening ladies...lemon 68- I go for bilateral MRI tomorrow with & without contrast.. Personally if they find anything there it will lean me further towards bmx...but either way I will feel better not wondering if there's anything lurking there too...if you're questioning it and it gives you anxiety I say insist upon it....whatever you decide is the best decision at the time...hind sight never counts in life..all my best to you!

    TMM60......your post sparked a big question for glad you wrote it so now I know how to ask mentioned going for your annual late and how you felt but that it was probably growing for years and just became lump was palpable and seemed to appear overnight...1.5 cm...I had two previous biopsies in same breast that were benign just 2 yrs prior and had the with and without contrast MRI 2 yrs prior also....would that have showed this starting or may that indicate that this really is a fast grower? I've also had bilateral nipple discharge for 2 & 1/2 blood just clear, green or BS says its unrelated and harmless...btw the discharge is what lead to the mammo, US and MRI 2 yrs ago that detected the 2 benign lumps as they weren't palpable. Anyone have any thoughts on that or similar?? Thank you :)

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    I just went to the hospital to drink some horrible drink for my CT. I have to go back up at 11 for the actual CT. So glad I live close to the hospital. I have been worried all weekend that they are going to find cancer somewhere else. I am really worried about lung and pancreatic cancer. 

    I also got a call from the lab doing my oncotype test. They said my insurance should cover it but I could apply for financial assistance and if approved they would pick up the cost of anything my insurance does not cover. I applied and they said I would not have to pay for anything even if my insurance does not pay. One good benifit of having a large family! The bad news is they have not even received the specimen from the lab and it takes 7-10 days after they get it. They are hoping to get it today. They also gave me the number to call and check up on how the test is going.

    I have been following all the posts but not posting much.  Welcome to our new members and my prayers are with those going through surgery or treatments this week. I know we all are handling the stress differently. I still need to take xanax daily but I take 1/2 of the smallest dose 2 x a day. It seems to help me focus instead of worrying. 

    Is anyone else having trouble with thier arm? I am 4 weeks out from the first surgery and cannot raise my arm over my head without pain and this morning it looks like I have cording. Not what I wanted to deal with right now. Not sure what to do but I guess I need to look into therapy at some point.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Momto5inva has surgery tomorrow--good luck to you.  Wishing you a calm day and great surgery/outcome.

    Anyone else up for surgery, things going on?  How are others healing? Hard for me to keep track.  This is my worst week at work, so I will not be on as much in the coming days.  Had most stressful day at work yesterday (not worth going into)--just the opposite of what I need at this point.  Was physically feeling ill from the stress.  Wish I had been practiced with meditation to handle it better.  Instead had to go home and have a glass of wine.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    Renee~You will fell much better once you have surgery, and know the full plan after pathology. The waiting is the most difficult part!

    I was diagnosed on July 27, 2012. My husband (not knowing all this about BC) had already given notice at work. I lost my major medical 3 days after diagnosis. He started a new job immediately, but it didn't work out. Thank God for Medicare.

    I postponed surgery until October, hoping we'd have insurance, so they put me on arimidex for a month. So I'd be doing something proactive.

    Once I had mastectomy oct. 22, got the path report back, met with my fabulous onc, dr. Ewa Mrozek at the Stephanie Center, I felt more in control.

    Now as of last Friday, I've finished 4 cycles of AC. On march 1, I start 12 weekly taxol, which I'm told is much easier.

    When you go for surgery, the pain meds, and anesthesia will cause constipation. I kept that away, by taking a generic stool softened to the hospital with me. I had absolutely no pain in the incision area of the breast, just in he armpit where they removed all my nodes. The pain meds did an excellent job. I stopped them just a few days after going home, and just took Tylenol.

    I will be prying for you. You seem like a strong lady.

    Love & Blessings


  • PositiveThnking
    PositiveThnking Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    Renee - I am having similar recovery as Soteria.  Constipation after surgery for a couple of days Senocot-S worked like a charm.  I have no pain on the breast incision at all and it will heal to a very thin line.  I have some discomfort where they put the port in on my right side (between collar bone and breast) that incision done by a different do looks its going to Keloid - rats!   I am most sore under the arm and it alternates between feeling ok and sometimes more numb as all the nerves and connects start coming back together.    I've been doing some of the warm up exercises from this PDF after the drain came out and it seems to help.  No way can I do the back reach with the port and haven't done any of the exercises from page 3 onwards till I meet with a therapist. 

    Sorry about work.  I know the feeling.  I am so thankful I can work from home right now.  Dreading the office of Wednesday, but will make it a 1/2 day

    Momto5inva - good luck on the surgery!

    Momtotenkids - Hope all goes well.  I'm in the same place for the PET Scan.  Will ask the MO when should I schedule it.  Not looking forward to it but again, want to know if its lurking anywhere else. 

    One day at a time!

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2013

    Thank you Renee!  I have been reading, but never seems to be time to post.  I am looking forward to getting this part of this adventure over.  I want to know the full picture, and at least after the surgery (and pathology is back) I will know.

    I posted on the surgery board that I am not in the least apprehensive about "losing" my breasts.  I am hopeful, as are my PS and BS, for a nipple/skin sparing BMX, so, after 5 kids, the gals may look better than they have in years. I have been having biopsies, lumpectomies, mammograms, sonograms etc since I was 23...I am done.

    I am actually most apprehensive about the anesthesia.  I don't know why, but even with my hysterectomy, I was the same way.  The idea of being put to sleep freaks me out a bit.  Not sure why.

    I met with my PS for the second time yesterday, and so far I really like her.  She said the surgery itself will be 4.5 plus hours.  I also found out that my cousins FIL, who is an oncologist, is in one of the practices that my BS refers folks too.  So, I will be going to see him, which makes me feel better! 

    My surgery is noon tomorrow...I am VERY concerned that I will not have had any coffee for 12 hours LOL.  I don't drink a lot of coffee...but REALLY REALLY need that first cup. IMO, I think that coffee drinkers should be given first dibs on the early surgical timesLaughing

    And off the BC topic, I had my thyroid biopsied yesterday. Should have results of that by Friday.  Hopefully it is nothing (I am sure it is).

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    Momoffive~I was a bit apprehensive of anesthesia, but mostly that it might make me nauseaus. The anesthesiologist usually comes in to talk to you before surgery. When I told him about my apprehension, he had the nurse put a tiny patch behind my ear. It could stay there 5 days. I had no problems at all. My surgery was about the same length as yours.

    You'll feel so much better when this part is behind you.

    Don't forget your stool softener.



  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2013

    Soteria205....I chuckled when you metioned the stool softner.  I went to Wally World last night, picked up a big thing of milk of magnesia and two bottles of prune juice.  Oh, and hair coloring...have to look good while staying "regular".  Laughing I have no idea what the poor guy at the checkout was thinking.

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Momof5inva I certainly will have you in my thoughts at noon tomorrow. You made me smile at buying your hair dye, great attitute to go in with style.

    I had no fear or worries about being put to sleep and I had no issues. I asked them to brace my neck because I carry alot of stress there and didn't want to have a stiff neck like I did after the biopsy and I was awake for that procedure. I am a week post surgery and still very tender for the SNB, the lumpectomy is only tender to the firm touch.

    I was at tumor board yesterday no chemo (don't want to use the big guns because I am stage 1). I start radiation at the end of the month. It took three doctors yesterday to confirm this was the right course of action but with a multi-team approach 25 doctors have to agree on the treatment plan recommendations. I have my appointment in April with medical oncology to start on the hormonal therapy.

    ReneeinOH - I hope this week evens out for you at work or you deploy more powerful coping tools. You are facing surgery soon that may be better tolerated if you can be in a calmer place to start. I know you are looking forward to moving forward and we are right behind you.  

    TMM60 - Today I am back to work.  I have yet to hear of any tragic outcomes so everyone did their part to keep the reports going out the door.  With the great news yesterday I am trying very hard to be nice to myself. I appreciate the support and encouragement.

    Go sister warriors together we are stronger. I appreciate all the kindness and interest in each other.  

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Well, one thing about work is it is keeping my mind off the BC!  Back to work already pacools?  Glad you found the place intact.  Make sure you listen to your body and not push yourself.  You need to heal.  How do you feel about your treatment plan--glad no chemo?

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2013

    Off to surgery! Nervous as hell and missing my morning coffee :(

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    momof5inva- thinking of you today and sending many warm and positive thoughts your way!

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 253
    edited February 2013


    We are all thinking about you today. I wish you the best of luck.

  • PositiveThnking
    PositiveThnking Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    momof5inva - Best of luck!

    All - went back to work for a 1/2 day...went to marathon meetings and didn't take care of myself.  It was 1 pm and time to come home before I even realized I hadn't had lunch or taken Tylenol!   Working from home is definetely the better course of action while I'm going through this.  Just finished lunch.  Took the tylenol and off for a nap.

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    I hear all my sisters who are stressing over balancing work, home and this third full time job called BC. I've been really pushing myself this week trying to get a project back on the rails that I just inherited. What a mess. I'm taking Friday off and all of next week to recover from my first round of chemo so I have been frantic to get this project to some kind of stable state and am mostly succeeding, but it has really been stressing me out. I called the MO and asked for script for Ativan. I hated to do it because I hate taking meds, but my usual coping skills are a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I'm glad I did. I took one yesterday and one today and it enabled me to focus and be productive.

    I wish that had taken the yoga and meditation classes that I had always planned to do before this, but too late for that now. Maybe later.

    ReneeinOH- I do like the visualization you suggested for the chemo and I will put that into practice on Friday!

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    Thinking of you today momof2inva.

    TMM60- Not sure if all centers offer it but the oncology center I will get going to on Friday offers yoga and meditation in addition to daily massages during rads or chemo. Also a personal nutrionist. You might ask your center if they have any of these available to you. I am hoping to try the yoga. I have Xanax and Ativan. I havent been taking them make me too sleepy but will take one on Friday before 1st onco visit. MRI in the morning. Thanks to all the good advice from all of you I am having the MRI, will get results on Friday on if my left side is okay. I am just so glad I dont have to wait a long time!! Unfortuntely the BRCA and Oncotype test I am hearing takes 2 weeks... I still need to work on my patience skills.

    I hope you are feeling okay after your 1st TX.

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Good morning all sister warriors.

    I have been wondering how momof5inva is soing this morning. I know all of our collective positive energy is surrounding her. 

    Renee I know I should be doing the happy dance about no chemo and it took 3 different doctors to finally get my head and heart around no chemo as part of my treatment plan.  I do trust in their collective judgement on this but for a while it is going to leave a sliver of doubt wondering if I did all I could to revent a reoccurance. Because it is a collective opinion I do feel good about my plan.  I recently have talked to 3 others I work with in other states or health systems and they were on similar treatment plans. There are many new studies to support not overtreating with harsh drugs if they are needed.  I have scheduled for BRCA testing on Monday. Two of my sisters and a niece have already been tested and they all have the BRCA 2 marker. Only one had breast cancer but my niece had a BMX at 30 after she lost her mom to BC. My sister had very high doses of ACT drugs in a research study before they were the standard of care, unfortunately there was a metatsis after she was done with the 5 years of hormonal therapy. Her original dx was 18 years ago things have changed alot.

    I am back to work but I am reducing my hours and listening to my body.  I was very tired yesterday so I left at noon when for a blood draw then home to take a nap.  I didn't really nap but I stayed in bed resting for several hours.  I feel much stronger today I just over did it the first day.  Thanks for keeping me honest. We are empty nesters so I don't have to worry about cooking or cleaning my husband is great and he has the lead at the moment.

    As you get ready for surgery day I hope you have planned some time for you on the long list of to do items.  I hope these next 2 weekends may find you at the spa or getting a massage.

    TMM60 I hope the treatment goes well on Friday and you are able to tolerate the side effects. I have been thinking of taking yoga for years and I seriously am going to consider it for myself. I don't think it is to late to get some benefit.  Your project will get back on track they always do and quite honestly the stress isn't worth it as you face yur first treatment.  Positive energy all around sista!

    Lemon68 how right you are patience is not an easy skill to embrace on this journey. I admire Renee she has been waiting for so long to finally get her treatment underway. I understand gathering information, testing, and making a surgery decision are all necessary and important steps and we don't have the luxury of reversing some of the decision we make she should be our benchmark.  Thanks Renee. 

    To all the warriors have a wonderful peaceful Valentine's Day.

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 253
    edited February 2013


    My oncologist did not recommend chemo either but I have to do radiation even though I had BMX. There were several small areas of IDC in different locations plus pagets disease in my left breast. Do you have to do radiation? How do they do BRCA testing? Do they test your blood?

    I am wishing speedy recovery for momof5inva.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    Pacools- I am glad you are feeling better and listening to your body. My SNB was on 1/24 and it still hurts. Did the MRI today so I am hoping for a "ALL CLEAR" on left and no surprises on right. Tomorrow I will get results. I am also giving my blood tomorrow for BRCA testing, I was adopted so its really important I have no history.

    Do you start rads next? If all goes well with my MRI results and BRCA neg. I will begin rads soon. So far no chemo talk, I am thrilled that scares me more than anything. Renee and I were DX on the same fateful day.. her TX is so different than mine, I am so sorry she is still having to wait. I cant wait to get the show on the road!

    momof5inva- I hope you are doing well, we are all thinking of you.. I hope you feel our strength, we are all proud of you.

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Good morning,

    New2bc - I go on the 26th for the tatoos and measurements for radiation. I believe the BRCA testing is just blood work after a consultation to discuss family history.

    Lemon68 - Big hug for all clear today.  I am guessing I will start rads on Monday March 4th but only guessing since my measurements will be on the Tuesday before.

    Momof5inva - all watching for your update.  I am sure you are still in some discomfort but we know you are looking good with the fresh dye job and are a "regular" kind of gal! Smiles and sunshine to you today surrounded by your sister warriors power.

    Reneeinoh - as the week comes to an end I hope you have sometime to regroup and catch your breath after a stressful week at work.  

    Happy Friday to all our new friends.

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2013

    Good morning fellow sister warriors!  I'm glad to hear of all the great stories of folks coming out of various surgeries and moving along the path to fully evict cancer from our bodies!  I have to admit, I've felt a little left behind reading all the stories because of difficulty getting my BS and PS together on a surgery schedule, as well as battling my insurance company to get an out-of-network approval for the PS.  However, I feel slightly better today...I've been provided a surgery date....March 8!  I'm scared that it's a full 2 months after my diagnosis, but I consider that a step forward.  Never thought I'd be excited for surgery...but then again, cancer has a way of changing things, doesn't it?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    Cuetang~Don't worry too much about the delay. I purposely delayed my surgery, waiting for new insurance to go into effect. That didn't pan out, but I was diagnosed on July 27, and didn't have surgery until Oct. 22.

    Once you have surgery, everything will start to fall into place. I do know that waiting is the most difficult part. But, then you'll have your full pathology report and a definite plan of action.



  • Speedy4
    Speedy4 Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2013

    Cuetang~I too was worried that the whole process was taking too long and I was sure the cancer was spreading with every twinge I felt in my body. It was 2 months to the day from my dx to surgery. Although I have to return to the OR for more surgery next week, my cancer did not spread. Stay positive, calm, and you will be on the other side of surgery soon. You are very right, cancer sure has a way of changing things!

  • LongWayHome
    LongWayHome Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2013

    Hello Sister Warriors, I'm hopping on this band wagon and ready to kick some cancer ass!  I'm an emotional roller coaster right now, one minute I want to crawl under my covers and the next I want to scream and smash dishes... working on a safe outlet to do that soon!  I'm going to call it breaking some shit therapy! Anyway I am really glad i stumbled onto this site, I have been lurking here for a few weeks now and decided to "come out". Still waiting for pathology results to decide what comes next, I have an appt on Feb 27th with BS. Waiting sucks!