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2013 Sister Warriors



  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2013

    Kimberly -- Hang in there!  You definitely are a part of this sister warrior group.  In a few months, hopefully it will all be a distant memory.  Like the others have said, don't hesitate to asking for better management of the pain.  The doctors should have other items up their sleeve they can give you.

    As for our new sisters, I'm glad you found our board.  This year is not going to be fun for us, but I remain optimistic that next year at this time, we'll be all in great moods under our own "2014 survivors" thread here next year.

    Momof5inva -- thanks for providing us an update!  We were all thinking of you.  Good to know that in fact you were able to stay overnight (despite all the insurance/hospital crap news you got early on) and that you're on your way to recovery.  It's got to be a great feeling that the tumor is GONE!  You're a brave woman to have guests so early on.  Holding out hope that the left nipple will survive! 

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Momof5inva - I am sure glad you haven't lost your sense of humor and you think you are crabby to boot :). Glad you are healing and if your nipple falls out on its own what does that mean sounds pretty scary to me! You have given me smiles this morning reading your story. I have learned this is an up and down ride and each day brings different challenges but clear nodes is awesome. I had the blood pressure and heart rate issue the day following surgery while I was home had to call EMS and then my husband drove me to the ER after they determined it wasn't cardiac.  It appears to have been a low potassium level which 10 days earlier was fine now I have to take a huge horse pill everyday, ugh.  Now I am complaining without any good reason.  I wish you well and hope each day finds you feeling stronger with more energy.

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited February 2013

    Holy brain is mush...took me four tries to log in lol.

    Pacools, right now the left nipple is black...a flattish black nub. I asked the PS if it scabs over and then falls off, like a babies belly button (if only my foobs were so cute). She said that was a perfect analogy. I have been trying to read up on it and a lot of other ladies say that theirs turned black, scabbed over, then the scab fell off after weeks and weeks and "the nip" was fine. I can only hope. Silly how upset I am over a tiny nub of skin. I wonder if I should talk to it, like people do with plants LOL. Give it words of encouragement.

    Passed a Hooters yesterday on the way home from my doctor appt. told DH I should go flash of my flattish, black and blue foobs would put them out of business, or at the very least scar their current client base for life :) LOL

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    wow momof5inva what a journey so far for you. Black nipples, babies belly buttons and hooters! What a great conversation starter! Glad you have your sense of humor during all of this. It really helps and is a lot better than tears.

    So I went to my MO today. First they forgot have me sign the paper to do the genetic testing so they had me sign it today. So now two more weeks of waiting to see if I am doing the BMX or the the radiation. So we are discussng all the options and then she says oh now on to your CT scan. This is the scan she called and said was clear. Well there is just this one little thing she says. They found a bone island and recommend a bone scan to r/o anything more serious. Really!!!! I am just pissed off right now and once again scared and crying. I do not want to do anymore tests! I am so tired of the what if's and the unknown. I know she said it is just a precaution but still to me it is one more thing to worry about. Yesterday I felt so good. I had a plan. If my genetic test came back + then I was going with a BMX. If negative, then 7 weeks of radiation and 5 yrs of hormone tx. Now this! One more test and more waiting for results. 

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Momto5inva - I am laughing with tears down my face.  I am sure others think I have lost my mind.  I will hold that vision of Hooters and always think fo it.

    Momtotenkids - hang in there I would be very upset. I know you need the best information to make a choice but come on 2 oops in one day.  We will have to have momto5inva keeps us laughing.  I didn't really get it that patience is also a lesson to be learned on this journey.

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2013

    momof5iniva-- just for that, I'm going to suggest that one of these days we meet up at a hooters in va!  =D . 

    momtotenkids--  we surely are being dealt lessons with this BC crap, aren't we?  Too bad that all these things seriously mess with our minds and our sanity.  Hopefully you'll get your genetic test results soon so you can decide on your next course of treatment.  I just had a bone scan for some backache and rib pain (plan ahead because they don't want you to hang around young kids for a bit afterwards with the injection for the test).  Waiting for results totally sucks.  Remember, our body will show a lot of things that have absolutely nothing to do with bad things, such as normal wear and tear through the years, so hang in there (I know, easier said than done!).  <hugs>

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Cuetang and pacools and thank goodness for momof5inva's sense of humor! I am doing better. I told myself I could have today to feel sorry for myself and then I have to get over it. All I can do is wait and so that is what I will do. I have an appointment for a second opinion on my treatment plan scheduled for next Wednesday. I also picked up my RX for tomixifin so I can go ahead and start it since we are delaying radiation for 2 more weeks. 

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    momof5inva- I am so proud of you!! Your doing great. Sorry about the L nipple but all in all it sounds like you are doing really good. I dont think I could be as good as you, I would be popping the pills. Thanks so much for letting us all know. What a far way you have come, I hope as the days pass it gets better everyday for you.

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 253
    edited February 2013

    Hi rockermom66,

    Welcome to this forum.

    It looks like you are ready for this fight. Your BRCA result may push you to make a decision that you are comfortable with. Sometimes ultrasound or even MRI may not reveal everything. In my case, the MRI showed 2 possible areas but after my mastectomy, there were two additional areas. I know it is hard to rely on these tests and then wait for another 6 months to get another test and keep on worrying at the mean time. My breast surgeon wanted to do lumpectomy but I decided to do mastectomy instead. You did not mention what type of cancer it is and the size and if they are all scattered. You need to make sure you are comfortable with your decision. I am sorry you had to join this long journey.  

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013


    Strange we are in the same place right now. I am waiting for BRCA results, same + off with them, negative rads+tamox. I saw my back DR today, had a MRI 12/3 a month before DX. He asked me today to do another MRI with contrast this time as he wants to just be sure my back pain isnt something more than the bulging disc! DH was pissed and doesnt want me to do it, he feels all the back DR sees is $$$.. All I know is I am scared AGAIN.

    momof5inva- too much, I bet youd be the most beautiful in that Hooters!! And I hope when that scab is gone you have a perfect nipple. Your just what we need, thank you for the image in my mind Smile

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 253
    edited February 2013

    Hi momto10kids,

    I am sorry you need to go through another test. I remember most of my tests were done around Xmas last year. I had to wait longer to get the results. While most people were celebrating Xmas, I was waiting for results. I started radiation 2 days ago. I hope it works out for me.


    After our diagnosis, everytime we have pain we have to be worried if it is cancer related. We also have to wait for more results because all the doctors will do more testing to make sure it is not cancer related. So waiting for results will be a part of our life.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Hey ladies.  I am sure I found another lump in my breast.  I'm OK with it though.  It's coming off Monday, so we'll see if I'm right.  

  • iluv2scrub
    iluv2scrub Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2013

    Renee, Best wishes for a smooth surgery Monday and a speedy sound like a strong, positive woman...small world, huh?

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Hope whatever caused our cancer isn't in the freaking water in Westerville iluv2scrub! Wink  There's an Ohio chemo group on this site too, btw.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    Iliv2scrub~I'm in Reynoldsburg! Maybe it's Franklin County water!

    I posted to you on the "chemo tips" thread.

    I had AC 4 on the 8th. Even though #3 cleaned my clock, #4 was a fizzle. Just dead skunk tastebuds, but I did develop a blood clot in my left femur last week. I'm taking injections 2X daily. Usually you take them for 5 days, then go on Coumadin, but I found out today that my onc wants me to continue them until I finish taxol, which I don't even start until next Friday. So that will be 13 more weeks.

    Oh, I almost forgot...I'm the lucky owner of a UTI. Lucky me!



  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Paula I am not sure the UTI is not more painful for a time than other parts of your treatment. You are not in a good place at the moment so up is the only direction for you :). Do you give yourself the injections or do you have to go to the office 2x a day? (((Hugs))) for you.

    Renee finding another lump confirms your choice for a BMX. I hope you have really set aside some time for you this weekend. You need to be calm and rested before your surgery.

    Iliv2scrub - I see you had your lumpectomy on 2-1 how are you doing? Are you still really tender? I had my surgery on 2-5 and I am still really uncomfortable. My skin is so sensitive it feels like it is burning. The incisions are healing and not terribly painful to touch but down my arm and the rest of my left breast is very painful. 

    I wish everyone a peaceful day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    Pacools~I give myself the injections. It's easy for me, as my 24 year old son has been a Type I Diabetic since age 6. He takes 4 insulin injections daily. I gave those to him until he was 9 and decided he was old enough to do his own shots.

    Yes, UTIs suck, but I was taking AZO Standard( an OTC ) before I got the anti-biotic. It at least helps to ease the symptoms. I'm feeling much better today.



  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    momof5inva- Black nipples, babies belly buttons and hooters, oh my! That really made my day! Thanks for the much needed laugh!

    momtotenkids, lemon68- just when you think the way ahead is clear, they throw another mountain to climb in your way! Hang in there, we are praying for the all clear for both of you!

    pacools- my lumpectomy and snb incisions were super sensitive like that more than a month post-op. I had a seroma at the surgical site too that was very sensitive, but has really reduced in size now and doesn't bother me anymore. I wore my bra a directed 24/7 for a few weeks post-op, but after that, I felt most comfortable without a bra- the underwire was digging me and just wore a plain men's cotton undershirt under my clothes. I work at home so bra-less is OK for that.

    Hey Ohio sisters- i don't know what may be in the water around there, but it surely better run and be afraid knowing its got all of you cancer butt kicking girls after it!

    I'm 6 days post my first chemo and other than being tired and a sore mouth, I feel pretty decent. My white counts will be at their lowest this weekend so I'm staying at home. My biggest problem is that I'm bored and want to go out and about! Oh well, it's going to snow here so I guess I'll just curl up with a good book.

  • PositiveThnking
    PositiveThnking Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    All - lots of posts to catch up on!  

    Kimberly, like all the others.  You are a warrior!   There are good days and bad and it will get better.  I agree.  If the pain meds aren't working for you or the expanders are hurting talk to the PS!!  

    TMM60 -  thanks for sharing the chemo experience.  I'll let all of you know how mine goes today.  They are having me take a steriod the day before chemo and day after.  They said I would be wired to the ceiling so not to take the second dose later than 4 pm.  Ha!  I worked from 8 am to 6:30 pm to get ahead so I don't have to worry about work today or tomorrow.  I was sound asleep by 8:30!  I did wake up at 5 am so had a solid night's sleep.

    Momof5inVa -  I hate sleeping on my back too.   The side with the port cath is finally "normal" so I can sleep a bit on my right.  The left side that I usually sleep on is not ready for primetime....I'm doing stretches for the arm but the numbness and discomfort on the lumpectomy side is not conducive to rolling over at all. 

    Other news.  I cant recall if I posted this, but you many want to check in your areas.  There is a free program called Look Good Feel Better.  its free make up and beauty advice for cancer patients.     I've signed up for the workshop at my local hospital. They give you a free makeup kit, show you tips, etc.  There is a zip code search on the site.  The one by me I registered through the American Cancer Society.   Also some hospitals have a cancer nurse navigator.  I went to see the one there too.  They have free wigs donated by Godiva's Secret (the wig shop I went too).  She let me try all of them on and I picked an alternate wig to have for work and also had sleep caps, and the wig liner, and TONS of literature on the various aspects of treatments and nutrition to minimize side effects and local resources including hairdressers that work with patients with medical hair loss.  I am truly moved by all the support that is out there at no cost.  You just have to look for it!

    I wish everyone strength on their paths! 

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    Hi Positivethinking! I wish you a very smooth and uneventful visit to the chemo bar and spa tomorrow! What type of chemo are you having? I took steroids the day before and for 3 days total for the first treatment. My DH said I was not a nice person (cranky and moody) on the second day, but I was able to sleep. I'm in a much better mood now Wink

    I was also told about Look Good Feel Better and definitely plan to attend a session soon! Really sounds like a nice thing!

  • PositiveThnking
    PositiveThnking Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    TMM60 - I'm on the TCH regimine since I'm HER2+.  So its Taxotere, carboplatin,Herceptin. 6 cycles and then the Herceptin part goes for a year (17 does total) and I'll have radiation for 6weeks.  Every treatment is one closer to the end!  

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    Great way to think about it. I will make a notch in my cancer blasting ray gun with every treatment completed!

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    You warrior sisters are truly wonderful. We are making time for the laughing and the tears.

    Positivethinking I have you on the radar as you take another step in your journey to kick A**.  I wish you well today and sending positive calming energy your way.

    TMM60 thank for the information on your recovery. I also have a seroma near the incision for the SLNB site but it is slowly going down. I wore the binder and compression bra for 2 weeks 24/7 but I am now sleeping without one. My BS was clear no underwire so I went and was fitted for a post surgery bra from Anita.  It was expensive but it is comfortable with great support.  Very soft and I should be able to wear it to work during rads.  Tshirts sound like a great plan while I am home.  Smiles to you today.

    Soteria205 I hope this road will smooth our for you soon and it is great you can manage your own injections. The injections for blood clots is a stinger. Happy thoughts for you as you move forward.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    Pacools~"Stinger" is a great discription. It burns for about a minute or so after injecting. Sometimes as you're injecting. The nurse told me not to rub the site afterwards because its a blood thinner. Good thing she told me that, because you really feel the urge to rub it for a minute.

    TMM60~Do you know about rinsing your mouth several times a day with baking soda/salt mixture? Mix 1TBS of baking soda & 1 TBS of table salt in a quart of water, and rinse at least 4 or 5 times a day. It's a natural healer and is gentle. I make sure to brush with a fluoride toothpaste at leat once a day. The rest of the time I rinse with the mix.



  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2013

    Hi Paula, thanks for the tip about the mouth rinses. Did you find that it prevented the mouth sores and thrush or just helped treat it once it happened? I wondering if I should do it pre-emptively next time?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2013

    TMM60~Absolutely do it pre-emptively! Start on treatment day, and for several days after. I didn't use it like I should after AC 2, and I got really sore gums. I started rinsing and by the end of he day tenderness was gone.

    To prevent thrush, I take an acidophilus every morning starting chemo day and continuing for a week. Of course, its excellent for the digestive tract, so it wouldn't hurt to take it all the time. I also try to eat a yogurt everyday.

    Acidophilus contains the good bacteria that protects us from vaginal yeast infections when we take anti-biotics. Since thrush is yeast the same principle works here.

    Let me know how it works for you.



  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2013

    All right my bone scan is scheduled for tomorrow. I can do this!!! It is going to be a long day with lots of xanax!

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    Wow, there is so much going on here I can barely keep up. My thought is what a brave bunch of women, I am so proud to be one of them with all of you.

    Renee- I am thinking of you, take it easy this weekend. Let DH and kids do for you, rest up please.. much love to you xo

    Ohio thing is pretty ironic, glad I am a Northern Ohioer.. Oh wait I have BC too! damn... Wink

    Postivethnking- thanks for the link I will check it out.

    For all of you with your chemo TXs happening. I hope it goes easy on you, my thoughts are with you. I am not sure how the others feel that arent getting chemo but I feel some jealousy ( thats the wondering am I doing all I need to do), releif ( as it scares the hell out of me) and maybe some guilt for being happy I dont have to have it. I dont know how we are suppossed to feel but I thought I would share as maybe others feel the same. Most of all I am just in 'awe' of how brave you all are.

    TMM60- Are you in Eastern or Western PA?

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2013

    Lots going on!  Wishing you all the best.

    I do plan on taking some time for myself.  Husband has to work Saturday, Girl Scout cookie order pick up (my daughter sold more than 200 boxes) and middle kid has a swim meet on Sunday.  So, I wish it could be a complete laze-about weekend, but it can't be.  Guess I'll get that after surgery.

    Do I need to be worried about UTI with antibiotics administered with surgery?  It's been so long since I've had to think about this kind of thing. And why does chemo cause mouth sores?

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2013

    Lemon68-- you said it perfectly....proud to be part of this group of brave women. :)

    Reneeinohio-- rest and relax this weekend (even with all the activities), as I'm sure you're going to be glad that surgery will be over with soon. You'll have to tell us if you were right or not about the second lump.

    Momtotenkids-- positive thoughts heading your way for your test!

    Scananxiety is so awful! So are "incidental findings" as well. The past two weeks, I've had a random on and off cough (not like a cold) along with a backache and some rib pains. Of course I flipped out and thought of you-know-what. I was lucky to have a clear bone scan this week. I also had a CT angiogram to prep for my upcoming DIEP surgery. Of course it has a finding of a "prominent lung bleb". After freaking out about what the heck a lung bleb was and bugging a radiologist friend that was reassured that it isn't something for me to worry about now. Could this be why a lot of doctors don't scan unless there are symptoms? Either way scananxiety sucks. I guess lung bleb stays, but darn tumor will be evicted shortly!!