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2013 Sister Warriors



  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited June 2013

    Hi strong women! I am interested in joining this forum. I did post a brief note a few days ago. I had my lumpectomy on 6/13/13. My pathology results came back yesterday. Much to my shock, the BS found a 2nd mass - double the size of the original one diagnosed. I am now scheduled for another surgery on 7/9. I am scared. What if other tutors exist in my right breast or worse in my left breast? Should I be considering a mastectomy? Any advice. Thank you. LiLi

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    Scg728 - sorry you are feeling so shaky and just crummy ugh:(. Hydration key to low BP!

    I'm lactose intolerant and drink Atkins protein drinks...make ices to stay hydrated. Try a vanilla with a banana, berries, a little ice in the blender or whatever sounds good...mocha, strawberry...or a good whey protein mixture.

    Also try some Greek organic 0% fat yogurt plus berries...blueberries blackberries strawberries or peaches plus almonds...hi protein :)

    Sending tummy happy thoughts...also soak in a tepid drinks it I ...waist deep:)

    Ok, no more mom! Just in your pocket!



  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    Susan, so sorry that your taste is so affected. I ate a lot of mashed potatoes and noodles, the textures seemed good to me.

    And smoothies made in my little bullet blender, where anything blended with strawberries and a banana tastes just like that- even with kale added. I would dump in a probiotic capsule too. Sounds yuck but went down well and I got nutrition.


  • tallydiver
    tallydiver Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Hi Cuetang and everyone,

    My mom is now on the board and you have just recently welcomed her... Rachelannette

    We are praying for no nodal involvement and are hopeful that the good news will continue.

     Hope all is well

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Hi ladies,

    Welcome to all the new ladies...a sucky club to join, but these forums are a great source of information from a wonderful group of people. I don't post often, but love to read.

    Cuetang - I'm glad your surgery is done! Sorry you are sore :( I hope your healing is fast.

    SherryMarshall - thank you for sharing ;) I guess I am more concerned with being "uneven". Like you, my "nippless" side does make me odd looking lol

    I had my exchange surgery yesterday...went well. I posted on the exchange board for anyone wanting to hear the full story. I think the gals look good. Overall I feel good. Just starting to now (3-4am) feel pain/itching/burning. Not unbearable, just annoying.

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2013

    Hi Susan, I found that chocolate still tasted good- in particular, cupcakes from the local cupcake store was my special treat during chemo. Different flavors of fruit sherbet also a nice way to get fluids as well as lemonade or orange drink. For protein you could try chicken with some spice like fajitas or enchiladas, scrambled eggs (beef tasted horrible to me)

  • encyclias
    encyclias Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2013

    Scg, on my GP's recomendation, I started drinking those balanced nutritional drinks that they give out to patients in hospitals to make sure they have all the nutritional elements they need; vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.  Your choice, vanilla, chocolate or strawberry (for me, chocolate is the best, like a thick 'Yoo Hoo.'  Comes in sugar-free as well.  I still use them sometimes if I have to miss a meal or just don't feel like eating.  Several brands (I use Boost) available in drug stores, supermarkets, WalMart, etc.


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    Momof5kids - yippee! Happy Dance...Exchange complete:). Looking good!

    Sending happy healing thoughts with minimal SEs just smiles!

    Well done brave warrior:)



  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    RMlulu, Sciencegal, TMM60, and encyclias, Thank you so much for all your suggestions! I am willing to try each one! I am able to drink tropical punch Kool-aid (never drank it in my life, LOL) and coffee. Seems like days 3 and 4 are my " not so good days". Tummy still not happy and I feel like I've gone 5 rounds with Mike Tyson...when he was young! Keeping a positive attitude while fogging through the day! Sending warm wishes and gratitude, Susan

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Hi All!

    I told you all I have no I went to Walmart and bought large google eyes, and I am going to scare the poop out of my husband with them. I might even wear them to my next onc appointment! Getting through this with laughter!



  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited June 2013

    What a scream Sherry- LOL!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2013

    LiLi--sorry you have a reason to join us, but glad you have found us.  Unfortunately, it does sometimes happen that follow up surgery is needed.  Will you be having another lumpectomy or has surgeon recommended mastectomy?  Have you had an MRI on your breasts?  What was the result of your node biopsy.  This is very scary, especially not knowing the extent of what you are facing.  Remember that cancer in the breast doesn't kill you--it is when it spreads and metatisizes in organs.  So, whatever the situation in your breast is--they need to get it out.  Fingers crossed your nodes are clear.

    Hello to everyone else.  I have been an infrequent visitor/poster lately. Just trying to keep up with daily life has been hard.  I am exhausted.  Am trying to find time to rest and take it easy and am getting to the point of having to take work off.

  • tallydiver
    tallydiver Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Hi Renee,

    I hope you find rest tonight and that you feel better soon.  


  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited June 2013

    Thank you ReneeinOH for your reply! Hi to all other Sister Warriors! I am scheduled for another lumpectomy on July 9th. I met with oncologist yesterday. She stated that my HER2 is being re-tested to confirm that it is negative. So I am in for more waiting and not really knowing what my journey will be....still trying to wrap my mind around all this new information.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    Hi y'all

    LiLiRI - we will be in your pocket for 7/9...waiting is hard:(. Good surgeons go back to ensure the best care. I was in limbo for a month post lx MRI to determine if good, another lx, or path found 2 Ts confirming preLX MRI and issue of a questionable area was still up for debate. 6 wks later postLX MRI reviewed by T panel and all clear for rads...waiting ugh:(

    Try and stay focus on today. Don't run ahead and spin where you may never have to go...yes it's hard, breathe! Sending calm confident thoughts and for the true condition of your breast to be made known.

    Renee - rest&relax and ask for help when needed. Make yourself #1 good to yourself.

    Sherry - hope your hubby survived the goggle eyes! LOL your MO better be ready luv it!



  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    RMlulu: I asked him if he would look at something that looked weird on my breasts, and lifted my top. He laughed and laughed. He doesn't think my BC humor is always funny, but he liked that one! Laughter gets me through it!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    Sherry.. love that story and yes.. we need humor to get us through this crap dont we?? Thanks for the laugh/

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Thanks ndgirl! Every day is a good day! Enjoy this beautiful Saturday everyone! Hoping for a side effect-free day for all!

    {{{{{{Group Hugs}}}}}}

  • KSil
    KSil Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2013

    That is too funny! Lol

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Hello Sister Warriors,

    In need of some encouragement tonight! Day 6 and I am still hurting, sick,and can't stay awake. My husband was talking with our neighbor who told him her friend was fine in two days, aka what is wrong with me. I tried to explain that different cancers are treated differently and people have different reactions. I am isolated up stairs because he informed me that he could not/would not quit smoking. I already feel like my breathing is labored and my ears hurt for all weird things to have happened. He tends to tell me to tough it out so I never know how important it is to be seen. Probably a bit more info than you asked for, but I really need some encouragement. Thanks!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Sgc - please stay calm. All cancer treatments are different, and everyone responds differently to treatments. I'm sad he will not stop smoking in the house, as I am sure that is pretty tough. I will be praying for you, and for your husband for understanding. Maybe you should show him other threads on this website that show how everyone is reacting so across the board with getting through this. DON'T show him this one, or skip what you wrote! Big love and hugs. I hope and pray things get better!


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    Sgc.. sorry to hear things are especially hard right now.. well tell that neighbor not everyone responds the same way.. so many things to consider on our road to recovery and it isnt a one size fits all! my dr at Mayo said to stay away from smoke and diet soda pop, (because it is hard on our bones and I am now on arimidex which weakens the bones). Wish he would step up to plate and help you cope a little more, I think men react this way sometime because they are scared. I have a friend with stage 4  lung cancer and her husband is just being a "poop". She just had a pet scan and she is now free of cancer!! isnt that a great miracle story?? So she pushed thru without his understanding and made it!! Stay strong but so glad you can vent on this board, after all we are all going down the road on this darn journey and all our paths are different! I will be keeping you in thought and prayer!

  • carolpr56
    carolpr56 Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2013

    Hey SGC, you hang in there, ok? make the upstairs your fortress, heck, move a fridge and microwave in there ; ). The social worker in me wants to try to solve the problem, lol, but I know better. You have to be your own best advocate, and none of us can know how it is best for you to deal with this except to tell you to take care of YOU! And pray.

    I had DCIS 4 years ago, r mx but no chemo/rads as not invasive/no lymph node involvement. It will take me a few weeks to find out what my future treatment will be - but it's because I'm choosing to take a 2 week trip I had planned already (with the bs and mo's blessings). That's a gift I can give myself, one of the things I still have some control over. After that I might be joining you in the Feel Like Crap department.

    So, do whatever you can for yourself, ok? Your continued strength and use of the support here encourages ME to do the same!


  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2013

    Sgc728, you have permission to disregard anything anyone says or does that is not supportive or helpful to you in some way.  You have to take care of you.  It's unfortunate that others can't always understand or rise to the occasion. 

    carolpr56, glad you are getting your trip in.  Leave all this cancer stuff at home.  It can wait. 

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Carol- enjoy your trip! Be safe!

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited June 2013

    RMlulu - Thank you for your words of encouragement. I truly appreciate it. It is a tough journey, which is made easier with warm thoughts from strong women!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Free hats and other items.

    ~The American Cancer Society has a lot of help for cancer patients, from classes to goodies. You can get gas mileage reimbursement if you have to travel a certain number of miles per year medical for appointments, and they will send you a $25.00 card to get started.

    ~Heavenly Hats will send you a package of hats. Keep in mind, these are donated - some will work for your style and some may not but heck, it's free. It was started by a kid and has grown to be a wonderful service for those who have lost their hair.

    ~Fill a Heart offers a free, heart-shaped pillow which comes in very handy after a mastectomy.

    ~If you have had a mastectomy and lymph surgery, you are forever at risk for lymphodema. You cannot have blood pressure taken or blood drawn from that arm. If you are going into the hospital and want to remind medical personal of the risks, you can get a free bracelet from

    ~The Livestrong Foundation offers free downloadable materials, as well as guidebook that will help you navigate your cancer experience. You pay for shipping on the book. Cleaning for a Reason will provide three free housecleaning services for people undergoing chemotherapy. You have to fax a note from your doctor. May be overbooked in some areas, (like mine) but is a very necessary service for those who can take advantage.

    ~People undergoing active chemotherapy can receive little treats from the Chemo Angels. There is an application process, and you can sign up for a family member to surprise them.

    ~The National Institute for Health or the Susan Komen Foundation is a great place to start finding these grants. They offer financial help to pay for medication, travel, medical costs, even rent.

    ~Casting for Recovery is a fabulous organization which offers weekend retreats for breast cancer people and teaches them fly fishing. Its a great bonding weekend where you have a blast, learn a new skill, and are spoiled by the volunteers who put it together. They offer retreats around the country and some overseas. ~Stowe Weekend of Hope - is held the first weekend of May in Stowe, VT. It is a great weekend for people with any type of cancer and is free to first time attendees. You get put up in a local hotel and attend a three day weekend of events. As it started as a breast cancer event, Friday is dedicated to breast cancer sessions.

    ~Cancer Care is also a good resource. They have one time a year grants for gas of $100, and another grant through the Avon Foundation for cancer related drugs of around $350 per year.

    ~First Descents They have kayaking, climbing, and surf trips for cancer survivor and fighters. I really enjoyed it when I went and was totally free. They even help with airfare if needed. They are flexible on the age requirements too.

    ~Little Pink Houses of Hope to this list. They offer free weeklong breast cancer retreats on the beach for patients and their families. Totally free and wonderfully amazing!

    ~Compassion Partners in Orlando offers free tickets to Universal Studios Orlando. They just need some time to process your request but they provide tickets for 2 adult family members and 3 children to visit Sea World or Universal and also an assistance pass so you can bypass the long lines.

    I hope some of these help some of you. There are so many resources online for us all. {{{{{{Group Hugs}}}}}}

  • hockeymommy
    hockeymommy Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    hello everyone,

    I have recently been diagnosed with IDC. I am waiting for an appointment with the surgeon. The waiting is driving me crazy!! I feel useless, i feel like I should be doing something.... ugggghhh.  What should I expect next? I am 31 with 4 beautiful children, I am terrified!!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2013

    hockeymom... oh sorry you have to join us here, but these boards are wonderful for gals like us. I am fairly new to the boards as I had my surgery in April. Waiting is tough, you will find so much usefull info here. So much depends on what drs say. I was diagnosed with idc as well, but remember the dr saying "dont freak out on the word invasive, it doesnt mean it has spread to other parts of your body, just that is has broken out of the duct in the breast". I was comforted by that somewhat.. as much as I could be anyway. Try not to panic too much, I know that sounds useless doesnt it? You are very young and I hope you dont have to wait long for appts. What tests have you had so far? 

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hockeymommy - Welcome so glad that you have found this strong band of sister warriors, but so sorry that you must...ugh cancer. This is an amazing thread with solid info on this site.

    Use your the section on dx and list of questions to ask.

    Research your options for an excellent BC team. Visit your BC center check out Drs, services, support groups. Be open to ask for help super hockey mom...update the lipstick...! Set-up a folder to hold your info and journal your thoughts. Find an appointment buddy (hubby/BFF) ...then breathe!

    Update your profile so others may come up along side you.

    Visit a thread for women in their 30s ...check it out.

    Breathe, you will be can do this...others will be offer helping hands...say yes:)

    Focus on today! Do not get ahead of need to rehearse something you may never need to do...just breathe...I can do this today

    Sending calm confident thoughts and prayers

