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2013 Sister Warriors



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Rachelannette - we are in your pocket today {{{squeeze}}} during you lx.

    Sending speedy healing thoughts and prayers for clear nodes and margins!

    Take care brave warrior!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Happy Hump Day Sister Warriors,

    It's been a few days since I posted and I wanted to stop by and say hi. After the severe adverse reaction I had to my first round of chemo, my oncologist decided to let my body rest an extra week, change my meds, and try again next Thursday with a much smaller dosage. So, sending hugs and healing thoughts to all, keeping you in my prayers and wishing everyone a day of sunshine, Susan

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I've been wondering how everyone is doing.  I have to admit it has been difficult for me to keep up lately.  I had a business meeting with someone that is an aquaintance (more than just a business relationship, but not quite to friendship status), and she asked me how I was doing.  It was nice to tell her the cancer was out of me, and working to keep it gone.  She was one who kind of freaked when I told her what was going on.  Not in a bad way, but didn't know what to say, and despite me sharing that they caught it early, she was one who reacted as if was facing a death sentence.  I'm not ready for people to write my obit yet.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    People are so bad about not knowing what to say- and then avoiding us because they don't - or maybe think it is contagious!!


    Thanks for starting this topic!

  • Donnabelle
    Donnabelle Member Posts: 140
    edited July 2013

    It is hard to know how to answer that common question "how are you?" nowadays. Do people really want to know about my chemo fatigue and stomach pains and heartburn and surgery aftermath.......or am I just supposed to give the standard "oh, I'm good, how are you?" In a lot of ways, I don't want to impose my problems on anyone, or bore them with details they don't need or want, but neither can we ignore this elephant in the room. Plus I get tired of cancer being my #1 topic recently. Blah! Don't like calling all this attention to myself and don't want to be the "oh, she's the one who's going thru cancer treatment" person. I guess this too shall pass.

    Good news is chemo is done as of Wednesday and cancer is gone and I'm not letting it back in!!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Donnabelle - Congrats on completing chemo yippee Ooo who! Happy Dancing for you!

    Dragon more...princess warrior hero!

    Yes, how am I? I've been Kickin butt and am ready to glow in my victory! Today, I am GREAT:)

    You did good:)



  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2013

    Hi my strong sisters. I had my 2nd surgery on Tuesday. Now waiting for the pathology report.....hoping for clear margins...otherwise mastectomy. I feel like I was hit by a bus, but I continue to stay strong. You are all an inspiration for me.

    The whole "how are you?" is difficult to respond far I reply "ok" rather than giving my friends and family the down and dirty on the whole process. This method saves me energy...which I need each day.

    Continued strength to all.


  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Lisa, I am sending positive thoughts for an "all clear" report.

    When people have asked how I am doing, I have shared, but the reactions I have gotten--I could figure out who really wanted to hear the details, and who wanted a simple response.  But, I decided I wasn't going to try to hide what is going on with me.  And, after some time has passed from surgery, I am finding it is not an issue so much anymore--just the occasional person that I haven't run into for a while.

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2013

    Donnabelle! You did it! Now let us know how it is on the other side of chemo!

    LiLi - I'm praying for feel better days for you!

    Love and hugs to you all!


  • TripleNTifferella
    TripleNTifferella Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Back on July 8th, I had posted about my upcoming appointment w/the MCO. You ladies were so sweet. No one could answer my questions but so many of you responded with kind words and thoughts. Some referred me to the TNB boards. I went there and no one even said hello LOL Thought I would at least follow-up about my appointment as it could happen to anyone w/BC not just someone w/TNBC.

    I went to my follow-up appointment on Wednesday and my husband and I finally got the MOC concerned enough with the size of my 'lump' to order an U/S which I had yesterday. After having the U/S the Radiologist immediately had me have a mammogram. Results showed significant growth of my tumor. Double in size from March to now. And the tests show lymph node involvement. I was so angry because I had been telling my MOC for 6-8 weeks that my tumor had felt harder and larger. he just kept telling me it was probably scar tissue. Saw the surgeon today and now I am scheduled for a Modified Radical MX and removal of all lymph nodes. When the initial plan was a Lumpectomy. The surgeon is even skipping the SNB at this point. I am scared but so thankful for my faith in the Lord and that I have an amazing support group.

    I have been praying for you ladies. Just remember we have to be our own advocates. If you think something is wrong then speak up. We know our bodies.

    Love & Blessings Tiffany

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Oh Tiffany, I'm sorry to hear about your tumor growth, but glad you have a plan in place to deal with it.  When is surgery for you? This is scary stuff, but you will find the strength to deal with what comes your way.

  • Donnabelle
    Donnabelle Member Posts: 140
    edited July 2013

    Thank you all for the happy words for me for finishing chemo. I must say that this 4th round has hit me a lot harder than the first three, but I don't care because it is done!! Tamoxifen won't start till the end of August.

    Tiffany, you will handle this challenge. Sounds like you have great support from your husband. You are strong and can get through this. Let us know the surgery date so that we can all be sending power and strength your way. Take advantage of all the help friends and family offer. This is your time now to focus on you.

    Blessings to all!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Hi Tiffany, I am sorry you are going through this. dang it. We are there for you, so many of us have been through it. Please ask questions and we can try to help if possible.

    I HATE it when the doctors will not listen to us. They should be ashamed of themselves. I had a lumpy breast and pain for several years and they kept saying "dense breast tissue". Wrong.

    Donnabelle congratulations, on a happier note-so glad that you are done!

    Happy weekending without treatments sister warriors. I am so happy to have two days off of radiation. Yay!!!


  • TripleNTifferella
    TripleNTifferella Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Thank you Renee, Donna and Gal for your words of encouragement. And congratulations Donnabelle on finishing chemo! I can hear the bell ringing :)

    My surgery is scheduled for July 18th @ 10:30 a.m.

    Lets beat Cancer!!

    Love & Blessings,


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Tiff - glad you have a plan in place and are moving forward. We are our best advocate and know are bodies...

    We will be in your pocket on Thursday:) sending calm confident thoughts and prayers...

    Breathe, you can do this brave warrior!



  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2013

    Tiff, sorry about the drs not listening to you, who knows your body better than you do! Glad you have a plan of action, you will be on my prayer list and top of list on the 18th! You will come thru surgery just fine, I dont think anyone was more scared then I was.. I will be 3 months out on July 16th, which just happens to be our 47th wedding anniversary so guess I better celebrate! Good luck and feel the prayers heading your way.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Wow 47 years ndgirl?! That is awesome; early congratulations!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Tiff, so sorry that your doctors didn't listen to you! Thank you for sharing your story. You gave me the courage to stand up for myself and tell "them" what I want, not what they want! You are so correct in saying we know our bodies! I will meet with my breast surgeon on the 31st and change the game plan to my game plan; surgery now, chemo after. Everyone makes a personal decision and mine has always been to have a mx. I will keep you in my prayers and am sending you ((((hugs))))) and healing thoughts. Susan

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies!  I've been reading but haven't had a chance to post too much (too many non-cancer things going on...that's a good thing, right?  Laughing)

    Renee-- my colleague who sits in the desk next to me was diagnosed with a cancer of an unknown primary about 2 months before I found out I had BC.  After reading your post, I thought back to how I reacted after she told me about it (her's actually metasticized to her lungs), and I quite frankly don't think I gave a good reaction either.  Maybe your acquaintence was also thinking that if it could happen to you, it could happen to anyone (like them?).  I'm like you -- I'm so not ready to have my obit written for at least a few more decades!  Tongue Out

    Lisa-- I hope you got good news from your path report!  Like Renee, my answers vary from person to person when asked "how are you?".  If giving a short non-answer is the way to go to handle this, then go for it!  Just make sure you have that person to confide to from time-to-time just so you don't get weighed down by this.  And for sure, if you need a "ear", we're here!

    Tiff-- oh BOOOO on the news.  We're all in those pockets of yours for your surgery tomorrow.  Check back in with us when you feel up for it. 

    NDgirl-- woohoo, congrats on the 47 years!  Hope you had a great anniversary celebration.

    RMlulu and Sgc-- hope you guys are doing well! 

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Went for my 3 month check up w/breast surgeon--still all clear.  Wasn't really sure what to discuss so it was a pretty quick visit.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Good evening Ladies,

    Cue- glad other things are keeping you busy!

    Renee- hooray! Such Great news that I have to do my happy dance for you!

    We got some awful news today about my father-in-law. His cancer is stage 4 and with chemo they gave him 12-18 months. I don't know why he was given a time frame, seems unfair to me. My husband isn't dealing well at all. Things here are just plain sad.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Sorry to hear about your f-i-l Susan.  They may have given him a time frame so he can get his affairs in order.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hi y'all

    Renee - congrats on 3 month check...all good! All clear:)

    Tiff - pockets still full...speedy healing good path report {squeeze}

    Cuetang - here's to happy busy! Glad thing are going well for you ...enjoying the new ride and pup:)

    Susan - sorry about your FIL sending prayers for you and your family.

    NDgirl - happy anniversary Ooo who 47!

    Lisa - hoping you as doing ok :)

    Just swallowed my official 2 months HT pill all is good:)

    Happy Summertime :)

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sister Warriors!  Hope you are all doing well.

    Met w/the PS this week and got instructions for surgery.  Outpatient, should take two hours for the TE exchange and small implant and lift on the native.  Was told to be off work for a week, should start feeling like myself a couple days after surgery.  Best part: no drains (most likely)!  My kids start back to school during my recovery, so I'm going to have to get all their school supplies, clothes shopping done before then.  Looking forward to surgery so I can SLEEP.  Hoping it resets my body clock and I'll start sleeping through the night again. 

    The funniest part (to me anyway): They sit you up in surgery to see how you look w/the implants in.  For me, they are going to have some sizers to figure out what to put in on my native size to be symmetrical w/the MX side, so I'll probably be up and down up and down. 

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited July 2013


    I'm newly diagnosed as of 7/5

    Getting team and plan of attack ready.

    How are you all doing , would like to know where you are and how you've managed.


  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Hi Renee- Cool! You will be so glad to be rid of that tissue expander. I know I sure was!!!

    Vivian, I am really sorry about your diagnosis but welcome to the club. There are some truly amazing women here with so much advice. They helped me through every step.

    What will you have first. surgery or chemo?

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Renee-- another "yay!" to getting those tissue expanders out.  I'm sure you're ready to have them out so you can enjoy the rest of the summer not having to think about it.  The sitting up and down thing is pretty funny.

    RMlulu--yippee on the 2 month HT pill.  Hopefully within a blink of an eye, we'll be done with the HT pills and have BC done with! =P

    Vivian -- glad you found us!  Each one of us has done different things and different treatments since our diagnosis, so I'm pretty sure one of us can chime in with our respective experiences if you have any particular questions.  I found the time between my diagnosis and surgery the most difficult, but after my treatment plan was set (though I did question my doctors plenty on that), I felt that I was in a better place.  There are most certainly ups and downs still, but this board in particular has been great in allowing me a place to vent and advice when I did need it.  Good luck in the next few steps, and we'll be here when you need it!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hi y'all

    Vivian - welcome! But sorry that you must join us...ugh c:(

    This is an amazing thread with great warriors and info. Update your profile to help us better answer your questions. You can see by our profiles all different..all doable.

    The waiting is the hardest so use your time to form the best BC team, read the info on this site mr goggle...write down your questions, find an appointment buddy, set up your BC file...and then breathe! We will be in your pocket {{{squeeze}}}. You will be fine brave warrior. Sending calm confident thoughts :)

    Renee - Ooo who the TE is coming out! Didn't know they lift you up to check the lay of the new girls...guess that makes sense...seems funny thinking about checking them out...:) back to school time oh my...enjoy the last days of summer...what a year!

    Cuetang - how's the ride...does the pup help you get a good walk in..glad life has got itself back into routine...:). There's a lot to be said about enjoying life and squeezing the full measure out each day!

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sisters -

    RMlulu - Thank for your thoughts! Clean margins finally. I meet with Oncologist Thursday to determine chemo and/or rad..I am happy that you are feeling OK on the Tamoxifen....

    Welcome Vivian! Breathe...I was diagnosed in May - and it has been a rollercoaster. I have read so much and the thoughts and feelings of the strong women on this site have helped me so much...try not to get too overwhelmed, but knowledge is power.

    Renee - Good news about expander removal!

    Thinking of you all and sending hugs!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sister Warriors,

    Great news LiLi! I couldn't be happier for you!

    Yea Renee - saying goodbye to the expanders must have tickled you pink (oops...pun not intended). So thrilled for you.

    Vivian- so glad you found the sisters! Best group of women I have ever met! The advice is right on and you will never meet a more compassionate group. I don't know how I could have made it this far without them (and I still have a ways to go).

    Had a wonderful birthday on Sunday! It was great to have a day not thinking about BC. Picking up my SIL tonight- she is my champion and is going with me to the BS tomorrow to find out when my surgery will take place. This is a regrouping meeting as I have chosen to have a mastectomy followed by chemo/rads. Wish me luck!

    My FIL is doing pretty well. He just had his first chemo and was only down for 2 days! I am in awe of his stamina as he is 81 years young.

    My DH is still trying to cope with his dad and I having cancer. With all the stress he started going grey! I told him to rock the bald head like me!

    Hope ya'll are enjoying summer as best you can,
