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2013 Sister Warriors



  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2013

    Tallydiver-- always good to get a second opinion on things.  I'm not too sure about the triple negative and BRCA thing.  I was glad I did because I liked my second surgeon so much better than my first.  One step at a time and soon it will be done.  I think the time between diagnosis and surgery and the mental part of it was worse than having a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction!  I did read somewhere along my BC journey that those that are BRCA1 positive seem to have higher instances of being triple negative -- but don't quote me on that one.

    MotherT-- *hugs*  Treatment will be sucky, but we're all here for ya and sending positive BC-kicking thoughts along your way.  Your BS is a wise one, you can't let BC rule your life -- Disney and 25th anniversary celebrations are a must!   Congrats on the anniversary!  Laughing

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    MotherT - So hard when BC doesn't go according to our hopes and plans. Your BS is wise...go...celebrate your 25th Anniversary in the happiest place 'Disneyland' :))). Congrats!

    I took a month vacation between surgery and treatment and made those 4 weeks a NO BC zone. Wonderful, just focused on today! Told everyone to ask all they wanted before we left because i would not discuss BC until my return appt with MO. Everyone respected the off limits request and I had a fun R&R time of healing and recouping :))). Life felt normal:D

    Ask your hubby to read the Breast Cancer Husband...very good!

    Sending calm healing thoughts for speedy healing and a wonderful celebration of 25 yrs of love!



  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2013

    Oh MotherT, I wish you were dealing with better news from the surgery.  Sounds like you have a great team. And we will be here for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited June 2013

    MotherT~~I went into surgery in October with them expecting to find a 1.5 cm tumor and one or two nodes involved. When I went for my pathology report a week later, I was stunned to learn that the tumor was 5.6 cm and that out of 16 nodes, 13 were positive. I don't think I spoke 2 words to DH all the way home, but by the end of he day and after giving myself a pep talk I was ready to SLAY THIS DRAGON!!!

    Friday I will be 5 weeks post final chemo or pfc. I start rads on Friday.

    I got AC (Adria/cytoxan) 4 treatments. Every three weeks. Then 12 weekly taxol.

    If you have any questions or I can help in any way, please let me know.



  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Hi All, So I was told to get my dental issues fixed before everything goes into motion. I had teeth extracted on June 7th. I am still dealing with pain and swollen gums. Since my dentist is on vacation and today is Wed., I don't have anyone to check it or order antibiotics for me. I am scheduled for a port placement at 8 am on Friday and my first chemo infusion on Monday. I called the surgeon and chemo doc's offices, but no one is there to advise me. ( They golf on Wednesdays too. LOL) Anyone think all of this might be cancelled due to possibility of infection? I'm tired of waiting and am really trying to work on patience, but it is so hard! Just wanted some thoughts. I hope you all are finding your sunshine today! Susan

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited June 2013

    Sgc~~Try using a baking soda/salt mixture. 1 TBS baking soda & 1 TBS salt in a quart of water. Rinse several times a day. Even if you were getting antibiotics this won't hurt. It makes for a healthy mouth & gums. I did it all thru chemo.


  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2013

    Hi Ladies.  I just found this thread last night and decided to join your group.  I wish I had found you 6 months ago, but I was operating on automatic pilot. I am 56.  I had annual mammo in Oct 2012 where they discovered identical spots in each breast.  I was in shock for a few weeks and then had biopsy.  I already knew results because bc had already attacked my mom, 2 aunts, and a sister in the past.  I waited 8 longs days for the result, which was a planned phone call.  I worked at home that day so that I could scream in private.  When I got the call and the expected results, I could not scream.  You see it was Fri. Dec 14,  For those of you in the USA, you may remember the day of the masacreat the elementary school in CT.  So as the doctor was asking me if I was OK, I could only think about the parents of those kids.  I told the dr that I was ok because I was alive and was only dealing with bc, I could not feel sorry for myself at that point.  Later that evening I did get mad when I realized that they did not give me any info about my cancer type or stage and told me to get specifics from surgeon (another 6 day wait). 

    Here is my roller coaster ride.  BS said that tumors were small and probably stage 1.  With extensive family history, bilateral mastectomy was recommended with no chemo.  Then told me about immediate reconstruction options using belly fat.  Free tummy tuck.  Yippee. Met with PS, "rockstar in DC".  Totally impressed. Then came to earth after thinking about 6 weeks plus sick time off for surgery in Jan not possible.  BS said to do lumpectomy now, full surgery end of year.  Surgery on 2/7, Go to sleep happy about plans.  2/14 find out stage 2b,with 2/8 pos lymph nodes.  Chemo required and maybe radiation.  Totally bummed.  THe thought of poison cursing through my veins causing heart damage, and bone damage totally freaked me out.  My sister and friends still suffer from damage.  Fortunately, I am the big sis who always takes care of stuff for everyone else, so I limited my freaking out period to a few days. I started my 4 doses of AC on 3/19. I get Neulasta shot next morning. I lost most hair 2 weeks after first treatment.  THis was important milestone because I am African American who had never cut my thick, long hair.  I now have 6 wigs.  I had first of 4 Taxotere doses on 6/11.  I chose not to take weekly Taxol.  I still get Neulasta.  I did not have problems with AC until last dose. Spent weekend in bathroom.  Had bad body aches and horrible mouth this weekend after TAxotere.  Did not know that Neulasta was contributor to body aches.  I researched the chemo, not the drugs that were supposed to keep me healthy.  Fortunately, I found info from the great warriors on the bulletin board about Claritin and Benadryl.  I now feel almost normal, except that I must still take imodium at least once a day. 

    The main things that keep me going are my faith that God will get me through, my loving family and friends and the knowledge that this is BEATABLE.  One of my coworkers has had BC 4 times.  The first 3 times was within a 5 year period.  The last time was 15 years later.  That was 6 years ago and she is still kicking butt. 

    Keep the faith ladies.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Soteria: thanks for the mixture for my mouth! I will see the dentist in an hour and find out if I have an infection. If I do, all bets are off and my port and chemo will be rescheduled. My chemo doc goes on vacation Tuesday, so who knows!

    Hi Gwenny! I'm pretty new here, but wanted to welcome you to this fabulous group of fighters! This is my go to place for hand holding, hugs, information, and encouragement!

    All Sisters: My father-in-law has his CAT for lung cancer today. Please keep us in your prayers!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    GwennyMD - Welcome and thank you for sharing your story! Sorry that our numbers keep growing, but together we stand strong. Hang in there...each day is another step to a new normal cancer free!

    Sgc728 - keeping your FIL in prayer:). Best Wishes at dentist...fingers&toes crossed for no infection and port on schedule! Rest and heal.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Thanks RMlulu! All is set for tomorrow at 8! Can't say I'm looking forward it the procedure, but will go quietly so I can kick cancer's butt! Moving forward...Yea!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Hello all!

    Sitting in my room getting my first chemo dosage, and I am feeling fine. I know there will be days that I feel not so fine, but I take small steps. Everyone here (VCU -Stony Point, Richmond, VA) is so friendly and they feed you snacks and drinks. Always doting on their patients and family members. I brought my IPad, so I could keep up with all the posts on here that I follow. I am so glad I found all of you!

    Keep positive and smile often! Has worked for me so far, and I hope it continues!



  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Evening all!

    Getting the Neulasta shot tomorrow. Taking my Claritin tonight, just like everyone has said. That is the most of my worries right now. I figure if I don't think about being sick, I will not get sick.

    Prayers any hugs for you all!


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    Hi Sherry

    Welcome and we'll be in your pocket during chemo. Sending no worry no nausea thoughts and prayers your way! Sleep well brave warrior.



  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Hi Cindy!

    Feeling a tad bit of reflux tonight with a little nausea. I took my Claritin and nausea meds and am now in the bed. Positive thoughts for all. I have cancer, but it doesn't have me. Sweet and pleasant dreams to all!



  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2013

    Sherry-- love the attitude, keep it up sister warrior! Hang in there!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Happy Weekend Sisters!

    I had my port inserted yesterday! As I was told by several, it wasn't awful as I assumed. The surgeon was great as were the hospital staff. I am now in love with the with them all. Yes, I am a bit sore, but it is not a big deal. I slept until 2 am this morning and went back to sleep at 3 am, woke at 7:30 feeling pretty good ! Thank you all for your words of encouragement, prayers, and support. I will receive my first infusion on Monday and will bring you with me for more warrior power! Hope your day is filled with sunshine and smiles,


  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Hi GwennyMD,  Just wanted to welcome you!  I am also pretty new to the board finding out on a general mammogram in Feb that I had the big C and had to have a MX and opted for TE replacement at the same time in March.  I am sort of like the matriarch so it is sort of funny trying to take care of myself and continue to try to fix the rest of the family.  I live alone-but although I am dealing with this issue--everyone still comes to me for support--especially financial support.  Heck, I am on disability for now at 40% of my pay but my many of my family will tell me how sorry they are that I am ill but follow up with--"Can you help me out, I am in this fix?" I am still working on a fix for that but meanwhile trying to stay positive about the state of my health. Okay sort of went on side trip and started to ramble.  Getting back,  I had a choice of getting a lumpectomy with chemo and rads or do the MX with the possibility of only meds.  I chose the MX and now am only on the Arimidex.  Of course, I am dealing with the side effects of this and still in the process of reconstruction througout the summer.

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Sgc: I am so glad you have not had too much trouble with the port. Mine went fine also. I had chemo #1 Thursday, and have had minimal (knock on wood) SE. I did feel a wee bit nauseous Friday night. Saturday, I felt like I was in a chemo coma. I slept on and off for most of the day. I will take that over everything else though. I will be thinking of you tomorrow, and know all will go fine! Keep smiling!

    dwill: I feel your pain with being the matriarch, and unfortunately, it is not my grown children, but the other people in my family. I hope I can get all of this under control now, so that after I heal I will be free of that!



  • Malika79
    Malika79 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013

    Im with with you and we are gona Destroy this thing together!

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Hi is has been a very long time since I have posted, but I do read and follow these boards regularly.  HUGS to all those newly diagnosed.  I can't believe how many new members are on this board :(

    I have been doing well.  Had my SNSBMX in February - other than some cording that went well and after 6 weeks had full range of motion.  I was put on Tamoxifen 4 weeks out. MO saw me 4 weeks later and then dismissed me for a year - he said being that I am very low on the ER scale (just 5%) he was not sure if I would get a great benefit from Tamoxifen or not, but, he wanted to try.  I hope it is working!   As for SE with Tamoxifen, well, no night sweats, but I am exhausted and can't remember a brain is in a fog.  Not sure if that is an SE or stress LOL. 

    I say I had"SNS" mastectomy, but, I lost one of my idea why. Has anyone else had this.  Anyway, I guess I should not cry over a lost nipple, but it does make me sad as the nipple that survived looks so good.  So now I have an areola on one side...with no nip.  My PS said she would "try" to build a new one, and then said maybe see Vinnie.  If I needed two nips, maybe, but I want to have some projection there...I want to be "even".  I go on Wednesday for my swap to gel implants.  I will be very happy to get these TE out. I was joking with my PS that a man must have invented these awful things...she said "actually, it was.  He got the idea watching his wife grow while pregnant"...Figures LOL   

    Anyway, I go Wednesday for my swap.  I will be getting silicone.  I am hoping in the next 5-10 years I can swap them out form something softer and warmer, like my own fat.  I have been watching the trials they are doing in the UK and Australia, and it is remarkable what they are doing.   But for now, silicone will suffice.  My PS did a good job, even with the TE and the alloderm, I have a nice natural droop, so I am hopeful they will look even better with the implants...I hope they feel better too!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2013

    Momof5kids-- oh no, that nipple ultimately didn't make it? :(. I'm hoping someone else can chime in with some useful info. (Hugs). Best wishes on Wednesday! It will be exciting to get rid of those TEs. I'm actually sitting in Inova Fairfax right now waiting for my revision surgery. We are certainly working our way to getting this BC crap behind us!

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Cuetang...I just posted "Good Luck" to you on the NoVa thread.  I will be and Fairfax INOVA as well. And no, the darn thing hung on for THREE months, but did not make it.  Kind of annoyed.

  • Rachelannette
    Rachelannette Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2013

    Hello everyone. This is my first post, as I am newly diagnosed. I will have surgery on July 10. I will have a lumpectomy with intrabeam radiation during surgery. I will have followup hormone therapy. I am also awaiting results of  the gene test.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Rachelannette - glad you found us, but sorry that you must join us. Great group of warriors. Come join us in the lumpectomy lounge. You will be find...the hard part is the wait so use it to your advantage. Have fun and focus on each day:)

    Sgc - in your pocket...hope your 1st chemo goes well (((hugs)))

    Cuetang & Renee - exchange time...sending happy tit for tat thoughts tat your exchanges go well and you are pleased with the final results...a long time warriors:)

    Dwill - just say no...take good care of sis pay to say no, not now, maybe later...excuse me, but i cant believe what your asking me? We're standing with you:)

    Momto5kids - sorry about the nipple:( but here's to your implants:) sounds lie you do have a fine ps.

    Sherry - hope you are feeling ok and chemo land is not so frightening with a pocket full of warriors (((squeeze)))

    Happy Monday Warriors!



  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2013

    Hello Sisters

    I hope that all had a great weekend.

    To those of you having surgery or other procedures this week, I will keep you in my prayers.

    Rachelannette - I am sorry that you are a new member.  However, we are all planning to kick bc's but so you can get support her at any time.  I read the posts in a few forums for a couple of weeks before I joined.  I had lumpectomyin both breasts on Thursday, and returned to work the following Tuesday.  Swelling lasted for a couple of weeks and range of motion was limited.  Since I normally wear pullover sweaters, I had to buy a few button down shirts.  It went according to plan.  I had a female surgeon who made sure that she hid the scars in my areolas.  The girls almost look normal.

    Dwill/Sherrymarsh - Ladies this is the time for you to start putting yourselves first.  I made announcement last year that I planned to retire in couple of years so everyone would have to find a new bank.  Most requests have ceased.  Since I also live alone, I rarely answer the phone.  They get the message.

    Keep the faith warriors. 

    Have a Great Week.

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Sisters,

    Well chemo 1 was completed yesterday! Whoo hoo! Did fine with the new (and tender/ sore) port. Last night was when the stomach started to get a little tipsy and start cramping. No biggie, I got back to sleep easily. One of you wonderful women, probably several, had told me about day 2. I am in such a chemo fog today. I am not even able

    To type well. For some reason my hands are shaking. Anyone have a similar situation? Thanks for your prayers, hugs, and keeping me in your pocket! Have a sunshine day, Susan

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2013

    Momof5kids-- thanks for the well wishes! I'm back home and really sore from everything, but otherwise great. Your turn tomorrow! :)

    Rmlulu and GwennyMD-- thanks for the wishes and happy thoughts!

    Sgc728-- yay for having chemo 1 down your belt! Another step towards kicking the BC in the rear end. Hopefully someone can chime in regarding your shaking hands.

    Rachelannette-- like Cindy said, welcome, but sorry you had to join us. Good luck with your surgery and treatment. All of us here have done different things in terms of treatment, but we've learned a lot this year so feel free to chime in with any questions!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Hi all!

    Six days after, and all I feel are cramp-like symptoms each day.

    I do know the key to the Neulasta shot is to keep moving. If I sat still, I felt like my knees and hips were going to lock up. Still taking the Claritin.

    I cut my hair super short last night, and everywhere I go people say how much they like it. They could be liars, but I'll take it!

    Gwenny and Rmlulu: your positive thoughts were just what I needed! Thanks for being in my back pocket!

    Malika79: sending smiles and hugs your way. I promised myself years ago that "every day is a good day", and I live by that!

    Sgc and Cuetang: thinking of you and praying for no SE.

    Rachelannette: I'm glad you found these wonderful ladies, and we have been there or done that...oh, and I'm sure most have tons of shirts to prove it (pink ribbon)

    Momof5: sorry about the nipple. If it makes you feel any better, I do not have nipples or areolas on either side. When I go to take a shower, it makes me giggle. Looks real strange. After chemo, my OS will build me nipples and her practitioner does her tattooing.

    I really hope all goes well for everyone this week! {{{{{{{{{{{{Group Hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Welcome Rachelannette!  Sorry that you had to join this exclusive club but this is a wonderful group of people and someone will always be here for you.

    RMlula and GwennyMD, I have the opportunity to practice saying, 'NO!"  Going on a weekend vacation and another family member would like to go to but is broke.  If she goes it would means I would have to pay the way for both of us.  This relative is married and I'm single--go figure.  Hoping I don't cave in before this weekend but it helps to have you guys standing behind me.  Okay--now I need to stop feeling guilty for wanting to say, NO.  My relative did say if it was too much--she would understand.  Okay, I am going to tell her...

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2013

    Hi Sisters,

    Today has been quite a day! Everything my husband brought at the grocery tastes awful! He bought all my favorite treats, good things to eat, etc... I drink homemade iced tea (house wine of the south) - not any longer! I don't drink soda, but tried his....yulk! Even Popsicles have a funny taste. Right now I am left with water. Any suggestions are more than welcome! Lactose intolerant , but I do some dairy in very small amounts. My blood pressure is very low and my hands are shaking because the nurse told me yesterday that I have to eat more! I'm wiped out and really can't go to the store myself, so I appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks! Susan