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2013 Sister Warriors



  • hockeymommy
    hockeymommy Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    At this point right now I have had a mamo, ultra sound and core needle biopsy of the rt breast and the lymphnode. My pathology report sounds like it is written in but what I got from the findings is it invasive ductal carcinoma in the right breast and lymph node tissue negative for metastatic malignancy.  The biopsy of 'lester' the lump is measuring 2.63x1.93x2.49 cm.  The cancer clinic called my dr, and said I need to see the surgeon first. The pathology report also says estrogen receptor protien shows moderate to strong nuclear positivity. I have a wonderful support system that I know I can lean on. I am a person who wants to show everyone that I am tough and will kick this things butt....but... inside I am scared as heck.

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Hockeymommy-- I echo the others' sentiments of you joining us here, but you'll find lots of great info and support. It sucks getting this cancer in our 30s (I'm 33). It's alright to feel scared as is a freaky thing! You will be getting a lot of information thrown at you in the next few weeks and decisions that need to be made. Make sure you have another person going with you to these appointments....there is only so much you can "hear". That other person can take notes for you or ask questions that you may not think of.

    There is also a group call Young Survival Coalition (YSC) with ladies diagnosed with breast cancer under 40 you may also want to check out. Depending where you are, there are local meet ups they do and there are plenty of young mothers there that can help provide support and info for handling this as well.

    Of course...we are here to listen as well! (Hugs)

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Sgc-- I hope you're feeling better! Now is the time to say screw it to folks that think they know how you should feel or to suck it up. They aren't going through what you are--- and its the time to be selfish .... taking care of yourself is key. Keep that fighting cap on, kick chemo in the rear end, and keep that chin up!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2013

    Hockeymommy- welcome to our group! Sorry you have to join us, but we are glad you found us! This group is awesome! Ask all your questions here, and someone will know the answer, or tell you where to find it! Prayers for your journey, and stay as calm as possible and educate yourself! {{{{{{Group Hug}}}}}}Sherry

  • rachel22
    rachel22 Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone. Not sure that I've posted to this thread yet but I've been following along. I was diagnosed in April, had my surgery in May and am currently doing my chemo. Just had treatment #2 today. Have a great support system and am staying very positive about everything. I'm 34 with two young kids so I have lots to fight for! Inspired by all the wonderful and strong women on these boards. I wish all of you other warriors well and look forward to supporting one another through this!! Hugs to all!

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2013

    It's been awhile since I posted on here. I do get on to read and try to keep up with everyone. Sorry to see so many new members but am happy they found us. I am doing good. Done with all my treatment and now just trying to get life back on track. Tamoxifen se's have not been too bad. The biggest complaint would be the indigestion and leg cramps. The leg cramps are better now that I switched brands. Just have to to remember not to stretch when I wake up in the morning until I am standing up.

    I can't remember if I wrote that I got to go see my mom. She had a mastectomy in April. She told me I need to have a double mastectomy done now. Not to wait until I am older. He is in her 70's and said it wa pretty bad. She is still having trouble getting around.

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    It's great to hear from you momtotenkids! Yippee on completing treatment! I'm with you on the tamoxifen-- have some joint pains and minor SEs, but not enough to really impact life too much. I forget-- are you BRCA positive to think about the mastectomy after your lumpectomy? I hope your mom will soon have the pains behind her after her surgery! :(

    Rachel22-- welcome to this group and keep on kicking cancer's butt with that chemo!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Good luck to everyone going through chemo or recovering from it right now!

    I got through to the rads stage now. sister warriors indeed- I fight this beast with everthing I have every day! Today's menu is a MUGA, herceptin infusion, then radiation. Oh and a kale salad and at least 64 oz of water LOL.

    Happy 4th of July tomorrow to all of our American sisters!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hi y'all!

    Momtotenkids - Congrats & Happy Dance...yippee! Well done! Yeah, HT has some issues, but after slaying the dragon I do whatever it takes to have the biggest mote around my castle!

    Sciencegal - Press on warrior. You will rock rads...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate...oh and some rest for the fatigue ... Nap time takes on new meaning during battle!

    Rachel - glad you found us and hope you are feeling ok after 2nd chemo

    We will be in your pocket...(((squeeze))) I luv 30 sec video clips of my 2 yr gs laughing on iPad as my inspiration and a slide show or two of my family:)

    Happy 4th!



  • rachel22
    rachel22 Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2013

    Thank you all for such a warm welcome! I look forward to staying in touch here. Such a great group of warriors!

    Chemo #2 is ok. About the same as #1 so I know I can get through this!

    Hope everyone has a nice 4th of July holiday!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2013

    Happy 4th everyone. I hope today brings no side effects and sunshine to all! Hugs!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Happy 4th to you too SherryMarshall and to the rest of the IDC sisters in the U.S!

    We are halfway through our crappy 2013 BC year! Since my diagnosis in January, I've been grateful for this board and the reassurances and support I've received, especially during my many down times, frustrations with doctors and insurance issues, and through surgeries and treatment decisions. I'm determined not to let this BC get the best of me, physically or emotionally!

    In the past week, I've literally done what I call "F-U cancer" things. I bought what I consider a ridiculously expensive new car (I fully intend to be around to pay it off and enjoy it), and tomorrow I get my first foster doggy! I've never had a dog, so let the adventures begin! :)

    Thanks everyone for being around for me during my rough patches. I'm sure there's more of them in the future, but not letting cancer rule my life will be my biggest achievement this year. For the other sisters going through rough patches, hang in there! We will get through this!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Cuetang- super cool!!! I just posted on a topic I frequent here called "retail therapy" where we were discussing new shoes - you took your cancer card to a whole new level. New car- fabulous. Good for you.

    Good luck with the foster doggie! What a great thing to do. I have two little guys adopted from the shelter and they are awesome. One in particular, Lewie, has been glued to my side as I recover from each step of this roller coaster ride. He made recovery so much easier.

    Happy fourth to all the wonderful girls on this site!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2013

    Happy Independence Day--I am declaring my independence from cancer!

    And I am grateful as you are Cuetang about the great support system we have been for each other.

  • nyama
    nyama Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2013

    Happy 4th to everone!  And yes, Independence Day from cancer!  (And no rads today, yippee!)  

    I love your F-U cancer things, Cuetang!  This whole experience really does change perspectives so very much, doesn't it?  My F-U cancer thing I'm doing is joining a dragon-boat racing team--I've always loved watching them so now I'm going to do it.  This team consists only of fellow BC survivors so it will also be a great sisterhood to be part of.  Got the OK from the RO, given that I'm only a bit more than half-way through rads, and he said as long as I feel OK doing it, go for it.   My first practice session is Monday.   I'm really excited about it and hope I don't regret it come Monday night, lol.

    A big welcome to all the new people who don't really want to be here, but here we all are anyway.  And {{{hugs}}} all around to everyone who needs one.  I don't post a lot but do read and always keep all of you in my thoughts.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Way to go Nyama!! That sounds super cool.

    Happy independence from cancer day to all! Love that phrase!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Thanks everyone. So far so good with the foster dog --she's just wondering what the heck the loud fireworks are!

    Way to go Nyama! We will be cheering you on!

    Yes-- happy Independence Day from cancer!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    My adopted pup Toto has serious fear of fireworks so we are cuddling him in his thundershirt while he pants and looks wild-eyed. Poor little guy.

    I hope the foster dog wasnt this stressed out by it all!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2013

    Sciencegal-- hope Toto is feeling better today! We got a thunder shirt like thing from the rescue agency but didn't need it. The silly pup just slept with her head under the bed frame with the rest of her body sticking out during the fireworks...

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hi y'all

    Yippee a long weekend:)

    Cuetang - luv the f-u independence 60 mo payment car splurge and foster fear long term commitment ...:)

    Sciencegal - sorry your pup needed some extra luv year meds.

    Nyama - wow, dragon boats. Post pics. Let me know how your arm does...I want to get back on the lake working arm/chest slowly. I still have some chest swelling and tenderness.

    Renee - yippee! Declaring our independence from c!

    A long 6 mos...warriors, but look how far we've come...we are the heroes of our lives:)



  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    SGC, sorry to hear you have lost your taste for the foods you love.  I don't have any suggestions since I have not experience this yet--I'm on hormone therapy.  HOwever, I hope there is someone here that can help you.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    When I used to lose my sense of smell and taste during my bad asthma days (before turmeric came into my life) I would take zinc and alpha-lipoic acid for a week and it would come back.

    The neurons that allow us to taste can die off and they apparently need those things to rebuild. I think Chemo kills them. The zinc tabs can be hard on the stomach though, so it's a catch - 22. I ended up just eating a lot of mashed potatoes and nooodles on chemo weeks. Nice and bland. (and may explain my weight gain- eek).

    Cindy thank you for always keeping us cheered up! Love your posts.

    You are all an inspiration, thank you and happy weekend!

  • hockeymommy
    hockeymommy Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    holy smokes what a busy weekend so far and its only saturday!! lol.. Trying to get all my stuff done this weekend. The big day is monday!! Masectomy here we come....starting to get a little nervous, but glad "lester" the lump is being evicted!!! Have a great weekend ladies!! back to more cleaning..........

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hockeymom - enjoy your weekend...hugs, laughs, bubbles, giggles:))) oh hair, medi/pedi too!

    Yes, lester the pest will soon be gone. Confirm with your BS when and how you will receive results so that is off your mind. Tops with front zip/buttons and pockets for drains and us ha.

    Breathe, you will be fine brave warrior...Be sure and take good care of yourself and ask & accept help.

    We are in your pocket (((squeeze)))


  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Good luck hockey mom!!!

    Big hugs

  • hockeymommy
    hockeymommy Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    Thank you ladies!!!

  • SherryMarshall
    SherryMarshall Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2013

    Hockeymommy - I hope you did well today! Praying all goes smoothly for your docs!

    Round 2 Thursday, and to anyone having chemo this week, I hope it goes well with no SE!

    {{{{{{Group Hugs}}}}}}


  • TripleNTifferella
    TripleNTifferella Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2013

    Hello my fellow Warrior Sisters. First I want to let hockeymommy know that I am praying for her and the removal of ‘Lester’ Laughing Renee, thank you for being such a strong positive presence! YOU ROCK!

    I am newly diagnosed and it’s been a roller coaster as I am sure it is for a lot of us. I am thankful for my faith in God or else I don’t think I would be able to get through this cancer stuff. I have just finished 12 weeks of Taxol and supposed to start AC, this Thur, for 12 weeks followed by lumpectomy then 30 days of radiation. However, my tumor has doubled, if not tripled, in size and I found a lump in my armpit. It’s not an ‘ingrown hair’ as I have had those and can tell the difference... this is deeper, smaller, different, etc. I see my Onc on Wednesday to discuss what is happening. Praying it is just a cyst of insignificance and we can move forward. However, I wondered if anyone else has found lymph nodes after starting chemo and how small they can be? If you have found them during chemo did it change your current treatment plan? Thank you for any insight, stories and opinions.

     Love you ALL!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,462
    edited July 2013

    Welcome to BCO,  TripleNTifferella. Thanks for your kind, and encouraging first post! We are thinking about you, and wishing you the best!!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Welcome TripleTiff!

    Wow, your BC team is moving fast...we will be in your pocket Wed for MO appointment and Thu's cemo. Please keep us posted. Hopefully another warrior will be able to answer your questions, but also post on the 3X- thread...they have insight too!

    Sending calm confident thoughts and prayers.

    You will be fine brave warrior...breathe! Stand tube...remind me who I am:)

