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2013 Sister Warriors



  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2013

    I have not been on for awhile. I home school so I have been very busy with school. I do get on once in awhile to read everyones post but seldom post myself. I saw my surgeon and oncologist this month and got the all clear for another 3 months. I also had my first mammogram since surgery. The mammogram came back with an area that they feel is benign and just want to watch. A few days after the mammogram I started having a slight discharge from what is left of my nipple. I called the surgeon who said watch it over the weekend and if it continues, to come in and see her. Well, I had been doing some hard massages on my breast because when I saw her she said I had a lot of scar tissue and I needed to massage it to break it up. I have been tender since surgery and radiation so really didn't do much massaging until this month. I figured I had a cyst or something and that between the mammogram and the massaging it had started leaking. It went away as soon as I quite massaging until yesterday. I noticed my breast felt tender and had a hard spot again. So I massaged it and of course I now have a bloody discharge again. I go see the surgeon on Monday. I am really hoping this is just a cyst but of course am thinking the worst.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    uds, I wish you luck with your upcoming treatments. Are you doing  4 or 6? Every 2 or 3 wks? IF I have to do chemo, it will also be TC, but won't know for a couple of wks, depending on the onco test they just ordered. Keep up posted.  I know it's so hard to go through this process. Hang in there!

    On another note, my MO did tell me that the SE's for HT are usually similar to menopausal symptoms for those of you who have gone through already. So, if your symptoms were mild while going thru menopause, they will probably be mild with HT; if they were more severe, then likely your SE's with HT will be more severe. I hope that made sense!

    Lizzyinmi-good luck with your rads.

    Thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences!




  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited October 2013

    uds17 -- I am on the same CT regimen as you will be getting, but my 2nd tx is Thursday (Happy Halloween!). I wanted to tell you that it is very "doable." We are all different, but I thought I would let you know that my SEs from the first infusion were very minimal. No nausea, and I was able to go back to work on day 5. My hair started to fall out around day 14, and is all gone now :-(. Next cycle I will have Neulasta shot day after infusion because my white blood cell count did got very low by day 7. Consider icing your finger tips and toes during the Taxotere portion of the infusion to help prevent SEs which affect your nails. Don't hesitate to contact your on call MO if you get any unexpected effects or if the anti nausea meds don't work for you. Prepare for constipation -- Colace or Senecot-s works well for that. Drink LOTS of fluids and take short walks to help your body flush out the toxins. Eat small snacks every couple of hours. Breathe -- you can do this! We TC gals generally have it a bit easier than some of the other chemo regimens. Good luck to you -- post to let us know how you are doing -- ((((hugs)))).

  • uds17
    uds17 Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2013

    keepthefatih and teamkim- thx for your posts!

    OMG, I am so confused as to what to do!! I just had a call from my MO- there was a delay in getting back the oncotype test, so based on tumor grade, ki67 status, and my age (47) we decided to proceed with plans for chemo. I've had the port placed & chemo scheduled to start tomorrow. Anyway, he just informed me my oncotype score is 9. I should be happy it's low, but it just makes me confused! He said I can still proceed with chemo if I want to, but that it will probably only decrease my chance of recurrence by 1-2%. He really wants me to weigh up the pros and cons. My thinking throughout this process: if I am one of the approximately 6/100 women with my recurrence score who end up with mets down the line, the statistics all just go out the window. I need to be able to look my children in the eye and tell them I did everything I could. MO said: "you only have one chance at a cure". I think I have to take that chance and proceed with chemo. Anyone else have a similar decision to make and opt for chemo??

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited October 2013

    uds,  Wow, I may be in the same boat as you are, soon;  but I had  LX and will be doing rads and HT for sure regardless of any chemo. It is a hard call to make, but you have to do what is best for you and what will allow you to be at peace. I hope you have minimal SE's through your chemo. I  will be anxious to hear how it goes for you. My MO told me IF I do chemo, it will be TC also.  Good luck!!Winking


  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited October 2013

    uds-- unfortunately that will be the tough decision to make chemo/no chemo. Totally a damned if you do and damned if you don't thing. In my case, I drove myself nuts in the decision process. My Oncotype was an 8, I wanted to do everything I could to make sure the beast didn't come back. I'm 34, and was reading so many things about BC being more aggressive in younger women. However, I've seen examples of women who went through chemo and it still came back while others are leading perfectly normal lives after going through the wringer with treatment. Some cancer cells react more to chemo while others don't and respond better to hormonal treatment. I had the tumor board review my case again, and thats how I came to my personal decision. Could you see another oncologist for a second opinion?

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited October 2013

    momtotenkids-- in your pockets and hopefully it's nothing!

  • uds17
    uds17 Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2013

    keepthefaith and cuetang- thx for your input.

    I'm going to proceed with chemo. I spoke with my husband and he also thinks I should go ahead with it. His words: "I know it's tough, but you never want to regret your decision." I'm pleased that he and I are on the same page.

    I'll keep you posted. Again, I thank you for your insights and support.


  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2013


    My MO was all set to do chemo, thinking my oncotype would come back in the gray area. He was came back 16. If it had been 19, he would have still recommended chemo.

    So, I respected his decision.......even though I am scared witless. I feel as if I'm skipping a step and going to pay dearly for it later. He even offered to help me set up a second opinion when I questioned him. I declined because my whole family was in the room and so excited and I was the odd ball who was looking at the glass half empty. Seeing a 10% chance of recurrence instead of a 90% chance of being cancer free in 10 yrs. He said the difference between 19 and 16 were big. I don't know.........I'm still seeing 3 pts. and hearing everything he said BEFORE my oncotype came back. "You're very young, your tumor is over 2cm, it's grade 3................"

    I think you are right to go with your gut........I really wish I had because it is all I can think about almost every day. I don't know how long before I will ever NOT be scared that I didn't do it.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2013

    Uds, you have to do what you feel best about, but I understand how difficult that is. I see our dx are quite close. I chose single mx and no chemo but am doing the hormonal therapy! rads were only in the picture if I had lumpectomy. Chemo would only help about 3 percent, he said he didnt think I would chose it and he was ok with it. That was a Mayo opinion so I feel as confident as anyone can with this disease.. we all know it can return but hope and pray it doesnt. He said if I really pushed for chemo he would ok it but felt the arimidex would hopefully starve any cells that could be estrogen receptive. I am 65 too and have heard that bc is more aggressive with younger women but really dont think anyone knows for certain. Just do what you and your family feel is right and what you can be content with. We are all here for you!

  • mommy13
    mommy13 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies. Today I was diagnosed with IDC... I don't the grade or anything like that.

    Also waiting to hear if it has spread to my lymph nodes or not since the pathology was sent for some reason.

    My calcifications came back inconclusive so I'll need an excision biopsy.

    Just waiting to hear if it has spread anywhere :( AAAH the waiting!

    I found my lump on my 27th birthday. I am married and have 2 little boys a aged 4 yrs & 5 months.

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited November 2013

    mommy13 -- you have found your way to some wonderful angels whom you can lean on as you wait and worry and walk through BC. We are so sorry you have to be here -- no one signed up to join this club -- but I have found so much help through this site, and I know it will be the same for you.

    Wondering how you know you have IDC if the calcifications are "inconclusive" and what pathology was sent out? Have you had a biopsy? Lymph node involvement cannot be determined, to my knowledge, without the removal of one or more nodes to be sent to pathology. Usually that is done during surgery. Ask for copies of all of your reports and start a notebook to keep track, and also keep a calendar with all your appointments. It quickly becomes complicated to remember the details, so being organized helps. With 2 little ones to run after, you already have so many other details to keep track of!

    I am fortunate that my son is grown and I am postmenopause -- my heart goes out to you and the other young mothers (some diagnosed while pregnant) who are struggling through this horrible disease. Keep us posted, and know that all are here for you!!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    mommy13, I'm so sorry to her about your DX.  I know that news is so hard to take at any age, but I can only imagine how hard it is with 2 little ones. My sister was DX'd when she was 27 also with two kids;  she had a BMX, recon, chemo and is doing well 16 yrs later! I feel blessed, being 58, that I have nobody that I have to be responsible for except myself right now, but still have the support of my family and friends;  I am sure your family will help you get through whatever you have ahead of you. Take each step as it comes and one day at a time. The waiting is absolutely the worst part, but I'm sure you stay busy with your little ones! The pathology report is done so that they can stage your BC and know how to proceed with the best treatment for you.  Get your medical records from your Dr's, even if you are not ready to read them yet. You will  have more tests, etc., but once you get answers, you will feel so much better. My medical team is awesome and I trust them completely. I hope you have one, too.  I will be thinking of you as you move forward with your excisional and hope that you get a good path report. You have found a good place to be on this forum where you will get lots of support and encouragement. Don't be afraid to ask questions, vent, cry , scream, whatever!  There are so many others who have been right where you are now and are happy to share their stories with you.  (((HUGS)))

  • Nancyinct
    Nancyinct Member Posts: 17
    edited November 2013

    mommy13 - I just wanted to chime in and send you my love and prayers. The weekend is upon us and sometimes the weekends are harder than the weekdays when you are playing the waiting game. I can tell you, that being diagnosed with bc was the worst news I think I have ever received, but I can tell you, that my dx has brought out the absolute best in so many people in my life. Friends, family, co-workers and even strangers have shown me such kindness, love and compassion. This is a process or journey that you are going through and I know that the waiting is excrutiating and sometimes debilitating but you can do this!!!! And we are all here to help you. I hope you have a peaceful weekend in spite of this news. Enjoy those kids and keep busy until your next appointment.

    ((((((God Bless))))))


  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2013

    mommy13-- sorry to have you join us; you are going through one of the worse parts of this whole ordeal and know that we are here for you. I also hang around the BCO Young with Breast Cancer area as well as the Young Survival Coalition (YSC) boards as well (I was diagnosed at 33). YSC is for those diagnosed with breast cancer 40 and younger, so you'll find women with young children facing breast cancer on there. Come back to this board and ask any questions you may have-- the great ladies here will chime in with their thoughts/experiences/perspectives and support. HUGS!

  • mommy13
    mommy13 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2013

    thank you so much for your warm wishes.

    I know it is IDC because that is what the pathology report said my 2.5cm lump was. I also had 2 spots of calcifications they biopsy 1 of those areas which came back inconclusive. I had a fine needle aspiration done on 2 lymph nodes but they forgot to send the report for that and of course today is... FRIDAY!!! oh well I'm trying not to worry to much

    I'm trying to think of ok well at least it's not a super rare form of cancer, or a cancer that isn't receptive to common forms of treatment.

    The emotions are hard right now. My doctor put me on anti depressants because I had made comments about killing myself. Which I never would but I think it's just intense anger feelings.

    I'm just MAD!!!!!!!! 5 months ago I welcomed my 2nd beautiful boy into this world. I look down at my body and I still had the brown line down my tummy from carrying him and now I'm preparing for a cancer treatment.

    I also feel guilt for putting my family and kids through this.

    It's certainly surreal

    Which you can all relate to. And I'm sorry for everything all of you had to go through or going through

  • JenSF
    JenSF Member Posts: 15
    edited November 2013

    Dear Mommy13, Just want to send you my love and hugs. I had surgery in Sept and going through chemo now. I have a 9yr old daughter. I could feel what you feel now. Do not be hard to yourself. We did not plan this and we did nothing wrong. You will be fine with all the medical guidance and treatments available today. It's a bit side track from what you planned to do in the next few months. But it will be okay as you have more info available to you. There's another discussion thread in this board about all young women under 40 having small or teenagers children. They are all doing great! Keep us posted. We are all here for you! Best, Jen

  • uds17
    uds17 Member Posts: 100
    edited November 2013

    mommy13- I'm so sorry you've received this news. I know when you have kids it's all about them. My kids are in high school and I still feel that way. However, when facing bc, you have to be prepared to accept help from others. I wish you all the strength and support you need to get through this. We are here for you!

    ndgirl- thanks for your input. I'm pleased you're at peace with your decision.

    taguekids6- Your post made me cry!! I'm sorry you're questioning your decision. That anxiety must be horrible for you, but keep telling yourself that the odds are definitely still in your favor. (((hugs)))

    Well, I had my first chemo infusion yesterday and got my Neulasta shot today. So far it's all been amazingly unremarkable. I'm anticipating the exhaustion to hit tomorrow or Sunday, so have no plans to do anything this weekend. I got a call from the wig store and my wig is ready for pickup. Exciting stuff! :)

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2013


    Many, many prayers for you sweety. You CAN and WILL get through this. There are sooooooooo many wonderful women here to help you too.


    Most of what I am feeling is just fear I guess. I went completely into FIGHT mode at the beginning and was ALL business, ready for whatever they threw at me. Then they threw me for a Now that the worst is over, all of the emotions are smacking me upside the head, especially the fear part. {{{{HUGS}}} right back at you!


  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2013

    mommy13--welcome, and I can definitely relate to how you are feeling. It is an emotional rollercoaster ride and the beginning is particularly frightening, angering, and overwhelming. We will be here for you and it will get easier.

    Momtotenkids--how did your dr. visit go?

  • mommy13
    mommy13 Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2013

    Thank you so much ladies. The last few days have been a little easier than the others but I also started anti depressants.

    My bone scan came back clear. YAY! one small victory. Praying the chest xray and abdonimal ultrasound show the same results.

  • Trish318
    Trish318 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2013

    hi sister warriors just giving you an update . I had surgery on October 30th

    Right lumpectomy plus breast reduction on left and right breast . I had my drain taken out on November 4 th and that has made me a little more comfortable. I had a blistering on my left breast my ps said was a allergic reaction to the glue so now am having to apply a special cream on that area other than that I have done pretty well


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2013

    mommy, so glad to hear the scan was clear.. that is the best news any of us can hope for!Winking keep up the good work!

    Trish, sounds like you have a great ps that is so encouraging. Glad for you.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    mommy, happy for your scan results! I hope your other tests go well, also!

    Trish, It  sounds like you are on your way to recovery. Good for you!

    taguekids, I am almost 6 wks from my DX and sometimes it still feels surreal. I believe that all of these emotions are what help us get to the other side...and, once we get there, we will be stronger than we have ever been.


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Hi all. I will be having a lumpectomy and SNB in about two weeks ... I am waiting for the surgery scheduler to call me as I write. My BS told me that I would probably have radiation and hormone therapy. I forgot to ask if I would start hormone therapy at the same time that I start radiation or if I would complete rads before starting hormone therapy.

    Your posts have been helping me as I try to get my mind around my newly diagnosed cancer. Thank you.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    SallyS70, Sorry you found yourself here, but welcome...your hormone treatment will begin after you are done with radiation. The BC diagnosis is hard to comprehend, for sure. You may have many emotions as you go through your treatment, but you can always come here for advice, encouragement and a shoulder to cry on if you need to! Good luck with your upcoming surgery.

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645
    edited November 2013

    Hi all,

    Does anyone else take Effexor for hot flashes? I have been on it two weeks and have not noticed much difference. I know its also an anti depressant and though I have never been on one before I am hoping this helps for that as well. I have been so down and grumpy since I was released from the doc to return to work only to find out they had eliminated my job and offered me a job of 3 hours a week- basically all my same work - plus drive a bus and sub into the kitchen- NOOOO way to get that all done - but that was their proposal. So now with mounting doctor bills I find myself unemployed and so angry at them for treating me- FMLA is looking into it but not sure there is much they can do because of our small size.. grrrrr... :(

  • taguekids6
    taguekids6 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2013


    I think I'm following you from page to page (LOL).......

    Sorry you are having all the crappy problems with your's so wrong that they can get away with this.

    I'm heading to fam doc next week to be put on Effexor. I've been having a horrible time with anxiety and depression. Not sure why my once wanted me to go to fam doc for it but when I brought it up to him about the depression he said he wanted me to see fam doc and he would prefer if I was going to go on an antidepressant, that it be Effexor. He said it would help with the hot flashes as well, like that was the secondary effect it would help with.

    Been on the tamoxifen for hair over 2 wks now and not had any problems except little dizzy right after I take it. No other SE's have popped up yet........hope it continues that way.


  • LizzyinMI
    LizzyinMI Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2013

    I take Effexor for the hot flashes and it works for me. My dose is 37.5mg. Just be careful when and if you quit taking it. It has some major withdrawal symptoms. I found that out a couple weeks ago when my prescription ran out and I didn't take it for a few days. Couldn't figure out what was wrong with me until I googled Effexor Withdrawal. I had no idea it was so nasty - I had never felt like that ever before.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2013

    I'm on Effexor as well. I've had to have my dosage adjusted up--finally, at 150 mg am not getting hot flashes through the night so I can sleep! I was told that for those who see some kind of improvement, Effexor can be good for treating hot flashes (and you just need to adjust to get the right amount). But, it doesn't work for everyone.