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2013 Sister Warriors



  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    How are you all doing Sister Warriors? Any exciting plans for Thanksgiving?

    My onco score finally came in @ 21. Intermediate. Decided to do Chemo. Will either start this coming Tues or the following wk. TC 4 every 3 wks. Anyone else on TC?

    Getting my short hair cut tomorrow at Visible Changes (free to cancer patients). Had a pity party yesterday-this hair thing is making it more real than surreal, I guess! Donating my hair to the Pink Heart Fund, who accepts grey hair for wigs:).




  • chipmunk57
    chipmunk57 Member Posts: 28
    edited December 2013

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself:

    Diagnosed on 4 Nov. Having surgery next Wednesday, Nov. 27th, followed by chemo.

    I am 56, married, one 25 year old DD. Living in New Brunswick, Canada.

    I have cancer, cancer doesn't have me!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2013

    chipmunk57 -- sorry you had to join us here, but welcome to the group! We'll be in your pockets for the surgery and don't forget to check back with us for any questions (someone will be able to chime in) and to let us know how you're doing! Love love love the spunk in you. HUGS!

    keepthefaith-- boo on the intermediate score, but glad your medical team is on top of things. Don't forget to check out all the other free resources for cancer patients (i.e. Look Good Feel Better (heck free makeup!), Cleaning for a Reason). I was trying to convince a friend that was just starting chemo to get one of the free wigs from the American Cancer Society (to pick one that she would NEVER have considered wearing just for fun) -- maybe you can try that too?? Loopy Pity parties are sooooo allowed with the stupid BC, but don't forget to end the party too!

    As for Thanksgiving, the hubby decided that we would be hermits this year. No obligations to clean the house, cook for others, or having to go somewhere with the crowds. I know, so antisocial, but it is fitting for us this year! Happy

  • shammi
    shammi Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2013

    Aloha everyone!

    I was just diagnosed on the 11th of November. I had a CT scan and bone scan yesterday, I go in for an echocardiagram tomorrow and then I have a PET scan next week. My MO said that I would have to do chemo first (A/C) and then we can do the surgery. He seems concerned that it has spread, but he would not come right out and say anything definitive.

    I never really wanted to be a member here, lol, but I am grateful for all of the wisdom, compassion and friendship being offered.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    hi Shammie and chipmunk; welcome! I hope your upcoming tests and surgery go well. I am a step or two ahead of you, but we are in this together! Visit us often. There is always someone here to help or to "listen" if you need to vent!

    cuetang, thanks for the info. I haven't been to the LGFB class yet, but it's on my to do list-I think my pity party is over.  Onward through the fog!

    I picked up a few pamphlets on nutrition and cancer today.  Will try to read through them soon. Also, went to get a few "chemo" supplies.  Hoping I don't need half of them, but I am too much of a planner not to feel prepared!

    I will be having my family TG feast at my house this Sunday, since next week is my first chemo wk, unless they postpone it.  My kids and grandkids all live close by, so I am fortunate!

    ((HUGS)) ya'll!




  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited November 2013

    Chipmunk and Shammi -- welcome to the club. This is the one place where you know everyone gets it, so feel free to vent, ask questions, share news good and bad, etc. we are right there with you!

    KTF -- I had TC x4 regimen and just finished tx #3 yesterday. One thing I can tell you definitely about chemo is that everyone reacts to it differently. I have gotten a lot out of joining the October chemo thread and the TC ladies thread (ignore the date on that one, it is currently active). Both have some very knowledgeable posters who are nurses and the veterans can give you really good info. For everyone, it seems the head hair fallout happens around days 14-16 of the first tx cycle. When mine got to the point that I couldn't style it without the brush pulling out chunks of hair, I went to the salon and had it buzzed to about 1/2 inch all over. Some stubborn fuzz remains, so it never went shiny bald, and I didn't shave it. SEs from TC can run the gamut, but I have had no nausea at all (they give you good meds for that) and no mouth sores (I suck on Popsicles and set ice throughout the Taxotere portion of the infusion. Read the chemo threads for more ideas and for shopping lists to be ready for chemo. Be strong -- you've got this!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2013

    Welcome Chipmunk and Shammi! Teamkim said it best.. everybody here "gets it"! this is a great site, dont know what I would do without it! Best of luck with everything that is ahead of you, we find we have strength we never knew we had!

  • blissful
    blissful Member Posts: 8
    edited November 2013

    hello all....Figured it was time for me to move from not diagnosed yet to here. I'm 53 soon to be 54 next month. Was dx oct 22 with idc. I have two wonderful children and two grandchildren who are my world..I'm looking at bmx next month. Still a little nervous but coming on these threads and getting advice and hearing other people's journeys has helped me more than I can say. Any advice on what to expect would be much appreciated . Hope everyone is doing well ..

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited November 2013


    Sorry that you had to find your way to us. I came here in June, when it was suspected but not yet diagnosed.

    There are a couple of threads that I suggest you join. The December 2013 surgery thread. This way you can be with ladies going through the same as you. You can also read the prior month or two and see a lot of questions answered by the persons experiences. There is an IDC thread, a Triple positive thread if you are HER2+ also, If you end up needing Chemo, u can join your month and year when chemo starts. I just had my 2nd chemo and I have already had my BMX . I had skin and nipple sparring. There is a wealth of information here from persons who are much more experienced than me, but please if I can help in any way or you have any question of me please either ask her or pm me.

    I wish you smooth sailing on this journey


  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2013

    Welcome Chipmunk, Shammi, and Blissful. We are here for you. Blissful, you may want to read this thread to give you some ideas of how to prepare for and what to expect for surgery and recovery:

    Had my 2nd Zometa treatment yesterday. Didn't sleep great last night, but at least I don't feel like I have the flu, which happened to me last time.

    Letting myself feel tired, not trying to keep up with everything and run at the pace I used to. I want to get back to that some day, but right now I am taking the time I need.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for the info Teamkim! I have gone to the TC thread-yes, it's great!

    Welcome,  blissful. I know what you mean about the grandbabies! I treasure mine also. I was DX'd about a month before you. I think you will find everyones' support and advice very helpful in getting through, as I have, so far. It's nice to chat with those who are a step ahead of you-kind of lets you know what to expect along the way.  

    Yes, everyone "gets it" here for sure! My dear friend keeps telling me "all will be well" about everything I her dearly, but if she says it again, I want to slap her!:) I guess she is not the one to vent to.

     I got my hair cut today. Just a bob. Looks great-will be glad to get it this long again. Going to enjoy the new do while I can!  My 5 yr old grandson came with my daughter and he was kind of worried about it and then when  we explained donating the ponytail, maybe he got it a little. Kids have a way of putting things into perspective for you! Bought a couple of knit hats also while we were out. It amazes me how they can make so many styles out of the knit hats that were all pretty much the same when I grew up!

    Dr's office called today; will start my chemo on Dec 3rd. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful week-end, snuggled in a warm, cozy place with those you love!





  • KarateBelt
    KarateBelt Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2013

    Hi, I am new here. ReneeinOH just invited me. Thank you!

    I was just diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-High Grade on November 1. My routine mammogram showed a calcification that the doctor didn't like. I had an EVIVA Vacuum Assisted Biopsy and an MRI so far. I am scheduled for a lumpectomy on December 5th. My pathology showed I am a triple positive. I am a 40 year old mother of 2. I have a son who is 13 and a daughter who is 10. I have been reading a lot in the last few weeks, Wow, lots of information. I just feel so overwhelmed and scared.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2013

    Welcome KB! I believe there are some others that are also triple positive.

    It is a lot to take in. And, it's a lot to deal with. I've noticed I've lost some upper body strength from the reconstruction I have gone through.

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited November 2013

    Welcome KB -- take it one step at a time, and breathe!! It is OK to take a day to two or three to vacation from BC when it gets overwhelming. I found myself reading frantically, and I ended up taking in a lot of info that didn't apply to me. That's just wasted worry! On the other hand, when you get slapped with another piece of diagnosis or treatment info, this is the place to come -- there are boards for all of it (check out lumpectomy lounge, since that is the next step for you) and supportive sister warriors on every one of the boards! I picked 4 favorites that I hang out on, moving through treatment. When you have questions, gripes, or good news, share it here! Someone will chime in, and there is nothing like having others who know EXACTLY what it is like!

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited November 2013

    Yes, welcome KB-you are in the right place. Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I had a LX on Oct 18th. It was very easy for me. I had my port placement and SNB at the same time. Day surgery. It is such a shock when you are DX'd, but hang in there. This forum is amazing and a great place to come for advice, to vent, cry, laugh, whatever.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    ((HUGS)) to all~


  • KarateBelt
    KarateBelt Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2013

    Thank you so much ladies. ...this site has helped me so much already. Surgery Friday..will keep everyone updated.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited December 2013

    Welcome KarateBelt - sounds like you are ready for battle! We will be in your pockets {{{squeeze}}} come join us in the lumpectomy lounge :) sending calm confident thoughts&prayers.

    Be sure to confirm with your BS how and when you will receive results of your nodes&margins after surgery...just one less thing on your mind. You will be surprise how great you feel and how the pre surgery & wait cloud lift once you cross over. Now, breathe and soak in family&friends&fun time LOL!



  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Hi, my name is Kathy and I was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago with DCIS and IDC total area 2.6 cm. Waiting for MRI on Thursday to see how much is invasive. My blood pressure has gone through the roof - 201/87 and ended up in emergency room today to get it under control. Home now. The waiting is the worst. Did meet with the doctors on Wednesday and do feel very comfortable with the team. I am ER+ and HER2- with a ki 67 score of 16%. Just want to get this plan in action and get moving. The waiting is so incredibly stressful.

  • oranje_mama
    oranje_mama Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2013

    Hi, I'm another just diagnosed with IDC on November 26. I'm 42 and have two daughters, age 9 and 6. I don't have the details of the Dx yet, will be meeting with the BS on Tuesday, also having an MRI same day.

    Haven't told my DDs anything yet, so Thanksgiving was kind of surreal keeping the secret. I want to have at least some answers to the questions I know my 9 yr old will have. I feel like until I've actually met with BS (Dx last week was over the phone) I really don't know what to tell her. My in-laws are supposed to come visit from overseas for one week over Christmas, and we have a ski trip planned for MLK long weekend (Jan 21-25). I'm thinking there will probably be some modifications/cancellations but just don't know anything right now.

    I feel like I've had a lot of waiting . . . had the abnormal mammogram on Friday Nov 15, biopsy Nov 20, Dx Nov 26. Really, it's only been 2+ weeks but feels longer . . .

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    I know just how you seems like forever. I did tell my daughter who is 14, but I have not told my son. He is 21 and in college....he has finals in 2 weeks and I don't want to upset him until I know what the plan is. I just was tested for the BRCA1 and 2 and should have results back in 2 weeks. Doctor feels that wait period if fine - have to trust him. I must say that I was very impressed how the hospital here in Ft. Lauderdale handles breast cancer patients. I met wit the breast surgeon first thing Wed. morning and then I spent 1/2 hour each with the rest of the team - ferst the medical oncologist who reviewed my pathology report and drew pictures of everything, then the radiation oncologist, then I saw the genetic counselor who did the blood for the BRCA 1 &2 test based on my history, then the social worker and ended with the nutritionist. After I left , they meet as a team and review my pathology and mammograms and come together as a group to determine preliminary course of action. I actually felt like a person, not a number on a pathology slide. Very comforting.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Hi newbies-sorry you found yourself here. You will find a lot of support and encouragement here as you go through your treatment. For me, the waiting was hard, but  I think you'll find that once you have some answers and start treatment, you will feel much better! Hang in there. Most breast cancers are very slow growing, so try not to stress yourself while you wait. If you feel too stressed, you might want to ask your Dr for something to calm you down, sleep, etc.  Wishing you the best!  

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited December 2013

    dancer mom and oranjemama-- hang in there, the time between the diagnosis and treatment plan is the worst. Try your best to do the same things you normally would've done prior to breast cancer. It's very difficult because the diagnosis is so much to take on and absorb, but you can do it. we are here whenever you need. <HUGS>

    Oranjemama--a group of us from BCO in northern virginia get together for lunch every month, and the next one is the upcoming Saturday at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax if you want to join us.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2013

    Welcome kb, sorry you are here but if we must have this and it seems we do, these boards are the best! dont know where I would have been without them. I too had the calcifications and grade 3, I chose to have mastectomy , but that is everyone's choice, but it was a struggle to make any decision at that moment. But I feel I made the best for me, I am doing very well now, was amazed how good I was after surgery. I was diagnosed on Good Friday, not so good for me but maybe it was after all, found it early while it was still small. Best of luck/

    Oranje-mama.. welcome to you too. and also Dancermom, will be thinking of everyone here, best of luck with upcoming appts, etc. (((HUGS))))

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Thank you so much for the words of encouragement ladies. My friends are trying hard for me but they really cannot relate like you all can. Being on this site and hearing so many positive words is really helping me to cope. (((HUGS)))

  • cakes
    cakes Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2013

    Cuetang - You are so right when you said the time between the diagnosis and the tx plan is the worst. Once the tx plan is discussed, agreed upon and in place one feels like she has more control over the situation. Good luck ladies. We are there for you.

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Made it through the MRI tonight and now will await the results. Can't wait to get the plan in action.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited December 2013

    (((Dancermom))) - yeah, MRI done. Your BC team will have a better idea how to proceed. Mine helped determine area to remove...and firm up plan. After 6 weeks after surgery had post op MRI too...peace of mine.

    You've got a great team in place :) so breathe and enjoy family time!

  • oranje_mama
    oranje_mama Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2013

    Dancermom, just had my MRI yesterday too. Really hope that I'm going to hear good results before the weekend. My BS did an exam (with US) of lymph nodes and didn't see anything, so I'm hopeful.

    I met with MO yesterday. She is recommending chemo first so that I can get Perjeta, which was just approved on October 1st. The treatment plan she recommends is really aggressive (TCH + Perjeta, followed by lumpectomy and radiation, Herceptin for full year and Tamoxifen for 5-10 years). My tumor is not that big (2 cm) but I am HER2+++. I actually feel much better after meeting with MO. She is so optimistic that the TCH + Perjeta will lead to pathologic complete response.

  • oranje_mama
    oranje_mama Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2013

    Ug, just found out no MRI results until next week. Radiologist wants some additional films from April/May that he didn't have (I switched radiologists) and then my doctor called to say that I need to get another mammogram before the radiologist report can be finalized.

    Sigh. This is my 4th weekend in a row waiting for a report/test results. Journey started with a BIRAD 5 mammogram on Nov. 15th. I was feeling good about things yesterday but this delay - and the potential discovery of another problem - has me down.

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Oh no, Oranje mama, we cannot get down. We are on this journey together, along with the incredible ladies on this site. The waiting is overwhelming...but we have to have faith that all will be good. Deep breaths...and sending major (((hugs))).