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2013 Sister Warriors



  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited December 2013

    oranjemama-- I had to get one last mammogram after my MRI and biopsies; it was to ensure that the clips/markers from the biopsies were in place. Could that be the case for you? BC is a sucky roller coaster....hang in there....

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013 here too..dx 9/30 idc 2cm ..after mri and bone scan and braca (neg).. found a few more tumors and a few spots on bone scan..I am 41, married with 3 girls--23, 17 , 15..and a 4month old grandson. Waiting is the bmx w/ sld is in 7 hours. Not worried but can't sleep.. I wish I found this site months ago.

    So glad to be able to talk about this finally. 

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    By the way any of you have dense breast tissue? I have had 8 mamos and none of them showed my tumors? ??

  • KarateBelt
    KarateBelt Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2013

    Well I had my surgery on December 5th. I did go with a lumpectomy. The surgeon took 2 nodes and they were both clear!! He feels he got clear margins on the lumpectomy also. Still waiting for the official results. It does feel good to finally have things happening. The waiting was the worst. If these results stay the same after further testing it sounds like I will be receiving radiation after I heal. Does that sound right?

  • oranje_mama
    oranje_mama Member Posts: 79
    edited December 2013

    Feeling better this morning. Thanks for the hugs :)

    Cuetang, when I was a little more rational about this, I realized that I did not ask enough questions to understand what was going on. For instance, I did not ask which breast needed the mammo! It could totally be what you say.

    Jeni72, I also have dense breast tissue. Actually, my tumor was found "by accident" because I went in for a 6-month follow-up for a spot being watched on my left breast. In the follow up, they found the tumor in the right breast. (this is why I immediately panicked about the additional mammo since I jumped to the conclusion that the radiologist is now seeing something in the left breast which was identified for follow up back in May). I had a clinical exam in July - my primary had the mammogram/us report at that time - and she felt nothing. Now the lump can be felt but to be honest, only if you really dig around in their (it is fairly deep down and I have large breasts). I didn't notice the lump until I knew where it was and went looking for it.

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Hi Jeni71 - yes, I have very dense breasts and my cancer was discovered by microcalcifications on my annual mammogram. Must have been there a long time but never showed on the mammograms or the ultrasounds that I was called back for each year.

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    welcome jeni-I hope your bmx goes well:). Another upside to putting on the yrs, is less dense breast tissue...I can def say I have more fat in my breasts than I used to..but, still didn't find the lump; it was more like thickening. I'm 58. Mammo found it. You may want to ask for ultra-sounds and/or breast MRI's. Come back often and keep us posted. Let your family support you and help you when they can.

    KB, glad your surgery is over! YAY on the clear nodes! I remember that day well, also. I was excited bc I only had ONE lump, clear margins and 3 clear nodes. Your MO and RO will look at your final path report to determine the next step. My biopsy path and final surgery path were a bit a good way! But had the onco test, ended up in the intermediate range and decided to go for chemo. I am 5 days out from 1st TX and feeling not so bad. I think there is a link on this forum that discusses pathology reports for those of you who want to find out more.

    I hope you all enjoy your week-end.






  • KarateBelt
    KarateBelt Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2013

    Well I had my surgery on December 5th. I did go with a lumpectomy. The surgeon took 2 nodes and they were both clear!! He feels he got clear margins on the lumpectomy also. Still waiting for the official results. It does feel good to finally have things happening. The waiting was the worst. If these results stay the same after further testing it sounds like I will be receiving radiation after I heal. Does that sound right?

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    Hi girls..home from bmx and nodes were clear♡♡♡ still waiting for final pathology. Very much pain but with meds manageable. Happy this part is over. So tired. .nite

  • keepthefaith
    keepthefaith Member Posts: 856
    edited December 2013

    Awesome news jeni!:) I hope you recover well!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited December 2013

    jeni, so glad you are home and surgery if over!! Remember to take meds and control the pain, healing goes much quicker then. These boards help so many dont they, dont know where I would be without them. Come back often and keep us updated on your progress. So thankful nodes were clear!! Take care and get lots of rest.


  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    So happy to hear your bmx is over and nodes are clear Jeni. Rest well.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited December 2013

    Happy Dance (((Jen))) sweet healing dreams!

  • cakes
    cakes Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2013

    Take care jeni. You are in my prayers.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2013

    Yes, happy dance for KarateBelt and Jeni for clear nodes--GREAT NEWS!

    Welcome to the sisters who have recently joined us. I got my irregular mammo prior to Christmas, saw a breast surgeon the day after Christmas, and found out I had BC 3 days after New Year's Day. Finding this out right around the holidays is surreal, and especially hard, I think--you are right in the middle of family and celebrations and it scares you when you think about all you can lose. What I have learned though is that I can deal with this, I have a whole lot of living still to do and won't be going anywhere any time soon. It took some time to get to that place. Part of all of this is losing our "mortality virginity." In exchange, though, I really got a sense of my priorities, and learned to let go of so much and not get stressed out. That has been big for me.

    So ladies, it is important to put yourselves first; do what you need to do to beat this, and don't feel bad or guilty about what you need to do.

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    thank you :). Resting as comfortable as possible...the hubs and my girlies are going for our tree today...I really want to go..I think I should try at least. But I am sure they won't let me.

    My drains are already clearing and fluid subsiding...its good!!!! Final pathology will be in by Friday. Neck and back pain are setting in so time to rest.. thank you too all...I am so happy to have you all with me on this journey for life.. all my love and prayers for us all :)

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Hi Jeni:

    So happy to hear things are going so well for you :) I have a plastic surgeon appointment today and then will meet with my breast surgeon to schedule surgery. Need to get this show on the road, so to say.

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Hi Renee:

    Thank you for warm welcome and the words of encouragement.

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    hope your appointment goes well dancermom...

    I think rads are next for you kb..hope you get that info soon for your piece of mind. My bc surgeons staff is amazing and any questions or concerns were cleared within a few hours of when I called.

    God I wish I knew about this site when my momma was sick..passed of ovarian cancer 11/2/10. I know this would have been so good for her and maybe she could of helped someone else. She battled for 6.5 years when they gave her 5. We are so much stronger together than any cancer ... my love, hugs, and prayers to you all

  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2013

    Hello Sister Warriors

    I have been missing from this board for a while.  Once I started on one for bmx and reconstruction and one for neuropathy, I could not keep track of them all. 

    To all of you newbies who have just starting your bc journey, I am sorry that you are here but this fantastic community of ladies will help you get through everything.  Like Renee, my journey also began right before Christmas las year.  I decided to keep the info from most of my family and friends until I had met with doctors and had a clear game plan near the end of January.  My game plan changed after the lumpectomy, but that is not uncommon.  Just remember that we are here and we know what you are going through. 

    Hugs to all.

  • TeamKim
    TeamKim Member Posts: 301
    edited December 2013

    Like GwennyMD, I have been hanging on some other threads lately, but I wanted to chime in on the happy dance for Jeni and Karatebelt -- Yay for clear nodes!!! Relax and heal, clear margins when you get that confirmation, will mean that you are free of cancer.... Enjoy that time, rest and heal and try not to stress about the waiting to find out what treatment will help to prevent recurrence. I am finishing up chemo in the next couple weeks, then on to rads in January. I don't know what I would have done without all of you angels on BCO -- You are so right Jeni, we are so much stronger together! (((Hugs to all)))

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    Lucky me! I get to squeeze into the club before the end of 2013. I'm home recovering from my BMX. I do find it helpful to read the posts of others who are where I am or possibly where I may be heading. My prediction is that 2014 will be a good year for us all.

  • naiviv
    naiviv Member Posts: 308
    edited December 2013


    Speedy recovery. There is a wealth of information and personal experiences on these sites. Everyone is always so helpful. I'm sorry you had to find us this way.

    I too have hopes for 2014, take care.


  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Hello fellow Sister bmx surgery has been scheduled for January 3rd. My mothers first breast cancer surgery was January 3, 1968 - 45 years to the day. I am comforted knowing she will be with me in spirit and protect me that day. It is 7 years since she passed and I feel this is a sign to let me know she is with me.

  • LizzyinMI
    LizzyinMI Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2013

    Dancermom - funny how our mothers are with us through this journey even if they are no longer on this earth. I finished my rads yesterday - the second anniversary of my mom's passing. I don't think that was just a coincidence.

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    My mother died of cancer when she was 46. As I approached my 40's I assumed my end was near. As I moved into my 50's I felt I was living on borrowed time. Today I believe I am conquering something my mother was unable to...perhaps for both of us.

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    i feel the same way warrior woman.... I am the youngest of my family to be dx w/ bc and was elated to know I did not carry the braca1 or 2. All I thought about was my girls...not of them losing their mother but of them going through this alone like me.  So very blessed. 

    I am recovering well but did have the doctor threaten to leave the last 2 drains in for a month If I didn't stop doing stuff. I didn't think I was doing much at all but they know best right? I feel bad about christmas this is the bare necessities here lights outside or inside. Just the tree and the girls did a great job . I can't even wrap the presents.. my sister is coming to help Sunday. Usually everything would be done and all I would have to do is worry about the weather and christmas dinner. We got 58.5 inches of snow in a week and ahalf so even if iwas well enough to go out...most of the roads weren't plowed.

    Hope everyones upcoming surgeries go smooth and the outcome is better all of us healing?...I wish you relief from pain( body and mind) and all my prayers hugs and love for a very merry christmas for us all!!

  • Warrior_Woman
    Warrior_Woman Member Posts: 819
    edited December 2013

    My fondest childhood memories of holidays were the simplest ones, Jeni.  ;)

  • Dancermom1999
    Dancermom1999 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013

    Hello Ladies:

    I agree with you Warrior Woman, the simplest ones were the best memories.  Escaped my panic and went to the Jingle Ball concert in Fort Lauderdale tonight with my daughter.  It was amazing - Robin Thicke was awesome and Miley was not as outrageous as she could have been.  For a moment it was nice to "forget" I have breast cancer and actually have fun.  Back to reality now and 2 weeks from my surgery date.  Each day that passes is filled with mixed emotions - happy that it is one day closer to getting this cancer out of me and yet so scared that it is one day closer to  the reality of this illness and upcoming surgery and treatment. 

    Jeni, please take it easy.  Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • jeni72
    jeni72 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013

    warriorwoman and are so right.. the simple christmas's were always the best when I was a kid...and we had a few being poor! Looking forword to seeing my grandson and some family tomorrow. Hope I can get out of this funk I am in..went shopping with the hubs this morning 2 hours and 2 stores and I had to lay down and take a nap. Nausious and hot flashes and then he told me I got super pale? And anestesia brain? Holy mother of pearl...hope that goes away soon. 

    Merry christmas everyone!