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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    Hello all, gray day here so far, but supposed to be a scorcher again.

    Hey Wren, the school I sent Bec to had 42 different languages spoken there, and I became the President of the School Council, mainly so I could keep an eye on what was going on there. It could be a little volatile at times, when warring parties were put together, but in general it was just a wonderful cosmopolitan, interesting place to be. Bec loved it, and used to help out in the Language center. I was so grateful that she was exposed to people who had faced such adversity, and that she witnessed people turning their lives around. It was quite inspirational to be with students from such shaky beginnings, right through to them completing school and going on to University, then having families of their own. 

    Of course, we lost some along the way to drugs, and suicide, very sad.

    I started one of the first Breakfast Programs in Australian Schools for Refugee and Homeless kids, which kept me very busy for 6 years. I fed so many kids, well really young adults, every day, 5 days a week. I started homework groups and eventually got involved in finding housing for homeless students. I even became the Manager of the Vietnamese Soccer Team! LOL 

    Had it not been for that school, Vi would never have come into our lives. For those who don't know about my adopted boy. He enriched our lives, and made a wonderful life for himself, moved to America where he started a business that did very well, and died in California 3 years ago. There isn't a day I don't think about him and what he achieved.

    You're right about Nelson, yesterday, before he came to us he had been on a 3 km walk, had a swim at the small beach opposite their house on the island, been in the car and crossed from the island on the ferry. He had come to play with Dex which he loved, all his favorite things to do, so he had a wonderful morning. He hadn't suffered in any way, right up till he broke his leg, so for that we can be thankful. Phew, where did all that come from?  M x  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    otceb! so glad to hear your first session has gone well and there were nice people to chat to. I have my fingers crossed that you can rest and not have any Se's!

    I will put up some pics of the garden when Colin gets a minute. I wish I could get it together with this picture posting, but I am just computer challenged. I'm good at shopping and googling, but can't get it together for any tech stuff. M x

    Bobo, I wish people would let you be, I hate hearing that there is pressure for you to change your mind about the school. Don't allow the pressure to get to you, do what you and DLLP decide is right for W. It is only your decision. Hugs to you. I hope you can have a rest this weekend....

    Must dash, but will be back, M x


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Togetherness, glad to hear they were open for another week at pt.  It would do them no good in the end for you to crash after a couple days at ft and have to take some days off.

    bobo, that just really sux about the school. You don't need any more stress in your life right now.  It is not your job to keep up the school's ethnic diversity, it is about you getting W in a school where he will thrive.  Is DLLP behind you in this?  Maybe you need to get the Bit¢h Bonnet out?? They surely can't force you to keep him there!

    Airom, you continue to amaze me with all you have done with your life!!


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    Hi gB, Thank you! I have just always been lucky that things have presented themselves, right time right place, and I have met fabulous people along the way who have encouraged or helped me. M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2014

    GrammaB, you are exactly right!  In fact, my two are the only African-Americans at the school.  They don't want to feel they are 'failing' that community.  And yes I am feeling stress about it.  Every time I go in for drop off and pick up someone descends on me and talks at me.  Really, I don't have much in reserve at the moment, and feeling that pressure is more than I can do right now.  

    I have instructed DLLP that she is to go to the meeting on her own, that I will be home "so I can take care of the children" and she will handle it.  Really, she was very clear with everyone from the beginning, but they seem to have gone off on their own without remembering what we had said.  Just got another long email from his teacher yesterday.  Really she is one of the most ineffectual teachers I have ever run across, having nothing to do with the Waldorf, but we are taking the High Road.

    M, it's funny, I was just thinking about the fact that had you not switched schools for Bec, your Vi would never have come home to you.  But I was not wanting to say it to you 'out loud.'  Your beautiful son loves you so much.  You two were meant to be together!  You are so very lucky, since that kind of star-crossed love doesn't always happen for everyone.

    Trying not to work too much this weekend.  Trying to get it all done early, then rest for the day.  Letting DLLP do the shopping with the kids.  XXX

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited February 2014

    Bobo. It's probably before your time in Fl. My county was under Federal court orders to desegregate the schools. What that meant was, if a certain school needed more of that color kid, black or white, they were on a bus, sometimes for as long as an hour. It wasn't fair for any of them. 

    So my point is, maybe your kids school is still stuck in the 50s with their way of thinking. It is the South, and it does happen. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    Bobo! Thank you so much! I absolutely believe that I defied everyone and sent Bec to the right school for her, and the right experience for me. Vi was the prize for following all the signs!

    I have always been a "go with the gut!" person, and have found the disappointments in my life have been because I failed to follow my gut and let myself be manipulated or felt I "should" do something to please someone else.

    I am glad you have passed the torch, so to speak to DLLP. You don't need the drama right now.

    Don't ever be afraid to say anything "out loud" to me, I appreciate your opinion.

    Thank goodness you are at least trying, to have a rest this weekend, I hope you succeed and are feeling refreshed for the week ahead. I do worry about you running out of steam.

    Take it easy..M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    Spookiesmom, you just jolted me back to my time on school council. We were a Government school, and therefore had the system, where we would get significant, extra school funding if we had any Aboriginal children, or any disabled children enrolled. This funding was hugely beneficial to the rest of the school community, but I always felt very weird, that we were trying to target these children for enrollment.

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2014

    Hello! bobo, glad you're continuing through with this change and like M says, that the torch is passed to DLLP. You don't need this added stress. Too bad what this school thinks or wants, they are your children and you decide, that's all.

    My DS went to a Montessori school until he was 4, then I put him in a regular school (French public school) since his Montessori was very small and, being an only child, he needed a bit more socializing and also room to run. His school is very diverse - Toronto is very multicultural but also many who speak French here come from Africa, the Caribbeans, and of course Europe and Quebec. So it's an interesting melting pot, and the kids are exposed to the different musics and celebrations of many countries.

    M, I am so sorry about Vi. What a wonderful thing you did, to adopt him when he was not a baby, and to give him a life full of possibilities and love. I'm sad his life was cut short like this, it must have been really difficult for you. You are a very generous spirit!

    Togetherness, I'm glad you will be working PT again this week, burning out at this point would be counterproductive!

    gB, did you get lots of snow? We're getting another dump here but it's pretty!

    I'm still feeling good. I went for my Neulasta shot today (white blood cell booster), and had very mild nausea this afternoon so I took a small pill for this. That's all! I am low energy but nothing unexpected. My son is starting a big cold, I'm trying to do what I can to protect myself (lots of hand washing) but I am still hugging him and playing with him. I don't want to wear a mask in my house?! Anyway, it should be fine. Zills, were your kids sick during your chemo?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    otceb! Posting at the same time!

    Thank you! Vi was such an amazing soul, everyone loved him, and I was so grateful that he came into our lives. I have fabulous memories of him and the things we went through together. Being from a tiny isolated village, there were so many things he'd never experienced. Even though he seemed to be a very old soul, I can remember the fun we had teaching him about some of the simplest things that he had never seen before. 

    I love the melting pot schools too, as you'd have noticed!LOL Mine was a little different because of the refugee status of so many of the kids, but we had so much with celebrations for other countries. I especially love Chinese New Year, and would always go to the big outdoor events, right up till we moved here. I always wanted too have a Chinese New Year in Hong Kong, but seemed to just miss it when I'd be there for work training.

    I don't want to be sounding like a broken record here, and forgive me if you've already heard my talk about Olive Leaf Extract. It is the most incredible thing for any kind of respiratory ailment, to prevent or treat. Colin and I take it every day, have done for years now, and have not had a single cold or flu since taking it. It also acts as an antiviral, and antibiotic, and has helped reduce Colin's UTI's. We take the freeze dried capsules which aren't considered to be as effective as the liquid, but my reflux plays up with the liquid form. When I had my Mx, I had to go off the supplements that I always take, but my anesthetist let me continue the Olive Leaf so I wouldn't get sick before the surgery. He said it was the only supplement that he takes. It is a very well known and widely accepted supplement here in Australia.

    Zills recipe for the Ginger tea would be good for both you and your Son. It is wonderful for nausea, and for colds.

    I hope your Son's cold is short lived and that you feel better too....Off to take Dex for the big Sunday walk...Ramps of Death today....... M x 

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2014

    Hi M, thanks for the tip on olive leaf extract, I probably just glanced over it if you have mentioned it before. It seems like it could help, so I will ask the hospital pharmacist if I can take it while on chemo (there are supplements they don't allow, like echinacea). I won't give it to my son, though, since he's too young at 5 to take supplements. Thanks for the info!  Have a great walk!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited February 2014

    I used to catch everything from GS when we visited until I started taking a drinking bottle and only drinking water from that. It worked so well that now I'm superstitious about it. Lots of hand washing is probably the best thing you can do to stay well.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2014

    Yes baby was sick several times and boy once with stomach. I got that. Always hand sanitizer before taking pills. I handled my food. No one else. 

    Masks only at daycare, dr office and Walmart. Didn't kiss on lips. Therapist thought I should be used to their germs so shouldn't get sick. Recommend a clean hand towel every day. And washing hands whenever you all come inside. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in car. 

    I give the boy raspberry herbal tea when he is sick. Also Campbell's chicken soup. Whatever the current shape is. Can't stand the smell. Or ramen. 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited February 2014

    bobo, glad you have DLLP handling the school stuff.  It sounds to me like they have already failed 50% of their African American enrollment!!  That is not your problem, your focus is on getting W to a school where he will do well.  Hope you can get lots of rest this weekend.

    otceb, we had about 5" total over the last 3 days.  It was sunny today so a lot of it has compacted.  I have over one foot long icicles hanging off my garage.  They are pretty cool!!  It never got over freezing today so they never fell off.  Glad you are still feeling good!  Zills gave you good advice about avoiding catching things for your family.  It is a crappy time of year to be have to be careful about catching bugs.  Lord knows they are everywhere right now!!  One thing I always do is wipe down the handle and sides of the shopping cart at the grocery store with sanitizer wipes.  I read somewhere once that they have more germs than a public restroom!Shocked


  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited February 2014

    A big " eewww" for trolleys, and door handles, and taps, and eftpos machines!  Lol. The more you think about it, the more germy places you can think of.

    Bobo, it sounds as if you are doing the right thing for your children, as M says, go with your gut.

    GrammaB, foot long icycles?  Wow!  How amazing that must look.

    Zills, it's hard when you are trying to keep away from germs isn't it.  You feel like carrying a sign that says " please, do not breathe on me!"

    Wren, do you mean bought bottled water, or just water from your tap at home?

    Otceb, glad you are feeling ok, I hope that sticks around for you

    M, so sorry about your gardeners dog, happy that it was a good day beforehand though.

    Hi spookiesmom, togetherness, hope I haven't missed anyone, I haven't quite got into the swing of how all of you gals reply to each other, without missing anyone!

    My son is starting secondary school tomorrow, so I am feeling kind of sad that he is growing up, but happy that he is, and happy that I am still here to see it!  

    Dawn. xx

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited February 2014

    Gramwe, I hope that baby arrives soon, nothing like waiting for a baby!

    Clickchick,  I think most cancer patients have stories of friends/ family backing away, It is terribly hard sometimes.  I have Mx about five weeks ago, and MIL asked my DH if she could do anything, he said that if she likes she could bring a meal over.  We then heard from her a week or so later, asking the same question, my DH gave the same answer, and she said " oh no, I am not cooking at the moment, it is too hot!". DH wants to know why she keeps asking?  Lol. Xx

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited February 2014

    Quickly read back to see how Zills made out with MO and how Otceb did with first day of chemo... glad to hear both went well.  Keeping my fingers crossed Otceb that you continue this way.  I found I felt worse after the Neulasta shot... so I hope you are still feeling ok.  I gave it to myself and used to put off doing it until a few hours before bed.

    Thought Bobogirl had PS, but maybe I'm missing the post.  Can't remember if anybody else had something going on... it's so hard to keep track!  I still have so much catching up to do.

    Been so very tired.. not quite sure why, came home last night and fell asleep on the couch and slept right through til morning over 10 hours and felt like napping a few hours later.. so very weird for me... I've been fatigued all week.. maybe one of the meds who knows.

    Super Bowl plans anyone?

    Off to bed for me.. just wanted to stop in and say hi :)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited February 2014

    Dawny, It's refillable bottle with a straw to drink from. I just put tap water in it. Ours here is very good.

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2014

    Hello lovely ladies, 

    Been another crazy, busy week here for me!  Can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by.  Nights are getting lighter, flowers are appearing and its making folk a bit happier!!!!

    Went to London for the day to see my son's picture in an exhibition.  He is only 15 and is loving photography.  His next big project is to take pictures of me and my scars.  I need to see pics of how others see me if that makes any sense! 

    Been kind of catching up on all the news.  Hope you are all well and getting on okay!  Done a whole month completely flat and I'm so happy.  I'm making some changes slowly but surely!  I'm going to try and figure some exercise in this week as well as healthy eating.  Fingers crossed for some dry weather so I can walk to work!!!!  Smile

    As for today, its pj day for me and get some rest before the next crazy week and then one more and we have a week off school!!!!  Yay!

    Lots of love and hugs, 

    Viv xxxxx

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited February 2014

    Ok, I've tried and tried, what does DLLP stand for?

    I homeschooled our 5, now between the ages of 21 and 40, and loved it. It was challenging at times, but well worth it. Our youngest was born 14 years after the previous youngest.

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited February 2014

    Viv! Flowers coming out, you're so lucky! I love spring but it's not around the corner here. DS and DH went tobogganing yesterday, we're trying to make the most of this real winter. Have a good restful day, and good luck with your busy week.

    Hi Idesim, so nice to hear from you! Sorry you're feeling tired, I'm glad you're resting and please continue to listen to your body.

    Hi Linda, DLLP is Dear Loving Lesbian Partner.

    Dawny, congratulations on sending DS to secondary school, what a big boy he is now! I like being a mother, I hated the baby stage but I really enjoy it now. I keep wondering what to do to raise a son who will be a good and happy person. Secondary school might be that fork in the road where you discover what kind of person your child is becoming. I guess your son will need you even more, to be there when needed. Anyway, no clue what I'm talking about, sorry! :)

    Thanks to everyone for your tips on keeping germs away. Lots of common sense, I love it. And good to be reminded of these simple things. I'm still feeling good (broken record!), I'm still taking it easy from an activity and eating perspective, so it can't hurt.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited February 2014

    OT, sounds like you are doing a great job of taking it easy.  And Viv, you are allowing me to feel good about staying in my pajamas today!  Thank you!  M, you are making me feel bad with the 'ramps of death.'  Idesim, I had PT last week.  She said I can't go to yoga.  Am depressed about it.  Can't walk bobo, can't go to yoga, must do horrifying scar massage three time a day, PT exercises two times a day.  Not much going on that's fun for me, that's sure, but I know it could be worse.  For instance, I could have another infection.  GrammaB, how is your bruise-color situation?  :)

    The children have a birthday party -- I am sending DLLP.  There will be ponies.  To be honest, I am really liking not being around people right now.

    Idesim, are you okay?  Perhaps you are fighting a little bug?  Are you taking the tube to work (do you call it the 'T'?)?  This germ talk is right up my alley.  I have always been somewhat of a germophobe.  After mx, DLLP and I went into high gear -- hired prof medical cleaning help, changed shower curtain, bleach wipes everywhere, fresh towel and pjs every minute, etc -- but then I ended up with an infection anyway (I know it was from the hospital, but still).  Now I am more 'superstitious' than ever.  Good way of putting it, Wren.  In fact, just ordered myself up new stainless water bottles.  I had given mine to the kids.

    Thanks so much for your kind words of support regarding school change.  Please let it happen quickly!  I am tired of being cornered by various parents and teachers.  I think people don't have a clue of what we're going through, or perhaps they don't care.  Dawny, that story about the dinner is cracking me up!  She could always go to the shops and buy a ready made dinner!  She is GUILTY, in my book, of extreme selfishness.  I am a harsh mistress.  However, I try not to dwell on the situation once the verdict is rendered.  Like with my brother, for instance.  His behavior was shocking, it could not have been worse when I was so sick, it was a game-changer.  But there is nothing I can really do about it.  I can't change him out of being an as$hole.  And I still have to see him and try to be peaceful about it.

    Superbowl plans: watch Downton Abbey.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited February 2014

    I love Downton Abbey but will be watching the Super Bowl, if I can stay awake. 

    I had terrible fatigue last week. Maybe a virus? Would love to sleep 10 hours. 

    Expecting 3-6 inches tonight. Arghhh. Need kids to go to school so I can go to Livestrong. Out of bread. Not going to store. Will have to make do. 

    Spent the morning going thru my grandmothers house. Didn't make a dent. Only 4 grandchildren. She's reached the sleeping stage. Has been in a home for the past year. 

    Another calf on its way. Too big for Mom. All hands on deck. I'm home with kids:)

    Two off the wall questions but common theme. I have to do water aerobics as part of Livestrong. 

    Has anyone waxed their underarm after BMX? Is it allowed if you had nodes removed? 

    Anyone made a foob from a bath pouf? I know there is a long thread but I can't understand the directions. My suit has soft cups. 

    Hello to everyone! More later. Going to nap while baby is quiet. 

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited February 2014

    Hi Zils, 

    I love love love aqua zumba.  It's great because nobody can see what my legs are doing.  Just as well as I am the uncoordinated queen of the century!  I always went flat even when I only had one implant in!  I got more scared of the foob making a bid for escape!  In fact you have inspired me to book in for it this week.  I always shave my pits.  Really carefully but I can't bear the hairy look down there.  I have LE and it's never caused me a problem.  Don't know about waxing though.  I only waxed pits once and I nearly punched my friend who was doing it, it hurt so much.  She was lucky she fell on the floor laughing and it wasn't my fist!!!!  Haha!  I'm sat here laughing about how close she came!!!!  

    Take care in that weather Zils, sounds horrendous!  Do the kids have long periods of time where the schools are closed?  One inch here and the whole place shuts down.  So ridiculous!  We don't know we're born here!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,962
    edited February 2014

    Zills, I couldn't follow the pouf/foob instructions either. I ended up twisting the net and sewing it in a round like a rag rug. I think I need to add a little more to it in the center. But I'm shopping for a new tankini top to go with the shorts I finally found after a long search. Penney's has one online that looks like it might be high enough. I need to go try it on. I have a pretty one with a skirt that looks really good, but it drips forever and takes more than a day to dry.  Microbead foobs would work too, but they need to be in a pocket because they float. has photos of how to do pockets and microfoobs. Her website is really good and she's a member here.

    I haven't waxed my underarm, but I do shave it very carefully. It hasn't grown back as thick on the node side.

    I'll be watching the Super Bowl. Wouldn't ordinarily, but the town is Seahawks crazy. I predict a big depression if we lose.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited February 2014

    Hi All ,

    I have lots of stories from the past few weeks  however trying to stay focused and get some things done but I have HOT WATER   Stories can come later . Zills I have been using nair cream for my underarms. I have not had any swelling or burning with it .  I am terrified to try a razor and worried about the pull from waxing .

    Hope you all are doing well !! Bobo good to see you back !!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    Hello ladies! HOT here again today!

    I am with Wren, I tried the puffy thing for in a swimsuit, but found it just went a bit square and flat. I think the microbead foobs from Mary at Mastectomy Solutions is the best bet, they are so cheap and all you need to do is put a few stitches in to make them permanent in the soft cups of the suit, or failing that, get a cheap Mx swimsuit and put the foobs in the pockets and forget them. I have Mary's Foobs in 2 suits I bought for under $20.00 on Ebay, before anyone gets yucked out, they were new with tags, and I washed them before I wore them. I am germ phobic too, after getting my infection, I believe, from trying on a new bra. On that subject, I am the germ Nazi now, with bottles of Hand Sanitizer everywhere, and hand washing, all the time too. By the way, Mary is amazing, she can answer all kinds of queries, and is incredibly helpful if you send her an email on her site.

    Zills, I would strongly recommend NO WAXING, I can't believe that it wouldn't be a catalyst for LE. I was told, careful shave with tons of soap to lubricate and take your time so you don't nick the skin. I have always done my own waxing, but it only takes a small slip up of not holding the skin taught enough, to draw blood and to cause a sensational bruise. I also have an electric ladies razor, they are recommended too because some say it is near impossible to avoid nicks with a wet razor. I have no feeling at all under that arm, so I have to watch myself do it in the mirror to get it right.

    Zills, I don't envy you the clearing out of the house. I had to do my Mother's and help with Colin's Mother's home. I find it terribly hard and sad, to be going through someone's lifetime  of things. I  know it must be done, but it is wearing.

    I hope you are over whatever bug you may have had last week.

    Viv,  you always give me a laugh! I can understand you're almost punching your friend. I can't let anyone else wax anything on me. I have tried, but it is so much more painful when someone else does it. I never got into leg waxing, I still shave my legs, and now my underarms, but everything else that needs to be smooth gets my wax treatment. Before you start wondering, upper lip, eyebrows, and bikini, no Brazilian for me!

    I love the sound of Water Zumba! Our pool closed down here and it is a drive into the next big town to go to the Aquatic center. I love water aerobics, but I just know I will use the distance as an excuse not to go.  Posting..M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    Bobo! Don't be giving yourself a hard time about the exercise. As much as you are yucked out, the massage and the stretching are sooooooo important. You'll kick yourself later if you don't do it religiously. Adhesions are crap and so is not having total range of motion. It will pass quickly and then you can get into real exercise and you'll be strong again before you know it! It is a very tough time, getting past all this crap, but you'll be back as the Punk Princess, bitch slapping, just as before! There are some hints of it now!

    I am glad you are going ahead with your gut feeling about W and his schooling. I really don't understand the pressure others exert when a decision is made. How does W feel about a change? Is he into it?  How about our Princess, has she said much?

    I hope you have a wonderful day in your PJ's. It is so very understandable that you don't want to be bothered by people right now, you need some quiet time, enjoy it! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    Fiaranch! Hot Water,how wonderful!

    Never considered Nair, but good thought!

    I am looking forward to the stories, when you get time..Take it easy, I hope you can lie in a nice HOT bath! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited February 2014

    Hi Dawny, how funny, that MIL! She could have ordered you a weeks worth of LIteNEasy on the phone and looked like a hero! I always have a fair number of these in the freezer for emergencies.

    otceb, I hope you're staying warm! Take it easy. This is definitely the place for hints on germ killing. OMG those trolleys at the Supermarket are lethal. I hate to think how many poopy kids have sat in those trolleys......yucko!

    I love being a Mother too, but I just adore the baby stage. I love the smell of babies, and have been known to almost inhale them when given one to hold!LOL

    ldesim, I am sorry you're feeling fatigued too, but that weather would have to drive you to wanting to hibernate. I hope you feel on top of it soon.

    Linda, what a woman! 5 kids and you home schooled them all. That is quite an achievement! What are you up to these days, now they are all grown?

    I just know that gB will post right after me, but I have to make a move and get organized for the day....Be back...M x