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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Bach flower remedies do not smell. You put them under your tongue. I thought may be useful for our sleepless girls. I never go to appts without real drugs. Xanax and ibuprofen.

    I don't like perfumes either and I've gotten more sensitive since we are a fragrance free home due to the kids allergies. The worst is at Christmas when I get scented candles from my students.

    Thanks for the laugh. I had missed that one. Good for the middle of the night.

    I'm going to have to put your dates on the calendar to keep everything straight.

    You all are making me hungry! I prefers tomatoes either caprese style (olive oil, tomatoes, basil, fresh mozzerella cheese and balsamic vinegar) or with cottage cheese. I love cheese. I guess that means the nausea is finally subsiding. I ate ginger snaps all day. Wonder what I can find in the kitchen that's quiet to eat.

    Just got the baby back to sleep. Doc says teeth. I say ears. But fever gone. 15 month shots on Friday. Wish my husband luck. I wouldn't go for a million dollars unless I was in one of those biohazard suits like Ariom's termite man.

    i hate chemo and want to be finished ASAP and I'm only on my second one. So I am avoiding all germ filled places as much as possible.

    Question about rads. Deoderant? Special kind? Recommend a brand?

    Have a good one.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hi zills, so glad to see you have a bit of an appetite tonight, but it must be late where you are. Are you up alone?

    I have no memory of the taste of cheese. I haven't eaten any dairy, apart from what my be in the odd baked goods or candy, for nearly 30 years.

    So glad to hear the baby's fever has passed tonight. I'd go with your instincts, but it could be both, teeth and ears, they can go together. Setting off referred pain. Isn't it just soul destroying to see them in pain!

    I hated doing the vaccination run too. I wish your husband luck, he's a good man for doing that!

    I bet you hate chemo, it must be awful. I was so grateful when I didcovered I had dodged that bullet. How long is your Chemo plan?

    I injected myself for almost 7 years every week, on a Tuesday with Methotrexate. It wasn't anywhere near what you are experiencing, but it was awful. I would get maybe one good day out of the week and then I had to do it again. I was taking steroids at the same time. I still take steroids every day, just a small dose, but it is the only thing that will take the edge off the Rheumatoid. It has stuffed my bones, and ruined my stomach. I too, was terrified of catching something. Working at the Airport didn't help.

    I carry hand sanitizer wherever I go, still! There are bottles of it everywhere. I am much better now, but I was phobic about it.

    I dodged the rads bullet too, by having the Mx, but I have to say that I have had great success with Cornflour in a container, I fluff it on with abig fluffy makeup brush. I had so much burning sensation from the node removal that when my skin from my underarm touched the skin of my chest it would stick, and was really painful. I stopped using talcum powder when my Mother was Dx with BC back in '94. Her surgeon told me there was a connection with Cancer and Talc, so I started to use the crystal deodorant. Now I still use the Cornflour, with no problems. ldesim will be able to tell you more than I can about the rads, she's nearly through to the end of her treatment.

    Well, it's dinner time here.. I hope you are sleeping later......M 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Chemo bad because of the nausea and I'm tired and scared. There's one really bad low day and then you slowly start to feel better and you get a good or decent two weeks before the next round. I've become a germ aphobe but I must not wash my hands as much as I did at daycare since they don't feel dry. I'm hoping my time at daycare gives me a really good immunity system. I have no idea how long the treatments. Depends on how the first four rounds are.

    And no the baby was up too and then I had a hard time going back to sleep. She seems fine this am so I will have some peace and quiet.

    It's a beautiful morning with the sin burning off the mist. I will do my exercises and a walk to the pond and then hopefully a nap!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Poor baby teething, ear ache, and shots all in the same week. It's hard to see little ones in pain. I foolishly agreed to hold my oldest grandson, Atticus, for his first shots, I cried louder than the baby, and promised I would never do that again. A promise I kept to him and carried on to his little brother, Harper too.

    Bobo, you may have more knitting to do than you bargained for, my girls were 38DD. Now that I look back it was like carrying around a couple of melons.

    Yummy. Okra. Or as it's pronounced here okree. Fried it's fantastic, boiled it reminds me of wallpaper paste. I actually have seeds that were handed down from my Great Grandmother. The plants from these seeds produce long pods that do not become tough and fibrous. Other than fried I also use it in vegetable soup mix, and gumbo. Since no garden was planted here I passed along some seed to a family member, hopefully they will dry some new pods so this variety will continue.

    Can't help with the deodarant question, luckily I was spared chemo, and rads. Does it have any bearing on the arm where nodes were removed? Guess I should have thought of that before now. Oh well.

    Yes that ugly remark was actually said aloud, actually loudly, to the sperm donors mom. Yesterdays trip to the pharmacy also caused some equally nasty remarks to a pharmacy tech that attempted to refuse to fill the OGs pain meds. An unladylike exchange occurred, in my defense this young lady has an attitude with every customer. In fact there were 3 customers who had a problem with her, I was the only one who gave attitude back to her. Each of us had a talk to the pharmacists and store manager after dealing with her. Unfortunately it must have done no good, when I had to go back 6 hours later to pick up another prescription she was still there with even more attitude.

    Time to go wade through the mud to feed the chickens, and I really am going to stake those tomatoes today. Hugs.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    pickled okra is the best, very pricey in our stores too. I actually have a plant growing in my garden but not sure if our growing season is long enough here, think maybe it is grown in southern states.

    well the excedrin pm did nothng last nite, but finally fell asleep about 4 and woke at 7:30, ewww. this has to end. Boy when I was young and raising our 2 sons, I could have slept anytime anywhere! so many women I talk to have this problem, what the heck is it??

    Beautiful day in ND today so better enjoy it, I put some organic bug repellant on and head out. I also have a jacket/cover made of net material, it works but I hate it, gets hot, especially if I am working.. have a good day all.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Ndgirl have you tried Ativan? It really helps me sleep, I've started taking it 3 times per day to see if it will curb the mood swings and the anxiety that over takes me at the oddest times.

    I think okra needs hot steamy climate to really thrived. I don't know for sure I've only tried to grow it in SC and TX. It didn't do well in TX but I was only there a couple of years. Hugs

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    I'm sure it won't surprise anybody, but  Okra is not well known on the East Coast.  I have bought it frozen before and I love it.. but Joe calls it..... snot on a plate.  Sorry for making anybody queasy with that one lol.

    I'll have to try this tempo stuff.. we have a marsh nearby so mosquitos are a pain in most instances, but already this year they are intolerable.  Is it safe for use near animals?

    Ndgirl, I agree, it has to end... I wish I knew of something to help you.  

    Granwe, how many chickens do you have?  Granwe, I probably shouldn't, but I love the squirmeshes you have been getting into!!  My nieces are into this show called Bad Girls Club and they are like these wannabe gangster chicks.. it's a stupid show... but at the rate you are going, we may have to get you a slot on that show!  F rude people!

    Bah.. figured I'd have time to catch up, but it appears I must work... be back later.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Morning ladies, first morning I have gotten up in ages where it isn;t raining. Our little rain gauge says over 100ml since Saturday, and the Avon river is peaking today. We aren't going to have any problems from it but I do feel so sorry for people who get flooded out.

    Gramwe, I am loving that Chutzpa! F rude people. I used to say "Bring it on!" when anyone was rude. I enjoyed the stouch (Aussie slang for Assault, fight!) and God forbid anyone was rude to anyone dear to me. I say "was" because I have mellowed with age. I love that you have marked your territory with this family, they know you see the boy for what he is, and you are defending your baby girl. I hope he realises you won't be taking any of his crap! A little fear of the family is always a good thing in these insatances, don't you think? :)

    How is the OG doing? I hope all is well. Any more work done on the roof?

    Ndgirl, so sorry you aren't getting the sleep you need. I am at a loss, as to what to suggest. I am sure you've triied everything there is. I do hope that this is a cyclic thing that will pass.

    I feel for you having to battle the mossies. we have some respite for the Winter, but when the Spring arrives, look out. The only thing that kills them naturally is a few days of extreme heat, and I hate that too!

    ldesim, I was right, hahah snot on a plate, indeed! It is that gelatanous stuff I thought it was!

    I am going to look up Tempo too, I haven't heard of that one.

    We're bad! egging Gramwe on with her Femara fueled aggro! (thet's an Aussie reduction and add an "O" for aggression!)

    All the best ladies....I am off to do my ablutions, and then to my fave opp shop. Ill be back!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Somebody posted this on my facebook... thought of you ladies right away.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hot tea snort! When I opened this page!

    I love that ldesim, still laughing, Colin loved it too!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    You all are a hoot. Just what the doctor ordered to get over myself. A friend stopped by today and another tomorrow with dinner of course. I'm just feeling self conscious about my bald head.

    I'm not fond of okra either but haven't tried it pickled.

    How many chickens and what kind? When I was a nanny, they had pet chickens. I loved to hang out with them. Preschool teachers need all the peace and quiet they can get! I'm sure you eat the eggs but do you eat the chickens too?

    Bobo skip this paragraph. My husband's family raised turkeys for Christmas. He flew home every year to help. One year I went to meet the family and I helped. It was an experience but not a bad one. I don't think I had any turkey for Christmas dinner though. This weekend he and our son are going to help some Amish friends with their chickens. Should make for an interesting story.

    Hope we all get some sleep tonight. We need to stay strong. The baby is better and I didn't nap so hopefully I can sleep at least 6 hours straight. Sweet dreams! Especially you Bobo. We'll all be rooting for you tomorrow.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    Idesim you are a hoot! just what we need, a good belly laugh, just showed my husband this too and he chuckled. These boards are such great therapy! nothing better than a good laugh! no I havent tried ativan, but thinking about asking, God I hate meds, drs, the whole ball of wax.. but sure glad to have them too at times.

    Tempo is supposed to be non toxic but I still think it must be somewhat, no smell to it anyway. I have a friend that would use it on her potato plants when the bugs arrived, but I never would do that, try to keep my garden as pesticide free as possible. But what the heck, ended up with cancer anyway.. go figure.

    I read someone's post somewhere that said "having an early stage breast cancer is like beating the mafia but then always having to look over your shoulder the rest of your life" I liked that one but now cant find who posted it. oh well.

    It was an absolute beautiful day in North Dakota today, 80 degrees no wind and pure sunshine, makes me glad to be alive!! by the way.. what was God thinking when he created the mosquito???

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Bobogirl, It is early Thursday morning where you are, late Thursday evening here.

    I am thinking of you, and wishing you all the best for today. I don't know what time you're appointment is, but I'm sending you positive thoughts, and hugs.

    Take care of you! M x

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Bobogirl, I'm in your pocket. You are in my heart. Sending you a ton of positive thoughts for today. Hugs

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    I'm in your pocket too with my fists raised in definance and my hair spiked as much like Rod Stewarts as I can manage :)  {{{{Bobogirl}}}}

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    Thinking and praying for you Bobo girl. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Oh, my women!  I'm loving your defiant fists!  Love you guys so much.  Thank you for your wishes.  As it turns out, I needed them badly.  

    Back home.  That was the most pain I've ever experienced.  Worse than miscarriages, Worse than surgeries, worse even than punch biopsies, which were the gold standard up to this point. Even with the punch biopsies, which were painful and horrifying, and for which I was stone cold sober (they numbed the area), I did not make any noise.  Not this time.  Involuntary screaming.  Really -- I had not planned on screaming, I am normally pretty stalwart, screams were just escaping me.  The OB threatened to leave and make me come back if I didn't stop.  So I was biting on a twisted kleenex.  My face was wet with tears, I cried all my punk eye makeup off.  I was wearing all of my bracelets.

    Originally I was supposed to get results by phone in two weeks.  (!)  But then after she took the samples she said she wanted to see me back in the office in four weeks.  Any way you can read this as a good sign?

    I asked the OB -- do I have to do this again?  She said, Yes, anytime you have abnormal bleeding.  I said, How much bleeding warrants a call to your office? She said, Any amount of bleeding warrants a call.

     This is all the update I have for now.  p.s.  .5 mg Valium -- F that.  Ridiculous.  F people who give you .5 mg of Valium.  I am totally panicked and completely sober.  Feel like a beaten dog.  If I have to have these on a regular basis -- I don't know what that will do to me.  Hoping you guys are having a great day for me.  XXX

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    OMG! reaching out to you with some hugs.. how horrible! But ya know what?? I love your spunkiness and I dont think cancer has a chance in hell in your body.. you are one tough gal. Hang in there.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited June 2013

    I'm so sorry you had such an awful time! Mine was certainly not that bad. Maybe you need a new OB - one with a heart. Or a gentle touch. Or better meds. (((((HUGS)))))

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Poor baby. They can be horrendous and you've been through enough lately. I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself these next few days. You deserve extra!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Oh Bobo, I was so worried for you, and now I see it was justified. WTF! How can they torture you like this, and not prepare you for it with meds?

    Let me at that OB, I'll make her cry, Bitch!

    Where does their humanity go? Do they become so hardened to it that this is an acceptable outcome for what , I think, should be a fairly routine test. In this day and age....not F'ing acceptable. And to admonish you for the pain, F her....Big Time. I am really furious, can't you tell!

    I am with Wren, is there no way I want our girl going back to that heartless female if there is any way around it.

    Bobo, I so hope you are resting now and not in any pain. Take it easy, and consider youself ((((HUGGED))))) by me.

    Let us know how you are feeling.....M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    That OB needed a fist and wth having to wait 4 weeks? Did they have a response for that?? I don't know what to make of it.. but 4 weeks is cruel... hell 2 weeks is cruel... it should not take so long to get results for these type of things ... we are not talking a pap smear here.

    I don't know much about drugs or what a normal valium prescription would be, but .5 seems ridiculously low.  You still had some didn't you? I hope you are resting and not too uncomfortable.  

    I had the punch biopsies a few years ago and it is pretty horrible... so I can't imagine what it is you went through today :(  xxxx

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Ndgirl, I was thinking of that today... all the things you're careful of (never fully trusted the microwave), such as pesticides and what good did it do.  Ahh well.

    Answer to mosquito question.... the same thing he was thinking when he created Cancer!!! 

    I love that.... "having an early stage breast cancer is like beating the mafia but then always having to look over your shoulder the rest of your life".  We all have to get used to the new normal, whatever that is :)

    I could not kill an animal.. hell.. I hate bugs but if I find them in the house, I transport them outside.  Having said that, if a mosquito is biting me, I will splat it.  

    Today I found out that my remaining radiation visits will be boosts, meaning, instead of treating the large area that they have been, it will be a higher dose and concentrated at my incision site... two long blasts instead of the 14-16 short blasts I have been getting up until now.  

     I took it as good news and bad news.  Good news is my armpit is done being radiated and that was causing me the most discomfort.  Bad news is, by the time I am finished, the incision area will be pretty raw and of course there is also the fear of any lung damage. I am not sure where lung is in relation to my incision.. I would think just a small portion would be in the field. 

    Beautiful day here in Boston again, I sat in the yard a bit when I first got home, but the mosquitos started their crap.  Last thing I want is to put insecticide on me right now :)

    Anybody have any good plans this weekend?  How bout 4th of July?  I can't believe that is right around the corner!  We have no plans as of yet.. that seems to be par for the course these days.  I'm pretty sure I'll just relax over the weekend.. fatigue has hit me full force.  I have no idea about the 4th.

    How's the OG doing Granwe?

    Zills, the baby still feeling better?

    {{{{Bobogirl}}}}  Glad this is behind you, now the long wait for results.  F waiting on results!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    I just looked it up, and read a very good description of what you went through Bobo on endometrial biopsy.

    I am hoping you never have to do this again, but if you do, there has to be drug preparation first. There are some suggestions on this site. The woman writing this suffered just as you did, with no prior warning. Her description of previous procedures, many that I have also had, and would have to agree are, excruciating. Especially, the sinus surgery, performed in Singapore, without being knocked out, was barbaric, beyond words. That was part of our cruise from hell!

    Isn't there something else they can do, other than just keep repeating this test if you have abnormal bleeding?

    I had cervical pre cancer when I was 24, just after having Bec. My body has been trying to get me, forever, skin cancers, polyp inthe bowel, DCIS. I had what they called a Cone Biopsy and Radical Diathermy which just nuked the interior of the womb. End of story! Never had another problem, just get a Pap every year.

    Is this too simplistic a procedure for your symptoms? or even Hysterectomy? Just a thought. Please don't think me too intrusive, just thinking what I might do in the same situation, or suggestions I'd make if it were my baby girl facing this.

    I am not making this about me Bobo, just wondering if there is any way around it for you. I know opting for a surgery, is a big step, but would it give you peace of mind? I am sure you have thought about this and talked it through with DLLP.

    I just can't stand to see a friend in pain, or fearing this procedure again. ((((hugs)))))

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hi ldesim, we were writing at the same time.

    I am glad to hear that you are really nearing the finale of the rads. I wonder how long it will take to heal your armpit, and any further burning on the incision, ouch! I feel for you, so much. F Rads! I wish it all to be over and the fatigue melts away so you can have a quiet Summer to recuperate in your yard, mossie free! F the mossies too, ugly face and flip the bird! at the screen for you ldesim!

    There was frost on everything this morning, and 0 degrees, there hasn't been any rain for about 20 hours, and none forecast for the next few days. Just enough time for the weeds to take over the garden!

    The lake is still, and there isn't a breath of wind. A fox runs by here every so often. I wonder aboout a solitary fox,, where it lives, if there are more of them. We sure have lots of bunnies around too, so the fox doesn't have a tough life.

    Today the Pelicans are standing in a big huddle on the point of what's called Duck Arm. It is a curve of land with a sandy beach that attracts the people who waterski. There is a boat ramp and a playgound for the children over there.

    I didn't mention my bargain of the century yeaterday! I went into Bairnsdale, our next big town, just 12 minutes drive away. I was going hunting for tiles to finish the laundry splashback. Nothing special, I decided to just go for large 12"x18" off white with a stone border. I decided to call in to the big opp shop on the way, just for a quick look. I am so glad I did, because sitting there on the floor were the exact tiles I was looking for. I needed 18 there were 22, and best of all $5.00 for the lot. Brand new and in their boxes, no damage! There was even a man there to carry them to the car for me.. how's that!

    It is time to get the rest of the house finished. I put it on hold after my Dx, and surgery. I just couldn't handle the smells, or having the tradesmen all over the house, but I am ready for the final push to get it all finished now.  There isn't too much to do, buut it will take a little while to coordinate it all.

    I have a Farmers Market this weekend, and I am going to buy the paper to see if there are any Garage Sales on. I have been having Garage Sale withdrawals. There haven't been any local ones for a while. I love to go to the local ones and get plant cuttings. I know the things will grow here. There is nice weather forecast, so I will take Dex for some big walks. He's going a bit "stir" crazy. I have been playng ball with him to tire him out, but a walk is in order, for both of us.

    I'll be back later to find out how everyone is doing....I hope our Bobo has had a good rest after that assault....M x

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Ok ladies pack your bags I'm gassing up the Bitch bus and we're going

    to pay this wicked OB a visit. After I give her a few Femara fueled words we will find our girl a new OB one with a heart and compassion.

    It chaps my thighs to think that that witch could be so cruel. Hope you are feeling better now Bobo.

    Congratulations on the bargin buy of the day Moira. Don't you just love finding something you need at a great price. Jessica and I were just checking out auctions for Sat. since her current room mate is moving out at the end of the month she needs a sofa, chairs, and a dining room table. She excited to be able to decorated just for herself, no more room mates!

    No I didn't go completely crazy there was a plausible reason for me tying the OG to bed post last night. Out of the gutter! No kinky things took place, and I had permission, from his therapist! I was at wits end reminding, nagging him to keep his arm above his head. So I administered his medications, sat him up in bed, placed a stack of pillows under his elbow then I tied his wrist to the bedpost. I untied him every hour did therapy for 15 minutes then tied him back to the bedpost. It worked! No swelling this morning and all the therapist and patients were giving him a hard time this afternoon!

    The mafia statement is perfect! It describes this new life to a T.

    One would think that mosquitoes wouldn't bite us with all the drugs that have been pumped in our blood. If those little asses would suck fat I'd let them have me for dinner every night., I'd even lay across the coffee table so they could feel like they were home.

    Unfortunately the Famara wrath was unleashed on the OG today. I read somewhere that they were like instant mental illness, I'm starting to believe it's true. The one person who has treated me like a princess for 30 years and I go off on him for hours. F F F F you stupid drug. Of course apologies were given, St. Goat forgave, I wept. Now I'm really seriously considering stopping them or asking to try something different. I want ME back!!!!!!

    Idesim I so hope the end of rads is easier F rads too! As for the 4th of July, all the roofers have offered to work here again. This time they want to bring their families too. Now I just have to figure a way to feed them. OG being out of works means no paychecks! Workers compensation should pay after he's been without pay for 2 weeks, then it takes another 2 weeks to receive a percentage of his normal pay. Time for me to pull another rabbit out of my hat. Don't worry we wont eat the rabbit, or my pet chickens either.

    Z. Hows the baby today? Did you ever determine if it was teeth, ears or both. Hugs to baby and dad for shot day tomorrow.

    Med, therapy, and bondage time. See y'all later. Hugs

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Just rest Bobo and only think far enough ahead as to what flavor of ice cream will be next. Yes F the doctors and there should be other options. Waiting is the worst and we've all been there. But you have lots of others things going on like knitting and learning Greek plus your kids. I don't see how you do it all.

    Idesim I'm so sorry you have more rads. You have a good attitude. Keep it up. And no we don't have any plans for July 4th. At least I don't as it will be two days out from my 3rd round. I don't want to think about it. I'll live vicariously thru you guys.

    Way to go Ariom on the score! It was your lucky day. I love a good deal. I completely understand about the smells. Was considering putting something in the crock pot but don't think I could stand the smell all day. Have quit the anti-nausea meds and been eating ginger snaps. Not any worse feeling but no side effects:). It just takes time for it to subside and the nurse is on vacation so I can't get any answers. I have Jin Shin next week so that will help.

    My chest has been tight all week. Doc said to massage it. Are there any secrets to this? I'm sure if I quit wrestling with the baby it would help.

    She's better but still has a hard time going to sleep. Not sure if its teeth/ears, a stage, or too light outside. Shots tomorrow. Wish my husband luck. I always gave her a sucker from the very first time. The sugar distracted her. She only hollered at the initial stick. She loves suckers so there's no lingering phobia. Thank goodness.

    Supposed to be very hot over the weekend. I might stick my feet in the wading pool with the baby. We don't usually have a problem with mossies but white flies? They live in these giant green bushes around the house. The bushes hum because there are so many. And they get in the car and swarm around. It's annoying but they don't bite thank goodness.

    Granwe. I bet the OG does feel better with no swelling and all the ribbing. What a good wife to tie him up. Made my husband ask what I was laughing at. You go girl! Sorry about your SEs. Verdict still out on baby. Maybe a virus? Everyone else's cooking always tastes better. I bet they don't get a home cooked meal very often and are delighted with the trade.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Foxes are solitary aren't they? Are your foxes red?

    That is a fantastic bargain! That stuff is fairly expensive and you got them for less than what we pay for lunch around here (average $6-8). Now is this something you will install yourself or have a tradesman do?

    Glad you have some nice weather coming up, enjoy it while you can, I would love to be going with you to the garage sales and would love a nice romp with Dex!

    One of my GF's recently bought a house with ocean views. It's about a 45 minute drive and she has invited us over for 4th of July, along with a whole bunch of other folks, a lot I haven't seen in some time and would love to catch up with. She probably has great views of fireworks. I'm sure we could manage to go later in the day, we'll see. I can't be out in the sun and not about to hole up in her house and then others feel they have to stay with you.. yadda yadda. The shitty thing about having cancer is ruining other peoples parties lol.

    I have to admit I was feeling a little sorry for myself after rads this morning, these last couple of days I've been uncomfortable and fatigued. As I'm walking down the street to the subway, I pass Children's Hospital and there was a boy of about 8-10 years old and he was just about bald. He was walking with his mom (I'm assuming) and another little boy and he was pushing an empty wheelchair, which I just somehow knew was his. My heart went out to him and to his mom and suddenly my discomfort didn't seem so bad anymore.

    Hope you and Dex enloy your walk today.. I'm off to get some beauty sleep in a litltle bit.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Gramwe, keep revving that bus! I'm coming!!

    Oooh I'd love to come to the auctions with you! I just bought the paper to see if there are any Garage Sales tomorrow or Sunday. I am very happy with my bargain, when I unpacked them I saw that they are Premium Tiles, not just the budget kind, so more the better!

    Boy, are you a good woman. The OG will be healed and using that hand again in no time. Therapy every hour, you must be exhausted, but what a good idea, tying him to the bedpost.....sure you haven't done that before HaHa:)

    The Mafia statement is absolutely perfect to! I agree!

    You're a cracker Gramwe, I am trying to picture you lying across the coffee table covered in mossies.

    I am so sorry that you are feeling the wrath of FFF'ing Femara, and that it was aimed at the OG. I am sure he understood, but I can also imagine how awful you felt for firing at him. 

    You've got an awful lot on your plate right now, and we all know what stress can do. Add the se's of Femara, and you've got something volatile, and hard to control. Don't worry Gramwe, your sweet self is still there. We love you!

    You've made such a great impression on the roof workers, that they want to bring their families to your house. Ouch, that's a lot of work, and sounds expensive too. Glad to hear chicken and rabbit are off the menu!

    Hugs to you, and the OG....M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hey Zills, I am glad you're not feeling the se's of the meds, and that  the ginger snapsare helping a bit.

    I am very interested in the Jin Shin, and would love to hear about it after your next appointment.

    I am pretty firm with the chest massage, but I am used to deep tissue massage, so I would suggest starting off slow and building up. If you don't have any massage oil just use some pure olive oil. The movement of the skin helps to break any adhesions, and the increased blood flow is healing, bringing oxygen to the incision site.

    I wish you, and your husband all the best with the baby and the vaccinations tomorrow. I hope you've got a few suckers, I am all for finding whatever works:)

    I had a call from my next door neighbor from my old place today. She was telling me the new owners of my old house, are having a baby in August. I am so thrilled for them. They were living and working in Singapore, the wife came home to look at houses, and the husband flew in the day before the Auction. We had a private viewing for him and then the next day they got into a bidding war with another buyer. Colin and I were hiding in the master bedroom, holding our breath. We had them in for Champage after they bought the house, and the next day they were on a plane back to Singapore.

    It was a big collective sigh of relief from Colin and I, because we had already bought this place. The cardinal sin of real estate, I can't believe we did that, but fortunately, we didn't get burned:)

    There are few children around where we used to live, and even less where we are now. I do miss seeing kids playing out in the street. 

    I hope your baby girl is feeling so much better today, and that the vaccinations are a non event. Take care......M