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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Enough with the liquid sunshine. ! Its pouring out side, but only suppose to last a short time, then the real sun will pop out and we will have our very own outdoor sauna. Oh goody. Thank goodness I cleaned the chicken coop, rearranged potted plants earlier, when it was only 82f, with 70% humidity.

    Bobo you are so sweet to do for others when you don't feel well. Thank you for being so thoughtful.

    Lunch is over, dishes, laundry, furry floors, bathtub rings are calling my name.

    Hugs and loves to everyone

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Granwe, I believe what you have there will be an outdoor steam bath!  A sauna is dry, at least.

    Steambathin' it here!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Yes we too are experiencing the steam bath but right now it's trying to rain and it is nice and dark. I'm going to nap so I don't hit the wall and nap tonight.

    Baby good. Boy exhausted by his weekend activities. Husband feeling pressured to get stuff done. He's self-employed.

    I should fold laundry but it can wait. I did get to shop in the big city and found some cute water shoes for my youngins. Got great deals for grilling out plus special ice cream for the baby. My freezer is full.

    Did manage a sit down lunch since it was pouring buckets. Weatherman said it would only be the western counties. Wouldn't you love to get paid for being wrong!

    I was close to my mother and was her caregiver for awhile but... She converted to a different religion and doesn't believe in birthdays or holidays any more. She always made them special growing up. She even had second thoughts about attending my wedding because we are not the same religion. That started the decline.

    I was "adopted" by a lady at work as my second Mom. I have three sisters, a few close friends and now you guys. I believe there are all types of families. I think of you like sisters or mothers.

    Thank you Bobo. It will be great to get something fun in the mail. Can't wait. Hope you are managing some protein shakes.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Granwe you wear me out. You are two months ahead of me in surgery time. I hope I'm an energetic as you are if I ever catch up.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Just bought my end of radiation treat.... Yankee Candle has a semil annual sale and they are discontinuing one my favorites!!!!!!!!!!! F discontinuances! Of course I had to order a couple of Green Grass and then you get free shipping when you spend $100.00... so.....

    How did I get 2 pages behind again!!!!?????

    Granwe, Joe is the same way (it's a guy thing, my father was just as bad), I have to check in his vehicle every so often when I notice he's lacking in clothing and usually find a couple of loads once I get beyond the dunkin donuts cups....

    haha.. forget the dice on the rearview... you'll have knockers :)

    What's a willy's truck? I never heard of that before.

    I support you on the Femara, that was my worry on the Tamoxifen. Is there a chance that everything levels off once your system is used to it?? Talk to your Dr. about it, I don't blame you for wanting to stop, but we want you safe too! As far as your surgery results.. I would talk to your BS... I know I'm not as healed as I thought I would be at this point either. F all this bullshit.

    My heart breaks for the OG (and you too!) when does he have a follow up??? Boy your house must be a barrell of laughs, but I can see how this would be oh so depressing. I wish I could do something to help.  I am so upset to hear this :(

    Bobogirl, 65 lb dog???  It's not a particular breed?  That's a good sized dog.. I'm a little fearful of dogs myself and I cannot stand when they lick your face!! Yuk!!

    I scrolled up a little more and see I almost missed a post about the knitted knockers.  They have nipples? lol.  Agreed.. F Pinkober.. if it was doing any good 1out of 8 women wouldn't get this shit. Bobogirl, I'll take pink but do everybody else first... 36C for me, how are you telling the sizes?  You are so mysterious with your knocker knitting.

    Agree, getting constantly checked out is a good thing and I need to stay on top of that too as uterine cancer is one of the side effects of the F'ing Tamoxifen. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they come back to you with some concise plan and that you are never treated so callously again. 

    Any chance the cone shape knitted knocker had something to do with watching Madonna concerts? :)  

    No solid food?? How long for? I don't think ice cream is considered solid food!

    You are not alone, any one of us will help you research and help you do whatever you need to do to get the treatment YOU want and what is best for you.

    Ndgirl, my DH would go crazy for those cars, I'm so glad we don't live near you, he'd become a nuisance over your house :)

    Gosh you all hate the fitters.. and here I thought that would be one of the more pleasant aspects of all this crap.. but I guess not!  

    My hair is turning darker!!!!!!  I was fearing that I was all gray now, but I see dark coming in too.  That made me feel so much better only because its some normalcy coming back.  It's going to be Winter by the time I have anything do do anything with.. but as long as it's coming.. i am happy!

    Zills, I didn't know there was such a thing as sushi rice lol!

    I can so laugh at myself, do it all the time... I think belly dancing would be a blast, but yes, minus the cymbals.. no way I could do that.

    Moira, I am laughing over MIL cat and have we finally found something that unnerves you???  I can't believe it!! :)  I love cats, it's dogs that I am not comfortable around.  I guess when I was little I had two encounters with German Shepards.. I don't remember it, but perhaps that is why the discomfort.

    I have the "throwing away" good stuff problem with Joe as well, but not his car.. he is a paper hoarder.. saves every F'ing thing given or mailed to him.  When we moved we had these big totes just full of his papers.  I try to go through and throw things out and he always knows.  It drives me crazy.

    Bobogirl, I always said I wanted a sister!!! :)

    White flies sound gross... but any insect is gross in my book.

    I have to end the post here and try to come back later.

    {{{{hugs to all}}}}

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Idesim: sisters it is!  I could tell you some stories about our mother... :)

    nd: Yours is the only address I do not have.  Yours and Ariom's.  M, send it.  I don't care if it costs extra.  I worked all weekend!

    Biopsy results in: no endometrial cancer.  Snippy message from GYN saying 'At least your results are negative.  We will deal with the pain piece if you have this test again.'  Very glad for negative: just want to state for the record that I'm 43, and there's a good chance I will have some spotting at some point.

    So, negative!  Getting care packages together tonight.  During the Batchelor.  XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013


    I am happy dancing for you! Negative is wonderful, I am so thrilled for you, Bobo!

    Snippy response....well F her......."At least your results are negative!" what a condescending bitch she is. Oooh I wish I was there! I don't like her Bobo!

    I have had some suggestions for the meds. Valium for the nerves and muscle relaxant, and as Zills suggested a big dose of pain killer a couple of hours prior to the test, and then there was Pethadine and Valium, I don't know if that would stop the pain, but it would make you not give  a shit, what they were doing. I don't mean to be humorous, I just remember having that cocktail years ago, before a surgery, and I swear they could have done the surgery without anaesthetic, on those drugs.

    The nurse I spoke to also mentioned a block that was available, but I forgot to write the name down. I am wondering if that is what you had, and it didn't work. I will keep searching for other suggestions.

    You take care, and try to eat something, you'll be fading away. We don't want you getting sick from lack of food....M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Five minutes ago!  I wonder if you're still on!

    I had that block -- paracervical block.  And I had:

    .5 Valium

    2 extra-strength Motrin

    Both of those one hour before, as instructed.  I must say, I definitely did not feel that I did not give a sh*t.  I was totally sober.  And then they did the procedure so soon after the block -- I can't imagine it took effect!

    I think more V, plus muscle relaxant.  Sending now just in case you are on!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Okay, packages are ready!  Have been working since 5 a.m., but had to get these ready to go.  I hope you love them!


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Wanted to respond to the rest of your message, M.  I think I am not hungry because of shock.  Of course I am so happy it is negative.  But I knew it was going to be negative.  This is a test they do just in case.  And I'm glad to be tested for uterine cx -- so many women are not.  But -- don't know if I'm clear here -- I almost don't care about results in this case.  The test itself is the horrible thing.

    Will try to absorb happiness of not having uterine cx, though.  Am having shakes, a plain avocado, a cup of berries, watermelon.  No solids yet.  Any thought of it turns my stomach.  How is my Dex?  I bet he is nervous sometimes too.

    And Z, how is that baby of ours doing?  And will she sleep through the night?

    And how is the OG?  And Idesim, what's on the coffee table?

    Off to watch The Batchelor! XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hi ldesim,

    Not too much longer now and the Rads are over. I am glad you got the gift you wanted, but what's the deal with discontinuing stuff. I hate it too, but it happens with monotonous regularity. Every time I find stuff I really like, it gets moved on. I recently spent ages online just trying to find the hairspray I use all the time. I know that sounds really silly, but I had found one that suited my very fine, but abundant hair. It doesn't weigh it down and I don't know if you know how hard it is too keep a shine on hair that is this color, well it's hard.LOL I finally found a store in another state that had just 12 bottles in stock, so I bought them all. Don't know what I'll do when these are gone.

    Cats unnerve me, and so do unattended dogs. There are virtually no stray dogs where I am now, but where I used to live you could run into a mean looking dog while out walking. My Mother was terrified of dogs, I never had one gowing up, but  when I was first married we got a dog after our house was broken into, and my Mother loved that dog like a child. It was amazing.

    You take care now, and enjoy your new Yankee candles!..M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Snoopy dance!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that!!!! {{{{hugs}}}}  Fabulous!  And you didn't even have to wait a lifetime for the results!

    F her attitude!! What kind of message is that? "at least"  I'm spewing.

    Moira, nice score on the shopping again!  So sad about the supermarket closing now, they closed our small market too and now we're stuck with the "super" grocery stores that take an hour to walk from one end to the other and are all over priced.  F big commerce.

    Zils, i agree with Ariom, Bobogirl may make you a DD with a nipple the size of a plum. :)

    Moira, I've always thought it would be fun to take a person from the turn of the century that had to hand wash clothes and cook all day on stoves they have to keep lit and show them all the modern conveniences we take for granted.  I love the muck around story!

    Seriously, you could describe a bowl of dog food and by the end of it, I would be telling Joe we just have to get some dog food because it sounds so fantastic LOL!

    I remember Pac Man and Space Invaders very well... I can hear the noises of the arcade games as I type this and I think I still have the Atari console with the Pac Man game.  My father became so addicted to that game, he'd stay up at night after we went to bed and he'd draw out his route plans and would yell at the TV when pac man was eaten. 

    I have not moved up to Ipad or tablet territory yet and I don't own a smart phone yet either.  I am not a telephone person.. I hate sitting on the phone, always have... I try to accomplish as much work issues I can via email lol. I am sick of having to listen to people's conversations on the subway, there just seems to be a lack of personal space/privacy these days.

    I have the same ailment, markdowns just entrall me and i'll buy nearly anything because it's such a good deal lol.  I am addicted to the deal of the day sites although the deals aren't as good as they were when concept first started.

    You don't have squirrels??  Swans can be nasty, like geese and ducks.. I've been nipped many times by geese and they hurt like hell!

    Off to have some of my ice cream... I think it's going to be an early night for me.  Only 2 more days to go!

    Thrilled for you {{{{Bobogirl}}}}   How do you plan to celebrate?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    I am here Bobo, just reading to catch up.

    Valium is the muscle relaxant. Colin takes it every day for his spasms. It doesn't affect him in any other way, except to relax the muscles that go a bit berserk.

    I think the Pethedine was the "I don't give a F!" drug, but mix it with enough Valium and you're in LaLa Land. It makes you all warm and cushy too. As I said, I am still looking for other options for you Bobo....m x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    YeeHaw!!!! What wonderful news. I hope you can celebrate with something solid.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2013

    Hi Moira,

    I agree with the others, you have a talent for writing. Maybe one day you may write your memoirs. I can see the title now: "Moira's Memoirs." or Moira's Daily Diaries. The latter has a wee bit of an echo of Mrs. Dales Diaries though. Don't know if you remember that BBC radio show? I used to listen to it with my mother when we still lived in England before emigrating to Australia.

    My mother was a writer and many of her short stories were printed in the Australian Women's Weekly mag. I don't know if you still have that mag. in Australia. When my family returned to Britain she continued her story writing in the Lancashire Life magazine. To be a writer, I have always thought that one must have had interesting life experiences plus the ability to have the words on the page create interesting imagery. My mother being brought up in the depression had a tough childhood with many penworthy events that took place in her life. Later, when she was about 19 she was a war hero and later still, when we went to Australia she saved the neighbour's houses from catching fire from a raging bush fire and again was heroic in organising the neighbourhood kids to get the hoses out and hose down all the houses. She also wrote about everyday happenings which were also a joy to read. She used to have us in fits of laughter when describing people that she met. She looked for interesting characters that she could use in her writing. She wrote her memoirs before she died and even though many of the events that took place in her life we had heard numerous times they still had the power to tug at the heart strings when we read them in print.

    In contrast, nothing much eventful happened in my life so I don't have anything to share with the world.

    But you do. You have told us many of your life's experiences that are very interesting to read and sometimes when I am reading your comments, I feel that I am reading a small portion of a short story collection.

    A gal on these bco was also an interesting writer. Her posts were full of her life as a farmer in the Yorkshire Dales. On reading her posts, it was like reading from "All creatures great and small." She doesn't post anymore, she went into hosp. for back surgery and hasn't posted since.  She is on facebook so is still in touch with the gals from BCO. But I sure miss her posts.

    Interesting what you said about your school days. I had the same experience at school along with friends who were either from England or Scotland. We banded together as we felt isolated among the Australians. We had trouble copying their accent in the early days and ended up not trying anymore. We got teased a lot because we were different. But I think we got our own back as we got older as we got the best roles when we studied Shakespeare. LOL

    I loved wearing my kilt as well. I dressed my two daughters in kilts when they were young and I was pleased to see that my 3 year granddaughter now owns one. They look so lovely on little girls.

    Have you ever tried writing? So many things have happened in your life that you cannot write them all in one novel.  It would take many novel LOL. You could take a few events and spin a story around them. I am sure you would do really well.

    I love that the girls are referring to you as mother. Mother Moira that is so nice.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    ldesim, I am with you. I don't have a smart phone or a tablet either. I recently got a new phone, and when I said I just wanted a phone that made and received calls the salesgirl looked at me like I had two heads! HaHa

    I don't really like cell phones much, but agree they are great for emergencies. I am a hard line telephone addict. It has been said more than once that I will need to be buried with a phone. Colin keeps offering to buy me a headset so I can continue what I am doing and not walk around with the handset cradled on my shoulder. I love to keep in touch by phone. I find email just a bit too impersonal. I don't do facebook either, but all my friends are on at me all the time to join.

    Oh goodness, I have so many memories of the things we showed to Vi.

    I think the saddest time was a daytrip that was supposed to be great fun, but I hadn't realised just how it would pan out.

    We have a gold mining town called Sovreign Hill which has been reconstructed into a working town from the 1800's. No electricity, wood huts and campfires. All the water is carried from the stream, and there are no made roads. It shows how tough life was for the people of that time. You know the kind I mean.

    I couldn't work out why Vi wasn't getting into it like Bec was. I asked him what was wrong, and he said it was just like his home, and he was thinking of his family. I was dumbstruck. I hadn't really ever understood just how primitive his home was, till then. It also brought home just how our way of living was so foreign to him. When he was awe struck by something, he really was, seeing it for the very first time. I bought him his first watch, and his first bike. I'll never forget his reaction, but in saying that, he could have the same reaction to something we take completely for granted that cost a few dollars.

    I had seriously never seen a squirrel, except for TV. When the people told me to keep away from them because they can carry Rabies, I was horrified. We don't have Rabies here. Although they are talking about our Bat Colonies having something that they are calling a type of Rabies.

    Ahh, a woman of my own heart. The daily deals, I agree, the deals are getting less "deal" like every day.

    Two more days...I am thinking of you! M x     

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2013

    Hi Bobo,

    I was so pleased to hear that your biopsy was negative. That was a brutal experience for you and my thoughts were with you as you had to endure such brutality. F that gyn.

    My daughter goes through a rough time every month. She gets terrible cramps and is doubled over with pain. She is not a fragile girl. In fact she is a tri athlete in her spare time. She works as an engineer, and as a project leader is often on the site doing tough jobs and to see this kid experience this awful pain every month without fail is heart breaking. Her gyn told her it is normal to have cramps.  

    Incidentally, I have picked up the habit from you girls. I now say F that......quite frequently, especially when something unpleasant happens. LOL


  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2013


    Our posts crossed. I don't think you saw my post to you.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Painterly, so wonderful to see you back. Are you all better now? I do hope so.

    Thank you so much for the lovely words. I do enjoy writing, and remembering interesting times. I am just glad I don't bore anyone with it. As I have said before, it's easy tojust skip past if you're not interested.

    I have never seen myself as a writer, especially since I never finished school. I have mentioned before, as soon as the clock struck my 15th Birthday I was gone! Not that I have ever had any regrets. I have been so lucky in my life. So often, I have been in the right place at the right time. I have had the most amazing frends, and relationships.

    Your Mother must have been an amazing woman. How proud of her you must be. They bred them tough in those days didn't they.

    I have a couple of old faded photos of me from the pages of the Women's Weekly in the late 60's or early 70's when I did a bit of modeling. I was a child House Model at the Myer Emporium. How I loved that. They used to pay us in Myer vouchers. I would model on a Saturday morning and then I'd go and spend my voucher in the girls department, or in the bargain basement.

    I had to smile whn you asked if the Women's Weekly is still going here. I bought it just a week ago, but it is no longer a weekly, but a monthly now. You can imagine the outrage when it was announced, "What on  earth will they call it, they can't possibly call  it Women's Monthly!" LOL

    It is Womens Weekly, that comes out monthly. Try explaining that to new Australians!

    My Father was an amazing story teller with stories that had me wide eyed every time I heard them. He traveled and lived, in exotic places. He was 11 years older than my Mother, so he had lived a lot before they were married. He had sensational stories about being Max Baer, the boxer and father of Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies, assistant on board the "HollyWood" cruises that used to sail to the Bahamas and beyond. He was very young and had been taken under the wing of women like Bette Davis and Claudette Colbert. The stories were wonderful, but there was unbelieveable tagedy too. During the War, he was torpedoed twice in the one day. Once in his own Hospital ship, and then the one that picked up the survivors. He spent 10 long days in a lifeboat with 3 nurses, one that was critically injured.  I have no concept of how hard that war would have been. There were terrible stories I didn't hear till I was an adult because they were so shocking.

    Ahh the kilt! I still have the little one my Mother made for Rebecca when she was about 3 years old.

    I had trouble with the accent too. I gave up trying to change mine. I never really got an Aussie acccent. I have been asked if I am from Boston a few times, but don't really understand how I could sound like an American. I can, however slip right back into broad Scots, anytime I want to. I never lost that:)

    What a lovely read that post was Painterly! and thanks again for the compliments, I really appreciate them so much.

    Come and join in here when you can. This is a sensational thread! A wonderful group!

    I'll be off then.......... like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun!!!!! Remember that one?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Painterly,I caught up!

    My Daughter is plagued with terrible pain too, and yes, she was told it was normal too!

    F that I say! How can excruciating pain be normal?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Gramwe, we had two Sunny days, and now we are back to rain again, and it is freezing. No walks for Dex today.

    I have to get out to the post office for Colin. He is still selling all his little toys on Ebay, and I have to wrap and post them. I can't believe what people will pay for these things, not complaining, just saying! LOL

    I can see you in that heat and humidity, it isn't pleasant is it? Are you feeling OK?

    Is the OG doing any better today?

    M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Zills, I think I finally caught up. How are you doing?

    Did the shopping expedition turn out well?

    Are the children both on the same page today? I hope the baby is well and her brother isn't overtired still, and teasing. I guess it is really hot where you are too. I remember it being hard to know what to do when the heat was searing and you had little ones at home. I do remember sitting in a cool bath with Bec when she was small, for hours, reading to her and playing. I loved it when she would dose off against my chest, and I would watch her sleep.

    I hope you have a good day, and can get a bit of a rest, yourself.

    Take care M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    idesim. i wish you were closer so your hubby could enjoy the cars and i would love to see boston, has always been on the bucket list!

    bobo, hope you got my pm, i sent my address to you, wont it be fun getting a package in the mail from my new friend.. thanks a heap. so glad of negatvie results.. seeems crazy to think something that is negative can be so positive!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited June 2013

    When I first started having periods, I was in so much pain that I would roll up in a ball and just roll around on the bed. Truthfully, they were worse than labor. Yes cramps are normal, but not that kind. For me, an aspirin would stop the pain but also the period and it would just be day one the next day again.

    I became friends with my best friend when we realized our mothers had the same thoughts and remarks. When one of us said, Guess what my mother said. The other always knew, verbatim. We say we're sisters by different mothers. I have heard a lot of people refer to their 'family of choice' - the people who function as family although there's no blood relationship. It can include blood relatives, but doesn't have to. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Cramps are the worst! Have them try taking ibruprofen/Motrin/Advil several times a day a couple of days before your period is due. Makes a huge difference. It's what my ob said to do and she even gave me a script.

    I need to break the baby of the soother. That's why she wakes in the night. Not sure if its fair to her while I'm not able to care for her properly even though she is a Daddy's girl.

    Boy still a boy. Besides not listening and talking too much, he has to have his say. I'm just very impatient right now. His allergies don't help and haven't really found anything that doesn't have SEs and he is only 4!

    Yesterday was fun. Baby has water shoes. She's hard to fit. His shoes are too small and have to return them. Ugh! Very tired last night and sides were tingly.

    Have the laundry folded and put away. Need to walk and do my exercises. Have to get crackin, going to Jin Shin today. Another long, hot, muggy day. Better get started while its cool. At least the weekend is supposed to be nice. Floors can wait another day:)

    And yes Ariom you should consider writing. Schooling has nothing to do with it.

    Hopefully Bobo you can get something solid. Do you eat eggs? I find it easier to eat something small and frequent and not think. Just chew and swallow. Good luck.

    Idesim. One more rads day! It must be the most wonderful feeling to know you are done. Hope your candles arrive soon. My favs were Harvest and Christmas Cookie. Have no idea if they'll still be that.

    Looks like it will be another steam bath. Stay cool. Ariom stay warm. Does Dex wear a sweater?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Painterly!  So good to see you.  Sarasota is close to me!  Went last year to see Wooster Group at your theatre there at the college.  They are my very favorite.

    Not sure if I will be able to catch up, fully, since I am not concentrating well.  However, I am supposed to be working right now, so there is a good chance for a catch-up..

    I have no smart phone, no i phone, no tablet (i pad), no kindle.  I'm holding out.  I don't feel like sitting in front of screens anymore than necessary.  My darling goes to a school with no technology -- in fact, today they are using natural dyes to color silks and they are making marionnettes.  The kind of schooling is called Waldorf -- it is based on educational pedagogy of a man called Rudolf Steiner.  My son will join her next year.  INterestingly, many execs of Microsoft send their children to Waldorf schools.

    Zills, you are so sweet suggesting things to eat.  I ask DLLP to do the same.  Trying to take bites, just as you say.  Zills, I know you love your DS so much -- so don't misapprehend me at all -- but I just wanted to say I REALLY respond to your situation regarding my own DS!  Mine is low energy now, not a 'giver,' always has to get a word in, not grateful naturally.  Has allergies.  Now, I am not saying your DS has all of the exact same things.  I am just saying I 'feel' you!  That is some urban PHL slang for you.  Probably not specific to PHL.

    Cramping women, I feel you too!  I have no more periods, suddenly, but I remember them well. Two extra strength ibuprofen every four hours two days before your period should start used to help.  Except I wouldn't always take it.  I'm wary of taking so much medicine.  But it did help.

    Ariom, I just want you to know that your continued work on my behalf regarding meds for next biospy (speaking of not taking drugs :) ) means so much, and it's exactly what I need.  You understood me perfectly.  I need to continue to make plans.  

    It sounds like the general consensus is that I'm going to dump this GYN.  Already trying to line up another one.  But one of my GFs, who loves hers, says hers is very smart and 'bloodless.'  Not sure if that's what I'm going for right now....  You know what?  Maybe I need a man!  He would freak out and overmedicate me, perhaps, if he elicited shrieks.

    Wren, I really respond to what you said about your GF and sisters from another mother.  It is quite a coincidence feeling when that happens, isn't it?  I definitely feel Idesim and I may have the same mother.  You know how they have those stories in which a man has two families?  Perhaps our mother has been shuttling around -- popping in and out of different states.  It sounds like a lot of work, but it could be possible.  Ooh.  I could tell you some stories.  Suffice it to say that we may have the same mother.

    Ariom, I love that you offer yourself as a mother, but I want you more as my GF too -- platonic GF, do not worry Colin! -- and as grandma to my two.  Why won't you live here?  Hurry up and move, I will go shopping with you, we will get in a lot of trouble.

    Nd, got your PM!  I agree -- it is the most fun to get a package.  Yesterday when I was putting them together, my darling walked through and elicited a blast of Christmas carols!  Will provide a K Knocker update next post.  A lot going on on that front.  It seems they may actually be pretty good.  The pattern is specifically designed to wick away from the delicate area, avoiding any incision site.  Again, I know it's not a real silicone foob -- but I am surprised.  And the yarn I chose is very fine, organic -- it's coming out like a sort of fabric.  Gramwe, you are up first!

    That sounded like an update, but I really need to do a more complete one, confirming colors and sizes.

    Idesim, could this be the last day of your rads this week?  Could it be?  What is the exact date?  And how is your area?  What is your area plan?  Love your end-of-rads present.  A cool buck on candles sounds just right.  TRUE CONFESSION: after my biopsy last week I took an ativan, went on Eileen Fisher website -- they were having a special sale, I saved the postcard they sent for that very purpose -- and ordered up what amounts to a capsule wardrobe.  Really, I got excellent prices for everything.  But for me -- I wear my hs jeans -- it was a considerable amount of shopping.  I got myself every single thing I wanted.  Because.... I have just been offered a new job!  A somewhat official appointment at the college!

    Hugs and kisses to you all.  XXXXXOOOO

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Dex needs a sweater!! Bobogirl!!!  I can't knit.. you need to knit a sexy rock star sweater!!

    Bobogirl, congratulations on the new job.. you have a lot of new things coming up, it's so exciting! I am so excited for you!  I need to get off my ass now and put my life in order, get back in shape, and get a less stressful new job with better benefits and short term disability.  These are necessary things now.

    Tomorrow is the last day of rads for me! Let the healing begin! You love that word "area" don't you? :)   My area is feeling much better.. luckily the boosts are a smaller section so I am managing fine.  My area is peeling like crazy, so after the last treatment, I will start exfoliating. I got emu oil yesterday and that has been fantastic when applied on my area. Moira, if you see an emu, thank them for me... this stuff is great :)

    This is great sharing a mom, that means I only have to suffer every other holiday instead of this one.... since you have the kids, I will let you have her Thanksgiving and I will take her Christmas.

    Will you PLEASE eat something! I get to bitch at you now that we are family... eat some godamn food! 

    Zills, is your mom a Jehovah now?  We had neighbors who were Jehovah and I always felt sorry for the little kids who never got to celebrate birthdays or holidays. I chuckle when you use words such as "youngins" because I imagine you saying them with that southern drawl.

    omg Moira, we may be sisters too... if something is discontinued.. I will hunt it down and buy it in bulk!  And we both talk like Bostonians lol!

    I do like Facebook because it allows me to keep in touch with a lot of people when otherwise we would probably drift apart and things like planning a gathering are so much easier than the million phone calls of the past.

    I would LOVE to live in the gold mining town... I went to something similiar when I went to Melbourne, it was a lot of fun :) That's a sad little story.. did Vi ever go back home and did he have siblings or anything? 

    Still hot as hell here, we got a little relief last night with T-Storms and buckets of rain.  

    Hi Painterly, good to see you!  Does wearing a kilt mean you have your own tartan pattern? (Not sure if I am saying that correctly).

    Granwe, hopefully the sun is shining for you and you are able to get out and take out some aggression on your gardens.

    I will talk to you ladies later on :)

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Wow, now I'm a bit worried about you ladies... hope everybody is having a good day and in the case of Moira.. sleeping peacefully :)

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Well hell! Who stole yesterday? I knew it, I knew it, I knew, aliens have been abducting me for experiments on the mother ship. I started reading was going to b slap Bobo for correcting my sauna comment, then I saw good results and all was forgotten, and forgiven! Congratulations Bobogirl. I'll be back when I have more time.

    Party tomorrow for last day of rads, for Idesim. I'll bring the aloe, and the booze.

    Only 2 damn doctors appointments tomorrow so maybe I can catch up. Hugs

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Two doctors appointments tomorrow for Gramwe?  F that.  Is one of them for the OG?  Love that I was about to be b slapped.  At this point, I bet it wouldn't even hurt.  What meals did you make for the eight strapping men who worked on the roof?  I don't care how busy you are: I need the menu.

    Idesim:  I don't want to ruin my Christmas having our mother there.  I'll take Thanksgiving.  It is a holiday during which it is totally acceptable to be drunk.  Not that I ever am.  But I will drink in the manner of families who drink in the movies of yore which feature families drinking during Thanksgiving.  You take Christmas.  Our mother is such a joykill.

    Last day of rads!  I hear we are having a party. I would like to kick it off by dedicating my evening beer to the party.  I have been going over my bco 3 drinks per week allotment since a week before the biopsy.

    What I ate today

    a list to appease Idesim:

    protein shake

    bowl of blueberries

    two tbs hummus/rice crackers

    large coffee with soy milk

    one beer

    small bowl coconut ice cream

    You see?  This is calories.  I think I am doing a great job with it.

    nd: PM me your box number!  XXX