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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2014

    Well shit... this is the third time I have typed this.. if I lose it again I may just be a.gutter gums (clap M... I can see you sitting there with your fingers crossed ROFLMAO). Zills I am so excited for your big adventure! Had a natural thought to maybe help the boy.. it is melatonin and you find it in the supplement section  the pharmacy. All natural that your body produces to aid in sleep. My niece used to take it to help her sleep through the night terrors. Amazing stuff really don't know why I didn't think of it before.

    O2 I am glad you like your nickname. We all have been shortened and I am either JSJ or just JS.. your choice Smile You have found an amazing group of sisters and we welcome you with open arms. I found my sisters in Feb after I had been diagnosed BRCA1. I was told it didn't matter that I was going the pbm route and didn't have cancer, I was still facing a lot of choices and hard difficult times and they were always in the bag for me... Newbie defition In the bag means we are with you in your purse or bag when ever you need a hug, a venting board, or to pull us out to bitch slap a doctor, nurse or family member for being a stupid ass. Now that I have ovarian cancer, I can't think of any other sisters I want in my bag more. I love you all and you will NEVER know what you truly mean to me. 

    Wren.. thanks for the goldie update.. she makes me smile even if I am allergic. I would take a ton of benadryl just to love on  her.

    Much love to all.


  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    well went to church today to praise my God snd found clapping hands is hard and uncomfortable.  Gotta work on that one.  Just want to take it easy today.  Happy Sunday everyone!.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Happy Sunday O2! Yep, clapping hands, wiping kitchen benches and sweeping floors were my nemesis. It takes a while for that motion to be comfortable. Take it easy, your body will let you know if you've overdone it!

    Stacey, I am so ready for the bag, whenever you need me, you know I'm good for a Bitch Slap and a mouth full of profanity if anyone upsets you! Gutter Gums to the rescue!!!!

    I hope you are feeling better after the surgery, did this one give you much pain? I had my fallopian tubes out years ago, because I had an Ectopic pregnancy.  They left the rest, but the incision was the same as my Caesar scar and took a while to heal completely.

    I'm thinking of you! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hello O2, just saw this other post of yours. Alabama, I have never been there, but have been to Chicago, when I worked for United Airlines for training and meetings. 

    Don't worry too much about the sensation you feel, or don't feel right now, it does change over time and for me, I have just gotten used to a lot of it and it has become the new normal. The skin sensation and burning or sunburn type sensation is normal and can respond well to being held by your stretched out opposite hand. I found massage with aromatherapy oils in a good carrier oil base helped to normalize it too.

    You've been industrious with your clothing, I think we Unis all do similar things while waiting to be fitted. There is  thread called All things bras and prosthesis where there is a lot of information about what is out there, in clothing bras and foobs. You may find it interesting.

    So glad to see you've got a doctor that you like. 

    Glad I made sense about getting your Dx on, I am not good with computer stuff!

    Take it easy...M x   

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2014

    I feel like a pregnant heifer. My belly is so bloated. My anxiety level about the plane ride has decided to rear it's ugly head. Xanax to the rescue! 

    I was hoping to avoid it. Maybe need to get it refilled in the morning! Want to hurl (bad memories) but don't want to lose that pill. I don't  want to pass this on to my children. I'm ready to have a big temper tantrum. 

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014


    When is your plane ride?  It will be fun.  It is actually safer than driving!  How far are you going?   Take some deep breaths, try to relax.  Take a snack you like with you and for your children.  Make a list of things to do on plane to occupy your attention.  And before you know it you will be landing!  Xanax is good too if all else fails!!!  Have a safe trip!  :-). 

    O2.  Love this nickname!!!!!

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    Ariom ~~~

    Yea this Umx ( still learning all these abbreviations) has unique challenges.  Sometimes I wonder if I should have done both.  They are the real heroes as I don't think I could do all these sensations on both sides.  I get fitted for foob ( what does that stand for?) on July 14 and am looking forward to it.  The puff things they gave me at the hospital really work well too.  But I do not regret chopping off the cancer.  That had to go!!  I have also developed what they call a cord under my mas arm.  So that limits my mobility.  Going to surgeon to marrow and will ask him about that.  So much to focus on!!!  But I am alive!

    More later.


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    OC, foob means fake boob, just a phrase used here. I will answer for Zills as to her trip, it is to Ireland, so a long flight with two small children. She will do fine but I understand her anxeity all too well.

    OK, bc sisters.. I just got off the phone with my bff, the one I went to San Diego last winter, and she is having a biopsy in the morning, the mammo and ultra sound showed a pea sized white mass and they told her they were pretty sure is was an early cancer. I am just sick for her, but she is a tough one, already decided if it is for sure she will opt for a bilateral mx. She says she will not agree to any chemo. She just retired from teaching last year, why does this always happen after retiring? I dont mean just bc, but so many illnesses? She says it will be a few days before she knows the results of biopsy. I told her I will be there for her all the way and she said she is glad to have me for a resource. please send some positive energy and or prayers up for Marilyn.

    Zills, thinking of you, have a wonderful trip, my dil would fly back and forth to England when the 2 boys were 1 and 2, she said the airlines were great, I think she flew Virgin and we would pick her up in Winnipeg, MB, check in with us when you can.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi O2, Foob= "Fake Boob" usually a soft version and the silicone is a Prosthesis, but they are all Foobs!

    Don't be too concerned about the sensations you are feeling right now, they do settle down somewhat, stuff stops zinging and the numb bits improve.

    I barely notice the numbness now. I couldn't wait to get my bad boob off, but I never considered taking the good one. I guess seeing my Mother as a Uni made it "normal" for me.   

    I also had the cording, (Mondors Disease) but mine wasn't under my arm, it ran like a tree branch from where the nipple had been down my abdomen and under my ribs. Massage helped it a lot and one morning when I turned over in bed, one of them snapped which was a great release. I can't remember how long I had it, about a few months I think and then it disappeared on its own.

    Write down all your questions for the Doctor, it is easy to forget something and it's a long time between visits!  

    I am glad you're having fun with the clothing and foobs, you'll do fine! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    oops, meant O2 not thinking straight now, forgive spelling etc.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,965
    edited July 2014

    Zills, Your flight will be fine. Think how much longer you would have to entertain the children if you had to drive that distance. When I quit working for Pan Am and we had to drive, it took some getting used to for the kids. We'd been in the car about an hour and DD wanted to know what time zone we were in. We were still within the suburbs LOL.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Sorry ndgirl, we were posting together!

    I am so sorry to hear about your dear friend Marilyn, give her a hug from me, we all know how she is feeling right now. I can imagine how you're feeling too, what a shit disease this is!

    I know what you mean about it hitting us after we retire, but I guess the criteria is just getting older and being a woman, for a lot of us. It is just so bloody prevalent, it seems there isn't a day, that you don't hear of someone else being Dx.

    Zills, I am sure this flight won't be anything like you are expecting. You will do fine, have you got some JS moves for the stress?

    I got a phone call from the builder to say they had a 1 week window that they could come and do the work on the boat shed, so I had to get out there and empty it of the stuff that was stored, how many wheelchairs can 1 man have? lots!!!!

    The builder turned up with a huge trailer to take the other junk to the tip and they will be here, to start tomorrow at 7.30am. I had gotten used to the idea that they couldn't do it till August, so this will be great. I will have it done well before Spring!

    Take it easy everyone...M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Stacey in the bag for you whenever you need.  Hope you are healing well.

    O2, when I got my dx they suggested a lx and rads.  I had decided long ago if I ever got bc (mom passed from it in '88) that I would do BMX and be done with it.  Mine was very small and early and the BMX saved me from rads, chemo, and hormones. I have not regretted once.

    ndgirl, so sorry to hear about your friend, sending prayers her way. Hope for b9, but if not it sounds like it is early and hopefully the BMX will take care of things as it did for me.  

    Zills, hope you get a good nights sleep and can relax some.  Enjoy your trip!  Hoping you can check in once in a while and let us know how it is going. :))

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    Good morning everybody!!!  I am so sorry to read that ndgirl's BFF has to go through all this crap.  So very glad that she has you and that you can show her around the block as they say.  But will lift Marilyn up in prayer and am anxious to hear how she is doing!!  

    Ariom. My mother and grandmother both had left BC.  Grams died of it at 92 and mom was diagnosed in her early 60's and is now 87 doing well.  She had lumpectomy and took radiation and tamoxifen for 2out of 5 recommended years.  I know in my heart this crap is genetic.  They did well and so will I!! I am determined about that.  I was offered a lumpectomy but I wanted all the crap off for sure!!!  I am not interested in reconstruction  as have no man in my life.  The less cutting on me the better!  I think this insicion is infected. Looks red and angry but seeing the doctor today! :-).  

    Yes people do get sick after retirement .  Many many patients told me to spend my golden year money now when I can enjoy it!!!  I think it may have something to do with the body going into a slower mode. Personally I don't plan on retiring and for sure if you do retire don't lay down all day!   So many don't get back up!  

    Well. I am still alive so it will be a good day!!

    Love to you all!

    O 2

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2014

    One down. One to go. Kids did great.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Yay!! Glad to hear it. The next one is the long one, right?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Yay, Zills  I knew you'd be fine! Enjoy every minute of it!

    O2, so sorry you have the start of an infection, I had one too, lots of us did. Good thing you're seeing the Doctor and will be onto it fast.

    It was interesting that when my Mother was Dx at 68, the Surgeon told me to be extra vigilant at 5 years before her onset, which would have made me 63. I was Dx at 59, they are pretty sure I would have had it at my previous analogue Mammo, but they couldn't see it. I had a digital Mammo, when I moved here, which showed high grade DCIS. Had I gone back to the same facility with the analogue machine, it would likely to have been missed again which would have brought me up to near the age I was warned about....interesting isn't it! My story would likely have been a very different one had I not had the digital mammo.

    I had been offered a Lx and Rads too, but I didn't want to do rads if I could possibly dodge it. My husband is a quadriplegic and we live in a small coastal town, so I would have had to live 5 days a week in a bigger town to have the treatment, I wasn't interested in leaving him with carers hat we didn't really know. We had only been here for about 4 months when I was Dx.

    I was told different to gB, my Surgeon was very clear that I may, dodge the rads, if I have the Mx, but some still may need it after a Mx and if there was any invasion, the Mx wouldn't save me from chemo or likely hormonals. That would be a game changer, if that was indicated, after the surgery.

    I had no problem whatsoever, deciding on the Mx and then I held my breath about the final pathology, as we all do.

    The builders were here when I got up this morning, so the reno is under way this morning. It is at least, sunny, but very chilly. Dexter hasn't noticed that they are here yet, so it has been very quiet. Hopefully he will remember them from the last time they were here.

    I will check back later...M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Hey Ariom!  You are going to laugh, I am watching Dexter on TV right now!!  I found an odd ball cable channel NUVO TV an English speaking Spanish channel that is airing Dexter.  Two shows a week on Mondays, repeated Sundays.  They are up to S5 EP3&4 this week.  So I will finally get to see it through to the end. No spoilers anyone please!!  So far I have managed to stay spoiler free on the ending other than hear some were disappointed....

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    gB, that's fantastic! I am so glad you're going to see the finale. I miss Dexter, definitely one of my all time faves.

    Colin are I sitting down at 3pm on Mondays, to see the direct from the US, final episodes of True Blood. Another favorite!

    Just watched the series of True Detective and Fargo, loved them both too!

    Meant to say, just going in to town to look at stone for doing the two pillars in our front entrance and to choose the color for the render on the rest of the old brick. The builder almost has the floor finished in the Boat Shed, had to change the design a bit because the interior cladding I had chosen was out of the ballpark expensive, so plan B is now being executed! LOL Chat later....M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Ariom, if you get the chance to see it, check out Orphan Black.  It is a BBCAmerica (and on Space Channel in Canada) show about clones.  One actress Tatiana Maslany plays all the clones, 6 different people at this point and has played a few others that are now dead.  She is fantastic, I swear as I watch I can't tell it is the same person!!  Season 2 just finished, you may be able to find it somewhere to watch.  If you can, give it a try.

  • sailman
    sailman Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2014

    Just wanted to stop in and thank everyone for the love and support you have given my best friend and wife jsj.  It has help her in ways that I can not and means the world to her.  She talks about everyone all the time and has now started saying Crap on a chapstick not sure what it means but makes her smile. BTW what the is gutter gumsNerdy  thanks again.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Oh sailman, we love JS so much here, and we will all be here for her, whenever she needs us. I think of her all the time. We have all been wondering how you are doing too, this is a terrible time for you. You're so lucky to have each other and your wonderful Son.

    One of my ex husbands, I have 2, named me Gutter Gums, because I would use profanity to get my point across. Also, coming from Glasgow, even though, I had shall we say, refined parents, swearing is very much part of the culture. In our early days here, we would actually curse a lot about cancer, it deserves it, so Gutter Gums became part of our terminology. It describes it so well, don't you think?

    Crap on a chapstick, was an accident, but it has definitely been adopted by all of us!LOL

    It is so lovely to hear from you, we have a love of the sea and sailing in common too and I thank you so much for posting here today!

    Hugs to you both, across the ocean! Moira xxx

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    gB, I have just mentioned Orphan Black to Colin, I haven't heard of it, but the knows it. He is looking for the first episodes for me. Thanks for the heads up! M x

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2014

    Good morning my sweet sisters! Thinking about Zills and hoping the long flight went well and she is happy and stress free. O2 I hate that you are getting an infection. I started to get one on the right side and luckily, my sil was here at the time (former paramedic) and we boiled the snot out of it with peroxide and put neosporin on it and within two days it was gone so I didn't have to go to the doctor. That is the same side though that has given me the devil with the seroma. My drain is down to 10cc and I think it is going to come out today. I am determined not to cry today, yesterday was a hard one for sure.Big girl panties up and out of the bunch they have been in! Time to get ready to kick cancers ass. Our sweet son is at the denial/anger stage and we are just waiting for the explosion where he can start to grieve. He is all signed up for his classes and is so excited to be going off to college. I hope we will have more answers Friday after we meet with the doctor. Sailman,,, you are my love and my life and I thank you for being with me all the way. Well, going to run, much love and hugz to all of you!


    a coffee cup on of my dearest sisters (Jeff's cousin) sent me for my pbm. The poem on the back says:

    Yeah, I am a big girl and when I need to, I can rise to any occasion. I put on my game face and make things happen.But don't be fooled, I struggle as much as anyone. Underneath my "can do facade", I am shaking in my boots, And it is really hard to get my sparkling and effervescent personality to twinkle and shine. So if I get a little testy with you,don't take it personally. And please... don't tell me to put on my "big girl panties" and deal with it. I am wearing them, but they are starting to bunch OK?

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    Sailman, you are a gem! We sometimes forget how hard it is to be the your side of the fence dont we? I have been on both sides now, helped my mom and dil with bc and now myself. I too have a supportive hubby and boy that helps.

    JS, love the cup and poem! HA, boiled the snot out of it is just what it looks like.. good one. Hope you get the drains pulled today. Feeling for your dear son... so hard for everyone. I am back in the anger mode.. not for myself but for my friend possibly being dx with this crap. I have said before I no longer cry when I hear another diagnosis... I curse, and that is what I did... she just laughed at me, she is a strong gal. And I said a little worse than "crap on a chapstick", but I love that... using it already!!

    My bff got thru her biopsy yesterday but wont know results for a few days.. the waiting is torture. I was so surprised that she said the radiologist that did the ultra sound told her it looked like an early cancer, didnt think they could do that? So I am still holding out hope that it is b9.

    Wonder how Zills is doing?  Hello to everyone.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2014

    JS I love that poem! Never seen it before, so true!!!!! Want it!!!!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    Hey Sailman, *waving* nice to see you!! Stop in whenever you like especially if you have any questions we will help as much as we can.

    jsj, love the mug! 

    ndgirl, holding positive thoughts for b9 for your bff.

    Oh great Ariom, let me know what you think of it if you get to see it.  Why that woman wasn't nominated for an Emmy is beyond me.  I can't remember how many of the clones you meet in the first episode, at least 2. It is fast paced and things resolve quickly, no fillers just to take up time.  I'm pretty sure you will love it.

    Hi Spookie, nice to see you too1

    Hugs for everyone!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning all! gB, I watched the first 2 episodes last night, you're right, it is very good and she is great. By ep 2 there were about 5 I think!LOL

    ndgirl, thinking about you too today! I know what you mean about the cursing, I feel that way too. I think it is becoming more normal these days for the operators to say what they think. I don't know how much of a good thing it is, because they are so often wrong, it seems.

    I am hoping that if this one is right, but I am still keeping fingers crossed they're wrong, it may be DCIS that is being described as "early". I know that's not a fun Dx either. Whatever happens, I do hope the wait isn't a long one. I feel for you, it will be bringing up all kinds of memories for you. I looked after my Mother too, it was so much easier, when it was me. 

    Take it easy...M x 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Js, you and Sailman are on my mind too. I know you're a strong one and you'll do whatever is required of you, but shit, it's just bullshit isn't it? I hate this crap so much. You did everything right and here you are. I have decided that this shit happens, to all the good people! I wish I was close enough to give you a great big hug and we could curse and swear together and curse and swear with ndgirl and her BFF too! Gutter gums Unite! M x

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2014

    Damn skippy we would unite! lol...and swear together, maybe even polish off a few bottles of wine in the process. Today has been a pretty good day with no tears,and am just taking it one day at a time. The bright side I am looking at today is that, had I NOT set this shit in motion back in March, then by Christmas I would probably be dead girl walking. My sil will be here Thursday and is going to the doc with us as an extra pair of ears since Sailman and I both are still in a bit of shock. I know that whatever it is I can and will beat the ever loving effer. Just got to figure out where he went and hid. My bil is a 10+ year stage IV colon cancer survivor and they only gave him a 5% chance of getting off the table, so I know it can be done! ND I am so sorry for your friend and am hoping for the best! Wondering how Zills is doing and if she made it to Ireland without too many Xanax. So M... since we can't get together in person, I will take the cursing and friendship on here. Crap on a Chapstick to hell with being good. I much prefer being a gutter gums ! Oh and by the way... Spookie-

    my cousin said the cup and with the poem came from She has all kind of neat stuff. Mom is taking me to the doctor in the morning and then we are going thrift store shopping! I think if I am up to it, we are going out to where Sailman and JB are working and have lunch with them. And then Thursday, off to the local farmer's market. Anything to keep me busy! Much love and hugz to you all!