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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    Ariom. That's funny you said good morning just 48 minutes ago.  I just showered and crawled into my bed for the evening.  Getting the foob thing in order.  Sewed one of my puffs into my bathing suit and hope that works.  Will check online for mast suit.

     Ndgirl's our BC notes down below look very similar.  Got a wave of nausea last night but just rolled over and ignored it.  What is  trigger thumb y'all talk about?  So far so good on the Arimidex.  I generally am a drug phobic so this is very hard but started calcium to protect bones too.  

    I would like to figure out how to get my picture on here.

    Yes I believe many on here probably have mothers with this dang disease.  My mother and maternal grandmother both had left breast cancer which is what I had.  I don't know the details about either.  But I believe with all my heart it is genetic.  

    I return back to work tomorrow.  12hour shift :-( but very glad I am back on my feet!!   Hope I don't give out!!!

    PRB. So nice to meet you.  Send posts cuz they help so much!

    Gonna try to find y'all on my computer instead of this iPad so I would bevablevtobtpe more.   

    More later


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi 02, yep it is my morning, Friday morning here! I can sometimes catch the girls here when they get up and I am going to bed. Weird isn't it!

    I hope your suit works for you! One of my friends tells the story of going to Water Aerobics with just a face cloth stuffed into her suit. Part way through the class someone told her that something had come out of her suit and there was the face cloth doing a jelly fish motion as it sank to the bottom of the pool! LOL

    Goodness, back to work for a 12 hour shift, that will be hard. I remember doing 12 hour shifts, but that was a long time ago. I hope you get a good rest tonight and you feel bright and chirpy in the morning.

    You mention taking calcium, are you taking Vitamin D to help it along? There are lots of studies saying our Vit D levels are very important, I just had mine checked recently and although I am rated as having full blown osteoporosis, my levels are good. I tried a couple of the bone hardening drugs but the SE's were too much, so I eat as much calcium rich food as I can and take D and Calcium.

    Sleep well, chat later...M x

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited July 2014

    I have made it home from the hospital today with a bit of shocking news. My Gyno/Onco got back part of the report and said that the OC had mets to the omentum. There were no tumors that he saw or felt, but that is where it has gone. They will know more when the lymph node reports come back next week. So far, I am Stage IIIC Grade IIIC. A bit of a let down considering that he was sure it was only a Stage 1 maybe 2.I am so crushed right now. It is still the same amount of Chemo once a week beginning in 3 more weeks and lasting for 4 months. The mets doesn't mean that the treatment has changed at all. He is hopeful that the chemo will take care of the rest that is there. I am so thankful that my sil is here to help out and be a support for all of us. She never once left my side at the hospital. Poor Sailman was out of time and couldn't take any more time off work that he did. He is being such a rock for me. I love him and JB so much. And JB, getting ready to go off to college in just a little over a month, just as I start chemo. For those of you that have delicate ears, please stop reading now.. damn it all to shittin' hell. and effin crap on a chapstick. This is the most effed up I have ever felt and am so angry. But then I stop and realize that he said I would have had the same surgery 3 months from now with a total different outcome. and I am thankful we caught it now.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited July 2014

    ndgirl, congrats on 48 years!!  We went to Medora ND last year and then down to Mt Rushmore and Custer State Park in SD. Had a great time! A big change from Florida!

    My mom hasn't had BC, but I had 2 great-aunts with it.  I don't really remember much about their treatment as no one talked about these things back then.  But when I was in high school, my boyfriend's mom had it and I watched her go thru treatment. ISeeing a radical mastectomy at a young age had an impact, I'll tell ya. She went thru a lot. Survived 7 years after diagnosis.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2014

    A your crappy grey wet weather is why I'll never move back up north. I just can't deal with it, too depressing. Although it does blow my mind you are picking citrus now. That comes in Jan and Feb for us. 

    JS, I hope all continues to go well for you. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning M!  I really wish we could trade places.  I would love a dreary cold day right now!  I don't think I am ever happy with the season I am in!  Lol. I still haven't figured out how you have citrus fruit in the winter.  You must have a sun room or something.  

    Welcome home from the hospital JS!  I am sorry about what was found, but so thankful it was caught now.  I agree with crap on a Chapstick completely!  You have every right to be angry and cuss all you want!  F'ing cancer!  Bless our SIL's, huh?  Mine was my biggest champion and your SIL sounds wonderful.  Please thank her for holding your hand for us!  

    Good luck at work O2!  A 12 hour shift sounds grueling and I hope you can sit down if you get tired.  I will be thinking about you. 

    Posting now as I need to tend to the dog......  Hope everyone has a good night.  S.  

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    Hi JS, glad you are at home, but sorry about the new dx news, but so glad it is caught early, think that is the key. I have been sending the rants and cussing cancer so much lately too, enough with the tears I am just down right pissed everytime I hear about a new dx. Take it easy now.

    Hi Glennie, glad you enjoyed your trip to the Dakotas, they are beautiful in summer, no one visits us in the winters.. wonder why?? Think I should spend time in Spookiesmom land in the winters??

    O2, yes our stats are very similar arent they? a trigger finger is when it locks at the joints, about 10 years ago I had one and it scared the heck out of me, never saw anything like it, especially in mornings I was afraid I wouldnt get it unlocked or back to the normal position. I got a shot of cortisone and it has been fine ever since, then after about 6 months of arimidex got it in the index finger, dr didnt think it was from arimidex but now with another starting, I am pretty sure it is the culprit. Otherwise it doesnt bother too much, sometimes earlier on it would seem like a truck hit me and I just had to collapse for a day, that happens very seldom now. hope you do fine on it. On another thread about arimidex it says to eat a serving of prunes everyday as they are supposed to help build bones, I try to do it but dont get them everyday.. and no I dont get the runs from them either... I think 5 prunes is a serving. Good luck. 12 hour shift..whew hope it goes well. Dont forget Vitamin D with your calcium.

    Sg, I am with you about fruit in the winters,, boy I would love some g.fruit and lemons anytime. Ariom lives in paradise you know, we are all jealous here LOL

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    JS, my heart took a dive when I read your post, Fuck that, I say! I too, am very glad it was found now, but pissed off Royaly that it was there, at all. I feel your anger and frustration all the way over here! Come here and rant all you want, let's do a big loud primal scream together, for the injustice of it all. I wish I could hug you.

    Hey Glennie, Sgc and Spookiesmom, is it unusual to have citrus in Winter? Our Lemon and Grapefruit seem to fruit all year, although they seem to be especially good and juicy right now. The Pear, Apple and Fig are Summer fruit and all those trees are completely bare. No sun-room, the citrus are out in the street side garden, which is protected by the house from the high winds that come off the water. We are facing south and get the freezing winds from Bass Straight, there are just some dunes between us and that ocean. 

    I think the original owners of this place must have planted all these fruit trees, they were an Italian family who had a fishing shack on the land. They built the little boat shed I have just had renovated and they built a circular raised garden bed in the center of the street side garden with handmade bricks. I kept the raised bed, which has the path from the gate to the house which curves around it and I planted it out in beautiful Lavender which is flowering and full at the moment. It is so old that the bricks are covered in lichen and moss, I love it and love that I can sit on the edge and smell the lavender.

    The Sun is out, but the wind is raging and there are whitecaps. If I open the door, I can hear the waves hitting the sea wall just down from us. Even the dog refused a walk this morning!

    The builder just finished putting the capping on the fence and the blue board for the tiles. He will be back after the render goes on, to do the tiles. The patio and the walkway from the carport are still covered in stuff to go in to the shed. I can't bear the wind to work out there today. I will wait for the weekend and hope for a sunny afternoon.

    Love and hugs to everyone....M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2014

    A. Citrus in winter is normal for us, fruit trees are in season now. I keep forgetting our seasons are reversed! Doesn't matter where, I just hate cold, damp, grey, yucky days. If there is snow involved, expect much loud screaming. 

    NDgirl, come on down this winter, Jan is a good time!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi Spookiesmom, I am not fond of the Winter either and I don't handle those grey days well, but we can get lovely crisp clear days when the sun shines and there isn't any wind. I hate snow and although we are just an hour from the snow fields I never go. Colin was a really active disabled skier, before we met, he even designed a sit ski, which is still being used at one of the ski resorts. Lucky he had gotten into sailing by the time I met him!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    ndgirl, I wish I could send you a box of fruit!

    I am eating calcium rich stuff, for my bones, but 5 Prunes? I don't think I could handle 5 every day. I am getting a bit tires of Kale!LOL M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited July 2014

    I don't really like the cold. Wearing all those layers drives me crazy. I grew up in Miami and spent my whole life in Florida except for 5 years in NYC. Well,, talk about learning about winter. Yuck.  You are all bundled up to survive the walk to the grocery store (cuz you can't drive or park in the city) and then after 5 mins in the store, you are sweating under all those layers! I hated that.  Was SO HAPPY to come back to FL.  Course now I have LE and I'm wearing compression pads/sleeves and that's hot, and it's like layers all over again. *sigh*

    and those gray days get me really depressed. I need sunshine. It's Vitamin S for me.

    It's nice that you have all those fruit trees, Ariom.

    Personally I think the first 2 weeks of Dec is a good time to visit FL.  It's not chilly at all, even by my Southern standards, and it's not touristy like in Jan/Feb when everyone is coming down cuz they are sick of winter. And after this past winter, who could blame them??


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2014

    Yeah Glennie, isn't it a hoot how to tell the locals from the tourists? We are bundled up like were in the Artic, and they are in shorts. 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited July 2014

    (((jsj))) so sorry to hear of the new dx.  I can only imagine how shocking it was for you. Really $hitty!! Rant all you want and let loose with the gutter gums whenever needed.  I guess the only good thing that can be said is it was found early.

    ndgirl, I hope the air clears before you get down this way.  We are totally socked in with smoke from the Canada, WA & OR fires. Air quality in the red zone.  I can't even see the mountains that surround me.  Photo is from local news station.


    For all you Summer lovers, I actually like Fall and Winter much better, give me snow any day! (see photo above as to what Summer usually brings here) I really can't tolerate heat at all, 85°F is the top end of my comfort zone & lately it has been humid too, bleech! You can always put on another layer of clothing when it is cold, but when it is hot you can only take off so much....

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    GB, oh yuck, hope it does clear up, we are starting out today, friends are with us too. I like snow and winter too, guess that is how I was raised, nothing like getting up one morning and your whole world has transpired into a white wonderland, but.... our winters up north are just usually way too extreme, too much too long, but it used to be my favorite season, not so much anymore. I would really miss the change of the 4 seasons if I couldnt have it. I also like it nice and warm in summer, usually I just cant have what I wantBawling,and these damn mosquitos are unreal, have no idea how the pioneers survivied them.

    We have been hazy from the Canadian fires as well, getting a bit better tho. I think getting ready for vacation is more work than staying home and working...geez.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2014

    We have 4 seasons here too. Just don't blink or you will miss 2. In Oct, around the 16th there will be a cold front come down, blows the humidity away. Everybody feels cold! Then in late Feb the gate from the south opens, and it's warm again. 

    I have seen snow in my yard here twice since 84.

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    Hello Everyone~~~

    JSJ  I want to tell you how very sorry to hear about your gut wrenching news.  My heart broke as I read your post.  Please know that if there was anything I could do I would and know that we all are with you in spirit.!!

    GrammaB that smoke looks thick in the picture that you have posted.  I hope itclears soon.  I love winter too but I think that growing older can be a challenge at times and so I stay in the fair weather of Alabama.  I figure that  I need to make things as easy for me  as possible as I am alone in the world.  (husband died 6 years years ago of colon cancer and I have no children.)  So whatever is easier is better.

    I keep working on the foob things like what would be a good weekender idea?  like comfortable braless type thing so will be working on that this sat morning.  It is raining here today and I love dark rainey days at home to putter around and do silly relaxing stuff like cut coupons, work on foobs  etc.  How many foobs does a girl need???????

    Ariom was wondering if you take Arimidex or anything else that is inhibiting estrogen.  I started last week and so far just few SE's but will not complain cuz SE's better that cancer for sure.

    JSJ take some deep breaths.  Remeber we are all "terminal."  No one is getting out of here alive.  We just have some insight now into our own mortality.  That allows time for us all to prepare.  That is not a bad thing.  We all have to choose to live regardless of circimstances.  I don't pay attention to the circumstances.  I just keep putting one foot forward and then the next one until the end. 

    I love ya'll.




  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,965
    edited July 2014

    O2, A woman on here needed a dress for a special occasion. She put foob pockets in the lining of the dress so she wouldn't need anything tight around her chest. She posted a photo and it looked great.

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014


    Wish I could see  the dress.  So far comfy bra with puff fron surgical cammy  is the weekender outfit .  I don't like to look down and see no boob bump :-/ for now this will be ok.  I can at least answer the door like this.  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi O2, That dress did look great with the pockets sewn in, but I don't remember just how long ago it was, or where it was posted.

    There is clothing available that already has the soft shelf bra inside with pockets that can accommodate any kind of breast form. I wear these most days now, because they are just so comfortable. There are tanks and Camisoles and T shirts, even dresses, tunics and lounging pajamas. I find, using one of these items, as the core of what I am wearing, makes it so easy to dress every day. I even leave a foam form inside my T shirt and just slip it on in the morning.

    When I first had my surgery I bought a Genie bra and the shape wear tank in the same brand and wore the soft pouffy things I got just after surgery, in those, till I could be fitted for a real prosthesis.

    How many foobs does a girl need? How long is a piece of string? LOL I am just one who loves to research and try out everything I can.

    Since my first fitting, I have collected lots of different silicone prosthesis, including the Contact, which attaches to your chest right through to micro beads for leisure and swimming and my new favorite, the foam weighted leisure form, which fits well, in all of these clothing options.  

    I don't take anything, not Arimadex or Tamoxifen, it was offered to me, not pushed, but I couldn't see the benefits outweighing the possible negative effects, when considered with my Dx. I was very fortunate to have the option of Mx over Lx and Radiotherapy. I took the chance that there wouldn't be any invasion in my final pathology, even though my DCIS was high grade, so I could avoid the Rads and of course, chemo was never indicated for DCIS. I did have to have a SNB with my Mx which I could have avoided if I had the Lx, but that was a small price to pay, in my opinion.

    You will find so many things that will appeal to you, as you search for the clothing and bras etc that will suit your lifestyle. There is more coming out all the time and if you are a competent sewer you may even try taking a swimsuit with modesty pockets apart and refit the bra into a regular T shirt or Tank. If you can see any of the range that is already out there you can get the idea of how to make them yourself.

    Enjoy! M x


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Hi ndgirl, I hate organizing for Holidays, the packing and the lists drive me insane! I can only pack what I can manage on my own, because I have to do all the moving and lifting, passports etc plus make sure Colin's wheelchair doesn't get damaged. It is stressful to the max, which is why I love to go on cruises. The idea of arriving and unpacking once works for me! I am the sole carer for the duration, 24/7 so it can get weird if I have a flare of arthritis or any sickness while we are away.

    I hope you have a fabulous time!

    I hear you about the Mozzies, we can have 4 seasons in one day, but he Summer is always going to have those bloody Mozzies and since my first introduction last year, the damn Sandflies were even worse.

    gB, I love your view, but that haze is awful. We have terrible bush fires here too. I watched a Grand Designs Australia yesterday that was a young man who designed and built a beautiful Art Home in the Australian bush, only to have it ravished by fire almost immediately it was finished. The show was about his rebuild from the ashes. It was very powerful as he used a lot of the materials from the original house with the remnants of the flames etched on them in the new home.

    Glennie, we spent a few weeks in Orlando at a huge resort place in October a few years ago. Colin wanted to see the Epcot Center. It was very hot when we were there, but we had just spent a month in Atlanta where Colin was working in Georgia Tech so the vacation part of the trip was great.

    Thinking about how our girl JS is getting on, such a lot of surgery in such a short time. I am sending hugs to you, if you are reading! M x

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    well hello all

    Had a productive weekend trying different outfits with new foob.  It thundered and rained all day which was so wonderful.  Made me sleepy and so napped a bit.

    Jsj. Still thinking of you and sail man .  Hope you are healing from the surgery and the news.  Hang in there girl .  

    Ariom that is great that you don't have to take Arimidex or tamoxifen.  I just have a few hot flashes and that is a lot better than having cancer!!!!  So all is well .

    I am still alive and so are y'all!!  So all is well.  Back to work tomarrow.  Then off for 4 days then work the weekend!!  So yay.

    Have a great Monday so I will check in later!!!

    Love O2

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited July 2014

    I have good news for a change.   Just got home from my colonoscopy and no polyps, and no cancer!   I've been having IBS symptoms since March, and they wanted to check just to make sure since I've had breast and endo cancer (and my brother died from colon cancer).  They took some biopsies, but the nurse said that is standard practice when someone has symptoms...and it's mainly checking for colitis and not cancer.  

    So that is a big relief!  Still wonder what is causing all my symptoms, but for now I am eating toast to celebrate :)  I have an appointment with my onc on Thursday.  I think she'll be happy I had the colonoscopy done...but won't be to happy that I haven't started the Armidex yet.   One thing at a time, right?

    JS.. you've been on my mind this week as I approached yet another procedure.  Hope you are getting your strength up and assembling your team.  All this stuff stinks...and after finishing the prep for the colonoscopy, I can say that with authority!   *hugs*

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited July 2014

    Guess I spoke too soon.  Just went and read about colon biopsies.  I guess just because there weren't any polyps or tumors doesn't guarantee there isn't cancer.   Bummer.   Oh well.  Still hoping for the best.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2014

    Happy Irish Birthday to me! His family did a great job. Pub was very hot so didn't stay for dessert. Cake hard to find here that the boy can have. But will indulge the next piece of chocolate cake that comes my way! 

    Just playing with cousins and checking out the playgrounds at the local castle or estate. Been to the beach a couple of times. Going to meet a sister tomorrow. 

    DH arrives next week. 

    JSJ. Hang in there!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Happy Birthday to you Dear Zills! I wish you a beautiful day and all things good!

    PRB, it is good news that there wasn't anything obvious in that test! Hate that prep, isn't it the worst! I had polyp removed last time. I keep hoping they will devise a better prep by the next one. Fingers crossed for you that it is all clear!

    Hey 02, glad you're enjoying finding clothing that works for you.

    I was very relieved that I could avoid the Hormonals because I didn't want to have to  adjust what I take now, for the Rheumatoid. Joint pain isn't something I need any more of and since I have been on steroids for 18 years, I don't want to have to raise that dosage either. 

    I am going to visit Bec on the weekend. it will be my first time back since Colin's Mother's Funeral last October. My massage therapist is doing a course in Melbourne and will have to drive there for 8 classes over the next couple of months, so I offered to go for company on the drive, which is about 4 hours. I hate the drive, but I cant wait to see Bec.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited July 2014

    Well, I'm kinda bummed today. My GYN called and told me that my estrogen blood level has rocketed back up to over 500.  I have uterine fibroids and that seems to be causing my high estrogen levels. It wasn't so bad, except I had estrogen positive cancer. So my GYN thinks I need a hysterctomy, my ONC said I could skip that. But I thought I was going into menopause cuz my estrogen levels were dropping nicely.  Now they are sky high again. UGH!!!

    So I'm stressed. I don't really want more surgery.  Anyone else over here had a hysterctomy??

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,965
    edited July 2014

    Wouldn't tamoxifen stop the estrogen? I think it's time the ONC and GYN spoke to each other. I think a lot of the BRCA positive women have hysterectomies. Mine was already gone when I was diagnosed.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2014

    Happy Birthday to Zills, sounds like you are enjoying the visit. Will be nice when DH gets there too.

    Well so far on the good. Talking about hormone therapy..I forgot to bring my pills with! Guess I won't  keel over from 10 days without as I see on other threads that some gLs take a month vacation from them.  Guess it does cause brain fog huh?

    Just heard my BFF Marilyn will have box next Monday, so glad she has a plan in action, wish I was closer to help but she will let me.know if I need to come?  Still can't believe it, she is never far from my thoughts even on vacation.

    PRB , thinking all will be ok, sending good thoughts your way.

    Ariom, have fun with Bec!

    Glennie, my hormone therapy arimidex is supposed to suppress the estrogen , would that work for you? Hope you do t forget to take it like me!,,I am not used to having to take meds, but after a year you would think I would catch on right.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited July 2014

    Yes, I guess the meds would supress the estrogen, but my GYN wants to yank out all my girly parts! She thinks the fibroids are causing the problem. So, is surgery better than meds? Possibly,,,,,  I go back to see her next week for an ultrasound and we'll talk then. It just bummed me out since I really thought I was finally hitting menopause,,, so I needed to vent!