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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2013

    Hey, just came on the boards as gramwe did, to make sure idesim is okay.  Please let us know you're there!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    I just love to get up to good news!

    Gramwe, so great to hear you have your clean margins.  So we don't have to bail you out.....yet!

    What explosions?

    Good morning Bobogirl!

    Hi Idesim, hope all is well.

  • indenial
    indenial Member Posts: 125
    edited April 2013

    Idesim, worried about you too. I hope you're OK.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2013

    Ariom, near the finish line of the Boston marathon were 2 explosions. The last news report I saw said that 2 people were killed and 100+ were injured. They think the devices were hidden in street side garbage containers. So sad, so senseless! I keep checking here in hopes that Idesim will check in to left us know shes safe. I know she said her appointment was in the downtown Boston area.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Thanks for that, gramwe. I will check the US news on cable.

    How dreadful, it just makes your blood run cold when you hear of this kind of madness.

    I was working for United Airlines on Sept 11, and for the next 6 years or so. I have never been able to understand what sets this in motion.  

    Has anyone claimed responsibility?

    I hope all is well with Idesim too. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    Hi ladies,

    Home safe and sound, but i was on my way back from getting the drains out when it happened, i was directly underground on the subway.. omg it's so horrible what has happened to these poor people.  I was so happy having the drains out and things were looking up for all of 20 mins.. geesh.  We were detained in the tunnels for quite some time and we finally made it home and I'm still a bit shaky.. so scary.

    The plastic wrap sounds awful! I'm glad you are getting rid of it, hold off punching him in the nose until that is removed lol.

    Same here with the V necks, that's a chore I've been putting off.. I'm thinking possibly of getting a bunch of camisoles and maybe wearing those under the vnecks.. I hate so spend more money on clothes.

    I should sleep like a baby tonight with all the excitement.  How was everybody elses day?

  • indenial
    indenial Member Posts: 125
    edited April 2013

    It is just horrible, I don't understand why anyone would do something so senseless. So glad you are safe!!

    Enjoy being drain-free. :)

    I've been wearing ribbed tank tops ("wife beaters" -- I hate that term but don't know what their proper name is???) under V-necked shirts and that works well. Camis are hit or miss for me, some don't sit quite right, and any with built-in shelfs feel funny for some reason.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    Yeah those are a good idea too.. ribbed tank is what I'd call them to avoid the wife beater phrase lol.  A lot cheaper than a new wardrobe!! 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2013

    Hi all. Thought I'd add my 2 cents. My BMX was Dec 17-12. I woke up with LE, and 4 drains. I was wrapped in Ace. I wore a hoodie home, wise choice. We used DHs truck as it sits higher, easier to access. I had picked up a cami before surgery, once the ace came off, wore cami and tucked drains in that

    After ace off, I could shower. I had home health nurse for 10 days till drains came out. 3 were ok, the 4th had been a problem the whole time, hurt like #^! coming out, still hurts there. Drove the day the drains came out.

    Had problems picking up Spookie, she's 7#. Anything above shoulder level was difficult. Didn't have hair to wash!

    Cook up what you can prior to surgery, do try to have at least a friend in. I didn't need pain meds, but they can be a real help.

    If its Blumenkranz at MP, he's good!!!!

  • SophieG
    SophieG Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2013

    Hi, I am new to this discussion, yet ?Ariom,,,I also have had that weird sensation when drinking liquids,,,,I thought I was going crazy!(lol) Though realizing that is ok,,,

    Sad to hear about the events in Boston, 

    Sending lots of positive thoughts to all. 

    I am adjusting to both breasts gone now, though I have gone out socially and publicly without any prosthetics, I do return to work in June, I do not want to wear any prothesthesis , what are other options,,,,(I don't think they are in the dress code at my workplace!lol) I live in Canada, Saskatchewan and right now it is still cold, yet our summers are very warm, so needless to say, going out will involve less clothing, less layers.., I am ok without anything, yet....still not sure about work. Any info appreciated.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2013

    Hello everyone,

    So glad to see you Idesim, drain free and safe! Sending positive to all in your area.

    There should be some group that allows us to trade in our low cut tops for ones with higher necks, free of charge of course. My DIL and I shopped after the doctor today for something I could wear underneath my tops without luck. Her suggestion was for me to try the men's department, well that didn't go over so good with me! I guess the poor child must have forgotten I was out of Ativan. Lol. A friend suggested I sew lace, or fabric into my tops, which might be a grand idea if I knew how to sew, nevertheless I might play around with that idea. Buying a new wardrobe isn't an option.

    Has anyone else felt a sensation of gurgling in your chest? For me it began right after surgery, it felt kind of like my stomach was growling but it was high up on my chest. When my drains were taken out I very painfully, felt the end of the drain being pulled from that spot and thought the feeling had been the fluid being drained, but it has continued. Another normal?

    There seems to be a lot of new things going on in this old body. So glad we can come here for answers.

    Take care. Hope to see you all again soon.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Hi all, and welcome to Sophie! and to Spookiesmom!

    So glad you are ok Idesim, and you're drain free. Yay

    Sophie, so you are another one that feels the weird drinking thing. I let myself have a treat on the weekend, a frozen Coke, and wow did that set it off again. Brain freeze and chest freeze at the same time!

    Wanda, I had another weird one too, not quite gurgling, but I had a wave, that you could actually see, and you'd hear a slight "slurp" sound if you pushed it. It was a seroma which went beneath, the entire length of my incision. I had it drained once, and had no more trouble with it. I do have a tender spot, right where that drain came from.

    I have found some wonderful tank tops that I will be wearing under shirts in the cooler weather. They are made from bamboo fibre and are softer that anything else I have found, plus they are a higher neckline that sits flat against your chest. They are from a company, Venus, that makes yoga pants and workout clothes. I think you'd find some great options for under shirts from these athletic companies.

    Sophie, I find that I am wearing the tank, or a camisole, under a crisp shirt a lot these days. I think that could look very smart for work, depending on what you do. I also have some long zip front sleeveless vests that have pockets at the thigh level, I wear them with a boat neck t shirt and a scarf loosely knotted at the chest.

    I have the issue of still having one boob that I really don't like letting loose too often. These tanks work well with or without a foob. I would gladly go flat if I'd had  a BMX, but as I have described before, when I go braless, my left size "D" can look like I have a puppy up my shirt, or a bit Quasimodo, in the front.LOL

    Spookiesmom, I only had one drain, albeit a great, stonking big one. It was only in for 6 days because here in Australia they come out when you are putting out less than 50ml in 24 hours. My surgery was over Christmas, and the District Nurse came to remove it on Boxing Day. I swear she had to put her foot up on the bed to get enough leverage to get that sucker out.LOL It was some new type that had flat square tubing and she was trying to get it out through a small round hole. That was really the only unpleasant part of my surgery, but what a relief when it was finally out. Still tender, as i mentioned before.

    Take care everyone!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2013

    Hey there Sophie:

    Ariom gives excellent advice.  I just wanted to add that there's an excellent thread here -- started by MT1 -- called "I look for other flat chested women.  A rant."  On that thread, there are many sisters who are choosing to embrace their flatness, at work and otherwise.

    One of the women here -- Erica -- has started a website called "breast free."  That might be a resource for you as well.

    So glad to know you!  And yes, I don't believe boobs (or foobs) are part of any office dress code.  :) I  laughed when I read that!



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2013

    Oh, and watch out for Ariom.  She has stolen, like, one hundred puppies that way  :)

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2013


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    I don't think I'd have a problem with flatness if I had lost both boobs.  Having the one boob to me poses a problem and I am not in anyway good with things like scarves or sewing or anything like that lol.

    Sophie, what type of work enviroment?  I think Ariom's suggestion would work well.  I plan to wear a lot of prints in a larger size which I think will camoflage any imperfections !

    Ariom is awfully calm for somebody that lives with 100 stolen puppies.

    I wish we could trade in the wardrobe, I think I'll be alright fall/winter its the spring/summer that is going to be a challange and I'm not sure what I will be able to stand wearing during radiation. 

    Wanda, tell your friend thanks for the excellent idea and when would be a good time for you to drop your shirts off to her? :)

    Spookiesmom...  4 drains.. I can't even imagine how horrible that had to be... I was done in by the two I had for 6 days!!

    I had the gurgling thing right after surgery a couple of times.  I asked the BS yesterday what happens to the fluid that was going in the drains and she said it will collect and I'll have a water bed sensation near my incision and not to freak out, it will go away in time.

    Glad everybody seems to be doing good!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning all from Downunder!

    Great advice Bobo, I meant to mention Breastfree, and Flat Chested, A Rant, but I have been so busy with all these puppies that it just slipped my mind!LOL

    Waterbed Sensation! That's what it was Idesim, I called it a wave, but that's exactly what it was.

    I went for my followup appointment,thought I was going really well. I took off my shirt and waited for the Surgeon to tell me how great I was doing, but he said "Oh you have a seroma, and a haematoma, and a stitch that needs to come out!" I found myself on my back and he had a big needle and a scalpel! Who"d have thought? It was over in no time, and there haven't been any problems since.

    I'd love to trade in my old clothes too, but I am also not troubled, by checking out the recycle or op shops. I think you call them thrift or something. I have found some amazing pieces in those places. I was a volunteer for many years in the local one where I used to live, so didn't have an aversion to second hand stuff.

    Well ladies, I am going to take advantage of the beautiful, but unpredictable weather, and work in my garden today. I have been able to sustain our salad and herb intake for the Summer and still have 9 different types of letttuce that will last some time yet. I bought my first tomatoes yesterday, but have more ripening as we speak.

    You have to humour me, I am a city girl who has never done this before.  I am like a child with this great big abundant garden! Need the room for all these puppies, Bobo!LOL

    Take care, all of you!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2013

    I am so proud of your garden!  Let's see, what can you grow for the puppies.. mine likes a carrot or a string bean or a piece of broccoli, occasionally  :)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Oh thank you Bobo, if we lived closer I'd invite you over!

    My real puppy, Dexter, (named after the serial killer, blood spatter expert on TV!) is a lover of Bell Peppers.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    Enjoy your garden, I'm glad you get such joy out of it.  Sorry to hear you had complications, but happy to hear they were solved quickly and I hope painlessly?

    6 types of lettuce? That is ambitious!!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2013

    I didn't even know there were 6 types of lettuce. Lol. Years ago I became friends with a lady who was new to the country life, we discovered canning, and got a bit carried away, our husbands put a stop to our adventures when we came home from the farmers market with 10, dozen ears of corn to can.

    Do you have any idea how low a v-neck plunges when you have no boobs? I put on one today and got a glimpse of my navel. Lol. The lacy undershirt only made it look more obvious that the girls were gone. So that one went into the to go pile. Retail therapy may be in order.

    Hugs to you all. I'm going to lovingly place a pillow over DH head to muffle his snoring and try to sleep.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Hi Idesim! 9 types of lettuce LOL Thank you! I am proud of my garden. I had lots of the locals around picking my figs, apples and pears, so I have preserves that they made from them. My grapefruit is coming on and the flowers on it smell amazing.

    I really didn't have any problems, compared to some. I did have Mondors, which was a bit uncomfortable, and I am sure it was the reason my drain was so stuck. It resolved after about 7 weeks, but I have been old it can return.

    I don't sew either, but I am trying out all kinds of things to make dressing easy. I got a good result from a maternity camisole. It has a bra inside with a kind of sling that I pinned a soft foob into. I removed the plastic hinge thing for the drop down front, and sewed the strap to the front of the cami, dead easy, even for a sewing challenged person like me. It has adjustable straps, so you can hike it up, and it doesn't fall forward when you bend over. I wear these with a soft cardigan and jeans, or capris. They are almost as good as my favourite top, the Amoena Valletta, and heaps cheaper.

    I hope all is well with you today, take care! 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Hi Wanda, you be careful with that pillow, we don't want to have to bail you out!LOL

    You sound like a woman of my own heart, I take everything to extreme when I get a buzz about something. I can't imagine preparing 120 ears of corn though. How funny!

    I hear you, about the see through to the navel when you bend. It is my pet hate about all this. I have seen mine when I am unloading groceries onto the belt in the supermarket. It is very weird when you still have one boob there too. I am afraid of scaring small children!

    I bought the Contact prosthesis, which actually attaches to your chest, and you can wear a normal bra with it. As I said before, I am apt to go to extremes, I can't wear this new thing for another couple of months, but I have it ready for that time. LOL

    Sleep well!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2013

    Ariom!  I want to sit in your garden right now.  There is nothing better than fresh greens.  It's wonderful!  Love the name for your puppy.

    Confused about this navel thing since not there yet.  Is it not possible to get a really snug-fitting camisole?  One that will really hug itself to you?  I've got one on now, from the gap.  It's a little thin (read: see-through), so sometimes I double up.

    It seems we should be able to crack this.  I feel it is not just a UMX issue.  I feel so ignorant, but want to solve it!


  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2013

    I have been buying so many camisoles lately. I'm trying to find the perfect ones that won't show my healing incisions.. the tight ones with adjustable straps are the best. Buy a size smaller than usual. A lot of them have a shelf but it doesn't seem to really matter. I will also wear a light sports type bra under that and then I wear other clothing over all of it. The wardrobe is definitely weird now but I'm not at any risk of flashing.
    Once I'm healed a flash might not be so bad! 

    I found some cami's on Amazon that are great and only $8, Costco has a package of two that are good, I am waiting on some "Barely There" cami's I found on Ebay. I'm still wearing my favorite stretchy tank top from Old Navy that I wore all the time before all of this but it hangs a bit low and isn't adjustable. It's good for layering which seems to be the protocol now.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning!

    Bobo, I sat in the garden yesterday, contemplating! I can't believe how much has happened since we arrived here in the last week of June last year. Total renovation of the house and front and rear garden, my Dx and surgery, and settling into a new environment.

    No such thing as ignorant, Bobo, ask any questions you want of us that have already been "done"! There should be a way to crack this, but I haven't quite found it yet. There is definitely a difference between a BMX and UMX. Rockermom has the !info for BMX. I miss Costco, I now live 300km away from my nearest store

    Now, let's look at it, this flashing the "gap" thing is a real pain. There are tops available, racerback sleeveless tanks, or tanks that will sit tight. If you wear a silicone prosthesis that fits into a Mx bra, when you lean over it falls away from your chest, leaving a gap that you can see straight throgh to your waist. The softee type foobs inside an Ahh bra type thing don't seem to do it as much, but they have their limitations because there isn't any weight in most of those, and they can have a tendency to ride up.

    I love the Valletta Cami from Amoena. It has adjustable straps, and is cut a but higher on the chest. It is made from a lovely jersey fabric, and has a drape. The inbuilt bra takes a prosthesis, and is firm. It doesn't do the fall forward thing if you take the time to adjust it properly. It comes in many colors and it is around $50.00 in the US.

    My latest aquisition is the Contact breast form, not sure if I mentioned it on this thread, sorry if I am repeating, but you can attach these directly to your chest and wear an ordinary bra with it. There is a good video on the Amoena website that shows it in detail on a real Umx. These can't be worn till you're about 6 months post surgery, but they have a back cover so you can wear them in a pocketed bra too. I think it is a great idea, and certainly does away with the "gap", when worn attached.

    Take care everyone!

    Is your appointment today Bobo? if so, I'll be in your pocket!


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    Ariom, I don't know how you do it.. I've given up trying to keep up with the posts, I just have to read your posts and it will summarize everything for me.. kind of like cliff notes lol.

    I was hoping to hear how Bobogirl and Keepswimming made out. I had a few surprises on mine, but I was headed for Radiation anyways, so no change in plans.

    Ariom, I would love to see pictures some time, your place sounds absolutely amazing.

    Thank you for the information, I too cannot get a prosthesis until 6 months, so I am trying to experiment to see what might work.. being that the remaining breast is starting to sag, I am finding it hard to get a natural looking bust with the foam inserts lol. 

    I think for me a scenario like Rockermom66 has described may do the trick.. but I also have to keep in mind radiation might ultimately affect what I will comfortably be able to wear, so no sense going too crazy buying stuff  at this point.  I hate not being prepared!

    haha Wanda, I put on a vneck today and it was all lopsided and ridiculous looking. I spent two hours weeing through and trying on clothes and it was not a very good experience!

    Wish the ladies would check in with their results!!!

  • SophieG
    SophieG Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2013

    Thank you so much for your info! I work with many clients in mental health and need to dress professionally, so the idea of a camisole under nice crisp shirts sounds fantastic! I think a shopping spree is long over due for myself! Am patiently awaiting spring, though tonight, forecast is for -14C...A long winter,,,,Sending positive thoughts to all. Have a great rest of the week.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2013

    Hello everyone, just come in after a long day outside. The loam and grass seed is down, covering the remnants of the renovation where they brought in a digger to install the natural gas pipes. They ruined the lawn, and left big tracks all over. I installed a small solar pump into a big ceramic bowl, scattered river stones and some Papyrus, and waterlily to finish it off, and now my "nod" to Feng Shui is finished, with 3 goldfish in a water feature.  All finished now, just maintenance....feels great.

    I too, was hoping for some news from the girls, but seems you've had some surprises Idesim, I hope you're OK?

    I am very computer challenged, but if I can get Colin to do it, I'll PM you some pics. I am like a new Grandma with my pictures, but it's a house!LOL

    You be careful with that other rogue breast Idesim, I hear you about the sagging, and you've heard from Bobo about me looking like I have a puppy under my shirt when I go braless, which isn't too often! LOL...... On a serious note, you will need to find something soft that won't irritate your skin during Radiation. I don't know what's best, something loose and floaty, or something soft and tight. I have heard that 100% Aloe Vera Gel is very good for the skin during rads. I have actually bought some Tshirts that have Aloe Infused into the Bamboo Fabric. If you hadn't already noticed, I am nuts for this Bamboo fabric. I have never felt anything so soft.

    So glad the crisp shirt and cami appeals to you Sophie. I wear this combo a lot if I am going to a meeting.I have also found the new longer length, man's style shirt, with a cami or tank underneath with leggings, and a little pair of flats, works great for casual wear.  Have fun on that shopping trip!

    Time to go gather some stuff for dinner, I'll check back to see if anyone has posted....Take care everyone!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    Goodness Sophie, that is cold!!!  Sending warm thoughts your way! 

    It's beautiful here today, 70's, but very windy and instead of being outside in the gorgeous day, we are glued to the tv as many towns (not mine, thankfully) are under lockdown and waiting to hear that the marathon bomber has been caught.

    Ariom, I did get my pathology and there were some surprises.. and they did find small areas of cancer cells in the nipple, the skin that had been compromised to begin with and in the fatty tissue of the breast. The main tumor was just scar tissue.  There was one lympnode that has the smallest of microscopic spec in it.  I'm in shock that there was other areas found other than the tumor site and relieved that I had the mastectomy and a little disappointed that there was anything left at all in the lymphnode.

    I've hard a lot of good things on the bamboo fabric, I know many folks love the sheets, so I will look into it for sure.

    Yes, I would love to see pics, it sounds like a paradise!!!

    Concerned about Bobogirl, not a peep our of her for a couple of days, hope everything is ok.