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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2013

    Granwe, rant away.. doesn't bother me at all and you need to get it out!  I agree with you on corraling them all, it really is frustrating and I don't know about you, but my patience is really suffering at this point!

    Ok.. so... what I am reading is you were told your nodes were clear and now something was found in 2 of 3? Forgive me if I sound stupid, but I'm too lazy to scroll back haha.

    What a pain in the behind to have to consult another doctor, but you must be in so much discomfort :(  I hope that does the trick for you.

    Bobogirl, omg you make me laugh so much.. thank you for that.  The rice with lemon and coconut sounds absolutely fantastic.. will you share how to make?  What the heck is a DLLP? I can't for the life of me figure it out.. little little person... see above regarding patience haha.  Lamb chop.. ewww. Blueberry cobbler is a yummmmm!

    I would love a stay at home job part time.. I would so be doing it in my jammies that is for damn sure!  I am such a good multitasker that I'd get that done while doing my laundry and housecleaning and that would free up my weekends! I hope you enjoy your pj mini vacation tomorrow lol.

    Bobogirl, seriously you nailed it with Moira... and there she goes with more, I have to write them down too... I am envisioning a walk in closet with row upon row of camisoles in her house!  I hate shopping, she is a godsend with her advice lol.

    Moira, three days, my gosh.. things take longer than that to get to me from 2 states over!!  You're my guinea pig lol.. I've just been looking and looking and it's hard where I am a C cup and most people that review items appear to be A/B.  At least with you being a D, if it works for you, it surely will work for me!!!! Bobogirl, I am currently doing that too... cami/sportsbra and it is a pain in the behind.

    18k a year for meds?!?!  That is just ridiculous... my GF has RA... she's starting a new drug, i wish I could remember its name, but the SE's are horrible on it, I wish there was something else for her.   She fights so hard against it, but has experienced a lot of loss in her hand motion this past year.

    Co-op sounds like fun.. I am going to compare it to the Haymarket we have here in Boston which has just vendors all lined up selling fruit & veg and it's cheap cheap cheap!  Only problem is having to lug it all home, everything looks so good until you have to drag it along with you :)

    Hope everybody had a good day (and night!)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hey there girls, I don't know ho I missed the last two posts.

    Gramwe, I don't blame you for wanting to corral all the doctors, and get a straight answer. I'm so sorry that you've had a revised Dx, what does this mean now for you? You just rant away, we will all be here for you.

    Thank you for asking ldesim, I have been trying to figure out that DLLP too. I am hopesless with all those acronyms, don't really get it and never remember them.

    Girls, today I had my monthly Pink Ladies meeting, and you'd never believe who was the speaker? The Amoena Representative!

    It was a fantastic morning, very funny, and guess what? They have "NEW" Camisoles!

    The presentation was hysterical, every item that she showed us, she'd ask if anyone had seen or bought them, and I had most of them including 4 of the prosthesis. LOL

    After the meeting we were chatting, and one of the ladies was complaining about her "Dog Ear" under her arm, in the next minute we all had our shirts up and showing different variations of "Dog Ears" They are an outrageous group, and I love them all!

    I think someone has been peeking, or psychic! I do have a walk in robe, and there is a fair number of camis in open shelving. Colin told me, after this latest delivery, which included an embarrassing 6 new prosthesis, that I would need a filing system for them! 

    I feeel for your girlfriend with RA. It is a rotten disease. I was Dx in '96 and had trouble with most of the meds. I injected myself with Methotrexate for 7 years, and have been on Steroids for the entire time. I am lucky though, I don't need a high dose to keep it under comtrol, so although I am heavier than I have ever been because of the cortisone, it could be much worse. I have had some amazing surgery for it. I had the tendons in my right hand split, and tied around the knuckles to straighten my hand, and the all the synovial pockets removed from between my knuckles to help with the inflammation, and had my left wrist cleared out too. I had very little stability in my hand so this made a huge difference.

    I take a lot of alternative stuff for it, fortunate to have a rheumatologist that embraces the cutting edge, and the alternative.

    Hope all of you are doing well, it's Friday again, I don't know where the days go. I have one of Colin's attendant carers, children coming over tomorrrow. I am going to take her to garage sales and op shops, and to the weekend produce market. I can't wait. I love kids, but doubt I will ever be a Grandma.

    Take care girls, look forward to hearing how you are all doing!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Granwe, rant on!  That sounds terrible, I feel like swearing.  I have been thrust into the 'checking for uterine and ovarian cancer' thing this week.  US today.  Endometrial biopsy coming up.

    Idesim, that rice was really just rice.  And then I toasted 1/4 cup of coconut (in a cast-iron pan) and folded it in.  And then I squeezed 1/2  of a lemon in it.  DLLP is 'dear lesbian life partner.'  I see everyone saying DH, so I made up my own.  I cannot believe I have watched her eat meat for 17 years.  Tonight she ate nearly an entire fried chicken, which is made out of an actual chicken.

    Moira, I was actually laughing about your special guest star at your meeting!  You could have conducted that presentation yourself!  So sorry to hear of the troubles you've had with RA.  I do have a solution about waiting to be a grandmother, though... come here and be one to my two!  Please!  My own mother is a wash-out at it.  DLLP's mother is even worse.  We moved here to be closer to family, and we rarely see my mother.  I don't even want to get started on this.  So Moira, come on over!  My kids are 7 and 8, and my daughter is super-naughty, just as you hope daughters will turn out to be :)

    BTW, the new Soma tank is excellent.  Moira, I think you should get one.  Went on the website to order another (or two), but guess what?  They are all sold out of my size.  And I 'chatted' with the store rep and she basically said Too bad.  Wait for us to offer more.  So obviously they are full of themselves for a reason!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Oh crap Bobo, more testing. I feel for you Hon, just wish I could be there in your pocket.

    So glad you clarified that acronym, I have been scratching my head trying to work it out too.

    Funny that, how chicken is made out of ummm....chicken! You just crack me up Bobo!

    Oh boy, are you lucky I don't live closer, I would so take you up, on that offer. I had a ball today with Hollie, we went to garage sales and then into the next big town to do a thrift shop crawl! We had so much fun, she doesn't have a Grandma, so has taken a shine to me. She loves my makeup and nail polish. We had lunch, and she bought wool and knitting needles for me to teach her how to knit, so I guess I will be getting a short, wonky, scarf to wear soon.LOL

    Isn't it amazing, I'd love to have Grandkids, and your Mum, and Partner's Mum are missing out on so much. They will be grown up before they know it, and they will have missed it all.

    I am going online to look up the Soma Tank, right now.


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Dangit.. i was hoping to guess what LLP was before hearing the answer.. I was thinking lovely person.. I did think partnership,  but couldn't place the L's. I work for law firm and LLP is limited liability partnership... thank you for the answer Bobogirl, love it!  Well, that's just too easy.. I love coconut, love lemon & love rice.. so I'm thinking I have to try it haha.. thanks for sharing! Actually, it sounds like it would go great with fried chicken.. sorry.. I couldn't resist!  Oh no, not another biopsy for you :(  Its just one thing after another.. I hope everything goes ok.

    Moira, seriously.. after all the ribbing we give you, tell me you didn't laugh out loud a bit when you realized an Amoena rep was the speaker!  Did you buy any more? :)  I love the idea of the Pink Ladies group that sounds fantastic and you all doing your dog ears must have been hysterical! Honestly, I'll never look at canines the same way again.  I'm going to share your surgery info with my friend, she's really getting down over the progression of her disease.

    I was going through stuff in the basement today and I don't know what i came in contact with, but I have small areas on both arms of little bumps  that are somewhat itchy... very annoying.. I put some cortisone cream on and hope that does the trick and it just clears up, the LAST thing I want to do is to have to go to the dr... so sick of dr. offices.

    I had a couple of moments of sadness while going through the summer clothes, just those favorite items of clothing that I won't be able to wear again and how much things have changed in such a short period of time.  Basically a couple of feeling sorry for myself moments, which is so not like me and luckily i shrugged it off pretty quickly.

    Hope everybody had a great day!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    I was hoping to guess too, before I got the answer about DLLP! LOL

    I have to fess up, I actually did know thet the Amoena rep was coming to our next meeting, but hadn't thought about it again. She was just gorgeous, and really knows her stuff. The clothing range that is just being released here is already available in the US. It is mainly workout type pieces, and yoga pants. There are a couple of new cami styles that are worth a look too. Also, some really pretty Mx bras. It was a good thing she wasn't selling anything because I could have gone mad buying some of the things she had.

    I have to say, the idea of the Pink Ladies didn't really appeal to me at first, but I went along to my first meeting, which was before my surgery, simply because I didn't want them to think I was a snob, when they'd gone to the trouble to invite me.

    I am so glad I did, because those ladies have been so good to me. I had phone calls and visits when I got home from Hospital, and they have stayed in touch. We have several new members since I joined, so they are taken under the collective wings too. They are a mixture of ages, types and Dx, but are all great fun. They don't think twice about pulling out their prosthesis to show a new member, well neither do I, actually. There have been many thumps on the table as we all show what type we are wearing. LOL

    I am looking after the group for the next three months while our President is away for the Winter, so that will be interesting. I have to find some more speakers in a hurry!

    I am so very sorry to hear of your friend, and her progression. I have a number of friends who are doing it very tough at the moment too.

    I hear you when you say how much has changed in such a short time. I can't believe it either.

    I reluctantly let some of my clothes go to the Opportunity shop, because I knew they'd never work with a prosthesis, and I didn't want to beat myself up, trying to make them work.

    I know how those moments of reflection feel too! ((((((Hugs)))))))

    I am doing the changeover of my winter wardrobe, and putting away the summer. Fortunately, all my winter stuff will be fine to wear, so long as I wear a warm tank underneath. I am really feeling the loss of the insulation on that side. The silicone gets cold from the icy winds we are having, and feels clammy against me. I may have to find a piece of lambswool or something to buffer me from it. There's another quest to go on!

    Take care ladies... xxxx

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Thank you for the hugs Moira, feeling much better now!!    I just started Tamoxifen today after avoiding it as long as I could, but luckily I feel much better than I thought I would.. I think I'll be ok as long as I don't get the insomnia that a lot of the women complain about.. that is one I would have trouble dealing with, especially with 6 months radiation coming up.. I need all the strength I can get!!!  I just keep telling myself to hang in there until the end of June and then hopefully most of this will be behind me!  

    I'm sure you'll find it much easier in winter.. that's my biggest thorn is not getting used to all of this before summer and knowing my luck, it will be the hottest summer ever!!  Luckily at work they keep it cold with the AC, so I can layer until I feel more comfortable/confident.. although I really don't dwell in it much, the sports bra/cami is working out just fine.. I have even done yard work and havent had any problems with shifting.. so we'll see :)  I'm not liking the sound of the silicone,which I understand is a few months off for me... I would imagine a nice cotton tank underneath would do the trick.

    I'm not sure if I asked this before.. but do you get snow?

    The pink ladies does sound like a whole lot of fun, have you thought up anything special to do during your tenure yet?  What's the other group that this for some reason reminds me of.. is it red hats or something?

    Hope everybody is doing good!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    You are so welcome! Have another hug right now!

    I am sorry you have to take the Tamoxifen, I managed to dodge it, and the radiation. I was so lucky because I am super sensitive to drugs, if there is a SE I will get it. My Mother had to take it for 5 years, and I don't remember her having any SE's.

    I wish you an uneventful time with the radiation. I have a friend who is half way through and another who has finished, and apart from the fatigue they are fine.

    I would hate to have insomnia too. I love my bed, and can sleep pretty much anywhere. Just think how fast the time has flown since we had our Dx, and surgery. I can't believe it has been almost 5 months for me. You are a month already from surgery.

    I am sure you are right about the Winter being easier to deal with this stuff, but in saying that, I really didn't have a problem with it being Summer either. It was super hot this year too, with many days around the 40c mark. I wore silicone a lot, and truly didn't have a hard time with it. It will be different for you with the rads though. The softest camis or tanks will be your best friend!

    We live about an hour from snow country. It gets icy cold here, with frosts, but not snow. Our worst thing is the wind chill coming of the ocean. If you were to sail straight ahead from where we live you would arrive in Tasmania, across the Tasman Sea, or Bass Straight. When we moved here last June, it was the coldest Winter I have ever experienced.

    I do enjoy my Pink Ladies meetings. The girls are wonderful, the one I get on really well with is in her 80's, and has a Daughter older than me. She is country lady, and has taken this "City Girl" under her wing. We have a laugh about everything, and big hugs! Have you noticed how most people do the slight arm hug with the rear end out now? I have one other friend who still gives me a generous hug when she sees me. I don't know if they are afraid they'll hurt me, or if they are yucked out by the missing boob.

    I have decided to not have a guest speaker at this meeting in June, because we haven't had a chance to really chat for a few months. There have been so many guests recently that I think just a morning tea will be nice.

    I hope you have a great day/evening, lovely to chat again. I hope everyone is doing well, and hugs to our litttle group!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Moira, if we ever saw one another, I would give you a big smooshy hug!!  I think you should have no speaker at your group, and instead have a special cocktail hour, get everyone smashed, and hire minicabs to get everyone home.  Isn't that a great idea?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    That's a wonderful idea Bobo!

    Big smooshy hugs are great....consider yourself hugged Bobo!

    I'll talk to the girls about having cocktail time at my place!

    I hope everyone is well, and you are all enjoying the beginning of Spring. I am getting up to the chill of Autumn. Yesterday I baggged 5 big bags of Autumn leaves that had blown into my garden from next door, and this is just the beginning. If nothing else, the yardwork will keep me fit, and warm!

    Take care lovely ones!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Damn! It happened again, I had posted earlier today and it's not here now.  I bet I'm hitting preview instead of submit!  I'll redo at a later point.. hope everybody is doing well!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hi ldesim,

    Sorry you lost your post. I hate that too.

    How are you doing? It has been very quiet here.

    I hope everone is well.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    It appears today is going to be a gorgeous day, which is nice after 2 days of overcast/showers.

    I think, Moira, that either a cocktail hour or a morning tea would be a nice way to have a nice chat among the ladies.  

    I would miss winter, while I dislike the cold, raw, gray weather.. I would miss snow.  I love when the snow is falling, when everything is blanketed in white and going out a night after a snowfall when everybody is tucked away into their houses and walking on the fresh snow as it crunches beneath your feet.  I don't mind shoveling either.  If I could find somewhere that only had 2 months of winter, that would be perfect.

    I love raking leaves too! Fall is one of my favorite months, I love the changing leaves, the foods, the smells.  

    So far so good on the Tamoxifen, however, I learned the side effects do not appear right away... so it's a wait and see situation.  I can handle fatigue, I did pretty well during 4 months of chemo, so hopefully I won't struggle too much through 6 weeks of radiation.  The weather I think is a plus.  I feel more energetic in general on sunny warm days.  I did chemo through the winter where all you want to do anyways is curl up on the sofa lol. I'm trying to soak up all the sun I can now as I won't be able to for a little while.. that stinks!

    Return to work on Monday for me, this is the longest I have ever been out of work for almost 30 years and in retrospect, I am glad I took all the time off.  Since this all started in September, I haven't really sat back and processed everything.. there was no time between work and having to make treatment decisions on the fly and the holidays to really take it all in.  It's been good to have this down time, but I am starting to climb the walls!!

    Big smooshy hugs to all you girls, I hope you have great days/evenings!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hi ldesim, so glad your post came through this time.

    We are having absolutely beautiful weather, a real Indian Summer, but there are fires not far from us, started by a controlled burn off that got out of control. So we have thick smoke blanketing the lake. Such a shame, we can't spend too much time outside because it makes you cough.

    Your description of the snow just brought back a memory for me. When I was a child, my Father was in an accident when a lift shaft collapsed in a coal mine. He shattered his ankle, and was in Hospital for a whopping 13 months. My Mother used to take me to see him every day. In the Winter we had to walk through the snow to get to the bus stop. I am phobic about that crunching sound, almost like scratching a blackboard for me, and I am sure it comes from those early days. When all my friends were into skiing and going for weekends to the snowfields here in Aus, I was the one sitting by the fire reading a book. I have never really gotten over that sound. Isn't it funny how one can be put off something just from a childhood memory.

    Gosh, I have been raking and bagging so many leaves this week. My neighbor has a huge Maple, and a giant Oak, guess whose yard the leave migrate to? Yep, mine, it is a neverending sweep fest here. My big Fig is doing its best to cover my path to the front gate every night too.

    I am sorry to hear you have to take the Tamox, but I am hoping you'll be one who will dodge the SE's. My Mother did really well on it, with minimal SE's, and she was like me, very susceptable to meds.

    Back to work for you, that will feel a bit strange to begin with. Isn't it amazing how fast the time has flown?

    Big hugs to all, and hope that you're doing soon Moira

  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2013

    Thank you all for this information!!  My double mx is scheduled for May 24th.  You all helped to answer a lot of my questions, and some I didn't even think about!  

    Is it in bad taste that I'm having a bye-bye booby party next week to help transition into my "new" boob free life?!?  I think a little humor can go a long way!

    I'm really happy I found this site!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2013

    Bye bye booby party!!!! That's great, wish I'd a thunk of that! I will say that as soon as I could drive again my bras went to goodwill box!

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2013

    A party is a great idea!

    Speaking of Goodwill, I donated 3 bags of clothes that were "boob-centric".. it was very liberating!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited May 2013

    Nae-Nae, anything that puts a smile on your face or makes you laugh is better than chemo and tamox put together ;)

    I also found that other people tended to think that my BMX was horribly tragic and sad, but I just didn't. It really taught me to keep an open mind and go with MY feelings and MY reactions (good or bad), not those of other people or those other people thought I must or should be having. Obvious, I know, but something we tend to forget.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    I think a bye bye booby party is a great idea! Let us know of it turns out.. I hope you have a blast.  I agree about the humor, I think some ppl are shocked at some things I say from time to time or it may seem like I don't take all this seriously.. which I do.. but I still joke about things from time to time. NaeNaeJanae, these forums were my lifeline to get through surgery.. I only wish I had discovered them during chemo!

     I have a giant storage tote filled with clothes for Good Will that.. lol... were boob-centric.  That is a great word rockermom.

    Moira, sorry to hear about the fires... I hope that has been resolved by now.  I'm also sorry to bring about such bad memories!! Yikes!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited May 2013

    Welcome NaeNaeJenae!  I think that is a great idea.  Please toss back a flaming drink for me!  (Well, blow it out first, then toss it back)  :)


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Bye Bye Boobie party is a sensational idea!

    I spent the night before my Mx in a Motel to be near the Hospital for my early morning SNB call before the surgery.

    I actually spoke to my Boob, I said, "You've let me down, you have to go!"

    I think actually disengaging, is a positive thing to do. It may not be for everyone, but it worked for me. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    You never fail to crack me up Bobo!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2013

    There is a t shirt I want to get, something about

    Yeah they're gone, they tried to kill me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013


    Do you mean  "Yes, they're fake! The real ones tried to kill me!"

    I saw another one recently "Yes, one is fake, guess which one!"

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited May 2013

    I just stumbled upon this thread. I had the freeze situation when I gulped a smoothie so I could get to shopping. It felt like a heart attack. I occasionally have the feeling my nipple is being pinched. (ouch)

    I'm going to try out the shapewear idea instead of a bra. I have a umx with the sagging puppy problem. I always felt to big to go without a bra (D-DD). Ariom, you give really good reviews of the things you try. Thanks.

    I had DLLP figured out except for the extra L. Know how you feel about watching someone eat an actual chicken right in front of you.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    Hello Wren!

    Welcome to this funny thread, it has become a fun place to check out every day.

    The "chest freeze" is a weird one, but really common, when we started talking about it. I have the wierd nipple sensations too. My surgeon calls it "Phantom Sensations".

    I am so glad to hear you may try the shapewear tank. I love it, and wear it to do my daily exercise now. It is really comfortable, and because of the firmness of the fabric it keeps that "puppy" under control.

    Thank you for appreciating my reviews on stuff. I love to hear of new things other people have discovered. This "Uniboob"is a permanent thing for me, so anything new that makes it more comfortable is of interest to me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    ldesim, no problem at all, just my phobia! Just memories, any memories of my dear Mum and Dad are wonderful!

    I love your sense of humor about this subject. I agree with Momine too!

    Welcome to Nae Nae, love your humor too! and Rockermom, you are clearing out too, it must be a "Global Purge" that we are all part of!

    ldesim, the fires are still burning out of control. We are not in any danger where we are, but at night we can see the red glow in the dunes across the lake. I haven't been walking the dog because the smell of smoke can take your breath away.

    I love the word Boob-centric too.

    I am in the process of filling bags to give away too. I had no idea how many low necklines I used to wear, not OTT low tops. My one pet hate about all this is the forward bend, where you look down and you can see clear through to your waist. I am afraid I will scare young children! LOL Finding the right necklines is my ongoing quest, but coming into Winter here, I won't need to offload much Winter clothing.

    Take care ...I hope I haven't missed anyone!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited May 2013

    Oh that is so terrible about the fires.. all that destruction, it's sad... I'm glad you're not in any danger, but I suppose you are a prisoner in your home for the time being. 

    I haven't experienced the bending over and seeing clear to my waist yet... lol.. something to look forward to for sure!  They say this is the gift that keeps on giving and that is so bang on!! I was never one for low cut tops and always wore a cami if I thought there was more cleavage than necessary.. but low cut tops have now taken on a new meaning... I found a great bra that I love and its comfortable!  Airway #1480.. I even tried on a form fittingtshirt and the breastform looked natural.  Got it on Ebay for $12.00.. I'm going to buy a couple of more.. I'm so excited lol.  I bought the #1460 too, but it's not as comfortable and I don't like it overall.

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited May 2013


    Yep that's the one! Still have some chemo brain. Ugh.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited May 2013

    ldesim, I am going to look for that bra on Ebay too. I just love a bargain!

    I checked online, but it is about $45.00 or $72.00 for 2.

    I think Colin may just strangle me with the next bra that's delivered. I have been a tad overzealous with Ebay, and could open a shop with all the stuff I have aquired. He jokes that I need a filing system for the "Foobs", and my Daughter thinks I need a purpose built Armoire for all the gear!