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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Well, I'm back, I have been sick as a dog.  Thank you everyone for your well-wishes, they obviously worked -- I bounced back immediately.  I'm at the hairdressers, having punk blond stripes put into my hair.  My big new job starts next week -- must get myself together.  Will go home and lie down after this.

    I've missed so much, I don't know if I can get it all in one fell swoop!  Had a killer virus -- 102 fever, chills, vomiting, and then the other end.  The whole bit.  Haven't eaten in a couple of days.  But extremely grateful not to be throwing up.  So forgive me if I'm fuzzy on the details.  

    Z, you are NOT at all high maintenance.  I think you need a new PCP.  I think your PCP should be coordinating better with the doctors at other places.  If you have reflux, or acid stomach, or anything at all, it should be looked after, period.  Do you have a bc support group there?  I think you should ask someone at your bc center for the name of a good PCP who works with bc patients.  You need someone smart who is attuned to the needs of our sisters.  I am so mad at them!

    And surprise wedding?  What is going on with that sister?  I soooo understand sister drama.  I could tell you some stories.  So we've got your appt on the 13th, grammaB's on the 13th, your results and round 5 on the 15th, and I know gramwe must have appts in there, right?  She has said she has a million appts these days.  How is the OG?

    Sounds like your husband is protecting you from the drama.  That's a good thing.  You don't need anymore of that.  You need more watching kitties!

    Idesim, I have missed you!  What's going on with your work?  I have missed hearing the coffee table update.  Now that I am in the tiny house, I am thinking of you in your tiny house!  Haven't been able to enjoy it much the past couple of days.  I have unpacking like a maniac.  And then I was driving the babysitter back and forth back from near our old house!  Madness.  DLLP was worried about me, actually talked about emergency room, that is not like her.  And sadly, the bathroom in the tiny house was centrally located, so I couldn't keep it quiet.  In my old house we had three bathrooms.

    ND, I loved our ND update!  Must post!  More later..

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Idesim and I reply to ourselves.  Am I right in intuiting that birdie is going to AUS?  She is planning her wardrobe.  Will you go to our Ariom?  I am very excited at the prospect.

    GrammaB, thank you again for the Reiki healing.  I understand that you are nervous about your upcoming surgery.  That's so natural.  Just know that we are all with you.  Hmm.  Z was saying perhaps I had some tips since I just had some surgery.  I must say I did things very like you did.  I arranged things, and stocked up on things, and planned a lot, and bought stool softener and that sort of thing.  I have to say, the worst part in my opinion is that they don't let you 'pack' on the way to the surgery, save one or two ativan, which do nearly nothing when you're in that condition.  And then they are asking you lots of questions but what you really want is to have it over with.  I agree with our Ariom.  Surgery itself was completely pain-free for me, both times, honest.  They had the pain thing managed very well.  There was some achiness after, and the claw, but as women we all deal with a certain level of discomfort, and you are a healer, so I know you will be on top of that.  I would just do whatever makes you happy right now, moment by moment, if you can.  Get yourself some little treats.

    Hmm.  The bracelets and the princess.  She takes pretty good care of them.  She puts them back in her little box at the end of the day.  So it's not too bad.  Agree about the gold ones -- I do silver.  

    Tattoo update!  The day before I got sick I went to my appt, all stocked up with lunch and supplies, and then I didn't like the drawing, and I didn't go through with it!  We had a little bit of a tense exchange.  I said, Why didn't you email me the drawing?  He said he was worried people would 'steal' his drawings and take them to another artist.  I said, I'm trusting you to write something permanent on my body, but you don't trust me to email me a drawing?  It's ridiculous.  Anyway, it was nothing like what I wanted.  And then I got sick, and I'm not thinking about that right now.  Must switch tattoo artists.

    Spookie!  Many thanks for garden advice, everyone.  I must say, I was delighted by the back and forth gardening discussion.  I am going to follow all advice, in fact.  I am going to go to the farmer's market. And I am going to get a tomato plant and punnets of herbs for the children.  And later, I am going to do the teepee.  I am going to follow all advice!  And in fall, I will do spookie's plan.  XXXXX

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Glad your better bobo. We were a little worried. Now you must eat! Punk hilites sound good. I had to get my drivers license renewed today. They asked me to wear my ball cap backwards. I was fine bald or ball cap.

    Clarification. My PCP is wonderful but I don't go thru him except when the BC center falls down on the job. Everything has to be approved or vetted by the chemo doc. Anyway my mom is making banana bread for me to bribe them with since I'm going to be there awhile longer.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    ndgirl, you got to shower the next day!! My BS said not until 3 full days for me. And that bothers me too as my DD has to leave the morning (beginning) of the third day, leaving me all alone for first shower and reapplying the ace bandage.  My good friend is a nurse (for my pcp) and I think I am going to ask her if she could stop by on her way home from work that evening just to be there if I run into any problems. Always one more little thing to worry/think about.

    Zills, wow, 4 times eh?  Good luck to her, but glad you didn't push yourself to go.  I wouldn't worry what your family may or may not think.  You have to look after yourself first, if they can't understand that then shame on them!  Especially on such a short notice.  You had no way to even plan extra rest to maybe do it.......

    Cool that the pizza didn't cause your tummy grief and so good you got a good sleep too!  

    Take the nap, then tackle laundry/baking whichever you feel most up to.  There is always tomorrow for the other.

    Airom, I have finally found a pizza crust recipe that has gotten tons of raves on my diabetes forum.  I plan to make it for the first time a day or two before surgery.  That way I'll have left overs for when I come home. As a diabetic eating low carb/high fat the toppings are just fine, it is the bread dough that I can't handle, this new crust is Almond Flour, grated mozzarella cheese and cream cheese.  The photos I've seen of it look delish!!!

    Have a great day/evening everyone!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013


    Will you have a visiting home nurse? I did. She took the ace off, and it stayed off. She checked the site for infection, drains ok, vitals, my glucose. She came daily for 10 days till they came out. Ins covered this, best check yours.

    I wore a cami with pockets, all 4 drains went there. Showers, tied them in a big loop of gauze.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Yes ask your friend to check in on you and about the hime health nurse. You can always change your mind later. I didn't shower for a couple of days. My ace bandage came off before I left the hospital because I was hot. The doc said it was fine.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Morning Zills!

    I am the Queen of the ProBiotics. They were the way I cured my stomach ulcers, years ago.

    I refused to do the 3x antibiotic therapy, and just took ProBiotics every day. When I went back for my follow up Gastroscopy, a year later, there was no sign at all of the two nasty ulcers that I had named Heckle and Jeckle because they had been so annoying. They had been caused by the meds I had to take for the Rheumatoid.

    I take the Pro Biotics in a couple of different forms, but had run out of the main one which is the Greens Drink. I hadn't been taking the stand by one either, for a week or so which is a freeze dried fruit drink similar to the Green Vibrance. Anyway, a couple of days, back on the ProBiotics and I feel fine again.  I absolutely swear by them, and can't understand how I let them lapse at the same time, but at least it proved again that for me, they are a necessity.

    I'd be very surprised if you couldn't take these, Zills. I know you check everything with your Doctor first, why not give it try if they allow it. You just need to make sure whatever type you take, they must have a lot of different strains of good bacteria. They come in a capsule form as well. Although yogurt has the same type of bacteria, you'd have to eat a truckload before you'd get enough of it into your system.

    That's interesting, I didn't know about the no cheese. I use a pre baked shell, which is just what we like, thin, but crisp. I don't eat mine with cheese, but Colin does. He loves everything as hot as Hades with Chillies and Hot Pepperoni as well as everything else. I have mine with lots of mushrooms, olives and fresh basil, and my favourite, seafood. We put lots of toppings on our Pizza.

    Don't you give yourself grief about the wedding, you did the right thing:)...M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    Just wanted to pop in and see if our Bobogirl is up and about and I see she is!!! Missed you and glad you are feeling better!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hey Bobo, we were so worried for you! Glad to see you've improved. If you don't mind me saying, you could do with some ProBiotiics now too, for your poor tummy after that onslaught.

    What a disappointment it must have been to go to the Tattooist and not be happy with the artwork. I am kind of glad it happened though, because getting as sick as you did, right after a Tattoo would not have been a pleasant experience. Naturally, a tattoo should not be taken lightly. I hope you can find another artist that you have a rapport with.

    Blonde stripes this time, for the new job. Sounds good!

    Please try and take it easy before the new job starts, you need to be on top of your game. I know you'll be fabulous!

    Take care....M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hiya gB!

    Don't you be getting nervous now! You'll be just fine. Duh, I was scared witless! LOL

    My Surgeon told me that they fill the "area" with anti infammatory meds before they close it up. I didn't have any painkillers at all, even though they kept asking if I needed them. I had a broken toe at the same time  and that gave me much more grief than the Mx did.

    Try not to stress about the shower, you'll be fine, with or without help. Just try to bend to do things, don't reach up. I did my exercises in the shower too, the hot water made it more comfortable.

    I had the Nurses come too, to do the drain. I only had one drain, but it was a big Mother! We have ours removed when the output is under 50ml. So mine was out in about 9 days.

    I had all kinds of things organised for my return home, and for the possibility of not being very mobile. Bearing in mind that mine was just a single Mx, but the only thing I used all the time was my V pillow. It was the perfect prop, in bed or on the couch. I didn't have any trouble getting up from a prone position, and was able to roll and almost sleep on my stomach from the first week or so. I know it will be more difficult with the double, but just wanting to let you know that it isn't as scary as you think. I was out, shopping in town at the Boxing Day sales, with drain, my surgery was on the 19th.

    We'll be here for you, gB

    That pizza crust sounds delicious, but I don't eat any dairy, so wouldn't work for me. I love cakes made with almond meal. I have a gf who makes me flourless chocolate cake that has no wheat or dairy, it is heaven.

    Take care....M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    Bobogirl, so glad you are feeling better... F that nasty virus.. I'm glad you kicked its @ss! Poor DLLP, I bet you are a nightmare patient!! So tattoo is on hold, I wasn't thrilled about the sounds of that tattoo guy anyways.. he has an attitude.. F that.

    GrammaB, I could shower next day as well, it's one of those things where they all just have preferences... I don't think the world will come to an end if you have a shower late on your 2nd day while DD is still there.  They probably will have a visiting nurse stop by, I had one for a couple of days and could have had her 2-3 weeks if I so chose.

    Seafood pizza sounds so good.. I love shrimp scampi pizza!!

    I didn't full catch up, not intending to leave anybody out.. just sick of computer screens!


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    Moira, I got the suncatcher today!! :))  I love it!!  It may have been in my PO box a day or two, I don't go there every day.  It has a place if honor in my master bathroom.  It gets both morning and late afternoon sun.  The rainbows on the walls were so beautiful this afternoon!!  Thanks soooooo much!!

    Well, my cat has decided the recliner is his now!!  He saw me walking towards it and ran across the room and jumped up into it first!  He was all claws when I tried to lift him out.  So I went to his food dish and shook his "kitty treats" bag which usually brings him running from anywhere in the response!! Little brat!  I had to squeeze myself onto the seat until he felt too crowded and jumped down.  About 10 min later he is curled up in my lap loving the gentle rocking.

    I got notification today from my ins that they will cover the BRACA and in another letter approved a 19303 Mastectomy.  That one kind of freaked me out because shouldn't it say Bilateral Mastectomy??  Will call the surgeon's coordinator tomorrow and make sure that is right.  D@mn, if that screws things up I will be PISSED!!!!

    bobogirl, so glad to see you are feeling better!  You were missed! I have to say that what with the move and your crazy schedule, I wasn't too surprised you got a bug.  It also occurred to me that it might have been the Reiki doing a cleansing.  

    spookiesmom, I keep meaning to ask if I will get a visiting nurse. I know my ins covers it because it did for DH.  Tomorrow I will ask when I call. My surgeon very specifically said the ace must remain on for 3 full days. Then I can shower I think once a day but the ace has to go back on right away. I'm assuming it is until my one week appointment.  Maybe part of that is because I bruise very easily and she is trying to keep that to a minimum??

    I'm not sure I will understand how the drains & showers work until I actually have them in.   I bought a package of white lanyards on Amazon (Ironically there is a warning on the package that says the state of CA says these contain a chemical that could cause cancer. wtf??? I'll wash them before I use them....I'm not going to eat them!) I read somewhere here on the forum that some used them to hang the drains on.

    Need to go make some dinner.  Grilled rib eye steak with butter on top, steamed broccoli slathered in butter, and a green salad with tomatoes and blue cheese dressing.  Just loving the low carb/high fat way of eating!! :D

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited August 2013

    So glad to see Bobo is feeling some better, take it easy tho, those things have a way of dropping us in a hurry. We all missed you here for sure, love the sound of blond highlites!!

    my BRACELETS came yesterday! love them. but of course now I need more!! my friends took me for lunch and to a casino today.. had fun but didnt win any $$ but guess they dont build those places on winners! Thought maybe my bracelets would bring some luck, oh well, an experience anyway, another dear friend and I have August birthdays so we celebrate together.

    GrammaB.. yes dont worry about the shower like I did, I could have easily got by with a "birdbath" as we say, but they removed my ace bandage the next morning and gave me a pink binder to wear until drains come out, but I couldnt wear it all the time either, the camis are quite tight fitting too. or at least snug. maybe that number from your insurance is a code number, I know they use them because they gave me some for my mastectomy bra, prothesis, etc. A nurse friend works well, I used mine, she is the one that removed my drain, I always say people say if you need anything ask... well be careful what you say cause people like me just might take you up on it. ha, now really she checked on me too, makes me feel good and thankful for such great friends too. But if you can have a health nurse come in go for it! that is why we have insurance I guess. and it would be so helpful for you and give you some peace of mind as well. your cat sounds like a good companion! They sure have their own minds dont they? Interesting that you thought Bobo would get sick from cleansing.. have heard and also experienced it myself. We used to have a massage therapist in our little town and she also practiced polarity which worked great for my headaches, wish she was still here, not all are acquainted with it. You will be fine after surgery!! WE have your back! Take care.

    Good wishes to all!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2013

    Finally have this figured out, stop sleeping and then I have time to visit my girls.

    Bobo, hate to see that you've had the yuck. Hope that you are feeling a lot better today, well actually hope that you are snuggled in bed sleeping peacefully at this hour! F the tattoo guy, what a dumba@@ he had the chance to put his artwork on you and he blew it. Guess he didn't know that you're a real life super hero, plus he could have had the pleasure of the rest of us coming to his studio to get our own tattoos. Must look for you a new artist with a brain.

    Moira, at therapy today, yesterday I should say, the OGs therapist had brought a starter of some kind of fermented tea to one her coworkers, its suppose to be probiotics that soothes your digestive tract. It looked like a scientific experiment gone wrong to me, but she drinks 1 cup of this tea everyday and said it has been great for her digestive issues. Curious if you have heard of this tea or tried it? I think she said the starter is made with some kind of mushrooms, I'll ask her more about today.

    Zills, I've tripped down the alter 3 times none of them were spur of the moment. What was your sister thinking? I wouldn't worry about missing it, you have more important things to do! Like admiring little black kitty's. Black cats are my favorite, in fact there is a big fat one taking my spot in bed at the moment. Thank you so much for the card, it put a big smile on my face right after I consummed some chocolate. Lol.

    GB, I'm sure like the rest of us were, you are getting anxious as your surgery day gets closer. I'm a big wimp and even I will tell you it isn't bad, the pain is minimal, the recovery faster than you expect. We will all be there with you, hopping from your purse over to Zills, so neither of you will be alone on appointment days.

    Okay I lied. I thought that sleep was over rated but as I've been finger typing this post for 2 hours I find that I need to go try to sleep. There's lots more I wanted to say, more sisters I wanted to address, but I best at least try to get in an hour of sleep before the sun rises. Hugs to all.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Boy up early today. Went for a walk with me. Heard the owl.

    Have JS today. Yea! Going to drive myself to the big city. Supposed to storm. Wish me luck. Still tired.

    The scar strips. Do you need to use any products with them? Do they help with dryness? I was hoping the PT could answer these questions but still do not know if they sent the referral. I wish the nurse had email.

    Idesim. Did you have a rash with chemo? I thought it was poison ivy. I'm highly allergic and this wet summer is making it thrive under the trees and in fence rows. Figured I got it from the cat or kittens. But it's a little different. Still itchy but not spreading rampantly like normal. I thought chemo might have made me less sensitive. It's mostly contained to my wrist and top of my hand.

    Good to hear from you Granwe. I was up and wanted to respond to you but hopefully you were able to catch some more zzzzs

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Wow!  So much to catch up on with my darling bad*asses.

    ND, you are cracking me up lately!  Z's sister definitely needs a swift kick in the country *SS.  And yes, a casino is not built on winners!  That's the thing about the bracelets -- you have to get more.  It has always been thus, it is not your fault.  I have measured so far up my arm, and that is how many bracelets I have determined I should have.

    Everyone is providing GB with such excellent advice regarding surgery.  B, you are going to be so on top of everything, it's going to seem easy.  Agree about the home nurse for a day or two.  Excellent idea.  And yes -- stay right on top of what kind of MX.  Do anything you want.  And don't forget:  the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Love that kitty story about his not coming to the treats.  You know what I do in that case?  I pick mine up and slather his face with kisses until it is wet!  Everybody wins!

    Gramwe, you are working yourself silly.  I know the feeling of pulling an over-nighter.  So true about the idiot tattoo guy!  He just lost out on, like, six more commissions!  What is he thinking?

    Hmm.  Probiotics. I am going to try to get up right after this and take some, down the hatch.  I have some, from when our Ariom made me order them, but I have not been taking them.  Tried to put them in a shake and it was ghastly.  I wouldn't drink the mushrooms.  I wouldn't do anything like that unless it was from someone I really knew.

    Idesim, I miss you too!  I swear I am a shell of the woman I once was.  Do not feel like unpacking.  But.. our princess is at feminist rock camp!  She is playing the keyboard.  The name of her band: Solar Maximum.  The band thought of its own name.  It will play an original song.  The band designed its own album cover!  There are 27 girls, all divided up into groups of 4 or 5.  On Saturday, at 5:00 p.m., they're going to 'play out' at a pub!  I am holding my breath, waiting for Saturday.  I went at lunch yesterday to make sure the baby was eating.  It was the best thing in the world.  Posters of the bands of the women who are running the camp on the walls, along with posters of Debbie Harry, Patti Smith, Marianne Faithful, etc.  Each morning the counselors stand in front of the girls, instruments ready, and play the camp song, which was written by the girls, and they sing the song the girls wrote to them.  It is unbearably good.  Yesterday at lunch there was an all-women band called 'Wizard Womyn' playing for the campers.  Then there was Q and A.  During the mini-concert, the counselors encouraged the girls to dance, and we all danced with them!  No boys allowed.  And when a girl makes a mistake, and apologizes to her bandmates, the other girls are trained to shout back at her, No.  You Rock!  It bears mentioning that I made the counselors a vegan organic chocolate cake -- with cacao and a ganache topping made of beautiful dark chocolate -- for the teacher's breakfast.  Of course, the teachers have already arranged beautiful vegetarian lunches to be delivered from local restaurants, so I am not doing those.  I am doing breakfast treats.  The cake was already sliced into squares, but then reassembled as a cake, and had a tiny dragon perched on top, and wildflowers at the base picked by our darling.  Two tiny miniature wildflowers were dropped onto the cake right near the dragon's open mouth.

    Z, not too many cakes.  Get that nap in!  And you have an owl too!  That is excellent.


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Oh p.s.  I reply to myself.  I haven't bothered with scar strips.  I cannot manage it.  Trying to convince myself that my two long scars -- one three and a half inches, one an inch and a half -- are punk.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Bobo. I cannot compete with superwoman. Even recouping from the nasty flu, you still make vegan choc cake with dragons! You rock!

    I made two pans of brownies and dinner last night. Done. The other three BOXES are sitting on the cabinet for when I feel up to it. Maybe next week when I have the boy.

    Camp sounds awesome. We should all go. Hope you can tape her "live" performance and share it.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    I don't care about the scars. They just feel dry and tight. Whole chest area does. SE from chemo or a/r so I was wondering if the strips would help alleviate the discomfort. I have a special lotion daily and use vit e oil most nights.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Ooh.  I think our Ariom has good advice for that.  She has 'scar adhesion' advice.  Don't know where you are in that process.  But M, could you tell Z about your special massage to prevent the scar from adhering to the chest wall?  I may not be getting this exactly correct..

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    I reply to myself.  Idesim, will you go to your Boston EF store and try some things on for me?  Just two or three things.  I cannot think of buying them until they have been road tested.  Doesn't that sound fun? *sound of wicked laughter*

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Where is Ariom today? Did she have an appt or catch Bobo's virus?

    Have you heard of heal gel intensive? Supposed to be really good for radiation. Trying to get my ducks in a row.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    I called my BS's coordinator this morning to verify the BMX. She said it was all set and that they put that code 19303 X 2. Phew, I was so relieved!  I don't want any kinks in the schedule at this point.  She was truly shocked to hear my ins was going to allow the BRACA!  She didn't think I would be able to have a visiting nurse as I can walk and take care of myself.  She said if I was off pain meds (which I will do asap!) I could even drive myself to my 1 week appointment. Not so sure about that though, depends. I guess I'll think on it a day or two, maybe call my ins (yet again) and see what they say..... I'm sure my friend would help too.

    Good to hear from you gramwe!  Thanks to all of you for calming me down about the surgery and after care.  I take great comfort in your stories of how much easier it was than expected.  I was trolling around some other threads and read some not so good experiences and got a bit scared.  Think I am just going to hang here and the August Surgeries thread till afterwards. :)

    bobo, that camp sounds awesome!!  And such a postive attitude. I love the reply if someone makes a mistake!  No!  You Rock!!

    Zills, don't overdo!! Nice you and the boy could have that quiet time together. The owl makes it even nicer!

    Hmmm, scar strips, something else to look into.  I had some gel like ones for my hand when I burned it badly.  They worked for the palm but at the base of my middle finger, not so much.  I hadn't thought about them for surgery scars.  Not really too worried at this point about scars.... not too many people besides drs are going to be looking at that part of my body anyway!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Birdie, have you gone to Aoki yet in Seattle?  And many thanks for the well wishes.  So excited that you are thinking of traveling.  Did you know I am studying Greek?  But the ancient form.  I have often wondered if I will ever be able to make anything out of modern Greek, when the time comes.  They say you can.

    Ariom is not on the thread today -- perhaps she will be waking up and checking now -- but I forgot to mention I was incensed at the thought of you having to ready yourself for Barry the Mailman.  F that!  He has seen worse.  He has seen you slinging your drains across the floor.  And anyway, who asked him to come in?  Colin!  What, do you live in an aquarium?!  Our Ariom can dress in any manner she likes whilst at chez elle.  Busting out the French because that's just how piqued I am, piqued also being a French word.

    I say you should appear starkers in front of Barry the Mailman and just get it over with.  That way, thereafter you can be in your watermelon pjs anytime you wish.  I am totally pro-anyone who would like to do scar strips.  It's just that that does not apply to me and my... gaping side wound.  I would qualify to do one for the new scar.  But F that.

    Important update!  My hospital here just scored completely poorly across the board in a Consumer Reports study!  Just ranked one of the lowest in the State.  To say nothing of the country.  NJ BMX, here I come!  Hope I can make the insurance part happen.  I can't see sticking around here for one of those Hee-haw mastectomies.

    I will be p1ssed when I have to get all new EF tops.  When that time comes.  But then I was thinking about it.  I will just borrow some Marika tops from our Ariom's Marika-moire!  Score, as they say here.

    I do not like my haircut.  It is too short.  Here's what happened.  I was showing him a picture, for the color part, and I believe I neglected to emphasize that I like the length I have currently.  So he cut it just like what was in the picture.  I must say, it was an excellent likeness.  Good haircut.  But I had these swingy overlayers and now they are gone.  I have to pull myself together before I face my classes.  In fact, I have a huge couple of meetings tomorrow at the college.  Must pull myself together even sooner.

    Posting before I lose this!  Girls Rock Camp excellent today.  The name of our princess' band has changed.  It is now Awesomeness Overflowing.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hi all, sorry I didn't post last night before bed. I managed to get Colin to go to bed early. I was dead tired, don't really know why.

    So lots to read this morning, I have to get organised and go for a blood test this morning. Went to the Doctor yesterday for prescriptions and asked if I should be checking ovaries now. He said that since my Mother had bc, I should get the test. So that's this morning. I don't have any Fallopian tubes, they went when I had an ectopic pregnancy in my 30's, and I had a scan but they couldn't even find my ovaries, so I hope that there isn't going to be any problem there. F it, I hate new tests.

    Zills, Bobo is right, I still do the massage to the chest every day, and although I don't o it every night any more, I still use the silicone strips. They just make the scar flat and white.

    It is a very strong massage that I do. I actually pick up the scar and give it a firm massage. I slather my chest with the oils that I use, so my skin stays really supple. I am not the least bit gentle about it.LOL

    I am not certain, but the product you mentioned is an internal thing I think. I have read about this Hylaraunic subsstance that they put into the cavity during surgery so you don't get adhesions on the inside. Thy use it for abdominal surgeries. I may be totally wrong here.

    I am so thrilled to hear you have an Owl that you can hear, they are all good news! If you believe, as I do. Hearing an Owl, and our Bobo had one that she heard at her last house, means the heralding of good news and new beginnings. Look at all Bobo's new beginnings, new job, new tiny house!!!!! It's a good me!!!!!

    I must dash, but will be back after the test....M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Tomorrow's breakfast for the Feminist Rock Camp teachers: improvised vegan 'sausage biscuits' made from fried vegetarian sausage patties served on homemade vegan beer bread, which, Ariom, is very much like Irish soda bread.  Going to slice the bread thinly and put it on a platter, with a little plate of sausages next to it.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    Holy crap.. I don't even know where to start!!!  My eyes are so strained from the computer all day, I took out my contacts, but they are still bothering me.... boo hoo.

    Zills, I didn't get a rash from chemo, radiation yes, but not chemo. I wish you could search within the threads here, I know that Moira did have some excellent advice (as usual!!) regarding scar strips. I hope to hell you don't have poison ivy.

    Grammab, my cats are drawn to the recliner as well, but I think because I try to forbid them from being on it as it's one of the only newer pieces of furniture we have.  They are like kids, the forbidden is so much more appealing.

    19303 sounds like a billing code, did you find out what's up with that?  Don't even worry about the drains, its another of those things that sound scarier than it actually is.. and it's one of those things that everybody and their brother can give advice on, but ultimately you'll find out what will work for you. I've been seeing that warning a lot lately.. which is annoying.. if the products are that bad, then they shouldn't be sold.

    Ndgirl, we warned you, they are addicting.. they make the loveliest noise lol. 

    Granwe!! Been thinking about you.   3 marriages?  Same as you Moira? Gosh I am still on #1, I better get busy, my next marriage is going to involve money though, of that I know!  Have sweet dreams!

    Bobogirl, don't worry about unpacking.. all in due time, the sh!t isn't going anywhere!  Just sort yourself out for the new job and F the rest.  I'm loving the sound of this camp and I'm so glad the princess is enjoying it.  I love keyboards.. Solar Maximum!  Great name! That cake sounds amazing.. how on earth did you manage that while being sick???  You are superpunkwomanextrodinaire and of course your scars are punk!! 

    How did your highlights come out?  I don't think I can get my fat ass into any EF stuff at this moment.. they would take one look at me and try to find ways to get me out of the store so as not to scare off other patrons :)

    I am worried about Moira now! I hope everything is ok.. not like her to not make an appearance.  Hope everything is ok with her, Colin & Dex.

    Pork chops on the coffee table.... I am starving!!

    Big wet sloppy kisses to everyone.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Just got back from the pathology place. remembered to make sure everything happens on the left arm, never the right!

    As soon as I got out of the shower the power went off....eeeks, I need the hairdryer. I rang the power company and they said 1 o'clock for power. I said no that can't be, I need my haidryer to work, I have to go out. Selfish, I know, lots of better reasons for power to be restored, but that's my problem. I then asked Colin if we have a generator for the boat, goodness knows he has every other possible appliance for it, but no generator. We do have power to the boat by the wind generator, but I don't feel like taking off down to the Marina, hairdryer in hand with wet hair. Just as I was getting angry, the power went on, so all was well, and I had my bloods done.    

    Before I try to answer everyone, I have to tell Zills I looked up the skin stuff you asked me about. I haven't heard of that one. It has got chemicals and alcohol in it, but that only applies to me as a no go. The one i was talking about has a very similar name. I like my stuff to be as natural as possible, but that is just me. The silicone strips are an exception. I used them for my big hand surgery, and got such a great result, I just always use them after surgery.

    I use the silicone strips for sleeping, but I do the big massage with oils a couple of times a day. I use a blend of Wheatgerm, Macadamia and Almond oil with a blend of aromatherapy essential oils in it. I've been using these for years and years for pain from the Arthritis. It acts as an analgesic too, but does great things for the skin.

    I totally understand your Punk scars Bobo, I actually like scars, always have. They fascinated me as a child. My dad had a big chest to below the umbilicus scar from a fall into a dry dock during the blackouts of WW2. He fell over 30' into about 1' of water, which saved him, but his intestines became twisted somehow. He also had a big one from a shattered ankle in a mine accident.

    I have a caesar, and a second one right above from my ectopic, appendix, and my hand and wrist. They are barely visible now, but I must say I really like my Mx scar, as weird as that sounds.LOL  I don't know about your friends gB, but all of mine have wanted to see my scar, but then they all know that it wouldn't bother me.

    I am in awe of the girls camp. I would want to be there to watch too, what an amazing experience. I imagine the girls are having a sensational time and the Awsomeness Overflowing is their way of showing the evolution of the band! 

    That breakfast sounds amazing!

    Now don't be stressing over the haircut.  Joke......."What is the difference between a good and a bad haircut?" answer "About three weeks!"

    First rule of hairdressing, never show a picture without explicit instructions...well you know that now....

    Barry came, and I was fully dressed! That poor man has seen me in various stages, starkers is not one of them, or likely to be. I don't want him to disappear, never to return!

    ldesim! we were posting at the same time! Thanks for worrying about me though! It is raining today, not too cold but grey. I just did a load of washing, but haven't been out to hang the things that can't go in the dryer.

    Bobo, you can borrow my stuff, anytime! I am sure they'd be too big for you, but what's mine is yours!

    Saw SweetPea again yesterday, she gave me a toothless smile from across the cafe where we were both having lunch. I am not sure she placed me, but who cares, no donations for them anymore. LOL

    Bobo.....Sorry to hear of you Hospital's rating, but you never intended to go there did you?

    Gramwe! High 5 to you for the 3 marriages! Not spur of the moment for me either! We are all still friends too!

    Now, the concoction you speak of isn't one that I know, but anything that is fermented is good. The powdered drinks that I have every day are fermented spirulina and other things then freeze dried. I have various types of probiotics, even capsules that keep in the fridge. I am so intsy about them because apparently 60% of your immune system is in the gut. If you have medications etc that kill off the immune system, the bad bacteria, which we all have, will take over. Just a course of antibiotics can do it. Anyway, the probiotics are a combination of the good bacteria that we need for intestinal flora, and good immune health. I have been taking Cortisone since '96, so my immune system was shot, and I had ulcers from this and the Methotrexate I was injecting once a week for 7 long years, add the anti infammatories, and I was a mess. I heard about probiotics and how they could restore good gut health, so I asked my specialists if I could use them. I had no problems from them expect the usual crap that it wasn't proven yada yada, but I fixed their little red wagon when I went for a routine gastroscope and the two ulcers were gone, with not so much as a scar to show where they had been. My gastrointerologist wanted all the info I had on the probiotics..... funny that! LOL All I can say is, they can't hurt, and they may just help a lot. I am back to normal again after my little time off them.

    I hope you got a good sleep in Garmwe, let me know what the Mushroom tea was. I am interested in anything of that nature.

    Bobo, I can't stress enough about the probiotics to you after that awful bug you had. Your gut flora will be in a crisis after being so sick. Just a little Green Vibrance, not a full dose.

    gB, I think all of us have given you our take ont he surgery now. I agree that it can be scary if you read everything on the boards. I got myself worked up over some of the things people said about the procedures. You have a great positive attitude going in, that will help you a lot. I honestly felt like I was bullet proof after the SNB, and had no fear of the Mx. I wish the same for you. I know I have said this before, but I found that actually telling my breast that it had let me down, so it had to go, was a breakthrough moment for me. I know it wouldn't be for everyone, but disengaging definitely helped me a lot. The receptionist at my Surgeons office told me that she relates that to patients about to have the surgery and that she has heard that some have used it and felt like I did. How good is that!

    Anyhoooo! off to get some work later...thanks for that big wet kiss ldesim! M x       

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956
    edited August 2013

    I think that mushroom thing might be kombucha. It's a little too far out there for me to try, plus it has a mild alcohol effect which I shouldn't have.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    I think you're right Wren, I didn't even think of that. I have never tasted it, but have seen recipes on how to make it.

    I am not one to make that sort of thing myself. I have friends who doa great ginger beer, but I have never done anything more than drink it!