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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2013

    Hellooooooo. Where is everyone? It's been very quiet.

    M, you have been working too hard! Plus doing the ramps of death, I worry about you on those ramps. Hope you take some time to rest.

    The sofa, and chair made it to DDs in one piece, and without getting wet! The treadmill got a bit damp but it wasn't harmed.

    Oh phone. Be back later. Hugs

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2013

    I reply to myself. Literally!

    The furniture moving caper was without incident, odd for this household.

    Yesterday was filled with our nephews wedding. A beautiful, touching ceremony. After the ring exchange I thought they played a recording of Etta James, singing At Last, I never looked to the side of the room to see that it was actually a small young lady, she sounded fantastic.

    While out on the cover porch, enjoying a nice buffet, in the cool fall like breeze, we decided to share with the OGs family the news of the upcoming grand child. The OGs 1 surviving uncle was in attendance, he is 83, you would never know it by his appearance, nor would you ever know that due to macular (sp) degeneration that he is nearly blind. His wife discreatly whispered the news in his ear. He announced that he knew already she was pregnant, the rest of us looked at each other puzzled. Then he told Jessica to stand up, and turn to the side. He pointed to her tiny little bump and said, "I could see from across the room that she was pregnant. Y'all act like I'm blind!" The best response ever.

    The baby is now the size of a lemon! I'm honestly starting to wonder if there's a PAIR of lemons in there, her little tummy has really popped out quickly.

    I've wasted a perfectly beautiful Sunday. It's cool, sunny, with no humidity a perfect day to be working in the yard. Instead I've been in bed, or on the sofa, while the OG has been working on his canoe. I'm not sure what's wrong, I just feel unwell. Nausea, aching, headache, just blahhh. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    Now that I've sufficiently bored you, I'm going to make a quick dinner, take a bubble bath, and slip into some nice pj's. Hugs. See you tomorrow.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    Wow, Ariom!!  You are the Woman!! And to feel good after all that on top of it!  Good for you!!

    I ordered the two Peter Kelder books from Amazon, they'll be here on Wednesday the 28th.  I haven't looked at the video you posted, Dr Oz I believe it was, yet.  Just not quite ready yet for that.  But looking forward to reading the books to get a good grounding in The Rites.

    This morning I took off the binder briefly when I first got up and was dismayed to see both incisions had weeped a bit.  Maybe this is too tight?  I won't cinch it as tight today after I shower. I have the ace all clean and ready to go, may have the nurse use that Monday when she comes and go to dr with that on Tuesday.  Not sure what to do.....

    Drove the garbage up to the head of the road and then drove to the PO.  Still a little tight/uncomfortable looking to the left, but better than last week. That is a 14 mile round trip.  On Tuesday I will have to drive one way to town and on to the airport to pick up DS. That is about 35 miles.  He will do all the driving after that.  I'll be that frustratingly slow little old lady on the highway.....

    That was all I did and I am pooped already.  The Nap is coming on, soon!

    The air here is still filled with smoke, the fire is pushing northwest into forest land with little access and lots of fuel.  It is very dangerous for firefighters.  A big problem is it is about 2 miles from the Bonnieville Power Administration power lines that feed NW US.  It is 40% contained at this point.  It is going to be a while before we have clear air again!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    I peek into this pantheon of Wonder Women to announce that I'm about to fall face-first into a pile of notebooks.  Have been prepping for a few hours for classes next week.  Cooked my head off in the morning.  Thoroughly wiped out.

    Ariom, you are a marvel!  Actually, all of you are.  Gramwe: a lemon?  Two lemons?  I'm delighted.  Please don't forget to tell DD I am naming our baby!  Hmmm... must deliberate...  

    Z, how is the stomach?  Gb, how are the incision sites?  You are a wonder, driving around.  Hope your son brings a little fun with him!  Wonder how our Idesim's weekend activities are going.

    This week:  our princess has neurology check-up tomorrow.  Those are always (obviously) fraught with anxiety (for me).  DLLP taking three days off this week, because we're juggling childcare.  Kids start school next Tuesday. Come on, Tuesday!  Can't believe I have survived the summer.  Oh, and DS, our princess, and... Bobo -- the real one -- all have check-ups on Friday!

    In other news, I still can't find most of my clothes.  No time to unpack..

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning! It has been quiet here!

    gramwe, you're a star! I wondered about you and the furniture moving. So glad to hear it all happened without any hiccups. I have never driven with a trailer. Well done!

    My  plan, with the ramps of death, is to get to the point where I can go up, come down and go up again. I am not there yet, because getting up that first time is "buns and calves are burning" but I'll get there eventually. LOL

    I am a bit sore this morning, but not as bad as I expected. I did get bitten by mozzies, even though I sprayed myself, uggh I hate F mozzies.

    The wedding sounds lovely. I love Etta James!

    A lemon now? Our baby is really starting to show, I can' wait till you report those first butterfly flutters!

    What a lovely story about the OG's uncle!

    I am so sorry that you're feeling unwell, but pleased that you had some quiet time on the couch, it isn't often you do that. I do hope a good nights sleep will make it better!

    Never, ever, boring gramwe! I love to hear what you're doing. Take it easy....M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    gB, so pleased to hear you have ordered the books. I am sure you will find them as interesting as I do. Whether you belive the attached story or not is really irrelevant because it works! I just cannot stress enough that it must be started so slowly, just 3 reps. I am only doing 9 reps and I've been at it for months now. I had another email from my friend who got me started on the Rites last night. He  is up to day 256 at 21 reps, and is thrilled with his results. Who would have though he'd get to this after such a tragic and painful accident? Not him, and certainly not me! I am so proud of his achievements. He loves to encourage me by sending shots of himself looking young lithe and beautiful. He tells me I may be a gorgeous as him if I continue with the Rites! He's 68, and an ex ballet dancer. He is playing Gertrude (the ugly sister) in Cinderella at the Christmas Panto this year, and now signs himself off as Gertrude, he's such a hoot!

    Don't worry too much about the little bit of weeping gB. There will still be a little fluid buildup after the drains are out, just keep an eye on it for any warmth or redness. Even if, worst case scenario, you do seem to be getting a small bit of infection, the antibiotics knock it out quickly.

    You really amaze me with your driving, that's quite a distance. Is there no way someone can go with you to the airport? I know I sound like a worry wart, but just concerned for you in the car.

    Take heed of that nap coming on! Your body is still in rapid heal mode, and you're doing  so incredibly well!

    I am hoping that your fires are under control soon and the air clears for you!

    Thinking about you......take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hellooooooo Bobo, posting at the same time again!

    I worry for you my little whirlwind, we call them "WillyWillys" here in Oz.

    You have almost made it to the final run where the children are back at school and som semblance of order will prevail. You may even find some clothes...yay!

    I am waiting for the day when you can say that all went well with your work, the kids pick up and drop off was a breeze, and all is well with the world.

    Our Princess will do exceedingly well at her appointment, I know it!

    That's a lot of Friday appointments! So pleased we have a time difference, it means I can come too! Mine is Friday as well. I am looking forward to seeing Steph again, she's my hero! I don't know how I'd have gotten through the 11 days of waiting for my biopsy results without her strong shoulder and the loads of information she sent to me. She has been there right through, encouraging me, when I had to wait nearly a month for the surgery, and actually loves to be kept in the loop about what has been happening with me. I feel so comfortable that she is going to do my mammo with the newest machine and the add on she's been telling me about.

    I hope everyone else is doing well.

    I hope Zills hasn't had sick children to deal with....take care all...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Really M. Up/ down and back again? Is Dex up to it? Wow!

    Bobo. You can't find your clothes and sound like Granwe's hamster wheel this week. Do you have kids clothes lined out? Do they were a uniform?

    Granwe. Since when is a lemon bigger than a peach? Can't wait to hear what next week is. When do they determine multiples? Hope your feeling better. Sometimes you just need a pajama day. I'd day you earned it!

    GrammaB. Driving again? I think you'll do fine to the airport but not make it home. Or only straight home. I find I can't make as many stops as I used to

    I've been busy today. Sorted all the baby clothes. She's grown and needed to exchange sizes. Have a better handle on outerwear for this winter.

    Had a friend over for dinner. I was going to make fish in foil packets over grill but overruled by DH. Went out to eat. First time since end of April. Ate mostly vegs. Hope stomach cooperates tonight. Then she blanched a dozen ears of corn and froze them.

    Meds kicking in. Sleep tight everyone. Good morning M.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hi Zills!

    No, Dex isn't up for it, but I am not either! It's just the goal I am aiming for. It could be a while. LOL

    You've been busy, sorting clothes for the growing baby I can't believe you're heading into Winter, just as I am dreaming of the warmer weather. I have been bitten already by the F mozzies, so I think we may need to spray the garden this season.

    Did you enjoy eating out, and did your stomach behave? I had KFC for lunch today. I love their Salsa Wrap, grilled chicken breast with salsa in a flatbread wrap with chilli mayo...yum! I had my first ever meal, at KFC just a few months ago when they introduced this wrap. 

    Sleep tight..catch you tomorow! M x 

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2013

    I'm home alone! Would go dancing across the hardwood floors, but my luck I'd blow out a hip and no one would find me until tonight. The OG is on his first day back at work, hes only allowed to work on Mon. & Thurs, his 2 non-therapy days, but that gives me 2 quiet days. Not lazy days, just quiet without his chatter.

    Zills, I don't understand the apps way of sizing either, the creators must not have ever seen a fully grown peach or they have lemons on steroids. She will have another ultrasound the last week of Sept, by then they should be able to determine the sex, surely then they should be able to tell if there is more than one in there.

    How did the tummy do last night. Sure hope there were no issues. You are growing hair? In spite of chemo. Go gettum girl, you've got this kicked.

    Gb, woman slow down! Driving, garbage detail, PO runs, cat herding! When I was at your time out from surgery, I was still whining, and lifting 1 finger to point out what others needed to do for me. ; ) Yeah I milked it for as long as I could.

    Bobo, kiss the babies for me. Hope your days get easier when they go back to school.

    M, sweet dreams.

    Time to throw on some clothes, no I'm not typing naked just still in my pjs. The sun is shining, its cool, no humidity, so I'm off to slay some out of control English ivy, tinged with a bit of poison ivy. Pull up my spent impatients, tomato plants that aren't producing, and try to shape up some other areas. Hugs. Be back later.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hey gramwe, you caught me just as I was going to bed.

    You won't know yourself, having the house to yourself for a couple of days a week.

    Take it easy out there, in the garden! Poison Ivy scares me.

    I picked the final 3 tomatoes off my very unusual tomato plant today. Bought a car load of Yuccas and Agave from the Seventh Day Adventist Church Nursery today, so tomorrow I will tackle planting them. I have a dentist appointment at 9am and a massage at 4.30 so I'll catch you in the morning..Have a great day...M x 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    bobo, sending good thoughts for the Princess's appointment.  You have a really busy week ahead!  Hope you can eat enough to sustain you!!  Boy do I remember the relief of school starting up again in the Fall!! Nice schedules and even occasional free time!!!

    Since the visiting nurse changed me from the ace bandage to the surgical binder, the incision sites have been weeping a little.  The node incision is healed but there is a round open sore where tape pulled off my skin that is particularly hard to protect and heal as it is right at the top of the ace/binder edge and in the fold of my arm pit.  I just don't want any infection there!  Surprisingly I may talk to the nurse about switching to the ace today when she comes.  I see the BS (& MO) tomorrow and hopefully she will free me from it altogether. At least then I can wash the binder as it now has ooze on it from my chest.  Sigh, at least now I have options.

    I'm not looking forward particularly to the drive to the airport tomorrow, but at least that is the only driving I will do for the next few days.  My DS will be the driver once I pick him up!!  Boy do I have a list of "honey-do" chores for him!! :D

    Yeah, I don't see a lemon as bigger than a peach either.  Maybe a large orange or grapefruit?  Oh, I missed that mulitples were an option!! Oh my!

    Zills, how did the dinner sit with you?  Well I hope! Are the little ones over being sick?

    LOL, Gramwe, I live alone, so there is no one for me to point a finger at to do things for me.  If I want it done, I do it. Though I may kick back while DS is here! ;)

    Watch out for the poison ivy!!! Yikes!

    Wow, I think the Nap is coming on.  All of a sudden I feel really tired!

    Hugs for all!  Will check in later!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Good morning!

    Lovely day here. I am up a bit earlier to get ready for Dentist, just a checkup and clean,

    Feeling a little stiff and sore today,so won''t be doing anything much today, massage this afternoon will be a good thing.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    gB, I see you have the "nap coming on" go with it, it will pass soon enough. I'll be thinking of you when you have to do the drive to the airport. Don't forget a pillow for between you and the seatbelt!

    So glad you have your son coming to help out...take care M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    I'm back! Had a busy few days, but I had so much fun... well the work things weren't as much fun, but the food was fantastic lol!  My boss is courting a bunch of banks and sets up these events at a really nice restaurant that has awesome food (already thought of it for your wedding, but it's not vegan Bobogirl :().  I am not a "schmoozer" by nature, so basically I stand there, nod.. agree with whatever boring thing is being said to me and stuff my face!  

    Then had a girls night out with a couple of GF's that we were way overdue for a catch up.  We went to a chinese restaurant and laughed and talked and laughed and talked.

    Then the family BBQ, my niece held it at this wonderful park in Connecticut.  She did a fantastic job!  Everybody got along, the kids had a blast, the mosquitos stayed at bay until early evening and it was just a fantastic time.  I got to see my nephew who lives in FL, who I haven't seen in 2 years and my SIL who lives in Maryland, who I also haven't seen in about 2 years. We had a fantastic time... and since it was so late after going to my nephews for coffee, we ended up staying in an inn in Bristol, which is such a pretty town from what I've seen of it and met everybody for breakfast on Sunday, and then a little browsing about in town which had some really cute shops.  All in all a really great time.. the weather was just gorgeous if not a bit cool for this time of year.

    I only have to work 4 days this week and I took off Friday and Tuesday and we are going to go up Maine where my mother has a cottage on the lake.  Plans are for my grandmother and aunt to come along as well, so that should be fun.

    That's my update!  

    Skimmed through the posts.. hopefully I can do a proper catch up later on.

    Pasta on the coffee table.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    ldesim, sounds like you had a wonderful weekend and another coming up to boot!! How wonderful to have everyone gather and enjoy each other!

    I'm back in the ace bandage.  The binder bunched up and pinched my skin and made lumps that I couldn't sleep on.  Never thought I'd ask the nurse to put it back on!!  It really is more comfortable.  And it is clean now!!  At least I have the binder to wear while I wash the ace if the BS still wants me to continue to wear it.  I'm so hoping I'll be free of it though after tomorrow's appt!  And hope she has my path reports too!

    I'm seeing the MO tomorrow too and hoping not to get in an argument over hormone treatment. I'm leaning towards refusing it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    ldesim, Hi!

    I just loved reading this post. Your fun time was contagious! You had such a great time, I could feel it,and it isn't over yet!

    I'm so glad you had a great few days, but boy did you pack a lot  in......fantastic.

    We could have fun schmoozing together, you just described me, in the same situation!LOL

    You will have a wonderful time with the women of your family at the lake, and a short week at work too. I am so pleased for you!

    Enjoy........M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hey gB!!

    So sorry this bandage thing is giving you trouble, but it can't be for much longer now. Is the wound still a bit weepy? When I had the bit of infection in mine, I had the antibiotics to take, but I also upped my intake of fresh Garlic too.

    So tomorrow is your appointment and hopefully you'll get the Path report too.  Isn't it amazing how fast the time has passed since your surgery.

    I was afraid that I was going to get into an altercation over the Hormonals too, but my Doctor said that even though I had grade 2 and 3, Intermediate and High grade DCIS, there really weren't any good studies showing a real benefit versus SE's for the hormonals, Tamox is the one used here, even after Menopause, for DCIS. I was very glad to hear that, but I guess if he had given me a different scenario, telling me it was imperitive that I take it, I would have done it, under sufferance.

    I'll bet you're looking forward to seeing your son, have a great visit!

    I am available for the drive tomorrow, if you need me! Just don't ask me to drive, I could cause terrible problems driving on the other side:) I can't imagine changing gear with my right hand! Take care M x

    Meant to say, my Mother had BC in '94, she took Tamox for 5 years, and had some se's the whole time, but no recurrence!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Dinner was good meat was dried out so mainly ate veg, which is what I wanted. It was nice to be normal. Even played on the playground afterwards.

    Yesterday was busy. Sideswiped a pole so had to get that taken care. Baby's first day at school. She did great. Took her a few minutes to come to me when we picked her up. Actually got some paperwork done.

    Still have more paperwork and laundry to fold. Have both JS and PT today. Can't wait to see what she says about my range of motion.

    Have a good Tuesday.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Have some scar tissue that's affecting my range and some tendinitis in my shoulder. Different exercises and massage. Waiting on JS now.

    Going to miss my nap.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Idesim, you sound like you had so much fun this weekend.  Our wedding restaurant needn't be vegan -- it just must have some vegan choices.  Most important is that it resemble the restaurant Meryl Streep took her kids to after her son's graduation in IT'S COMPLICATED.  I never get to eat at a really nice restaurant.  Oh -- bonus if it's a Thai restaurant.  I love Thai food don't you?

    I am not much of a schmoozer either, but I can do it if the need arises.  I can schmooze with the best of them, if need be.  If my students are going to get something out of it.  But if there is no need, I want to be in the back, or at home in my pjs.  Ariom, you are making me jealous about your massages!  GB, you are giving such good updates about your bandages.  So glad you got HH aides.  So glad your DS is coming.

    I was just thinking about the past year, and recounting it to DLLP.  I wonder if this buys me a few massages.  Or a regular yoga class.  Look!

    August 2012: our princess' first seizure

    September: DLLP still out of work (we had just moved south), no more unemployment.

    October: second seizure.  Change of schools.  My four-hour-daily commute begins.  We agree to give the baby life-threatening seizure meds.  No sleep for the next three months.

    November: DLLP starts new job

    December: I have breast lump.  We find out our princess must spend a week in the ICU, hooked up to a constant weeklong EEG while they try to induce seizures.

    January: The week in the hospital

    February: my lump doubles in size.  Much testing.

    March: testing, biopsies.  My BS in NJ launches into action, getting ready for the BMX.  I start this thread and buy all new smaller tops from EF.

    April: surgery.  Right back into the action in three days: commute, etc.

    May:  working old job and new job at same time until July.

    June:  the famed endometrial biopsy.

    July:  we move.

    August: I start new job at the college.

    September 2013: (upcoming) mammogram.

    Sorry to throw this giant list at my loved ones like that.  I was just thinking about it and then listed it out for DLLP.  It's a Christmas miracle that we're still going.  And you ask me why I'm not hungry!

    Granwe, I want nothing but updates from you.  Your updates are excellent.  I love to hear the cat update, scrubbing things down, the OG update.  I'm so happy he can go to work a little bit.  I love hearing about our baby.  Agree with all here -- a lemon is smaller than a peach!  DLLP hypothesized that perhaps I'd heard wrong: perhaps our baby was originally the size of a peach pit, not a peach, and is now the size of a lemon.

    Our princess had an excellent neuro checkup.  Insert boring story about meds and pharmacy here.  Let's just say that Granwe would have been what I like to call 'up their a$$ players' with the people at the pharmacies.  We may as well put that 1/2 a F ing Femara and my extremely early instant menopause to good use!

    I try not to get too one way or the other about the neuro checkups, since the news can wax and wane, but when it is good, I try to totally believe it for a while, until I hear the next thing.  Mainly the idea that she may not be able to have children is too much for me to bear.  She's in her room right now, practicing on her keyboard.  She's practicing the song she performed at Girls' Rock Camp concert.  Birdie, how are the kitties?

    Z, so happy the baby likes her nursery!  We'll make a vegetarian out of you yet.  I feel proud of my substantive update.  Up to my neck in prep for my new classes, but sending you all big kisses. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Morning Zills!

    Good grief! You side swiped a pole, are you OK? Much damage?

    Glad you had some fun at the playground, and that the baby was comfortable at school, what a relief for you. You did the right thing moving her closer to home!

    Anything to be done for the scar tissue? Tendonitis is a beatch, did they recommend anti inflammatories? or massage? Ahhhh massage, I missed that the first time I read the post. That's good, a good PT will help a lot.

    I have a lot of tendonitis that goes with the rheumatoid. I stopped the anti infammatories because they made my stomach worse. I find if it is bad, just a few days of Tylenol type pain meds will knock it out.

    I hope you managed to get some rest after missing your nap yesterday.

    Th weather is looely here again, I think Spring has Sprung!

    I am going to try to get Dex into the Vet today for his yearly shots, and one of Colin's girls wants some plants like I got the other day from the Seventh Day Adventist Nursery, so I may make a trip out there again for her.

    I hope everyone is ok...check back later..M x 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Shit Bobo, what F list that was!

    How on earth did you come through all that and still be your lovely self?

    I do understand your not wanting to eat! but now, you must!

    I love the idea of a Thai food wedding, I love Thai too.

    I can only imagine how difficult your decision was to go with the medication for our Princess, but you made the right choice. Look at how well she is doing, and you and DLLP can only do your best in making the hard decisions, that's what parenting is all about. As they say "kids don't come with an instruction manual, nor does parenting!" You're doing a great job!

    What's on for this coming week?

    Take care....M x 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Hey M!  I love when we post at the same time!  I was hanging around, hoping you would post. I'm not my lovely self.  I didn't come out of it my lovely self.  I'm changed.  One of my work colleagues, introducing me to the young junior teachers who have just come in: 'Hi, I'm Jen, and this is Bobo.  She's dark on the inside.'  (!)

    Neck-deep in classes and meetings.  Plus DLLP has taken off three days this week (it's nerve-wracking, I don't want her to lose her good standing) to watch the kids while I work.  We're tag-teaming it this week.  Last week before school starts.

    I've got the tennis on right now, and I'm planning my classes.  Kids in bed (sort of).  DLLP is wrangling our princess.  We felt we had to do the meds.  Seizures can wear neuropathways in the brain, impeding development, learning, hearing -- everything.  And those pathways can make more seizures possible.

    What's on the coffee table?  I was going to have frozen rice noodles, but DLLP wants egg salad... yuck.  I can't eat the bread.  I don't want crackers.  Z, DLLP side-swipes things all the time!  You two should be married.  You could drive each other's banged-up cars!  I'm still super-mad at her, won't let her play the radio when she drives... but then she sneaks it...

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hey Bobo!

    We didn't know you before, so you are your lovely self to us, we don't know any different! Dark on the inside indeed, interesting and Punk is what you are!

    Not long now and you'll be sorted in this new place. Surely you will be able to find child sitters now that you are settled in the new place. I am sure it will all fall into place.

    So glad to see you Bobo, but where is everyyone else today?

    Take care  M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    It's drivable but needs new doors. Windows won't go down and afraid it will leak. Have no excuses. DH was good about it. It's only a year old. He bumped it into the guard in the parking lot the night before but he was distracted by the kids.

    JS good. Feel great except acid at night no matter what I do or don't eat. Ready for next week to be over.

    Self massage unfortunately and scar strips. Will they stay on by themselves or do I have to get a tank or bra? Will the tissue come back? Am I doomed to massage my scars forever? She also checked me for LE. So I now have a baseline in case it ever crops up.

    Gave me exercises for the tendonitis. Glad she didn't suggest anti anflamatories. Don't think my stomach could handle it. Have another appt next week and then it will be a few weeks. Hope to make great progress.

    She said I had 15 visits approved and didn't need the d@mn approval. Argh!!!

    Bought zucchini at farmers market today. It's high. Had some baked tonight. Even DH ate it. May make bread tomorrow. Going to stay home.

    Boy wants to play Angry Birds. Asked what I was doing. Told him I was writing to my friends who had the same surgery as me. He wanted to know how many drains you all had:)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Ha Ha, don't you love what's important to children!

    Tell him I had a great big stonking single drain with a large bag attached, super ugly, not dainty like some I have seen. It had such a long tube attached that I could drag it along the flooor behind me, or drape it around my neck and hide it in a shoulder bag! Very goulish!

    Oh my giddy aunt! that was quite an accident, Zills on a new car, well done! So glad you weren't injured.

    F this acid tummy, mine has aquiessed for the time being, but only since lots of probiotics are going in! Have you tried the probiotics yet?

    You can put some tape on the scar strips to keep them attached. I found a firm tank was the best for me, but it wasn't super hot when I started using mine, and then I used it through the winter. I haven't used mine for a while. I should get back into it. I found if I didn't tape or wear a tank the scar strip would roll up when I rolled over in bed. If you stay put in bed, it may stay on, but I doubt it. It isn't really super sticky, just enough to stay on the skin.

    You won't have to massage forever. I don't do mine so much now. I used to do it several times a day, but it is really supple and moveable now. I still have Mary check it each time I have a massage. She says it is great, and couldn't be any better. The scar is fading too, just the little pouchy dog ear to bother me now! Not a big deal, just a bit of vanity.

    I had a call from the Breast Nurse to say they have taken delivery of a new LE measuring machine, and that I should get a baseline measurement done. I think they are going to do it for women before surgery as a matter of course now.

    Amazing how there are new things coming all the time. I am getting a new image done on Friday called "Photosynthesis" I believe. It takes a 3D image of the inside of the breast, and is a new attachment to the newest digital machine available. It has just arrived at the screening place I am going to be having my 5 year checks. Hopefully it will pick up anything, really early.

    I just heard tody that we have a refund plan here for if you have to travel a long distance for medical appointments. It was originally for 100km, and my Surgeon is 86km from here, but they have now reduced it to 50km...nice! It's very generous, so I can possibly get it for all the previous travel I have had to do in the past 8 months. We'll see!

    Hope you can get a good rest later M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    Just an up date for now, too tired to read the posts.  You guys were busy today!!

    OK trip to airport was OK, I had some trouble keeping the right arm (one with abraision under arm pit) up on the steering wheel for any length of time, just up a bit then down to rest. I was kind of achey in the seat, but made it!!

    So good to see DS!! We had a quick lunch at a Mexican restaurant, I had chicken taco salad,minus any tacos! 

    First appointment was with MO.  No path report yet from Mayo, sigh, but I did get the initial path report from my hospital.  He said the reason it was sent to the Mayo Clinic was that it was in a very gray area as to whether it was a pre cancer or early stage. Yes, my biopsy showed cancer, but very small and early.  My dx was DCIC w/Microinvasion, but he said sometimes that is classed as pre. He said I was so low on the spectrum, even w/out the report back, he saw no need for hormone therapy or chemo at all!! Yay! Rads are out too!! I see him in 3 months for a chest exam, not quite sure what that is...

    Next appointment was the BS.  She said I looked really good, healing well, and she is still surprised no bruising. AND, no more ace/binder!! Yippee! She did say to go back to it if I notice any fluid build up.  Incisions still a little weepy but less each day. It feels so good to be free!!!  I see her again in 2 weeks for final check up.  At that time she will give me rx for PT and for bra and prosthesis. 

    Everything I had hoped for came true, no chemo, no rads, no hormone treatment, no ace bandage and no having to fight the MO!!!

    I am totally exhausted, but it is a good tired.  I'll try to read the thread later this evening.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Yipeee! I am so happy for you!

    What amazing news, not that I expected anything different for you!

    I was really nervous about the drive for you, but thankfully it was all OK. Do you have to do it again on the way back for your son? You've got me worried again:)

    I hope you've had a good later...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    Yea!!!! GrammaB. So happy for you. Your BS sounds like she knows what she's doing. How awesome to get everything at once without having to pull teeth!

    You are going to feel so much better now. No worries, no bandage and you're already driving. You won't know what to do with yourself. Take it easy!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    I crashed and napped from 9 to midnight. Woke up with a raging hot flash and headache. Hoping I can go back to sleep. Fell asleep with no pillows!

    The JS move for acid is to hold your upper calves with your palms. I did it tonight before bed fir about 20 min. Usually I have to take gaviscon but didn't tonight. Too tired but didn't wake up due to it.

    And no I haven't taken a probiotic. Keep forgetting to look at store. Been eating the baby's freeze dried yogurt drops.