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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hi Zills, I am just going to bed.

    I hope you managed more sleep, and you haven't got a crick in your neck from no pillows.

    Wouldn't it be great if the JS is all you have to do for the reflux, fingers crossed!

    I have been shopping for two large statement pots for the front garden, to finish the landscaping off. I have been driven mad because I couldn't find, what I had in my mind.  A new garden centre has just  opened in town and I found what I want...yay! I can't wait to finish it, so hopefully I can get them delivered in the next few days and planted out by the weekend. Another big job almost finished. M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited August 2013

    Hi all, just popping in for a minute, been busy since a week away, lots of things to catch up on, GranB.. so happy for you, no rad, chemo, or hormones.. ! That is what I wanted too, but ended up with some hormones, so far not too bad! Will read posts later and hope everyone is well.! It has been so terribly hot here lately, wow high 90's!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2013

    Doing a happy dance for Gbs amazing news.

    Doing a happy dance because I found a beautiful suncatcher in my mail box today. Thank you M, I Love It. And it couldn't have arrived on a better day. Hugs

    Be back later. Hugs

    PS Zills just for the survey I had 3 drains.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2013

    Bobo my tough punk friend. You and DDLP have been through a lot. A he11 of a lot, in a short time. That being said, remember she is your DDLP, where else would she be, except by your side. The OG and I have been through similar times in our 30 years together. Our son by different parents passed away 5 years ago this week, tomorrow marks the 5 year anniversary of his burial, and its also my DD birthday, a bitter sweet day. I cried this morning when the OG dressed for the day, he put on a teeshirt that he rarely ever wears because Nick was laid to rest in one exactly like it. A month before he was hit on his motorcycle by a careless driver we had spent a great weekend in the mountains at a concert, OG, Nick, and DS2 each bought a shirt exactly alike, we all laughed that they had to get matching shirts. Even tho Nick was a 3 time Iraq veteran, his family chose to bury him in the shirt and jeans as opposed to his Marine dress uniform. The back of the shirt says enjoy the journey, the front says you just had to be there, Nicks favorite saying when he was in Iraq telling his friends about home. We found it ironic that this particular band had those words on their shirts. The OG never consciously remembers sad anniversaries, but I knew this morning even if subconsciously he was remembering, too. Nicks death began a chain of events, that forever changed us. 3 months later my dad had a major stroke and passed away on the day before Thanksgiving. I then became caregiver for my mom. 5 months later my DD was seriously injured in a car accident. She was completely bedridden for 3 months. All the while I'm finding sitters for her so I can care for my mom, moms weigh plummeted, she was at one doctor after another, had heart stents, unendless test. In Oct. her appendix ruptured, in the pathology of her appendix they found BC cells, never any evidence of cancer actually in her breast. That March she passed away. Shortly there after our business collapsed. In the following months we went through all our savings supporting ourselves and our children that were in business with us. We were on the verge of losing everything, we sold everything we could live without. Finally he found a job, and we were able to breath again, for just a little while. Then OG got a splinter in his foot, normally not a big deal, but this one required surgery. While limping on his foot, out popped a hernia, another surgery. 6 weeks exactly later he almost lost his hand in the work accident. While running him back and forth to doctors I discovered my lump. Thanks to my persistant dog I finally went to the doctor and was diagnosed with my own BC. Then came the BMX, on the anniversary of my moms death, the second surgery for clear margins and the skin graft from my thigh. All without insurance for me. Then the OGs second hand surgery and our endless therapy trips. Whew what a ride. All of this vomiting of my life story is to say that we are closer than ever. We will over come whatever else life has to throw at us, we may be doing it underneath a bridge but we will have each other.

    Sorry that was so long, but it feels good that y'all actually know all about my life, what brought me here. Who I am, and that you are each so special that I wanted you to actually know. Thanks for listening. Now M you know why today was the perfect day for my suncatcher to arrive, its bringing sparkling prisms of light into my kitchen and my heart. Hugs

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Our Granwe!  Wow!  Your list is a gobsmack.  'Thanks to your persistent dog'?  The one with the earache?  He insisted you get seen about the lump?  Kiss him.

    You sure do know about the list, don't you.  I am so sorry to hear about your sweet son Nick.  Oh, the OG is a darling, wearing that shirt.  I bet it was wonderful to get a treat in the mailbox on that day.  I love how we are so tough when listing our surgery stuff -- Anyway, surgery, margins, they took flesh out of my thigh.  As Nicky Minaj would say, you are a real-a$$ bee-atch to have dealt with all of that.

    Speaking of treats, Z, I can send you the probiotic our Ariom likes best.  I know how to get it.  Will you check with your Drs to see if they don't mind your taking a probiotic?  When I decided to take one, I thought I might just get the exact one M has, since she probably has the best one... so let me know!

    ND, you are roasting like I am!  Doing the happy dance right now for our GB -- no rads, no chemo, no hormonals, no bandages!!!?!  You must be a whirling dervish!  Everyone is right -- don't overdo it.  Just have happy dance rest periods in your new recliner!  Hooray!!!

    Z, so glad you are safe from your side-swipe.  That's what's important.  Where is our Idesim?  Neck-deep in work, no doubt.  Wonder what's on her coffee table.  XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hello ndgirl, been wondering where you were. Where did you go? Did you have fun?

    I hope it cools down for you...take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Gramwe! I was wondering if that Suncatcher had gone misssing, but it must have decided there was a better day for it to arrive in your hand. I can't tell you how happy I am that it made you smile.

    That story is heart wrenching, what a journey you have been on. Thank you so much gramwe, for sharing it with us.

    Isn't it just incredible what life throws at us?

    This little band of women managed to find each other in this huge place. We all have many similarities that have cemented our friendship in empathy and just a knowing, that we all understand each other. What a gift you all are! I speak to you, and of you as though I have known you forever, and my friends now ask what's going on with the girls?  Colin knows this computer is my first stop every morning before anything else. So not me, before this journey started. I was pretty rigid in being ready to face the day. Now it's pretty laid back till I catch up on your news.

    I wish you and the OG all the very best of everything! I hope the Feng Shui magic brings some joy! Take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Bobo, I was wondering how it is going in your world too?

    Things falling into place now, and kids nearly back in school? You won't know yourself without that big commute every day.

    Thanks for the probiotic info for Zills. I think she got the go ahead from her Doctor, just hasn't found any yet. I assume you're talking about the Green Vibrance, slowly, slowly Zills, if you do go with this one. It is a very potent blend of I think, 75 foods, and huge amount of good bacteria strains, so just about a quarter of the dose to start, just till your system gets used to it, and then increase.  I am willing to bet you'll get a lot of energy from it too.

    Have you managed to go for that walk in the new neighborhood yet Bobo, with Bobo and the family? I hope you're getting familiar with the place. How is the one bathroom panning out? Is our young man doing better?

    I am off to get ready, 9 Rites each morning now, and loving it! I have to take Dex to the Vet for his vaccinations this morning, and then to buy my new planters. I'll check in later to see how everyone's doing! Take care girlfriends...M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    One more day, my head is pounding.. I had the worst borrowers today too.. especially the last one, he was very entitled. It just gets harder and harder to not tell them to go F off.

    I have tears in my eyes after reading your story Granwe, but at the same time I am so happy that you have the lovely family that you do and have found that special bond with your OG.  Thank you for sharing all that.  I'm very sorry about the loss of your Nick and for all the other hardships you've endured this past 5 years and I only hope that things get better... F that.. things will get better!!!

    Ndgirl, you're hot and it's FREEZING here!  I look out the window and I can see the fog blowing by.. it's so eerie.

    GrammaB I am so thrilled to hear your good news.. happy dance!!!!!! And you have the DS there.. enjoy your time with him.

    Zills, I had two drains.. boy did I hate those things.. Moira, yours sounded like a torture device and everytime you mention draggin them on the floor I have to chuckle.  Now I'm picturing you throwing it around your neck like a scarf and I just get the giggles.

    Love, love zucchini, but strangely enough I have never had zucchini bread.

    Sorry to hear you are still having the acid problems... I wish I knew of a solution..but it sounds like you've tried a ton of things.  

    Bobogirl, why is this Jen person calling you dark on the inside?  I am agreeing on the egg salad.. gross.  I have to get ahold of the damn movie... I don't remember.. I bet nice tablecloths with little lamps on the table.. I don't think a thai restaurant would have all that.. but who knows.

    My poor little princess... I think you made the right choice with the meds... it's such a difficult choice to make, especially with a little soul.  My heart is breaking over the possibility of no children for her.. but I can attest that while it is a sad thing, I still feel my life is fulfilling without children.. yes I do get down about it at times, but all in all I am very content.  I am happy over the neuro appt!

    You too have been through so much this past year.. but it seems to me that things are back on track for you and I think that good things will come in the upcoming year.  You met all us for one! :)

    That's as updated as I can get right now.. I get upset when I fall too far behind, but there isn't much I can do about it right now!!  so look forward to hearing what you all are up to and how you are all doing!!!


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    Rapid submission.... leftover pasta from the other night on the coffee table.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited August 2013

    Another exhausting day!  DS is doing such a good job with all the little fix-its I had for him. We went into town this morning, the usual, bank, PO, hardware store, drug store for some more bandages.  Wow, was I tired!  Not enough time to recoup from yesterday.

    Then helping him and tracking down tools he needed to do the various jobs, I'll sleep tonight!

    Visiting nurse removed the steri strips off the incisions and they are kind of yukky.  Whitish tissue (the nurse said that was dead skin) that needs to be slowly and gently removed. We probably should have taken the steri strips off sooner, but we followed BS's advice leave them on till the fall off on their own.  It still is healing well. All I have on them now is a long thin strip of that no stick wound pad stuff.  So free feeling!!

    Yes, Ariom, I will have to drive home from the airport tomorrow after DS leaves.  I will be one tired puppy by the time I get back home.

    Thanks Zills, it was a very good day for sure!!  What is JS, I should have asked sooner? .... sounds like it worked!! Yay!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited August 2013

    Gramwe, my heart is breaking reading your story, I wish we knew why these things happen to us but we dont. It does seem that it makes us stronger in so many ways and sometimes wiser. You sure have walked the plank but didnt fall off! so sorry about your son that died and how sweet that OG wore the t-shirt, when our dil died it was just unreal, those things happen to other people right? nope we all have our stories and this is life, we endure. You are making it and have a good family that is worth a million! 

    Idesim.. wish I could give you some zucchini, I have lots, we like it sauteed in olive oil with onions, peppers and of course garlic and the bread is yummy!

    Hope your tummy is ok Zills, glad the side swipe was not resulting in your being hurt. 

    Bobo.. wow what a list and year you have been thru as well. kids in school is always good too. You did the right thing with meds! dont despair. Oh, think I saw the grey skirt you had a pic of in EF store in Rochester! loved it. it was on display on a super thin mannequin!

    Ariom, I was in Rochester for my checkup on Wed. and then we went to son's place and returned our grandsons to their home, had a good time. My suncatcher is so beautiful hanging in my window, I think of you and our little gang here everytime I look at it!! Thanks again. Oh I heard on news that Olivia Newton John is building a breast cancer clinic somewhere in Austrailia have you heard of it?

    Good nite all!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hi ldesim, I am sorry you are having such a lousy time at work. Oh I wish you could just say F off to these wankers! When did people stop being grateful for the effort others put in for them? They are so stupid, wouldn't you think they could "get" that you are performing an important service, and being really nice, would perhaps be to their advantage?

    All I can say is "Here's your sign!" Bill Engvall, says it so well!

    I have been having a similar conversation with Bec. She works with the public in a government office. Yesterday she sent me a picture taken of her by a collegue, she had a yellow post it note stuck to her forehead with "Moron Magnet" in black sharpie! She is being driven mad by people who refuse to read anything and when they are told they don't have the right ID they challenge her. The government, in their infinite wisdom, offered voluntary redundancy packages. There was a massive rush and 42 people left, how did the government respond to that? They put a hold on any replacement employment, so now the ones who are left, are just inundated, and getting further behind. Consequently many are now looking elsewhwere for less stressful positions which will just inflame the situation further, We are going into another election so hopefully the employment ban will be lifted, but as Bec was saying, it takes a good 6 to 9 months to train up a new employee with all the legislation, so it won't be getting better any time soon.

    You make me laugh when you laugh about that hideous drain I had to drag around! I know you think I am kidding, but it is all 100% true. It was like a horror movie, I had to keep grabbing it, and rolling it up, so it would fit in the natty little lime green shoulder bag that one of the BC volunteers made for me, every time someone came in the gate. Fortunately it's a long walk from the gate to the front door so I could get it done in time! LOL 

    I hope you can get a bit of a rest, and feel better next week,,take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    gB, glad all has gone well with your son.

    Good to see the bandages are off. It is natural that it looks a bit yuck, it's been through a lot:) Also tied up tight with all that bandaging keeps the air out.  I got out in the sun and bared my chest to the rays for a few minutes every day, poor Barry (the postman) almost got an eyefull on more than one occasion! LOL

    I hope you get a really good rest before your trek to the airport again, please take care, and I hope your arm feels better this time. Can you take another small pillow to support it? Please let us know when you're home and safe! Take care...I could come along in your bag and sing bad Karaoke to keep you awake! Just let me know:)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hi ndgirl, so glad you are enjoying your Suncatcher! I love doing the Rites in the family room at this time of year with the lights all around me. I find them energising!

    I have seen the ads about the Olivia Newton John Wellness Centre. It is at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne. The Austin is also the major spinal Hospital in Victoria, and is where Colin spent 8 long months when he first had his accident. I am not sure, but I think there is a new wing being opened in the Olivia Centre. It is for all cancers, not just bc, so perhaps the new wing is bc specific.

    How did you go with your check up? Everything good?

    Not long now till you can attach that Contact! I am considering wearing mine tomorrow for my Mammo, to show to Steph, I am sure she'd be really interested to see it.

    Isn't it rediculous, getting excited to show someone your sticky silicone booby! LOL

    I really like zucchini too, but haven't bought any for ages. I like th sound of that sauteed recipe, I may have to do that this weekend.

    I bought the big pots for outside my windows this morning, boy I hope they are right, because once they are in, I won't be able to move them. They aren't coming till Saturday evening, so I have time to dismantle the fire pit that is in the place for one of them.

    It has turned a bit chilly today and it has been raining. Dex did ok at the Vet, had his shots and needs to continue his fish oil and cortisone for his allergy. I am going to talk with another Vet about his anxiety issues. His barking at people walking past our house is driving me to distraction, and making him too anxious. We have tried all kinds of thing including the bark collars and the reward for stopping barking. Works for a bit and then back to the same old behaviour. I have never had these issues with a dog before. Every dog I have had has been so laid back and easy going, but poor Dex is hyper when people pass.

    I hope you have a good sleep.. take care M x 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Ariom I have the same problem with Bobo.  I had it just a minute ago, in fact. We were at the park, and we saw a 'dad' I know, and he had a nice black dog, and Bobo just went berserk, barking, though his tail was wagging.  He is just a 'spaz.'  I think it is  called 'fear aggression.'  Anyway, we have tried everything: flunked out of puppy kindergarten twice, private lessons, reward for no bark, etc.  But nothing sticks.  It is sad for Bo, since he can't go to the dog park with the other dogs, be off leash, etc.  Some dogs he likes, some he is scared of and then they tangle.  No serious injuries, but a lot of barking and teeth-baring.  It's crazy. Poor Bobo.  He was attacked by a large dog while we were in PHL.  Ever since then, it's been worse.

    Bec's job sounds terrible!  That story seems to be happening everywhere.  Bosses are doing more with fewer workers.  If people don't like it, they can leave.  It's very much the American story.  Do you know Americans rarely, if ever, take vacation?  Those who have it -- and they are few -- are scared to weaken their standing by taking it.  The vacas people take in Europe seem lavish to me.  It's just not part of things here anymore.  Only for the very entitled.

    ND girl, you saw my EF skirt!  That is so fun!  You know, EF is meant for all shapes.  I want to debunk the myth that it is for stick figures.  In fact, she has all sizes, her clothes are super-comfy and flattering for all sizes.  I will get you in an EF outfit yet!  I could take a nap in that skirt, if I took naps.

    Ariom, I did get to walk around the block with DLLP while the kids were at my mom's.  It was amazing.  I love our little neighborhood.  It is even better than I thought.  You are right -- I drive here and there, and it takes ten minutes instead of an hour.  It has not quite penetrated yet.  It is the start of my teaching year, and I have two brand new lesson preps.  The kids start school next week.  I am just underwater with work, and still unpacking, and child doctor appts, etc.  I get to work four hours early, then work all day, then come home and work until DLLP begs me to stop, and I'm still not in a good place.

    Today I have the kids on my own, DLLP is working, and somehow I've got to get things done for work.  Then tomorrow DLLP has them, and she's taking them on Drs appts -- plus Bobo!  He has a check up!  That cracks me up.  He will think it is just normal: all kids going for dr appts.  Including him.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    gB, you are a marvel!  Don't overdo.  XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Hey Bobo! I was just going to bed when I saw you'd been here!

    I can't believe you are having dog problems too. Dex is a little different in that he has no problem with any other dogs when he is out, or if they are in our place. Only if they are outside the fence, and he is inside. He is very social, he is ok if the people speak to him over the fence, but goes troppo if they just walk past. When he goes to the kennel if we are away, they put him in with the anxious, fretting ones because he just wants to play all the time. He exhausts them and they all end up sleeping together. The people at the kennels love him!

    I will give this behaviourist  a go and see what she says. I have tried almost everything else.

    I am so glad to see you are getting to know your neighborhood, and you really like it. That is such an important thing for you and the children. It will all settle soon and you'll start to enjoy the extra time you'll gain. I know it feels a bit overwhelming right now, but it will get better. You're hard on yourself, trying to keep all those balls in the air, but you're doing a great job and it will pay off. Look at all you've achieved in a short time!

    Busy time, but it is almost the weekend again.

    I am off to my appointment in the morning, but have to get Colin up too, his morning girl is off and there isn't anyone else available.

    I'll check in when I get home...Take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Meant to say, I know about the vacation status in the US. It is very different here.

    We have so many vacation days here. I used to get 5 weeks annual leave when I worked for United Airlines, plus a roster that would give 4 or 5 days off in a row every month or so. 

    That was how I managed to travel so much, just add a few vacation  days to the end of roster and we could take off for a week. Those were the days!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited August 2013

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited August 2013

    Ariom, I got the ok to wear the contact.. I think I posted about my appt. and with the fitter but maybe it went into cyberspace.. not sure, I was exhausted when I posted it so anything is possible!! Yes, I love it, I actually wore it a whole day while exploring the area of Hudson, WI, such a neat city, river front has great cafes and guess what?? I found a store called The Purple Tree there and they had the bracelets!! so of course I have 2 new ones!! back to the contact, it was very comfy, they exchanged it at Rochester for a newer one, the ditz fitter in Fargo had just about everything wrong!! this one does not require us to prep the skin first and after wearing just put a little soap in your hand, add water and just swish off the let dry.. so much easier that the other. I dont have to go back to Mayo until next spring when I get another mammo, she did suggest I get a physcial breast exam from my local dr in Dec.

    I know what you gals are saying about the dogs, we had a little cocker spaniel for 13 years and she was so protective of us, I think smaller dogs are worse for the barking.. guess they are pissed off they arent bigger!! ha!

    I was trying to post a picture here but didnt get it figured out.. not too sharp in that dept. I know how on FB but havent time right now! oh well not a big deal! We finally got some needed rain last night.. but now sun is out so it is hot and humid! but this weekend a major cool down is expected, highs only in 60's, one extreme to another!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    sorry ndgirl, I did see your post about the Mayo and the different Contact. I didn't realise they had changed it for the new one, I thought you'd just get that one when you were up for another one.

    So glad you are enjoying it. We certainly don't have that new type here in Oz yet. I will have that on my shopping list!

    I am just getting Colin up and had a minute, so I am off again, will check in later after my trip to Traralgon and my mammo. M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Ooh.  I am 'in the bag' for the mammo, our Ariom.  Literally, figuratively.  I have had one beer right now, and due to my relative reduced food intake, I am an extreme lightweight.  Are you worried?  Or are you going to just sail through?  Are you having preventative Ativan?  Or are you just swilling back some probiotics and getting on the road?  Will you shop?

    Haven't had time to nurse my bad attitude... but... I can feel it welling up in me as I get in the bag for your appointment.  F0ck mammograms.  Especially, f0ck the techs. Do not tell me a story about a kindly tech, I will bite your head off and eat it, even though I genuinely love you.  F0ck the fact that the techs lean into the drama of it all.  I am extremely sick of that, I suffered for it at my last mammo, it seems like a minute ago really, and now I have another one in two weeks.  My syntax suffers, not because I am drunk, but because I am tired.  Will Colin go with you?  What will you have for lunch?

    ND, they had the bracelets?!  Ooh.  I am overdue for a bracelet update.  I have been extremely lax in that area.  Really I need someone to influence me in that area.  I just noticed A and A have free shipping for the labor day weekend and they have revised their international shipping rules.  What did you get?  Your trip sounds lovely.

    Just let anyone look at our Ariom the wrong way.  Idesim is driven to distraction by her job -- it is only too easy to play tricks on her in the bag.  Here, I will say to her.  Hold this.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited August 2013

    Can I just say it's f'ing freezing here.... I will be in the bag in my flannel PJ's and blanket. Where are we going for lunch?

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited August 2013

    Eww, mammos, before I went to Mayo for them I had one at our local hospital and my God! I am not a whimp but that babe just about brought me to me knees, I said so and she said "well it has to be tight to get a good picture" and I told her she must have one Hell of a good picture! She did not like me to say the least! Honestly I was black and blue a week later when I saw my dr. and I told him about her and her methods, he was furious, this was our old family dr. and knew me well and that I wasnt whining just to whine! She was gone after that, he was afraid that no one would continue to get mammos if she was there! Hope all goes well Ariom. got a good feeling it will be!

    Hey Bobo, enjoy your beer! you can be in 2 bags at once!! What do you teach if you dont mind saying but if you dont want to say I sure understand too. Bet you are a good one whatever it is!! Take care.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    Well, ND, I serve at the pleasure of several masters.  I can teach almost anything.  Right now I'm teaching a beginning rhetoric class and a business writing class.  It is not a fancy lectureship at all.  And then I am working in research and development (my own little dept) making projects that help students with classwork compliance and assignments, including papers.  And then I am helping a professor with her own project -- expanding the reach of her project in the university.  Ooh.  And then I am reaching out to profs across all disciplines -- even the sciences -- and getting their most difficult assignments and tests, and breaking them down for students, filming myself, and posting it on the University server.

    Are you asleep yet?  It's a little bit boring.  My beer was excellent.  Prepping for class.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited August 2013

    OMG, idesim, how cold is it going to be in March, for the wedding?  It's like ninety degrees here.  Am wearing a strapless dress and a little sweater.  Yikes.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2013

    I hope we had a good lunch. I'm hungry today. Can we stop for ice cream? Please! I rarely want ice cream. Then Idesim will have to share her blanket. No fighting girls. My head is prickly but I'm not shaving it. Need a head start for winter!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2013

    Just flying out the them all,,,just have to say Steph is the tech every woman should have! She has stayed with me from Dx, calling and sending me all the latest research, I love her!

    Please all come with me, I am a tad nervous this being my first since Dx and at the same place. Colin will take us all out for lunch at my fave little cafe in Sale!

    No squabbling in the bag now, and keep the beer away from me. It is warm here ldesim. I have a light cotton sweater on with pants, you'll be too hot in flannels. Ice cream for Zills, no problem!

    Chat later...M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    Bobo I am SO ready for winter! Have you been through one here yet? Nothing like up north, but still chilly. People laugh at us cause we're freezing at 50. 6 more weeks!