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Anyone else out there choosing 100% Alternative?

CindyD Member Posts: 15
edited June 2014 in Alternative Medicine

I am interested in connecting with others that are choosing 100% alternative treatments for breast cancer. No biopsy, no surgery, no chemo, etc. Is there anybody out there? I tried to find you more than a year ago and left these forums discouraged because I could not find anyone following a similar path. I connected with many wonderful women that offered encouragement, but none following this path. There were also many others whoose comments were negative, dismissive, condescending and generally the opposite of what I was looking for.

I have been living with bc for 2 1/2 years, (that I know of). I was diagnosed through the combination of mammogram, thermography, ultrasound and the Cancer Profile blood tests.

Would love to discuss more if you are there.



  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215
    edited June 2013

    Hi Cindy, I think a good deal about alternatives to the disruptive effects of surgery, radiation and the hormonal manipulations that were part of my treatment plan in 2003 and again this year. I often wonder if and how dietary shifts would reduce overall vulnerability, both thru weight loss and reducing the effects of estrogen. Nothing throws you up against your values and resources like a cancer diagnosis, that's for sure.

    I also think about how vastly different the profiles of the various types of bc are. I suspect I have had a very modest case both times, and resented having to, "throw the book at them", as it were. In another five or ten years will the stage and grade of cancer that I have had be watched and left alone? I don't know.

    Can you say more about your own take on your diagnosis and options? Are there alternative treatments you are drawn to?

    All best, Mame

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2013

    I had surgery as the cancer was cauing a lot of pain and was large, refused chemo,and stopped hormones, following alt regime now, love to share more

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited June 2013

    Hi Cindy!

    I did have DIEP surgery but have done nothing else.  No chemo/no RADS/no hormonal therapy!  I see Dr. Wong, Chinese Herbalist in NYC who has a great success rate for keeping breast mets away!  I would love to share more and learn more of what you are doing for your BC!  I know sometimes it's hard to share openly here due to others berating us alternative, if you like we can PM?  Thanks so much for having the guts to come back again!  xxoo

  • CindyD
    CindyD Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for responding ladies,

    Below is a copy of my first post from Nov 2011. Some of my protocol has changed and I will try to get on here tomorrow to provide an update. Haven't seen my doc in 4 months due to lack of funds, but I keep moving forward and am feeling better than I have in a long time.

    Hello Ladies,

    I am so happy to have found this discussion. I have never participated in an online discussion group before but am really in need of some sister support for my decision to treat my breast cancer through alternative means. I am confident in my decision but it is hard to feel so alone in it. I have chosen no biopsy, no surgery, no chemo and no radiation. It was a year ago that I first noticed a lump in my breast. I was sent for an immediate mammo and ultrasound which revealed two lumps--one that appeared to be benign (fibroadenoma), oval with clean edges, and one that appeared to be malignant, (irregular shaped.) While waiting for an appt with a surgeon I began researching at the "University of Google" and began to change my diet dramatically. I did a 10 day Juice Feast  to reset my body and then began a 95% vegan diet with 75% of that raw. I also started a variety of supplements. The surgeon of course recommended biopsy but reluctantly agreed to my choice of diet and to do another ultrasound in 3 months. After 3 months the ultrasound showed no significant change in the tumors--not bigger or smaller. In the meantime I lost my medical insurance but continued to do extensive research on breast cancer and natural healing. I paid out of pocket to a health center for a breast Thermography which showed that I was estrogen dominant and had a high probability of breast cancer. The first surgeon referred me to our county hospital, due to my lack of insurance, and they approved me for all traditional treatment at no charge. However , I was still not ready to commit to a biopsy because I had done all of this reading about how biopsies can actually cause the spread of cancer cells. This second surgeon did nothing to convince me that traditional treatment was the way to go, in fact it was the opposite. He was a complete bully who used fear tactics and intimidation. He did agree however to give me another 3 months with my diet and then re-check with an ultrasound. When I returned after the 3 months, he had apparently forgotten our conversation and did not review his notes. He didn't even want to look at the ultrasound--but I insisted. He told me that the tumors were worse and that I could do the biopsy, surgery or not he didn't care and then he just left the room. I went home stunned and decided that I wouldn't let that surgeon touch me with a 10ft pole. At home, after viewing the ultrasound report, the tumor measurements DID NOT show that the tumors were larger, HE LIED. In fact the tumors were almost the same size. I decided right then that insurance or not, I would find a doctor that was willing to be my partner. I also decided, based on my research, that breast cancer, per se, doesn't kill you--it's only if it spreads to a vital organ that you can die. I now have a wonderful Alternative Medicine MD, albiet a busy one, who is supporting my choice. I did a blood test in September called the Cancer Profile and that is when my new Doctor said, "Yes, you have cancer." Since I did not do a biopsy, I don't know any of the specifics about what kind of breast cancer. My doctor is monitoring my progress but I have a long time between visits and that's when I get scared. I know that agressive breast cancers can double in size every 2 months, if that were the case, my tumor would be up to my chin by now.

    Below is a list of the supplements I am taking along with other resources that have been helpful. Any positive feedback and support is appreciated.


    Cancer is Curable Now (DVD and Website)

    Food Matters (DVD and Website)

    Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (DVD)


    Pharmacuetical Grade Vitamin C


    Vitamin D


    Vascustatin (antiangeogenesis)

    Natura 401 (Chinese herbs that pull moisture of the tumors)

    Pancreatic Enzymes

    Digestive Enzymes

    PH Plus (Alkalize the blood)

    Mushroom Immunity Suport


    Holy Basil

    Silver Biotics (for candida)



    Vitamin E

    Drenamin (for adrenals)



    Omega 3

    Coffee Enemas daily

    Magnesium/Epson Salt Baths daily

    Castor Oil Packs on breast daily

    Juicing 1 Qt daily

    Regular Exercise

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013

    Thank you for posting your regimen. My lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy was yesterday. I thought about going 100% alternative. However, my tumor was pretty large. 3.5 cm. From what the surgeon said to my partner yesterday, I think it might have been bigger.

    Now that the the tumor is gone, I'm following an alternative regimen. I'll make my final decision about rads, chemo, and hormone therapy when the pathology report comes back next week. I'm leaning strong no to all of it.

    I started taking:



    Vitamin D

    Cannabis (Rick Simpson) Oil

    I have algae based Omega 3 supplements arriving soon. I'm allergic to fish.

    Good luck on your path. I'm glad you got rid of that surgeon. He's an insensitive douche! Your horrendous experience with him lead you to your alternative MD, though, so that jackass was good for something.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2013

    Please share it openly on here we can just block anyone who criticases as we dont bombard standard therapy approaches with hassle ........

  • CindyD
    CindyD Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2013

    I am wondering how all of you monitor your health status? What blood tests, exams, imaging etc do you do and how often? Related to both breast cancer and overall health.

  • blaze1012
    blaze1012 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2013

    I was diagnosed May 3 with bilateral multifocal bc. I'm scheduled for a double mastectomy July 1 and just cant wrap my head around it not so much because I'm fearful of the surgery but because I have strong beliefs in Alternative Medicine and I'm just not sure it's the right thing to do. I've talked to survivors using every type of approach and it just feels like its a crap shoot for whatever you believe in most. I started a juicing, vegan and supplement regimen and am trying to schedule thermography to compare with the original MRI. I'm on the fence. Praying for conviction in either direction.

    JMEDBKLYN Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2013

    I'm so glad to have found this forum. I'm 33 years old and just got diagnosed on June 3rd with bc. Although I'm not doing 100% alternative treatment I am refusing chemo but still opting for a double mastectomy. Because of my age all of my doctors are saying I would still need chemo and they think I'm crazy for looking into alternative treatments. The hardest part for me is that the alternative treatments are so expensive I'm worried I won't be able to afford it.

    If anyone has any suggestions on how to do alternative treatments on a budget I would really appreciate it

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    I'm doing nothing but.  BUT I'm now 76.  no diagnosis, no chemical infusions, no surgery, no radiation. a lot of other stuff.  "working" probably not.  the tumor has been bleeding recently, very inconvenient!!  & according to dr google I'm more than a third of the way to 100% fatality with the trouble "untreated".  none of the alternatives I use are expensive:  castor oil packs, mega green tea, homeopathy pellets, black rasberry powder, bee pollen granuels, turmerick powder, cinnemon, diet, it all no doubt adds up, though probably not as much as what your insurance gets with conventional aid

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    100% fatality would take me to age 81, which is the age long ago an astrologer said I would die, & meanwhile I've been able to practice my proffession with little time out for illness or recovery

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2013

    Hi ladies,

    I am so with all of you in terms of the alternative route.  I was diagnosed 4.5 years ago.  Did six rounds of chemo over six months and nothing else but a daily pill of Femara.  My tumor shrunk by over half but getting to the other side of chemo, I was told by the surgeon (who sent me on wild goose chases to a variety of doctors, radiologists, etc.) that I was never really a candidate for surgery and I should just go home and wait to die.

     I won't go in to all the gory details about the insurance companies, doctors, cancer centers, etc.  Suffice it to say, it's all about MONEY and all of them are clueless about how the body will heal itself if we will follow the diets that heal and cure.

    I have been following a vegan diet for quite some time.  It takes some doing to jump in 100%.  I still struggle at times but I am convinced I am alive today because of it.  The doctor that told me to go home and die is no longer at the hospital I used to go to.  No one there could believe I was still around when I would go in for my check ups.

    Unfortunately, it was that hospital that put me on a different hormone blocker in February.  Within six weeks, my cancer spread to my other breast.  I transferred to a different cancer hospital here in Denver, one of the best, and while I refused chemo, I did agree to try a different approach with the hormone blockers.  Radiation will never be an option for me either.

    There is so much good information out there that can help us.  I have read hundreds of books and articles on natural cures.  All of them are about diet and nutrition.  Forget about the FDA recommendations.  They're clueless too.

    Cindy, I have watched most of the DVDs you have.  Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead was inspiring to me and last week I actually got a copy of Cancer is Curable Now from the library. 

    I have been researching for several years now and early on came across the website.  It has a wealth of information on a variety of natural protocols.  Some of them were of no interest to me.  I tried a few others, some with a bit of success and some not. 

    I think the goal is to keep looking for that which will work for you.  It's late here and I have to work tomorrow so I'll leave writing the rest of my book for another day.

    Abigail, one final thought....when my tumor started weeping and bleeding a little, I tripped over an article wherein someone had written they were using Manuka honey on the tumor.  I hunted down a jar of it (not cheap but it works!).  I spread the honey on a bandage and put it over the tumor.  Stopped the weeping and bleeding.  Read up on it - it's yet another natural remedy that will help us!  I found it at our local organic store and later found it at Whole Foods.  Go for the higher grade if you find it - anything over 15 or 16 I believe was recommended.  It runs between $20 and $30 a jar but it will last you a month.

    Good night all.  I'm excited to be with you on this journey!



  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013

    milehighgirl - It's funny you mentioned Manuka honey. I use that as a "chaser" because the cannabis oil tastes nasty.

    JMEDBKLYN - Alternative medicine can be so expensive. What I'm doing is keeping it simple. I am doing the cannabis oil treatment, which is going to be expensive. I will buy the 60 grams for the 90 day treatment. While doing that, I am looking into growing my own so I can make my own oil. I'll always be on some kind of maintenance dose, so might as well keep it as cheap as possible. A lady on a cannabis website said that I need to up my omega 3 intake which helps the oil do its job. I'm adding flax and waiting for my algae based omega 3 supplements to come.  Because I am ER+, I am taking DIM. And I am taking Curcumin as well to help kill those cancer cells. Vitamin D for overall health.

    It gets pricey, but I don't have a long list of supplements. I picked the ones I thought made sense to me, and I'm running with it.  Others stick to one protocol - like Chinese herbs from an herbalist and nothing else.  abigail48 is right about it not costing as much the insurance company gets from conventional treatment. For me radiation treatments would be over $1K anyway with copays.  I'd rather spend that money on the alternative therapies and maybe even a vacation. Wink

    blaze1012 - I hope you find that conviction. Kinda hard to do when you have so much information being thrown at you. It really is a crapshoot. Both conventional and alternative treatments can't guarantee there will be no recurrence. I really do believe in trusting your gut and then not second guessing yourself.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    for 1000 do;;ars you can get a lot of dr hauschka's blackthorn body oil, & a lot of organic beets, cucumbers, celery & apples for juicing

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2013

    I feel intuitively that cannabis will help me!!  But i am confused as to what I shouild be taking - I really do not think I can go back on Femara as I feel so awful on it....but I need to have a fixed protocol for hormone balance as a proper alternative.....

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013


  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2013

    struggling with the same here Lily. I take femara..but I don't trust it. It makes me feel so unhealthy, which is so conterproductive to everything I'm doing to be healthy. and there are days I just can't put another pill in me and have to skip to due SE. I take DIM daily, callcium d glucarate, CLA,ALA, NAC, curcumin, green tea, milk thistle, angioblock, pau 'd arco, IP6, barley powder, broc sprt powder, beta carotene, vita b,c, d3, magnesium, iodine, pectasol C,chaga or agaricus mushrooms, probiotics, black cumin seed oil. I just started salvestrol platinum.Also take beta glucan, bitter melon, fucodian, astragalus,Immune EX L, MSM, Trace mineral drops, enzymes, triphala. some of this I don't take every day.

    I eat fish, nuts, seeds, beans, fruits and veggies. Juiced carrots, oranges and greens. I eat alot of herbs and spices. I make dishes with extra cayenne, ginger, tumeric. I try to eat either cabbage,brussel sprouts, kale, or broccoli each day.  My TMs are holding normal and I feel good and I am so grateful, but feel I can't afford to keep this up indefinately. I need to buy clothes, and shampoo, and toliet paper(lol). I just want to hit things hard for the next two years, and hope that my aggressiveness beats the ca aggressiveness.

    If I knew what was doing the trick, I would back off some of the stuff.I'd sure like to know what is in Dr. Wong's elixer so I can just get the herbs and make my own.

  • bluepearl
    bluepearl Member Posts: 133
    edited June 2013

    Cancer cells enjoy large doses of Vitamin C and beta carotene. Be careful. Please get your nutrition from food which contains everything needed. Taking one aspect out of a vegetable can lead to problems. The amount of tumeric needed to show up in your blood stream (and the amount needed to have anti-cancer effects) cannot be gotten through diet alone.  Juicing takes alot of fiber out of natural foods which has many benefits, including keeping colon cancer away and especially heart disease. You are running on "scared"......just eat a nice mediterranian diet, enjoy yourself, laugh, EXERCISE. It is all we can do because sometimes NOTHING works to keep cancer away.....I have a friend who lost her 24 year old daughter to cancer (breast) organic vegetarian , life-guard, skater, slim, beautiful, full of life and love....and BOOM....not one risk factor! Two biggest factors that are proven is EXERCISE and losing excess weight.....and beans Ha!

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    juicing takes the fiber out & thus the phytochemicals in the stuff juices is optimozed & concentrated

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013

    Lily55 - I felt the same way when I researched cannabis, and since there is real science behind it, I went for it.  I'm trying to get to the 60 grams of oil in 90 days goal. Then, I will take a maintenance dose. I'm increasing my tolerance daily. It helps that the oil I get the strain from is high in CBD vs. THC - since the THC is what makes you high.  Rick Simpson believes in getting the oil from a strain that has the highest amount of THC because THC is what kills the cancer cells. CBD also does, but in different ways. It's not as heavily researched as THC has been.

    I'll find out if the dispensary has a supplier that produces oil from plants high in THC. If they don't, I won't sweat it. I've heard of people making the oil from nasty, cheap brick weed. Of course, it's not as good, but hey, you work with what you can get and afford.

    I don't know if you live in a MMJ state, but dispensaries are so helpful - especially if you go to the better ones. The one I go to is like the Neiman Marcus of dispensaries. Pristine, gorgeous surroundings, great selection, and knowledgeable staff.

    You know, the last time I smoked weed was in college many, many moons ago. I don't do it recreationally. And I really didn't want to be part of that culture.  It really isn't all about stoners having an excuse to get high legally. People are really getting relief and controlling their diseases. There's something to this cannabis oil.

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2013

    Cindy, I did have a mx but i had a 10 cm tumor and it was growing out of control. I also do take femara now, though I am looking to go 100% alternative.

    I agree with the use of medical marajuana. I live in Hawaii and have my blue card. Though I don't take advantage of it often. I'm glad I do have it, because it really sometimes is the best medicine, although I'm not convinced it kills bc cells. It does help with the pain from the meds though. I'm getting ready to move to Florida and of course won't be able to obtain a blue card there.

    Yes, agree with you ladies that fiber is extremly important. I have lots of oats, seeds, and psyllium husks. When I juice I often use the pulp for other things, like carrot almond pate. I've done a lot of research on the kind of foods I need to eat. Beta Carotene/Cartenoids from carrot juice and antioxidants and other bc fighting compounds in oranges are mainstays for me. If you have some other info though, please let me know. I don't go crazy with taking oral vita c, although I do eat lots of citrus.  It is the IV vita C that is best for BC. There was a lady on here whose tumor markers were 3,000 and after a lot of conventional treatment. She went holistic because the treatments were not working and brought her TMs down to to 200 and something, using vita C infusions. Anyway, here's some things I've read about Beta Carotene, Vita C, Oranges, and BC.

    It probably sounds as though I'm going a little crazy with all of this, but my onc told me he thought i had micromets after mx a year ago because TMs were 99. Nothing showed up on scans, and TMS are now normal. I've drank carrot juice, at least 8-16 oz every day. I believe it has probably helped me more than anything I've done because my consistency with it has been equal to the changes I've seen in my TMs. Anyway,  I'm trying to give myself a fighting chance.  I manage to enjoy my life fine even w/ the femara. I don't think I"m living afraid, just proactively doing what I can, which to me, seems responsible. I actually enjoy taking care of myself. My diet is plenty varied and I get all kinds of nutrition daily. I am aware that some cancers are just aggressive, and I might not win no matter what I do, but it won't be because I didn't do everything I could to become as healthy as I can be. Before dx I had neglected my health. for about 5 years, and regardless of the outcome, I don't ever want to turn my back on my health and be less than honoring of the life that was given to me again.  Yes, I do agree w/ the mediterranean diet, although I've read some contadictory things about olives. Here's an article on the benefits of a mediterranean diet as well.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2013

    Good morning ladies. 

    I have to share this video I watched last night.  It's called Buzinski, the Movie.  I got a copy from the library.  I also found it on Netflix and U-tube if you're interested. 

    It spells out what we're up against in terms of alternative treatments.  This doctor went through hell with the FDA and others for years!  He has a clinic in Texas and has been curing cancers for years.  It also spells out how the FDA and big pharma are joined at the hip.

    Watch it if you can find it!


  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    Bruzinski possibly, must check

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013


  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    Burzynski.......for sure

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2013

    I've seen it! It's a moving and eye opening documentary about big pharma's power, and their ability to squish doctors who have a successful track record for providing successful treatments for cancer and how it defeats the hearts of many people cured by alternative treatments and destroys the hope of helpless people who need it. Heartwrenching, inspiring, and informative. 

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2013

    Oops.  Spelled it wrong.  It's Burzynski.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2013

    many years ago, must have been in the middle or late 80ies, it was about that time I began listening to gary null as I'd first gotten cable & he was on wbai, he talked about burzynski & I found an article about him peobably in the woodstock paper.  he had a clinic in kingston.  the article said he specialized in brain cancer & he needed 3000 I guess for a months treatment.  my memory may be faulty, & I don't recall if it said that included a stay at the clinic.  & perhaps it was 30,000.

  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2013

    Abigail, I've read a lot of his books and I like his stuff.  I see him on PBS often and that's where I also saw Burzynski.

    As for those of you with exposed tumors, here's a natural treatment from a Dr. in Mexico (He actually lives in San Diego but runs a natural clinic across the border).

    "Here in Mexicali at my free cancer clinic, we treat the exposed tumors with
    sodium bicarbonate in sterile solution (In Mexico is a big ampoule named
    BICARSOL) If unable to find this solution, do your own solution boiling water
    (1 cup) and adding 3-4 teaspoons of Arm and Hammer sodium bicarbonate (be
    sure not to use baking powder since this contains aluminum) and use on the
    tumor applying the solution with an sprayer (kind women use for wetting
    hair). Keep this hidrated... and the tumor will vanish (read Dr. Simoncinni
    protocol and sodium bicarbonate or search at
    Alex Torres M.D."

    Of note, I use colloidal silver to make the solution and also DMSO.  The DMSO can eventually irritate the skin so if you use it, make sure you read about it's application!

    This is from the Johanna Budwig site the late doctor who used the cottage cheese/flax oil protocol to treat and cure thousands over her lifetime.  It worked for me for awhile and was very simple to do.  I had to go off of it when my cancer started surging again.  Bummer because I really liked it.


  • milehighgirl
    milehighgirl Member Posts: 397
    edited June 2013

    Here's a few of my favorite websites and uses for coconut oil and cinnamon/honey.  Make sure you use virgin coconut oil.  Make sure you use raw honey - not the stuff you get in the grocery store.

    These are very inexpensive home remedies with tons of health benefits for us.

    Anyone else have anything that might help us?
