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Comfort dogs



  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Oh she sounds beautiful! What an unusual combination. You are so lucky to have found one another!!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Hi gals

    Was out rollerblading with Coco today..(am addicted its great, you should try)..She is very good, trots along beside me... Dropped into the shop for a couple of things on the way home. Guy working there was very amused, asked me what happens if I fall over, does the dog take off dragging me along??

    Just looked at him...

    As if...

    Now, I do fall on my backside every now and again, today for example.. Then; Coco stops and looks sympathetic and worried wagging her tail while I get up groaning..

    He obviously doesn't have a Comfort Dog...:))

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    As IF!!!

    People who arent dog lovers just dont understand. What was he thinking of, a husky team??

    Of course she wants to help you. Love the encouraging tail wags when things like this happen.

    And GOOD for you being out exercising like that- yay!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Lol husky team..! Mush..

    It's really good Sciencegal a great way to get around. I recommend it- my ten year old got them and persuaded me to have a go.. Was hooked, new ones are so light and easy to use..:))

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Good girl, Coco!

    Ingrid, I would for sure break a leg if I tried to rollerblade in and out of stores.  You are a superhero.

    I loved hearing about Faith!  She sounds like a darling.  

    Bobo is out on a walk right now with DLLP.  We have a great new leash -- no more pulling!

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    I was informed today that I will be spending the night in the hospital after my surgery 7/18 & apparently I cannot bring my dog. (Yes, I did actually ask my BS if he could come) What kind of nonsense is that? How the heck am I supposed to spend the night without my dog? After a traumatic surgery? Are these people NUTS?

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Aww Slickchikie...

    I just saw your avatar- Capone looks amazing... What a beautiful boy....

    Should be a spot for him in hospital with you ....

    Does he go running with you? Coco is exhausted after all our rollerblading. Yesterday, just a big walk along the beach.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    IngridJ: I bet rollerblading with Coco is a blast! Capone & I walk at a pretty good clip & play with his ball chucker in the yard. He loves running after his ball! How cool that you live so close to the beach! That must be awesome!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie, it is nice, it's a bay beach here in Melbourne Aus, so no rolling waves, but it is pretty..

    Yes, it's good rollerblading with her, she is a bit scared of getting her paw run over so tends to keep a wide berth of me!!!!

    Capone and Coco would get on I think, she is a ball fiend and if she finds one in the house or outside will play with it on her own...

    Speaking of taking her out- better get up and do it.. Weekend here already... Hope yours is good...x

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    IngridJ: This is my last weekend with my breasts. I'm pretty sad, to say the very least. My parents are dragging me & Capone to a German Shepherd adoption event for the rescue they volunteer for tomorrow morning. Hopefully they won't try to get me & Capone adopted!!! Oh well, at least I'll get out of the house for a couple hours. Hope your weekend is much better than mine!!!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    So sorry Slickchickie...

    I have had right mastectomy, waiting until finish chemo, then getting the other removed as both DCIS and LCIS was found post op in that ca side... Somehow losing one, and now having had time to contemplate the other one going has lessened the blow. My thoughts are with you..x

    Hang on tight to Capone, he would be a desirable adoptee...

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    IngridJ, I'm thinking of hanging a "not for sale" sign on him. Or since it's a rescue event, maybe a "not for adoption" sign. Lol he would hate that, which would be hilarious! I know in time I will accept what I cannot change...but BC is taking the sparkle off of me, piece by piece. I wish I was the same person, I liked myself better pre-bc. How about you? Are you adjusting?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Hi everybody I love all the dog stories. Much better than ca.

    Spookie is a 3 yo 7#8oz Maltese. She put on 6 oz being my nurse last year during treatment. She was my Velcro dog, no matter where I was, she had to watch me. Wouldn't play with her toys, cause she knew I couldn't. So now that I'm feeling better and DONE she is playing again, she was in full to the floor coat, got it cut last week.

    During treatments, we adopted an 18 month old mini poodle rescue. His bday is in Dec, named him KrisKringle. Her bday is Halloween

    They get along well, and are my loves.

    Can't imagine being dog less.

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Spookiesmum, they sound divine.. Kris Kringle.. Great name..

    Good that they get on, the problem with having an 'only dog' like Coco is that she thinks she's a human. Went to a cafe with her the other day, was big long table with long bench style seating, coco promptly got up and sat down on the bench next to a woman..she's a big poodle so...yikes!!!!

    Slick- initially was good, positive about it all etc, currently halfway through chemo... And now...Not so good, bald etc. finish on aug 5th..Haven't been too bad with it...Physical appearance aside, the mental is hardest to deal with.. Have good days and not so good days.....

    What about a sign around Capone's neck;

    SORRY...I'M TAKEN !!!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Also Slickchickie...

    Your sparkles will come back, as will mine.. We need them, so they have to...! Our doggies need them too!!! Your Capone is smiling in your avatar photo, lets keep him smiling. And actually, since bc, I've been thinking about our dogs, they aren't here for a really long time but they don't care, and they make us feel the love every day.. No wonder they are so special... x

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Hi Spookiesmom- welcome to the topic with us fellow doglovers! My babies are both poodle mix rescues and I love them so much. Lewie is definitely a "velco dog" too, excellent term.

    Slickchickie please dont let F-ing cancer take your sparkle. You and Capone are both too beautiful and special for that. It can have it temporarily but NOT for good. I am slowly getting mine back, you will too. I bought super sparkley shoes- that helps. And a lot of bling (shoes showcased on the "retail therapy" topic.)

    Are you getting reconstruction? I actually like the size and shape of my reconstructed breast better than my natural side. It is all relative.

    Ingrid you are right, with your "enjoy each day and feel the love" philosophy. I am SO trying to do that and to not sweat the small stuff. The pups sure help.

    Hugs to all!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    Is it OK for a stage IV person to join you all?

    Farmer. I've fostered a few puppy mill rescues. Because they learned to soil where they lived, it's harder to potty train them. For boys I've used a belly band. And for girls I've used a diaper. It helps. Peketzu rescue sells these great belly bands and they help support their rescue efforts.

    I lost my Chihuahua a year ago. I've wanted to rescue another, but have three dogs already. I have to talk myself out of it. Chihuahuas are wonderful dogs but they tend to challenge other dogs and that can make life challenging.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Hi Gritgirl- it is VERY okay for you to join us.

    Bless your heart for fostering. I have heard that chihuahuas get domineering, that is so funny!! "small dog complex" perhaps?


  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Hi Gritgirl!!

    Good to hear from you on this happy subject.. about our doggies.. Three!!! Wow, hope they all get along. Chihuahuas are better only pups it sounds (glad auto correct knew how to spell chihuahua cause I didn't...) Good on you for rescuing the puppies- and potty training.... Wow... My cat refuses to be kitty litter trained I'm afraid...


    Last night, (it's a rainy Sunday morn here in Aus), Coco slept with along bottom of the bed with her head over my feet, comfort and warmth!!! Gotta love that..

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    I found out that Chihuahuas were originally bred as hunting dogs, believe it or not. So that explains their challenging other dogs. They're like terriers in smaller bodies. They can be fine with other dogs, but if the chi is dominant SOB, best not to put in house with another dominant dog like I have. As I used to say about Paco, live by the sword, die by the sword.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    That is hilarious- as fierce as they may be I cannot imagine them stalking a deer......I wonder what the intended prey was??

    Meanwhile I am watching my little shih-poo chasing down a fly. More his size.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Spookie has that Napoleon complex too, on her side of the fence. It was so funny at the dog park when she was telling off a Rottie on the other side. His HEAD was bigger than her. I asked his owner how much he weighed. 130#!!!!!!! I said I'd like to be 130. Big boy!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Does anybody have pet insurance for their pets? I'm thinking of getting it for Spookie the first of the year.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Gritgirl: Of course you may join us here, we don't discriminate!!! Welcome, welcome!!!

    Spookiesmom: My sister has pet insurance on her 2 dogs & it seems to have helped her for her 1 dog that used to get sick all the time. I'm not convinced it's worth it for her other dog though.

    Sciencegal: I'll get recon after radiation. Will likely have to have the lat dorsi flap to cover the implant on my right side...pretty upset about the extra breast/back scarring that will come with that. Cancer is getting the best of me right now; I look in the mirror & don't even know who I am anymore. I'm grateful for the support of everyone on here, but especially people like YOU, who take the time to help make sure that those of us who are struggling particularly hard don't feel alone. Thank you:)

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie I am so sorry you are going through this. I was down too before my mx, I think that is pretty natural.

    Not to be nosy but I am wondering why they arent doing a skin-sparing mastectomy for you with immediate reconstruction? Especially on your prophylactic side, they could do a nipple-sparing mastectomy and just put in the implant. You arent getting rads there, right?

    I had the exchange to permanent implant before rads. This is not usual but my plastic surgeon and I fought for it. There can be contracture but not always.

    All docs do it differently I guess, I hope they explained your options okay for your satisfaction?

    (sorry to others on this topic, not about dogs, but I am just concerned for her)

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Sciencegal: It's because of the rads, my BRCA1 status & the disease in my nodes that they feel recon should be delayed. You are right, all docs have their own opinions especially concerning rads & implants. I don't know why I'm not eligible for a skin sparing mastectomy...I will ask though before they wheel me off to surgery next week. I feel like I asked, but it isn't written in my notebook that I bring to my appointments. Either way, I can't remember the answer so it's worth asking again. Seems like it has something to do with the rads & the BRCA1, the more I think about it.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2013

    I am trying to work more with love to show Faith that

    other dogs barking and coming up fast to her are not

    as good as my love. Any suggestion for service comfort

    dogs in stores or just rude people I tell not to pet her

    and she has her red jacket and service tags on. Thanks,

    she just loved me again, and can also say I love you.

    I go in Wednesday to see about a newe tumor on my

    chest. slickchick, my prayers are with you and gentle

    thought to all here, and a bone for all the dogs, Debbie

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    Debbie. I am so sorry to hear about the new tumor.

    How is your dog reacting to other dogs or people?

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2013

    She is trying to be very good, but people keep calling

    and she love everyone, I do give her alittle  time out with people

    I know so if something happens and I am having to go

    to the hospital or somewhere, they can make sure she is

    safe for me. I live alone and so I can call them and she knows


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    Debbie. Sounds like that might be sad to break her of that. If it's manageable and she is happy with the time with people you give her, might be OK. It's good to have a loving dog. :-)