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Comfort dogs



  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Bobo sounds like a hoot! Roasted carrots in olive oil? Hilarious, what we do for our dogs! I have also heard that Cesar's wet food is definite puppy dog crack!

    This is going to come as no surprise, but Capone has food sensitivities. LOL He's so darn special that of course he gets the real special, super expensive food. And the real special, limited ingredient treats too! Thank goodness I don't have kids...with my luck they would all require special food, too!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013


    That's where dogs really come into their own.. Eating all of the carefully prepared (and uneaten) food the kids leave behind...

    My dog feasts on tenderly cooked beef bourgugnon.. Loves the left behind carefully roasted chicken...

    And it's so nice to have one appreciative eater who doesn't say;

    Can't we just have spaghetti bolognese???

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Laughing!  Chickie, our babies both have food allergies!  Capone and Bobo!  And guess what?  So does my daughter.. in fact, I carry an epipen!


  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Our little black dog ToTo is SO afraid of thunder...and fireworks. I am sitting with him in the armchair while he pants and shakes and vomits white foam. The "thundershirt" did not work sadly.

    Can dogs take some sort of valium?

    Tonight is the smaller of two firework extravaganzas downtown. Tomorrow will be worse. Poor little bud, I feel so sorry for him.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    IngridJ-- You make an excellent point & it sounds like you're a fabulous cook!

    Bobogirl-- I told Capone about Bobo & he promptly fetched his favorite ball. He seemed to think it was an integral part of the conversation. Hmmm, dogs...

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013


    No.... I am not a particularly good/happy cooker so when I do really try and cook the kids something good, my efforts are generally in vain..... it is the usual scenerio where the only person who whoofs it down is Coco..

    Well at least she enjoyed it I think..!!!

    Science; hope Toto settles down, pass on hugs to him and Capone also Slick!!!! Bobo too....!!! No 4th July celebrations here in aus.. A cold wintery windy day brrr Coco is stretched out beside me.. Am having a chemo blah sick day.....

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    I am sorry you are feeling blah today Ingrid. I know just what you mean. Just...bleh.

    So glad you have Coco by your side!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Science!!!! Hope your day NOT blah...!!!!! X

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Well, I had the pleasure of having a blood draw, MUGA scan, radiation therapy and then a herceptin infusion so it wasnt the best day. But I wore sparkly shoes to make it more fun.

    And I did NOT get chemo, with the nine hours of scalp freezing that we did every round, so all in all I did have a decent day, in comparison.

    I sure hope you feel better soon and that your side effects are manageable Ingrid.

    Well the fireworks have let up and Toto (and Lewie of course) are asleep on my lap, so I will try to get some shuteye too. Long day! And I have a feeling we wil have a repeat of the fireworks stress tomorrow night, unless I can find some puppy quaaludes.......(kidding).

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013


    Hope the herceptin doesn't give you too many side effects too..

    Glad you had your sparkly shoes on, I am a fan of silver shoes, mainly silver sneakers...

    Enjoy your doggies curled up....

    As much as I love Coco, she is just too big to curl up in my lap. Remember when she was a little puppy, the kids and I put her in a pram (with four kids, I had about three prams kicking around), took her for walks with a baby blanket, she was such a cute little fur baby too... I love those little poodle cross breeds...Coco is scared of little dogs, when at the park and one comes running up to play, she skedaddles !!!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    That is funny about Coco - my little guys love to play with big dogs, it seems like hero worship! But the big dogs usually ignore them after first sniff.

    Happy fourth of July to all of the american girls! We are about to watch the hot dog eating contest- a yearly tradition.


  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Sciencegal, benadryl is safe for dogs & is commonly used to alleviate allergy symptoms & also is used as a mild sedative. I have used it on Capone in the past, before I figured out what he was allergic to & never had any problems. The recommended dosage is 1mg per pound of body weight. I am fairly certain it would go a long way in helping manage fireworks anxiety!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Thank you!! the fireworks are starting soon, I am going to try that. I have given it to him before. Much appreciated!


  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Toto had the thundershirt on from 6 Pm last night and did much better when the fireworks started at 9 PM. No vomiting and no whites of the eyes showing, no hyperventilation. He stayed in bed between us with his good friend Lewie, received petting from us for four hours, and panted but had the tail up with occasional wagging.

    This was night and day as compared to previous instances- I can definitely recommend the Thundershirt!!! It wraps them snugly "in a hug", to comfort- like swaddling a baby.

    Hey some days I could use one of those!!!!

    Slickchickie thanks so much for the benadryl recommendation- I tried it but he wouldnt take it down, I will try to find some childrens tablets that I could hide in a treat for next time. Probably New Years eve since we thankfully dont get many thunderstorms here in Cali.

    Were everyone else's dogs okay through the fireworks? Poor little guys!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Sciencegal, I need the thundershirt on permanently....;)

    Poor Lewie and Toto, glad they got through it... No fireworks here... Our latest equivalent to fireworks was probably the Grand Prix (in march), when the FA11 (think that's right), fighter jet does loops of the area above the track, very close to our house, poor Coco is always terrified. This year we were all in the car so she was fine... Ahh just thought was pre bc, (pre knowing about bc anyway), those golden days,,,,

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Sounds like Lewie, Toto & Coco all survived the fireworks! I'm so glad to hear that! Yay for no vomiting & no hyperventilation!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    And I didnt vomit either, cleaning up the doggie puke-- Yay!

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie I could not see your avatar picture on my notepad that I usually use to post, but tonight I can see it on my "big computer". You are both beautiful. It is great to see Capone the wonderdog!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Oooh, slickiechickie!  I love Capone so much!  I see you two on your avatar.  

    I want to kiss him!  XXXX

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    I agree!! Capone si SOOOO huggable. What a brave good dog.

    I haven't been able to get a picture into this box in spite of posting on my big laptop tonight, but here is a link to my little guys Toto (black) and Lewie (white). They arent heros like Capone, but they are sure a comfort to me!!!

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2013

    Anyone have any experience socializing a feral dog? We have a foster who was in a hoarding situation, kept in a tiny cage all the time and used for breeding.  She (Cindy Lou) is a beauty, and I know the beagle personality is in there somewhere, but she is terrified of everything. We've had her two months. She is not completely housetrained, she prefers to pee in her bed or on a rug. (Gross, I know.) She is making progress, but I can't correct her, only praise her when I witness the act outside. Also, she is so funny. She'll sleep between us all night, rolling and kicking like a little child, then as soon as we get up she is terrified of us again and will not come up to us. She does love her walks, and will take treats from our hand. Thoughts??

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Wow, Farmer Lucy.  It seems to me that you are doing everything right.  Praising and treating her when she does go potty outside.  Loving her up in bed at night. :)  Practicing hand-feeding her.  I just wish I could be there!  She suffered a lot in her life; she's mixed up.  Can you do those pee-pee pads on top of the rug she usually pees on?  Get her 'paper trained' in the house?  Put a pee-pee pad on her bed, then a washable blanky on top, to save you having to clean her bed so much?

    I love your new baby already.  Love you for taking her in!  XXXX

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Farmer Lucy you are a love for taking in the foster! My Lewie had been badly abused and blinded before I adopted him, he was emaciated and afraid of everything and especially men. It just took time for him to trust us. Since he is mostly blind he still "spooks" at things but is basically a super happy playful poodle mix who dotes on me- and I on him.

    That is a great sign that she sleeps with you. Calm low voices and treats and praise are all I can advise. Exercise, time.

    Mine were both already housebroken so I cant offer much there, but Bobogirl has some excellent tips. Good luck!!!! You are a wonderful woman.

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2013

    Aw thanks ladies.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all of your sweet comments, chickies! I just put that pic up yesterday as my avatar, thought it was cute! All dogs are heroes in one way or another, that's why we love them so much!

    Farmerlucydaisy: my parents had a foster that was extremely timid & had previously had almost no contact with people. It sounds like you are doing the right things, trying to build trust. Make sure nobody raises their voice anywhere near the dog & it is best if you have a quiet house in general. The most important element of potty training is having consistent scheduled times when they are taken out to relieve themselves. I'm not sure how much of this you already know, but hopefully this helps!

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Slick et al. I do think I need to be more deliberate about house training. We have a doggy door (plus three other doggies and a cat that use it.) Quiet house? Hmmm. Not so much. Two of the other three pups were failed fosters. I really suck at this foster business!! :)

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Oh I dont think giving a dog his or her forever home is "failing" at anything!!! maybe not the point of fostering, but it's all good.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2013

    I had someone tell me their snake (yellow and very big)

    was a comfort animal, I have a Service dog named Faith

    and she is my Life. God bless real comfort and service

    animals. Have You seen the new purse dogs they bring in

    the stores, Take care, thank for sharing Your comfort friends

    I love my service dog.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Yay for Faith! Thank you for letting us know about her- what kind of dog is she?

    I dont know what some of us would do without these wonderful and important friends.

    Those little purse dogs are adorable but I would be so afraid they would get hurt! so tiny and fragile.

    About the snake- maybe! My friend has a large bearded dragon, very sweet and placid, and it rides around on her shoulder- to her this lizard is very comforting. So we never know!!


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2013

    Faith is a golden husky and collie, She was found

    in a cage in a trailor. She has alot of training on helping

    and comforting my pain. We go out in the morning in

    my wheelchair and she is so proud, I have coffee and

    go in Fred Myers early cause the seniors live by their.

    They are one of the everyone have a dog. But life is

    wonderful with Faith I love reading about your wonderful
