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Comfort dogs



  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Footprintsangel, thank you so much for thinking of me! That is so very sweet! I am so glad that you have a comfort dog to keep you company. Dogs are gifts from heaven, they help keep us safe & remind us of what's most important-- love. Please let us know how things go on Weds...sending you positive thoughts!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Slickchicky -- so sorry about your difficult time -- we have all been there in some form or another.  You look pretty wonderful and sparkly to me!  You will get your sparkle back.  F the hospital for not letting Capone sleep with you there!  I am sure you'll be back at home right away, and he'll be waiting for you.

    I love the idea of a NOT FOR SALE sign on Capone at the rescue party!  I am sure, though, that the look on his face would tell everyone that he is 'taken.' :)

    Thinking of you this week.  Reach out if you need anything.  Pm me, or otherwise.  I will be standing by.

    Welcome Gritgirl!  You are very welcome here.  And love your excellent punk hair!

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Goodluck Slickchickie for tomorrow.

    Will be thinking of you girl...

    Hope Capone is waiting for you with lots of hugs and licks for your return..smuggle him in to hospital maybe..???

    Had round three of chemo yesterday, lying in bed with coco stretched out too..:))

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Kisses to you and Coco, Ingrid!  How are you feeling?

    Slickchickie, I am 'in your pocket.'  :)  We are all with you.

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Thx Bobogirl

    About to go pick up my kids from school... Feel ok, summoning up strength..(I have four so...)

    Hugs xx

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Four!?  I have two.  Two seven-year-olds.  

    Picking your children up after chemo yesterday?  You are a superwoman!  :)

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013

    Wow you have twins... Duh even w chemo brain can work that out!! 2 boys then 2 girls for me.. You???

    Yes, they are half w me and half w their Dad, this week it panned out that they are w me, and if I don't have them they all get extremely sad.. So..... And chemo hasn't been too bad for me, no neausea bit tired but that's it...

    Coco will be pleased to see them, more energetic walks and boisterous behaviour.. No wonder she jumps on everyone they encourage it, she's their 'other sister',,,:)

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013


    That's what they call her!!!

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited July 2013

    I love reading about everyone and their dogs! I rescue Boston Terriers. 10 years ago I was looking for a Frenchie and ended up with a Boston and fell head over heels with their personalities. I also found I loved training and working with dogs that have behavior issues.

    When I was diagnosed, I had 3 Bostons but my sweet boy passed away right after my mastectomy. I now have two girls, one who likes her space but is always near and one that is on my lap or at my heels.

    Through this process I have been dangerously ill twice and both times both dogs kept their distance and never jumped on me. They would come and lay at my feet, somehow they knew.

    I love having 3 or 4 dogs but since one of my babies has Cushings (very expensive tests) and I do all the training my husband promised me as soon as I am done with all surgeries we can add to our pack :)

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    I feel bad for my dogs in this heat. They spend the day in the A/C, but when I get home we don't go for a walk in this almost 100 degree weather.  And then I remind myself, they spend the day in A/C and nights in my bed. Not such a bad life.

    I loved doing rescue work planetbanana, but I did get burned out after a while. I was constantly fostering.  Now I still adopt rescues, but we are all on a break.  My pit bull (Butch) and my airedale/pit mix (Sidney) are both something like 11 and 10.  Butch is definitely slowing down. Once they pass, I'll be right back at the shelter looking. My next big dog I'm think a Rottie.  Such sweet dogs.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Planetbananas! You found the right topic for sure. How wonderful to hear about your dogs and your rescuing and training them. My aunt Mary always has a small pack of Boston Terriers, I love them (not fostering- just hers).

    Gritgirl how wonderful that you used to foster. I bet it is so hard to give them to the new parents. I would probably end up keeping them all. I got my wonderful Lewie from a foster mom and she told me he is one of the most affectionate and cuddly dogs that she had ever known. and boy was she right! He is a velcro dog for sure. Sitting on my lap right now while I type in fact.

    He got me through some tough times after my prior hospitilizations for asthma, and now cancer treatments, not to mention recovering from a divorce back when I first got him. My buddy.

    Ingrid you ARE superwoman. Bobogirl too. I cant imagine going through all of this with little kids. kudos to you both. Amazing. Ingrid I sure hope your SEs stay minimal!

    Slickchickie we will all be thinking about you on Thursday. SInce Capone can't be with you we will be there in spirit, cheering you on!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone. Off to work and then rads for me!

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited July 2013

    Gritgirl: I take breaks sometimes, it gets emotionally difficult and more so if you are fostering. My husband doesn't really mind the adoptions if I am the one doing the training and walking/feeding but he won't let me foster because he doesn't want the attachment. If he felt otherwise I would be the crazy Boston Terrier lady with multiple adoptions AND fosters. He is probably saving me from myself ;). I love Rotties and the big breeds but I find I am much better with the smaller dogs.

    Sciencegal: Sounds like your Aunt Mary and me have a lot in common! Your Lewie sounds awesome, I love a cuddler!

    To all the women with small children out there, my hat is off to you. My son is 23. It's not that I haven't had my struggles, but I think dealing with this and having little ones has to be the most challenging, heart breaking experience. Thank god for our little furry friends.

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited July 2013

    Fostering is an adventure, that's for sure!  We fostered for years for the local humane society - probably 30 dogs in all.  It was a lot of fun, but also exhausting.  We could not have done it without our little dachshund-beagle mix at the time, Gypsy.  She was the wisest, oldest soul I've ever known, human or animal.  We got her when she was about 6 so we know nothing about her background, except she was wonderful with people, and knew how to train dogs.  We really didn't train the fosters - Gypsy did.  She taught them everything - manners, housebreaking, etc.  After a few weeks with Gypsy, even the wildest most untrained dog was ready for its "forever" home.  She died a few years before my dx, and I still miss her.  You love all the furkids who share your life, but every once and a while you get a soulmate.  Gypsy was my soulmate. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    I've never fostered, I'd fail. I'd want them all. That's why my groomer has 7.

    I sure understand about your heart dog. Had dogs in my life all my 64 years. But my Aussie was sooooo special. We connected in so many ways. We trained and showed in obedience and agility. He caught on so fast. He would place his body between me and any perceived danger and would give "eye". He was truly a Velcro dog. He had me wrapped around his paw for 14 1/2 years. I miss him so much.

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Thanks everyone, for thinking of me this week! Capone & I are in bed now-- he's sleeping & I'm crying. His fur is soaked! Do you think he cares? Nope, he's content to let me cry a river all over him...good dog! IngridJ, sciencegal, bobogirl-- thank you so much for your support! Btw, I am sooo not sparkly right now. This cancer sh*t is for the birds!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie. It does suck. I'll be sending my prayers for surgery. Be gentle with yourself and take the pain pills. Don't try to tough it out like I did at one point. The pain pills are there for a reason. Glad Capone is there with you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie, we are wishing you much strength and will be thinking of you! Yes, this cancer does suck!! Gritgirl is right, take the pain meds, and take care of yourself! 

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Thanks, Mods & gritgirl! Don't worry, I'm not afraid to take pain pills & see no reason why anyone should suffer. Just take the pills, I say! Ok, I'm going back to crying on my dog. Maybe by Thursday I'll be all cried out & will be brave. Or at least look brave.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie. The saying goes that courage is fear that has said its prayers. Crying with Capone is like saying your prayers. You're going to be OK and Capone will be there with you after.

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie I love your avatar. That looks like a dog that can handle being cried on. Wishing you safe and speedy healing.

    I also believe in animal soul mates. My dear Annie was a large, deaf Boston who I swear was an angel in a dog's body. She passed away 3 years ago and I still miss her like crazy, such a special gentle soul.

  • IngridJ
    IngridJ Member Posts: 46
    edited July 2013


    Hope you are feeling better.....

    It does all suck- but it will get better.....

    Wishing you well and feeling your pain, glad Capone is on hand.. Xx

    Planetbananas; had a dog like your Annie years ago too.. Dulcie; the same, an angel in a dogs body...

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    I love the stories of the dog soulmates- that is what my Lewie is! (and my husband knows this haha). Thank you for these great posts about the special dogs in your lives.

    Slickchickie I am SO sorry you are going through this. I wish we were all there so that you could cry on our shoulders, but it sounds like Capone is doing a good job being your big furry shoulder to cry on.

    It is so traumatic before going into surgery. And starting chemo. And starting rads. all of these big steps. So hard. But reconstruction methods are so good these days, you will get through this and you WILL get your sparkle back! It is just taking a little vacation right now- time for jammies for awhile instead of sparkles.

    We will all be thinking of you during your surgery. I know Capone will be hugely delighted when you get back home!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Slickchickie, you ARE brave.  Bravery is not the absence of tears.  Bravery is being afraid, yet going forward, which is what you are doing.  Agree with everyone here.  Stay on schedule with all meds, including pain meds.  Don't do this: Oh, I don't feel pain, so I think I'll skip this dose... Do not be a 'hero.'

    You'd be surprised how quickly you will heal.  Just rest and cuddle your man and watch silly movies, and eat snacks.  All will be well.  We are all with you.

    Ingrid, I have one of each.  One seven, the other seven but almost eight!  Love this discussion of fostering and adopting and soul mates.  My cat man was mine.  He died when he was seventeen.  He died on the day that my daughter was being born -- we adopted, we were waiting to get her from the hospital.  I feel like he was waiting for her to be born.  I love him so much.  He definitely had me 'wrapped around his paw.'

    Love that velcro dog Lewie!  But dog of the week must go to... Capone.  Good boy Capone!  :)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Just to make it clearer... my soulmate kitty's name was actually Man!  It was Valentino, but then I called him Man, and the nickname stuck.  :)

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning, thank you all for sharing your fur baby stories - brought a smile to my face after some rotten news. I owe my life to my Great Dane, Sam. We have rescued several Danes over the years, and while each one has been wonderfully special, Sam found my cancer before I did. As I was walking down the hallway, Sam charged at me and threw his 170 lb body at me punching me in my left breast. I couldn't imagine why he would behave this way. Still clueless, for several days he would push his face or even paw into my left breast. Eventually I wondered why it hurt so much and did a self exam. All I could say was, "oh no what the heck is this?" I ran for a mammogram and there it was. Now Sam stays with me, nuzzles me, and brings me comfort. Last night Sam was a bit edgy. My husband and I just heard that my 81 year old father-in-law has inoperable lung cancer. We are devastated. Sam would look at me and then look toward my husband in the bedroom. I finally told him it was ok to leave my side to stay by him. Sam went to the bedroom and has stayed by his side. I truly believe our companions are in tune with everything about us. There is a great book titled "The Art of Racing in the Rain". I have never looked at dogs the same since reading that book! There is a warning - you must have a tissue box with you when you read this book! Thanks for letting me share my story. Most people look at me like I am nuts when I tell them the story. I am so happy to have found you all!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited July 2013

    Sgc. I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law.

    I think I'm going to have to fire my dogs.  I was diagnosed at the get-go as Stage IV and none of those furry buggers ever said anything about my breast or my liver.  Fired, I tell you. They are fired.  Falling down on the job is what I call that. Smile

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2013

    Hi SGC - Oh my gosh what a story- you have definitely found the right group on this board! We all believe that our pups are very much in tune with what we are going through- because they ARE!

    Your story is a lot like slickchickie with superdog Capone. Thank goodness for these big boys who can let you know what is going on.

    Bobogirl a cat as a soulmate is also perfectly acceptable- we dont discriminate! LOL. Funny that he was named "man", cute. I hope you are doing well with your little ones and the upcoming move and everything. I hope your partner will give in on that little back yard house! Maybe it's a BIG doghouse?

    Slickchickie tomorrow is the day when you get this d@mned cancer out of your life. You are doing everything you can to banish it forever. We are all rooting for superwoman Slickchickie and superdog Capone!!!

    Hugs to all

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited July 2013

    Go Slickchickie go!  You can do it!  I can see your sparkle!  :)

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited July 2013

    Wow SGC, that is amazing! Your story brought tears to my eyes!

  • slickchickie17
    slickchickie17 Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2013

    Awww, thank you so much, ladies! Reading your comments & stories makes such a difference & I feel less alone. Thanks for rooting for me & Capone, between the two of us we need all the cheers we can get!

    Speaking of soul dogs, mine was my husky Romeo. There just aren't words for the relationship we had together, but he deserves to be mentioned. He saved my life in a different way than Capone did-- I leaned heavily on him for emotional support his entire life & he never let me fall. Romeo had a heart of gold, may he rest in peace.