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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited January 2014

    love the song, girlstrong! Thank you for sharing!

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2014

    Girlstrong - YAY I'm so glad you're OK! Rest well

    Headeast - Deep breaths. Prayers for you tomorrow!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2014

    Good luck tomorrow Mjsgumbas and Headeast !  Your stage 2 sisters will be thinking about you!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2014

    Girlstrong!  Love the song and video, too! We are all Overcomers!

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117
    edited January 2014

    Girlstrong, I am glad everything went well. Taken it easy now.

    Mjsgumbas, good luck to you.  I have heard the recovery is short but you take it easy too!

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited January 2014

    thank you all!!! Off i go!!!

    Girlstrong - all the best! 

    P.S. I did ask the PS about roller coasters & he got a good chuckle!! Said i can do whatever i want & see u next year!!!!! One Dr off the calendar for awhile!!!!!!!

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2014

    Thank you all for the warm wishes.

    I had my surgery yesterday. Checked in at 5.30am to start surgery at 8. They prepared me, interviewed me, etc. the conventional 7 people in the OR plus me. Left the hospital at 4pm.

    The PS saw me and marked me, asked me if I wanted to go bigger than my TE and I said yes and for him to pick whatever implant was better.

    My TE were at 325cc and he could not add more. My implants are Natrelle 20, 550cc and the muscle pain is terrible. I am taking OxiCodone every 4 hours and doesn't really help. The cuts don't hurt, just the muscle.

    I am wrapped in a large bandage and I am supposed to stay that way until I see him on Tuesday. Only sponge baths without making bandage wet. Instruction says no lifting and if with OxiCodone, then no driving and not making important decisions.

    I guess my PS didn't think I would have pain and be able to drive to work, but getting larger implants have made me have a LOT of pain. It is even hard to type.

    Good luck for the ones getting surgery this coming week. I am positive this pain is worth it.

    I am on the squishy side now! Yay!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Headeast - The whole thing sounds painful. Hope it is better today! I have been on the squishy side for a month and love not having TEs anymore - mine were in for 8 months. Hope your new girls are what you were hoping for. I'm still a bit swollen and developed a few hollows in the upper area (bony chest) which are visible even with modest gym tops. Not sure what I will do about that.

    Mjsgumbas - Hope you are doing well. Maybe even busy preparing for your trip?

    Girlstrong - Good to read you are doing well. The TEs can be annoying but it is the last step before your permanent implants. Did the insurance thing get easily resolved?

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2014

    nisa, how many days did it take for you to not to feel pain?

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    2 days post op - not too bad! No pain meds since last night. All was done laproscopically so i got to go home a few hours after surgery. Quite naseous after this one, which never happend before but all in all faired pretty well.

    Thanks for checking!!!

    Hope everyone else is feeling better!!

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299
    edited February 2014

    hi girls...still lots of pain and very uncomfortable.   I have my appointment with PS tomorrow . I think that the placement of the TE's and incision site look great and I do not have much drainage. But I'm so groggy too. To answer your question Niisa, my PS is out of network and so I will incur more copayments to use him...... :(

    I'm so tired of all of this. I'm trying to stay strong but it is soooo hard some days. 

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2014

    Glad things went well mjsgumbas!

    Prayers for Headeast and Girlstrong. I hope you feel better soon.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2014

    Mjsgumbas, I am glad you are ok and with not so much pain.

    Girlstrong, take pain medicine as prescribed, do not skip it. It takes some time for it to start working. This cancer has taught me to have patience. 

    Thank you for your prayers, GGG!

    We can do this!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Headeast -  I agree, pain sucks,  Give yourself another week.  My new girls are only 470cc so my 8-month stretched pecs were ready for the implants. If I were you, I'd finding comfort in some the of the yummy food you find in your city :) 

    Mjsgumbas -  I wanted to joke about your nausea (was going to say you may be pregnant!) but nausea is no joke so I am only sending you a healing hug and hope to hear you are prepping for that cruise soon.

    Girlstorng - You just had your BMX. Most of us know that is the hell of a big surgery. Mine took almost 6 hours!  So take it easy please. Just let others help you with everything. I totally get it how tired of the whole thing you are. Now go watch mindless TV and ask your friends to bring your favorite treats.  

    To those of you in WA and the Northwest...what a win this Super Bowl!  Congratulations!!

  • pegnie
    pegnie Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2014

    Always nervous for days before 6-month check-up.  And this time it will have been 8 months since I had my checkup because my husband was gravely ill and recently died.  So of course I had to postpone the appts.

    How does one deal with the anxiety pre-appointment?

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Pegnie - Nice to meet you. I am sorry about your recent loss. I cannot imagine dealing with such loss while dealing with recovering from cancer.  So sad. Did you husband died of cancer?

    How do you deal with pre-appt anxiety? One day, one hour, and one minute at a time.  Doing breathing exercises and accepting help from loved ones, prayer if is within your belief system, and with support from this group.  Chances are you will be well. Be sure to tell your MO what you just went through. Be sure you get help for sleep if insomnia is a problem. Take care of yourself by doing whatever has provided comfort in the past. We are here for you! 

    Big hug, Nisa

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    Nisa - joke away!!! I'm glad its over & id go thru it all over again for the peace of mind!! My kids are counting down the days & have all their clothes ready for me to pack!! I think they are tired of this chicago winter & ready to get outta here!

    Pegnie - so sorry for your loss, i cant imagine . Deep breaths work for me but there is always going to be some sort of anxiety.  Let us know how everything goes. We'll be in your pocket ((((hugs))))

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627
    edited February 2014

    Just wondering how many stage II sisters had only a lumpectomy?  I don't have a chance to read through all of the post, but it seems the majority have all had mastectomy!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,594
    edited February 2014

    I had a lumpectomy & was very glad for that option!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited February 2014

    I had a bilateral mastectomy because I had three large tumors in one breast (lumpectomy would not have been an option for me) and mixed both ductal and lobular invasive cancer, so with a high chance of getting cancer in the other breast. I have not had reconstruction and doubt that I ever will.

  • Headeast
    Headeast Member Posts: 393
    edited February 2014

    Pegnie, I am very sorry for your loss. Something I do every time I have to see a doctor is to go with a friend or family member. I found it was too much for me to do it alone. I take an Ativan before leaving the house and my friends usually drive. 

    After the appointment we go for a nice lunch, light but trying to be in a casual, comfortable environment.

    I has helped me.

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2014

    pegnie - I'm so sorry about your husband. =( How did the appointment go? 

    Nettie1964 - I had a lumpectomy. I, too, was glad for that option even though my tumor was large (4.2 cm). They thought it was 3.6 cm going in, which is why they presented it as an option.  

  • FairyDogMother
    FairyDogMother Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2014

    pegnie- Big hug. Remember you can vent and talk here.  My condolences.  For the pre-anxiety, I write in my journal or went for a run or now walk during chemo. 

    I had a lumpectomy.  I'm getting the IORT for the reexision. I"m taking a risk at my age of 36, but the other risk of 35 days of rads seem risker considering the location of my Felix (tumor). I also feel that since I had a lumpectomy, I have had to explain and defend my decision to a lot of people, my family, my in-laws, etc.  BC runs in my family, mother 33, grandmother 60, 2 first cousins 60 that is just mom's side. I was all about losing both breasts until insurance won't pay for the other breast.  I did tell my doctors IF cancer came back they can take whatever.  Insurance is paying to remove my ovaries.  My BRCA came back negative but my team believes my cancer is genetic just not one of the genes tested. 

  • MrsDarcy
    MrsDarcy Member Posts: 50
    edited February 2014

    Hi Nettie1964 - I also had a lumpectomy.  Tumor was 3.5 cm but they actually thought it was smaller going in - surprise!   I am also pleased with the option presented to me and my decision.  :)

  • pegnie
    pegnie Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2014

    Thanks to all of you sweet ladies who have answered me.  I go to Mayo in FL altho I now live in NC because my husband was clearly failing last year and our kids live here.  So I fly to Jacksonville and will try to do the deep breathing you have recommended.  This time I'll be alone at the clinic, so will also take an ativan and breathe deeply, deeply.  Will let you know how the appts. go.  Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    Not having a good night/day. Very emotional. Must be post surgery blahs & crazy hormones.

    My 20 year old seems to be going out of her way to push my buttons,test my patience (as if cancer isnt enough) & has become so self centered. I dont have energy to waste being stressed by her! 

    I know these are growing pains but for some reason I cant help but take it personally. I'm tired and just want some peaceful recovery time. 

    I've tried desperately to handle these last 9 months without looking for any sympathy, bouncing back rather quick , but all I feel is taken advantage of and my illness being discounted cuz I didnt have to go thru chemo. What I did go thru wasnt easy & its still cancer. 

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Sorry for venting - thanks for letting me

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Hugs, lots of hugs and a most sincere "I hear ya!"  I have one of those kids (just turned 18)  who reacts to bad news by going into his shell and behaves as if he feels nothing for mom or anybody else. That actually started a few years back and my cancer and chemo only made things worse. I take it personally a lot of the time too. The whole thing makes me mad and wonder where is the kid I used to know?!

    As for the chemo vs no chemo thing, I have seen that attitude even among former cancer patients. Like you got it easy or something. Ridiculous!  I think it reflects what I see everywhere: a culture of "get over it" whether it is cancer, losing someone to death or divorce, or any other loss.  

    Thanks for the chance to vent at my end. I agree that tomorrow will have to be a better day. Hoping for better weather in your area my friend, you guys had a really bad winter!

    Love, Nisa

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for sharing Nisa - good to know its not just me!!! My 19 yr old son has been far more caring & sympathetic. Having 2 at the same time going thru growing pains is certainly challenging!!

    Very tired of the recurring cycle - snow then brutal cold.... Only 19 days til my cruise yippie!!!!!

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117
    edited February 2014

    mjsgumbas, my kids are the same way.  21 and 19.  My 21 year old was home last Monday and started in right away about wanting to take the car to college.  Hello, there are people here more important than you!!!!! Try to disengage.  I was emotional too this weekend.  No matter what treatment we get this is scary, and we deserve to be first priority.  Just saying.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    Mine is 21 also and away at college. I tried hard to keep her well posted on everything as my diagnoses and surgeries went along. I know she was concerned but thought it odd that she didnt say or ask much. I think she maybe was trying not to upset me by her being upset. She said she shared alot with her boyfriend to help her thru. Thought it was funny that all along she also did her 21 year old kid self concerns - also about taking the car to school!- while to myself I was thinking-- gee your Mom has cancer! But thats how kids are.