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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • ailurophile
    ailurophile Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2014

    Hey Girls,Hope u had a cool cozy Valentine's Day, I showed up to say, I am keeping those beautiful but useless nipples! yayyyyy. My surgeon said it just increase the chance of recurrence 2% more, at the top in a candidate! sooo fingers crossed, Because every single percent counts but somehow I am gonna take that risk.Love you all and lots of OXOX. (I'm in post valentine mood) 

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2014

    Good morning from Sunny but snow covered New Jersey. 

    Today is our first 3 month post treatment follow up with our MO.  We are both a wee bit nervous to say the least. Things have been going well otherwise.  Our appointment is at 4:30 this afternoon. Please say a prayer for us, thanks!

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117
    edited February 2014

    Good luck, JDB, please let us know how it goes.  I, for one, am curious about what happens after active treatment.  Will be thinking of you guys today.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Big day for you guys today!  Hope all goes well.  I'd love to hear what the 3-month visit entails in NJ.  Mine was pretty uneventful.  Blood test that included checking for one biomarker.  From what SpecialK described, it seems like she gets more thorough follow-ups.

    We have been so quiet... Is everyone ok? 

    Love, Nisa

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    JDB - best of luck today!!!!

    smrlvr - hope your time passes quickly to get thru active treatment with little suffering.

    Nisa - it has been quiet here!  Maybe that's a good sign that people are getting back to living!!  I'm glad it's finally warmer outside, but it will be short lived.  Single digits next week again!  You and I are creeping up on the 1 year mark... I can't believe how fast time has gone by!!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Mjs - Thought you would be on your cruise this week. When are you going? I am feeling really jealous right now :)

    Yeah time is moving fast but I want to hit the 5 year mark.  My anxiety about recurrence still shows up at night but not as frequently as before. How/when exactly is the first year mark celebrated? One year from dx, from surgery or end of active treatment? I could celebrate all 3 but is there an "established" way to understand anniversaries?  Thanks

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    Nisa - 9 more days Loopy 

    I was told date of surgery (removing the bad stuff), by my MO and a survivor... but you can celebrate all 3!  You've been through alot and whatever makes you feel better getting one step closer to the 5 year mark!!  I feel the same... the wondering, waiting.... what is that pain? oh, no that hurts... I have the same anxiety!  But noticably less than a few months ago.  I plan on celebrating a little early with my fiance, kids and parents on this cruise... celebrating new life!  I don't want to miss a moment of laughs and memories or take any of them for granted.

  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    We all thought all my breast tissue was DCIS. Then when the sentinel node biopsy came back with a positive node and surprised everyone we knew there was something invasive in the breast. Guess where it was? Right behind the nipple, just below the skin surface, never to be seen on any imaging modality. Thank God I did not have nipple sparing. Food for thought. 

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014

    Xrayalli, You have been through a lot! 3 surgeries!  But I am glad they found the cancer and got rid of it!

  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    I should find out tomorrow if my axillary lymph node dissection turned up any more positive nodes, I sure hope not. I might be able to get out of radiation if I only have the one sentinel node. And I am SO over these surgeries!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    Alli - what an amazing story and how lucky you were to catch it.  Hope you are recovering well.  Best wishes tomorrow! 

    Running from cancer - love your head! Before cancer. I would have bet that I would be courageous enough to go out in the world with no hair.  But chemo proved me wrong. I need to plan an "unveiling" party and be done with this wig.

    Mjsgumbas - 9 days!!  May they go quickly.  Can we hear a bit about the itinerary?

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2014

    Good morning all! Thanks for your best wishes!

    So here is what transpired.  She had blood work done and it will be the type that checks for everything. We will know in a few days what the results are. But our MO did tell us that the results they can see asap, platlets, hemoglobin, white counts, came back great. 

    He gave her a physical examine and told us everything looks and feels normal. We then talked about her medicine, arimidex, and if she had any reaction to it, which she doesn't.  He then gave her a prescription for a mammogram to be done in April which will be the 1 year mark of her diagnosis.  Then she will meet with her BS to review and back to him in August.   

    We were discussing the psychological effects of finishing treatment and how anxiety increases which he said is common. My wife will and is taking advantage of many programs for wellness which helps her.  I like what our MO said to her. He said "Some people look at this time (post treatment) as the glass half empty and some half full.  I would tell you that your glass is 90% full now!

    Gotta love Dr Michaelson!

    Love to all!

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    JDB53 - glad your wife is doing well and taking advantage of support/wellness programs.  

    Xrayalli - you have been through alot!  Glad you joined a very supportive group in this thread.

    Nisa - an "unveiling" party... cute idea.  I bet it would be liberating but I'm sure scary.  You do whatever makes you comfortable when you are ready!!! 

    Our itinerary is Grand Turks, St. Maarten, San Juan and a private island stop.  I've never been to Grand Turks but I hear the beaches are beautiful.  Although I am no where near bathing suit comfort yet (with this new body and weight gain) - I'll be very excited to be in a tank top and shorts - and FLIP FLOPS!!!!!!  Ready to run away from this cold and snow and put my toes in the sand!


  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    My 14 nodes that were taken out Tuesday all cancer free, yeah!  I see my one positive sentinel node as my little warrior that took one for the rest of us, she went down but in radiation for me, happy day :)

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117
    edited February 2014

    Alli, that is great news!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014

    Alli!  Hooray for you!  On to the rest of your life! I too had one positive sentinel mode and clear lymph nodes after ALND! I've found the recovery from this surgery to be tougher than from the MX, but I  relieved to know the status of my modes!!!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014

    and NisaVilla, I didn't start going "topless" until about 6 weeks after this picture, but now that I do, I find it liberating!  Plus it helps with the hot flashes!!!

  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    runningfromcancer-yes, I just had to know the node status or I wouldn't have been able to rest. And so happy to check off radiation as something I don't have to do. How has your axilla been since the surgery? Are you still numb, have tingly feelings or lymphadema?

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2014

    Stage 2sisters, my first post on this forum but have posted on others.  I am curious if any of you have experience or are part of the clinical trial for early stage, 1-3 node positive and low oncotype dx score? The trial includes 50% on hormone therapy only and other 50% continue with current standard of care chemo followed by hormone therapy? My MO suggested it for me yesterday if oncotype is less than 18.  The adjuvant online model showed only a 6% benefit from chemo for 10 year recurrance. I am considering it and waiting for my test results now.  Thanks!

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited February 2014

    mmtagirl - i scored a 12 on my onco. MO said chemo would be futile and only a 2% difference in reoccurence - not worth the damage of chemo. We were on the fence also also because of 1+ node.  There are days i worry i didnt do enough & what if... But after 9 months of tamox & a full hysto i feel ok with my decision.

    MO plans to switch me to arimidex after a year. Doesnt want to put my body thru anymore shock - lol - really????

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2014

    thanks MJ- good to know others with similar treatments.  Good luck to you.

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014

    mmta girl.  My oncotype was 19.  I considered the trial, but then decided that I definately "wanted" to do chemo because of the micrometastasis in one node.  There wasn't much of a statistical advantage to doing chemo, but the idea of any roaming cancer cells in my body freaked me out!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014

    Xrayalli,  I have had a fair amount of ongoing pain in my arm after axilla surgery.  I am finally starting physical therapy next week, and I've heard from many other women that PT really helps.  Mostly my arm is achy and tight but it hasn't prevented me from being active.  I hope your recovery is going well!

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited February 2014

    Running, I will have chemo, too, if my onco comes back at 19.  My doc is making the cut off at 18 even though the trial accepts up to 25.

    You and X-Ray May have some cording.  I had arm pain that I mentioned to my occupational therapist last week.  I didn't think it was cording but it was.  A bit of strong (and painful) manipulation from her and pop, pop, pop the pain is gone and my range of motion immediately improved.  Now my other arm hurts today but I attribute that to a slip and fall on a patch of ice last night.  If it's not one thing.....I am sick of winter weather!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014


    I wear my "regular" hair every day now. I am 15 weeks post-chemo!



  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    mmtagirl- I was not offered the oncotype scoring, I think it was because my positive lymph node was macromets in 2 areas although still encapsulated within the node.  running-I am only 4 days out from axillary surgery so I am going to give it more time, the extreme pain has subsided, thank goodness. 

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2014

    It is so nice to Welcome new sisters!  This is an awesome thread with very supportive and well- informed women, and Joe who is everyone's soul brother :) 

    Joe - Nice update about Alice. I'd love to hear about her wellness programs. Inspired by Ruth. I have been making more and more visits to the gym. How is your cousin doing?

    Mjs - What an itinerary, you lucky girl!  I suggest a bikini and who cares about a little extra weight...curves are in!  And is the Caribbean after all. I wish you sand in your toes, rain on your skin, sunshine every day, starry night skies, romance and family laughter... You SO deserve it Sis!

    Running - You are very cute, your eyes and smile totally divert attention away from super short hair. I am getting inspired by you and really am thinking about an "unveiling party" at the one-year BMX mark in less than 2 months. BTW, I  too love Anne Lamotte.

    Alli - Great news, hope you are celebrating. You can still ask your surgeon/hospital to send a sample of your tumor for oncotype testing.  By law, biopsy material is saved for at least 7 years like all medical records.  Your insurance will cover the expense. With all the good news about your current stats, and a low oncotype, there would be no need for chemo. 

    Mmtagirl - You are only a month out from surgery.  I wish you speedy healing, and I definitely wish you a very low oncotype.  And for winter to go away!  You should escape with MJS to the Caribbean :)

    Nice Sunday everyone!  Love, Nisa

  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    With all my trust I have to go with what my MO is comfortable with. The odds/stats he gave me, mainly because of the one pos node was macromets with 2 areas, were not in my favor. I have to be treated with chemo and I'm okay with that, the way my story has twisted and turned it's too scary not to.

    I overdid it yesterday, recovering from the ALND is painful and I'm very swollen under my arm today and I will be taking it easy and icing it, ibuprofen, etc. I also took the plunge and cut my hair. Sad day, I'm a long hair girl but it had to be done, I'll shave it when it starts coming out and this will make it easier. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,594
    edited February 2014

    Chemo isn't fun, but it is doable & if it keeps you from ever having to play this game again, it is well worth the temporary 'yuckiness'!!!

    Any new ladies who want some exercise buddies should check out the 'Lets Post Our Daily Exercise' thread on the Fitness Forum. Lots of supportive exercisers in all stages of treatment & beyond.

    I just got back from a lovely vacation in sunny, warm Arizona. I definitely came back too is supposed to be 20 below here tonight. Boo Hoo!!!

  • Runningfromcancer
    Runningfromcancer Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2014

    Alli - -  Try to take it easy! I think I overdid it after my ALND and am still having problems two and a half months later!   

    And congratulations on the hair cut! Its a big step!  I invited my girlfriends to happy hour to see my new hairdo and that made it more fun and less sad!

    You can do it with chemo! Its hard but there are lots of helpful tips and helpful women on these sites! 
