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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • sybilskelton
    sybilskelton Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2014

    Ruth, AMEN. I was sick of doctors about a month in to this journey. It's definitely a love/hate relationship.

    Ten years ago I had radiation for cervical cancer. I remember this older man who I saw at the hospital daily. On the day of his last treatment, I heard him very cheerfully saying goodbyes to the nurses and technicians. He said "you people are great, but I hope I never see you again". Gave everyone a chuckle, me included.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited October 2014

    Seriously tired of it. Then there is this thing I have to do soon since I'm over 50 now. A colonoscopy! Oh joy of joys! I also have a dental cleaning coming up in a week. That doesn't bother me of course, but sheesh.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited October 2014

    Colonoscopies are not that bad anymore. I had one many, many years ago & back then the prep was brutal. When I had one again a couple years ago, I kept waiting for something horrible to happen and it never did! A clue I learned, start the liquid diet two days early....then when you drink the stuff, there is really nothing much left to come out.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited October 2014

    LOL thanks for the heads up ruth

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2014

    Ruthbru, yes, yes, yes!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited October 2014

    Great... now you ladies are using the C word!

    When my doc delivered the news to me that I had BC, she softened the blow by telling me not to worry about a colonoscopy this year (I turn 50 this year) because I have enough on my plate and it could wait until I deal with the breast cancer issues. I had to laugh at the absurdity of it all......

    My DH has had regular colonoscopies for years... and the prep has much, much improved! The doctor even let me watch the entire procedure!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited October 2014

    I don't know if I'd want to do that. Shocked But the drug they knock you out with is fantastic. When I got home, I had the most fabulous nap I've ever taken.

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2014

    Hi Ladies, i haven't post lately.  I had mammograms n ultra sound done last week on my left good breast.  Found small lump above my nipple.  Well i actually found thislump myself for the Past months but my MO and BS didnt seem too concern aboutit cus it felt just like the other benign lump on that same breast. Anyway cus of my medical history of course radiogist want to biopsy it on oct 08.  Now 2 days ago i messaged around my MX right breast and above my breast where i had fat grafting , i felt a pea size lump.  So this one lump kinda freak me out.  It feels round but not as hard as my cancer lump that i found a year ago.  I will see my PS on monday see what she has to say.  Sigh....

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2014

    Soriya, sorry to hear that.  Hope they are benign.

    I have had colonoscopies every year for the past few due to my crohn's and bowel surgery.  The prep is much better.  One of the oncs told me the steroids should suppress my crohn's, but then had symptoms last 5 days and they say might be the crohn's.  I've been in remission since surgery, so I am steamed if I go out now.  I see my GI end of the month.  blah.  Its raining, its pouring.....

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2014

    Has anyone had numbness in their face while taking taxol?  I had a little yesterday, as well as some toes.  More in my face today.  I told my onc and they will change my chemo or push one back if it keeps on so as not to become permanent, but weird.

  • mmtagirl
    mmtagirl Member Posts: 325
    edited October 2014

    I had peri-oral neuropathy on taxol.  It is not uncommon.  Glutamine helped some.  5 weeks PFC and it is better but still have some lingering sensation on my tongue, index fingers and toes.  

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2014

    You're right, Poppy - the prep's a piece of cake. My GI only lets me watch part of my procedures but it's pretty interesting and amazing, actually. And frankly, I'd rather go through that than another core biopsy (and everything that follows it) any day.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited October 2014

    Soriya, thinking of you. Let us know how it turns out.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited October 2014

    Soriya - Try to stay positive, it could be nothing. We will all be thinking about you on Monday. Let us know how you make out!

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2014

    Bowel issues let up.  Actually went into work yesterday.  If this knocked my crohn's out of remission I will be pissed.  Did I say that in a prior post?  It is worth repeating.  If I am out of remission there is a 50% chance it will lead to bowel surgery again.  Smile ladies!  Happy Hump Day!



  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2014

    Hello Ladies, had biopsy done on both breasts today will get the results by this Friday. Thank you for thinking of me. 

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2014

    Oh, gosh, Soriya - so sorry to hear that. I hope you'll get the all clear this time - and the sooner the better. I'm sending all kinds of support your way from Oregon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited October 2014

    Let us know what you find out. Sending a hug your way!

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited October 2014

    Soriya, big hug. 

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited October 2014

    Soriya - Two biopsies in one day - brave girl.  Just noticed we were getting chemo at the same time about 100 miles from each other last year.  Thinking of you today, and definitely on Monday. 

    Missing - Peripheral  neuropathy (in my case, alternating numbness and severe pain in feet more than in hands) was the reason I was unable to finish my chemo plan.  It slowly went away. Hope Chron's stays asleep - forever.

    MJ - I don't think I've seen a follow-up to your follow up visit in IO. How did it go?  Arm ok?

    I am doing ok but emotionally shaken as yet another friend went into stage 4 this past week. This is my 3rd female friend plus the one male friend...all in a one month period.  I feel so powerless.

    Hugs to all,  Nisa

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2014

    Thank you to all you lovely ladies for being here for me.  Just got results about an hour ago.  Both of the lumps benign.  😄😀 phew!!!!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2014

    Nisa, I am so sorry about your friends. I hate this beast so much. Hugs Nisa!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited October 2014

    Soriya, Hooray!!!!!!! Thank God for your happy news!!!!

    Nisa, I know how you are feeling. Am acquaintance of mine (actually she was one of my Pom Pon Girls about 38 years ago, we didn't hang out  but are always glad when we bump into each other), was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer last June, and is not expected to live out this week. She still has a son in high school & her only wish was to live long enough to see him graduate. And my good friend with Stage IV ovarian cancer, who has been doing so well for the last several years, is headed back to Mayo because a mass showed up on a routine scan this week. To say that we should appreciate every day we are well & take full advantage of our time on earth is certainly an understatement! Hugs to all!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384
    edited October 2014

    awww heart ache to hear about your friend.  I am so sorry. I wish, your friend wishes come true.  Hugs to all of you ladies!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited October 2014

    Soriya  -  You go do the happy dance!  We are all  celebrating with you. Such a great way to start the weekend.

    Ruth  - I am so sorry about your friends.  So true about treasuring every moment.  I don't know what to offer as my friends only need and want more time, and no one can give that.

    Hugs back and thanks, Nisa 

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited October 2014

    Nisa - so sorry to hear about your friend - theres nothing else to say but cancer sucks - its so sad its everywhere!!! My thoughts & prayers are with you & all your friends

    Ruth- have to live for today & cherish what precious time we have with those we love

    My brain cancer friend has been withdrawn since her ttreatment ended. She has texted & talked to a few in our circle, but no mention of whats going on. We are torn what to do because none of us want to intrude - so frustrating.

    Iowa went well - disease in my upper arm is gone & the hand has medically improved. We are trying different compression right now & slowly losing the sleeve and it has gotten alot better. If it isnt perfect I can consider another surgery in 6 mo to try to relieve the hand. 

    I read all the posts here daily and think about all the new sisters often. You found a great support system here. Hope you all are doing well - big hugs!!!!

  • Fabian59
    Fabian59 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2014

    I am stage 2 breast cancer.  Have to have 4 treatments and 6 weeks of radiation.  Have had one chemo treatment with Taxotere and Cytoxin.  3 more to go.  Side effects so far, white tongue, fatigue, no naseau (thank god), Taxotere marked my arm good, used cold caps so trying to save my hair.  Should know if it worked in about another week.  Woke up Saturday with inflammation in my eye went to the doctor and got some drops.  Wired first 7 days now just tired.  Got the Neulasta injection and was quite painful with bone aches 5-6 days but now is gone.  Good luck all.  They are giving me 94% of beating it with all my treatments and radiation.  

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited October 2014

    Hi, Fabian - Sorry you're here but hope you can find a lot of helpful info as well as support. 

    I've not done chemo (don't know yet if I'll have to, but it would probably be the same regimen you're doing) but I believe I have heard that taking benadryl before the neulasta helps prevent the aches in the bones. You might ask about it if you're faced with another treatment with it. 

    Good luck with the cold caps - I'll be interested to hear how they work out for you. 

    Take care.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited October 2014

    Fabian, Welcome to our friendly group. There are so many kind, helpful people here. Taking Claritin 24hrs before neulasta, then for several days after has helped many of the people on the board. Have you talked to your MO about the white tongue? It could be thrush, which will require treatment.


  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296
    edited October 2014

    Fabian, Welcome! I was told to take aleve and Claritan for 4 days starting the day bf nuelasta. I have done 4 infusions so far and had virtually no bone pain. I know it's different for everyone but it helps. I was also going to suggest that you ask for a port if the infusions in the arm get too painful. My MO didn't even give me a choice but I had AC and the A is especially corrosive. Welcome again!