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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited September 2014

    Chemo is definitely doable, you just have to rest, take care of yourself, and stay hydrated. The rest of it is just irritating because if you're like me, you can't stand the interruption! 

  • Rose0766
    Rose0766 Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2014

    isn't that the truth HomeMom, a whole year of interruption, and that is if everything goes as planned, I start chemo Tuesday and the chemo doesn't scare me, it's dealing with the side effects, and the unknown of what will happen next

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2014

    Justamy and Rose, I started end of June and just finished A/C.  Start T/H this coming Weds.  I was fine day of chemo and two days after, then incredibly tired.  Week after chemo mouth and digestion funky.  Rinsing with salt water works and biotene for dry mouth.

  • sybilskelton
    sybilskelton Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2014

    Thanks so much for all the warm words of welcome and support. I woke up this morning feeling almost human for the first time in 5 days, and I think I can see some light at the end of this tunnel. I can see that this website and you lovely people will be an invaluable resource in the weeks ahead and I will lean on you heavily. Thanks again. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited September 2014

    Glad you are feeling a little better Sybil, and definitely glad you found your way to BCO!!

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited September 2014

    hi all, and welcome sybil!  I just joined the club in is such a wonderful oasis. I am doing chemo #3 on Friday and only 3 more to go!  Well, then its 6 more months of herceptin and perjeta but hey....i must. At least no more taxotere and carboplatin.

    Just found out that my surgery will be early. Dec., as soon as blood allows after last chemo...due to my dense tissue and nature of HER+, i need a mastectomy to affected breast for sure, as i also have mutiple tumors all over it and am choosing to get a total bmx and implants. Any thoughts and experiences from you all are appreciated. I realize that a total bmx is not a certainty against recurrence, but want to minimize chance of any kind of new cancer in other breast and also, wish to have a matching set, more or less. I do not want to have to go every 6 months for mris and US on other breast, which i would if i chose to keep it. My cancers do not show on mammograms.

    Hope everyone is doing well today, have a great Sunday ladies!

  • sybilskelton
    sybilskelton Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2014

    Now that I have regained my equilibrium let me relate a story that I try to remember for perspective.

    This is not my first trip on the cancer train. Ten years ago I had cervical cancer. (Protip: don't go 14years between Pap smears). It was a large squamous cell tumor, so the doc decided on a course of radiation to shrink it followed by a radical hysterectomy. The first day when I went for radiation, I was sitting in the large outer waiting room of the cancer wing of the hospital filling out the forms (always with the forms!) and feeling quite sorry for myself. I was vaguely aware and mildly annoyed that there seemed to be a number of small children there. I remember thinking to myself why in the world would someone bring their kid to a place like this. Yes, I am slow sometimes.

    Then a nurse came out and called a name and I glanced up to see a woman and a little boy about 3 years old get up and follow her. I think at that moment I felt the universe reach out and slap me upside the head. I realized these kids were there because they were patients, and all my self pity just melted away, and I felt about an inch tall. My condition was serious, but highly treatable, and it could have been so much worse. It could have been one of my kids, and how to cope with that is absolutely beyond me.

    During the 6 weeks I went to that place daily, I left in tears about twice a week, and not for myself. My treatment was very unpleasant, but ultimately successful - hey, 10 years later and I'm still here. I have thought of those children, and one teenaged girl in particular, often, and I hope they had successful outcomes as well. It was a lesson learned in gratitude that I am trying to keep in mind as I face this particular challenge.

    Oh yeah, the PSA - Don't skip the Pap test.

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2014

    Bippy,  I also went with bmx for same reason.  Get rid of as much of the breast cancer playground as possible.  Seems weird as I went for not removing all my lymph nodes, but it was the right decision for me.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited September 2014

    sybil, we have all been there as far as the initial bizarre world of dx. Perceptions and thoughts are not normal---dont beat yourself up. I too have had awakenings about some of my reactions that i was not proud to have. It is okay and give yourself time to adjust!  Even though you are already a survivor, we know how much you do not want to be here in this group. 

    Glad you are here though! 

    Mercury, when did you have surgery? Or I can find your post about it so you do not have to reiterate....glad to know i have a like minded sister!  Peace of mind is what i hope to get in some small way. I do have at least one node involved, so that is coming out as well....

  • nitengirl1
    nitengirl1 Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2014


    Amen,  I'm trying daily to keep it in perspective.  I have my pity moments and they are emotional but I am treatable and have  the odds in my favor.  My cancer has brought other's conditions to light that are far worse.  I pray for those who are battling for their life or their childrens lives.  My battle is my own but God willing, I will be another Breast Cancer Survivor.  Always trying to be thankful for what I have and that includes this cancer over some of the others out there.

  • mommado
    mommado Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2014

    So I had my annual mammogram today.  Not great news - not bad news either.  They found a decent size spot - I could see it - in the area where they took out the tumors.  The radiologist feels it's probably calcifications from Radiation or the surgery but says there is a chance it's a regrowth of the cancer.  So she recommends going back in 6mths for another mammo - yeah I have to wait 6mths for confirmation of anything!!  AND on my right breast - the "non-cancerous" breast she is recommending a MRI because I have been having leakage since before March of 2013, they tried to do a ductogram back then but couldn't get it to leak on command!  So I still have leakage and big stains in my bra from it so she said since the mammo looks clear she wants a MRI to confirm there is nothing hiding out behind the nipple.

    So questions --- any one have calcifications in the area of a previous lump and what did it turn out to be?  AND has anyone had leakage and what did that turn out to be?

    I have my 6mth check up with my onco on the 29th but I emailed her what the radiologist said so if she wants to do the MRI I can get that done before hand and then reschedule if necessary...

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited September 2014

    Momsdo - I had a BMX but want to say I hope you soon hear confirmation that it is calcifications.  Could you request repeat MRIs of both breasts?  When in doubt, you always have the option of a second opinion, or third.  Hugs, Nisa

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368
    edited September 2014


    My tumors only showed abnormality on 3-D mammogram.  No doc or I could ever feel them.

    I opted for a bilateral mastectomy because A.  I had a very hard time with chemo and B. Fear of them not finding new tumors on healthy breast.  My BS told me that the bilateral would drastically reduce my chance of recurrence in breast but would NOT affect my overall chances of recurrence.

    After opting for the bilateral with immediate reconstruction and after healing and getting back into sex with my husband I realized that my breasts had been very important erogenous zones particularly during foreplay.  I really miss the sexual sensations I would have if I did the uni.  

    Peace of mind vs sexual sensation, each came with it's own price tag.

    BTW a really good PS can make both breasts look very much the same with uni. Even with my bi there is some slight difference between the breasts.  I went to Vinnie for nipple tattoos even though my PS made small nipples.  Vinnie's handiwork is incredible.



  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited September 2014

    peggy, i wonder why we cant just have 3d mamos?  I now know that it happens all the time, where it does not add up to anything on regular mammo.... I live in a ritzy, high end town that attracts some of the best medical providers on the planet, and i know of not one place here that has least, no one ever sent me for one and you would think dense breasts NEED that. glad you got one and found the bad stuff. 

    Thanks for sharing your story, i too want to preserve my sexual life after surgery! It is not the only thing, but important to me.  So glad to know it is possible, I know it will never be the same though.  I also want something soft in implants, not like concrete, for my DH. I am learning about the choices now....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,590
    edited September 2014

    Gee, we have had 3 D mammograms (which are awesome in their detail) at our little regional hospital out here in North Dakota for a year!!!! They can look through the slides layer by layer  and so are super accurate. Last year they saw a shadow on mammogram & they could scroll down step by step and found that it was just a place where the blood vessels came together. Saving me other more invasive testing & worry. I would travel to get the 3D!

  • Xrayalli
    Xrayalli Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2014

    As a mammo tech, we are ALL waiting for our facilty to get 3D! As a patient, definitely the best thing yet. 

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited September 2014

    Well I since I am not going back to the hospital where I had my last mammogram, I have researched and we do have a women's center for radiology that has a 3-D machine

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368
    edited September 2014


    I got implants affectionately called Gummy Bears.  Their technical name is Naturelle 410.  These implants are  very soft and natural feeling.  They just got FDA approval after 10 years of research when I got my implants over a year ago.  When you examine choices with a PS make sure you ask for this one in the mix.



  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited September 2014

    well, now  i am telling all my pals to get 3D, even if they have to travel.  I bet they have it here already, will find out.  Scary that my right breast is full of cysts and tumors, and regular mammo looked just peachy. Wished i had known about it years ago.

    Peggy, i will check out the gummies. Still to meet my PS, i know my general surgeon that will be doing BMX and node removal.  I think, but not sure, i will need TEs as they will need to take all tissue they can, though i wish i could just get implants in at same time....we shall see. 

    Rainy here today, cold front coming in. 

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited September 2014

    What's funny is the imaging center I went to for my PET Scan told me they have the latest machines for mammography yet their site just mentions digital mammography

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2014

    Peggysull.  that is a trade-off I was willing to make.  I realized that before my choice was made, but cancer is worse.  Time to explore and have DH find zone you never thought of.

    T/H today.  I was a zombie after the steroid/benadryl soup beforehand.  Good new, finally got set up to do work from home so I don't miss as much hours.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited September 2014

    Hoping all are well and enjoying the last bit of summer!!

    Just wanted to say thank you to all you lovely ladies for your thoughts and prayers for my friends!!! The brain caner friend finishes her treatments wednesday and the BC friend starts chemo thursday :( - the vicious circle. The BC friend is doing chemo first and is really scared. I hooked her up on this site so she can see she isn't alone & that there are wonderful people to help you get thru this. The brain cancer friend doesn't know yet whats next, but she is doing great so far!

    Thank you all again for your support & kind words! I wish you all a very peaceful, relaxing & fun wknd!!!! I am off to IA for a follow up appt from my LVA surgery - not looking forward to it but has to be done!

    Hugs to all!!


  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2014


    I start chemo next Tuesday. Tell your BC friend to join the Chemo September Sister thread. So much info and support... but then you know that! ;-)

    Good luck with your appointments!

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited September 2014

    Thank you Poppy - I added that to her favorites so hopefully she's atleast reading if not participating.

    Best of luck to you - hope it goes smoothly for you with minimal side effects. (((Hugs)))

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited September 2014

    Poppy -  Good luck tomorrow.  I had the same course of chemo last summer.  It sucks but you will get through it as the rest of us did.  Every day I give thanks for the existence of these drugs that save lives.  Will be thinking of you throughout the day 💕

    MJ - So nice of you to share update. News of your friends are encouraging. Wish I could say the same about my dear friend diagnosed with stage iv esophageal cancer.  The tumors had shrank quite a bit but once first round of chemo and radiation were over, they came back.  Now back on more chemo and more radiation - heartbreaking. I hope you had a good trip, please share update on your arm.

    Cancer or not, every day is a gift.  We must live life fully!  Hugs to all, Nisa

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Nisa!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842
    edited September 2014

    I have my 20 year old son who is at the hospital this morning having an out patient procedure to check his esophagus due to heartburn. He has had issues with heart burn for about 3 years now. We tried to eliminate things from his diet, but it didn't change. Keep him in your prayers as this could cause cancer. Devil

  • sybilskelton
    sybilskelton Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2014

    Homemom, it seems we can endure anything done to our own bodies, but when it's our children doing the suffering it's a whole different ball game. I'll be holding a good thought for your son and hope for a great outcome.

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368
    edited September 2014


    I echo Sybil's sentiments.  My daughter is going to have part of her intestine replaced with a healthier part soon due to severe diverticulitis and another colonoscopy before to rule out cancer.  When I heard the last part I freaked and have been on pins and needles ever since.

    Harder, harder to handle our children's potential for cancer than anything we go thru.

    My heart is with you,



  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited September 2014

    As Sybil and Peggy said, our children's suffering can be unbearable compared to our own health battles.  HomeMom - sending big hug and wishes of a good outcome. Let us know how it went.  Peggy - scary surgery but hopefully a permanent solution.  Poppy -  we are there with you today.  

    On a different note, I don't know how I ended up visiting the (very friendly) "hermit" thread last week - considering that I am only a part-time hermit (meaning that when I have a chance, I absolutely enjoy being home and staying away from social activities). Anyway, I noticed the "freedom of topic" in that thread where people write about whatever is going on with them and not just health-related stuff as we mostly do here.  I'm wondering if anyone here wish there was more conversation on other topics here as well?  Just checking...