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Will 30% of Early Stage (1-IIIA) go on to metastasize??



  • herb
    herb Member Posts: 63

    May 28, 202

    Relationship between tumor size and metastatic site in patients with stage IV breast cancer: A large SEER-based study..... studies are now coming out to show how and where mets occurs. I read a study on size of tumor that metastasized. It was 5mm. Most stage 1a are around 1 cm so 2 times that size. So ablility to tumor metastasis has already occured in nearly all breast cancers by the time they are seen on a scan.,likely%20to%20develop%20liver%20metastasis.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 384

    Yeah I've read that. Pretty much we all can expect that breast cancer cells have been released in our body. Luckily though metastasis is very inefficient which is why a small portion of us have distant relapse.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,784

    Yes, it’s important to remember that there are no guarantees and though the overall recurrence rate is too high*, the majority of early stage patients are treated and don’t recur. That 30% is not broken down by stage either. The most difficult part? None of those stats have any predictive value for how an individual will do.
    * Many who’ve been lulled into pretty pink land are shocked to find out recurrences can and do happen even decades after treatment and that while most early stagers don’t recur, a not insignificant subset do. And there seems to be little known rhyme or reason to recurrences. The unpredictability is hugely frustrating, coupled with no cure for stage IV.

  • herb
    herb Member Posts: 63

    I agree in my local breast cancer group a stage 1a with BMX 9years out has mets now. BTW you're doing great over 10 years mets. This give hope to others. I know 2 ladies in my local group mets with her2 both are 10 years.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,784

    Thanks herb. Unfortunately, why I have done so well is completely unknown. That may give hope to others but provides no actual help.