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Fat Grafting, pros and cons



  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    I have not been out here in quite a long time and this thread has grown! I looked into fat grafting about a year ago but my insurance would not cover any of it, how is that going for you? Does it seem like insurance is starting to cover FG or are we still in the same boat where they look at it as cosmetic only?

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467

    dogsneverlie - I've had it done twice. Both times were back in 2014 and both times were covered completely by insurance. I think it really depends upon how the procedure is presented to the insurance company. It seems that their approval comes down to a matter of semantics in most cases. It also varies somewhat between insurance companies, state mandates, and of course, the all too familiar differences between plastic surgeons. But the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 is in place to protect us:

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hi All,

    Had fg done yesterday, along with nip recon by way of skin graft from 'inner thigh'. yikes! very sore today! Procedure was about 4 hours!! Came home wearing surgical bra and binder. Sleeping was not easy, and I am hoping that I havent moved things out of place when I had to rearrange the binder and bra!

    Also have bandage on 'inner thigh' and terrible sore throat from anestesia tube.

    Sorry to complain, but i figure you will understand and maybe offer some suggestions?


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,245

    dogs - have you checked with your insurance regarding FG now that you have had a mastectomy?  If I remember correctly they previously denied for lumpectomy correction, right?  FG should be coded as a reconstruction revision, so it is a different thing from FG to correct a lumpectomy divot and should be covered.

    another - No real suggestions other than take your pain meds and rest - time will help.  I had nip sparing but a good friend just did FG and nip recon, and she felt better in a few days.  I found that all three FG I did, I usually felt much better in about a week.

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40

    Hi all, I am trying to decide whether to inquire to my PS about some fat grafting. Is there anyone who did it and regrets it? Or is it one of those things that it either helps or it makes no difference in the long run? I just hate the thought of another procedure if it isn't going to make a big enough difference. But l wonder if I would be happier with trying it out. Or leave well enough alone. Sometimes I think I am just being too picky. Wishy washy. Anyone want to chime in?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,245

    lkscolo - what is the issue you are trying to correct

  • katykids
    katykids Member Posts: 44

    I am considering some addf'l fat grafting too. Although I don't know if I should leave well enough alone. I had it initially from my stomach, 100g, to fill in around the implants. I am thinking some must have "gotten lost" as the ridge of the implants can now be felt on top on both sides. I have had difficulty regaining ROM so I have had a lot of PT...but don't think that can be what caused it. I have read people often get addf'l fat grafting. I have a new PS. As my old PS and I had a parting of ways. I only had the exchange 11/15. New PS wanted to "let the dust settle" before jumping into anything. I just plan on being more proactive this time. Or as proactive as I can be. It's hard, sometimes with doctors. I also have a lot of rippling.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Hi All,

    I had fg done on Monday (4 days ago) and nip recon with skin graft from panty line. Wearing surgical bra and binder. Donor areas are tender, but breasts are extremely tender. The side that rec'd larger amount of fg is showing black/blue above bra, under arm area. Did you have lots of breast tenderness and bruises as well as donor site bruises?

    Thanks for your response!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    Yep, I sure did. Fat grafting is brutal. But, my results were worth it. My pain in the foobs were mostly above the implant where I actually have sensation. Initially foobs on the upper area hurt more, and when that subsided I had more abdominal donor site pain. I felt better in about a week and a half, but sore for months. I did look as if I got ran over by a truck, there was that much bruising. It gets better eventually. I used ice on my abdomen as instructed. No ice to the foobs.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    thanks Kingster!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    NYCG, as long as you don't have redness or signs of infection, you will be fine. Bruising heals up in a few weeks. I know surgeons always seem to downplay the pain factor, but it is real...especially with breast reconstruction and all that comes with it. Take it easy;)

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    thank you, again, kingster!

    and yes, you are so right about drs downplaying the discomfort and recoup time. Sad

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56

    it's been a long time since I was on. This site. I had a revision,exchange, fat graphing yesterday. I was not prepared for the amount of pain I am in. The bruising especially my breasts is horrible. Has anyone experienced a ton of bruising on the breast? My skin is very thin i am told. The skin over the implants is so tight its shiny There was a lot of pocket work that was done. Plus removal of excess skin. I had saline implants exchanged for 535 high profile silicone.



  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    JG, - I, too, was surprised by the pain and bruising after FG! The bruising looked the worst several days after the procedure on the breast that received the most FG. As kingster wrote above, bruising is normal as long as not red and too warm.

    If you are in doubt, - call your ps!

    I am 3 weeks out, and still sore and a bit bruised!

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56

    I had fat grafting done 6 days ago. I am in a compression garment from below my knees to just under my breasts. Talk about uncomfortable torture device. My left ankle and calf are rather swollen. Anyone else experience this?

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    Jackiegray, do you have pain in your calf? Just watch for DVT (deep vein thrombosis, or blood clot). If u have calf pain, see your doc right away. My PS didn't do compression garments, but was allowed to wear my own for comfort if I wanted (as long as it was pulled all the way up and didn't make a crease). I didn't have lower extremely swelling. Maybe try to elevate your legs above the level of your heart.

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56

    Kingster no pain just swelling I think you may be on to something the compression garment is all bunched behind my knee. I have it elevated and put a compression sock on. My sister in law is going to come over later to take a look she's in the medical field. Thanks again.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    Jackie, don't let it cut off your circulation. Make sure it's not bunched up. Maybe call the ps for a different garment too. Hope u feel better soon.

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56

    My PS said no bra after the fat grafting. She did not say for how long. What was everyone else's experience with this?

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    jackie - I also was not allowed to wear a bra. The reasoning for this is to not compress the newly inlected fat so it has a better chance of finding a blood supply. After two weeks I was allowed to wear a camisole only and then after 8 weeks was allowed to wear a bra. Every PS is different in their beliefs of what works best. Some wrap u or put a bra on u in the hospital n others don't.

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56

    mjh1...I have noticed throughout the thread the various recommendation post fat graft.

    I feel like if I had a bra on the pain would be less because I would be more supported. I am still so shocked at the bruising on the breasts and the 8 places used for fat grafting.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    jackie - no uniform answer to the pain and bruising either. That is also dependent on the technique of the PS and how much fat u had taken out. Don't worry, that will eventually go away. Try not too move around too much as the pain increases with movement.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,245

    Jackie - try some topical arnica to help with the bruising - you can usually get it in some grocery stores or chain drug stores - it helps. This is the brad I have used.

  • Jackiegray
    Jackiegray Member Posts: 56

    thank you both specialk and mjh1. This recovery is brutal. PS said I'll need at least one more. I don't think I will be able to handle it.

  • Nebraska917
    Nebraska917 Member Posts: 16

    I had fat grafting done yesterday during my exchange surgery. It is painful. Bruising all over. I have compressing garnets sound my stomach and my foobs. I have iced both the implants area and my stomach area. I don't have drains at all. I would say my stomach hurts way worse than my chest area. Hopefully this heals up quickly. She said I could shower in two days and then put the garnets back on until 2 weeks.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    Nebraska, my ps told me to not ice the breast area because the fat needs to find a blood supply, and cold would reduce this chance. So please ask your ps if it's ok to ice the breasts. My ps said to ice my abdomen donor site though, along with massaging to work out lumps (even though this is painful). I had tons of bruising too. Quite shocking. But goes away eventually. I also had tons of pain. My 2nd most painful surgery from my total of 4. But, I did see improvement in the appearance, although not perfect but better. So, I think it was worth the effort. I had to cancel my 2nd fat graft due to dental problems.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Nebraska, - I had fg 4 weeks ago, - I was SO bruised and sore that it was scarey looking! Torso bruising faded much faster than foobs.

    Saw ps today, - and finally no more binder!! Smile

    I agree with kingster that you ought to ask your ps about icing.

    Hope you feel better soon!

  • Nebraska917
    Nebraska917 Member Posts: 16

    I'm pretty sure she said to go ahead and ice.. but I might just focus on my abdomen then since that's where the major pain is coming from. She said I could take the garnets off 2 days after to shower but then put the compression items back on. Is that what everyone else has had to do? Did you keep the binder the gave you or did you guys try spanx or something like that?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,245

    Nebraska - I would not ice the area where you received grafted fat, the fat needs to achieve vascularity and I think ice will inhibit that. The last thing you want is for more fat to be reabsorbed than normal - then all this discomfort was for nothing. The hospital binders tend to be ill-fitting for me and I always switch to Spanx.

  • oceansky
    oceansky Member Posts: 77

    My PS does mostly autologous reconstruction but did immediate implants on me. Months later after the pec muscles relaxed I had a divot over the cancer side foob. He said it would take between 2 and 4 FG's to fix it. He did 1 fat graft surgery and it's 'good enough' for me. Am not up for another surgery. Btw, his PA said it would be 'lumpy and bumpy' after the first FG. It's not.

    This PS does breast reconstruction only (no cosmetic work) and he does not recommend binders after fat grafting. Every PS is different.

    He also offered to remove a large lipoma from my shoulder, and he had said it would probably hurt the most. It didn't. The site where he grafted the fat to was the most painful, but he injected quite a bit. I was completely fine one week after the surgery.

    Good luck!