Picture This!!



  • Theda
    Theda Member Posts: 22

    Everglades, October 2013 :)


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I took the bird pictures at the San Diego Zoo.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Hahaha, cute Teddy.

  • lyzzysmom
    lyzzysmom Member Posts: 285

    Thank you ladies for your comments on my Maine pics. We will definitely have to go back before too long.

    BW, glad you are feeling a little better. I was having really bad heartburn a few years ago which I eventually managed to get under control by watching what I eat and losing a little weight but I had the abdominal ultrasound and they found gallstones. Got referred to GI surgeon who said to just leave it be unless it got really bad as lots of women have them.  I think its better to not have gallbladder surgery if you can avoid it. I hope your problems just fizzle out sooner rather than later. I am putting some weight back on since dx so hoping it does not rear its ugly head again.

    Nancy C. You have a wonderful weekend. Sounds like so much fun!  

    Lisa, I love the birds. That little blue green fellow is the most beautiful color.

    One day I would like to visit Mt. Rainier, so beautiful!!

    The image of the fire is so stunning in its beauty and hauntingly terrifying. I am so glad you are safe Blessings!

    I Photoshopped this to try for a softer effect.


  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731

    Blessings - You probably remember where I live--and that fire at Bass Lake picture was taken quite close to my house.  I have several friends who were evacuated and are just now getting to go home.  This fire started in the afternoon and traveled 5 or 6 miles that evening to where this picture was taken.  We feel uneasy when we leave home as these fires have been set by a fire bug.  Oakhurst had another fire 2 weeks before this one. Friends had to flee that one too.  Not to be forgotten is the French fire just above our tiny town.  It is so sad to see our National Forests burn and scary to have our neighborhoods burn.   And Yosemite fires seem to go on and on.  California is so dry and with temperatures hovering around 100 we just hope we'll get rain before we all burn up.  Jan

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    Garden I love your mountain pictures! I love the mountains, ocean or lakes they are so pretty and peaceful. 

    Lisa I love that blue bird it is beautiful!

    BW I am feeling better. I have a day here and there but I am much better and looking forward to getting away. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    Love the mountain pictures GG. Beautiful.

    Love the Teddy pic. He looks like he is enjoying himself!

    Lisa that turquoise color bird is so pretty. Do you know what it is?

    Nancy C. Glad you are feeling better. When are you going to Vegas?

    Lizzysmom, Beautiful picture with nice hues. Interesting what your surgeon said. My primary doctor said yesterday if this test show gallstones he said he would be sending me to my surgeon. Actually my bc surgeon is a general surgeon and I see him on Oct. 1 as a 6 month follow up so if things haven't resolved or if stones do show up I will be seeing him anyway so I can kill two birds with one stone.(I know that was bad.) I am certainly not wanting another surgery that is for sure. At the same time I don't want to go on feeling like I have either. I have never been to the East coast. I think we went through NY on our way to Niagara Falls. That's it.  Your pictures make it very alluring.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    BW going to Phoenix on Sat arrive around 945 am and then my cousin is picking me up at the airport. I am not sure if we are going Sat or Sun. She hasn't told me yet, but I think she mentioned Saturday. I cant wait!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


    On board the USS Midway museum tonight..

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    GREAT pics all around.

    For stomach issues I had to take Pantaloc for about a year before I could stop as it gave my stomach and gut a chance to heal from whatever was pissing it off. I had stomach surgery when I was born (Pyloric Stenosis) so have had stomach problems on and off my whole life. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    Barbe, I have never heard of that drug before. If you don't mind me asking were you on a hormone blocking drug when you were in treatment. I know my primary doctor said that it would not be a good idea to be on an acid blocker because Arimidex can already cause osteoporosis and I guess the acid blockers can contribute to that as well. My blood work has shown there is no inflammation but that sure doesn't mean it doesn't feel like it. I can relate. I have had stomach issues and colon issues a good part of my life as well.

    Lisa, Hope you have fun tonight. Is the plane the museum?  Sounds interesting.

    Nancy C. I hear Phoenix was not hit as hard as they were predicting so hopefully you will not run into any weather related problems. Have a great time.


    My neighbor rang the doorbell as I had  just driven home tonight. She must have been waiting for me. When I answered the door there was a package that had been delivered that I hadn't seen. She said I am here to show you how to put that together. As I looked rather puzzled she said this is a gift from me. I am sending a picture of it. It is a gift for breast cancer patients and it is basically a flameless candle. The little light bulb heats and melts the little pieces of candle that you put in the top tray. It is made by Scentsy. Also some of the proceeds go to a breast cancer charity. So I was surprised and pleased. Here is a pic below.






  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    that was so nice..I am sure you will enjoy it..

    the aircraft is aboard the USS Midway Museum..it is a retired aircraft carrier brought to San Diego to house a museum. The whole ship and aircraft are restored by volunteers. I forget how many total volunteers they have, safely, docents, education, admin etc. It is the most visited museum in the  US I think. 


    here is the view from one side.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    With arimidex, make sure you get a baseline DEXA scan.. also a good idea to take Vitamin D3..

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    Lisa, that museum sounds really neat. Hope you had a good time.

    I did have a Dexa scan the first consultation I had with my MO back in April. Things were good then and my calcium levels are good from the blood work I just had done. With this ultrasound on Thursday I will soon know if I have gallstones or not. Have you had any digestive problems after having your gallbladder removed? I have heard that sometimes that can happen. Well It is way past my bedtime. Talk later.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    No, I am not on any AI's or Tamoxifen. Quality of life is too important to me and I'm on enough meds for heart and kidneys as it is.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Having my gallbladder removed was the best thing. Felt so much better. No digestive problems. 

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    I supposed I could ditch the AI all together but I don't want to do that unless I have explored all options. I don't like taking any kind of drug but I do have to with other medical issues.

    Lisa, glad to hear removing the gallbladder turned out good for you. I am still hoping these issues will just fizzle out but not happening so far.

    Was going to check out the annual Art Fair on our Riverwalk but it is storming right now. It will still be there tomorrow so maybe it will happen then. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • lyzzysmom
    lyzzysmom Member Posts: 285

    BW, I love the little candle, so pretty!

    Lisa, The museum looks like an interesting place to visit. I got to go on an old submarine in Baltimore a few years back. That was interesting but a bit snug! 

    Nancy C. I hope the weather is good for your weekend trip!

    The tamoxifen is certainly full of surprises. My tummy seems to be
    starting to settle a bit but now my mouth is feeling not sore but a bit
    raw, like if you have eaten something a bit too hot or acidic. I am
    guessing it must be the pills as it is the whole mouth and it affects
    mucous membranes. Hopefully it will go away eventually.

    It was a nice day today so I went on one of my favorite trails at the local Audubon Society, a three mile walk and took a few pics. Glad it was not too warm as I had my backpack!





  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    Morning ladies so far so good with weather. Wont be going to Vegas I forgot my ID for my first flight and had to change it so got in late. Thats ok though will still have a great time with my cousin. 

    BW that was very nice of your neighbor to think of you. I love sentsy and was looking at that pot. 


    A barn in Michigan City IN


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    Thank you ladies. I love my candle too.

    Nancy C. That is a shame about your ID but I am sure you will have a good time. Nice pics.

    Lizzysmom, That looks like a beautiful area to talk a walk. They are opening a new nature center near me that is having their grand opening next week. I am anxious to check this place out. The city has spent a small fortune on it so hopefully it will be worth it. I didn't make it to church this morning. Just still not feeling great. Last night I was so unusually fatigued it felt like I was in the middle of rads. It's just all so unpredictable and frustrating. I imagine the drugs for both of us are causing side effects. I am having an abdominal ultrasound on Thursday. If it is normal then I will proceed with my MO.

  • lyzzysmom
    lyzzysmom Member Posts: 285

    Nancy C. I love the dandelion. Lovely color and DOF! Sorry about the ID too but hope you have had a great time anyway!

    BW, I hope everything goes well on Thursday.I am sure these pills are responsible for so much.I too get horrible fatigue that comes and goes. I drive to the office 2 days a week and during the second day I find I start to get so tired. There is no way I could work full time now.

    I went into Rite Aid and picked up some Biotene mouthwash, spray , and gel. It was so funny. I just said that I was getting it as I was on some pills that were making my mouth feel a bit raw. The lady at the register said that her mom had had (you guessed it), BC and that she had started using it then, and was now doing well 5 years out but still used the product as she liked it. I was like " me too". 

    Sometimes it feels like its an epidemic. I finally told my 85 year old stepfather about it today, prefaced by" I am fine now but I was sick during the Summer". I felt bad as he lives 3000 miles away and I had not been calling him as often as I should as I just felt a bit awkward having conversations while there was this elephant in the room that I did not want to worry him with until I had finished treatment. He seemed to take it OK but immediately mentioned that his friends wife had had it also. Fortunately she has been OK so hopefully I did not upset him too much. It seems like nearly every woman I know has had it or has an affected relative. Such a curse.

    On a funnier note, I love the Audubon trails. They are only a five minute drive from home BUT I always take a map as there are over 20 miles of walks to choose from and I have no sense of direction. and YES I have gotten so lost that I have been returned to the parking lot in a police cruiser!! It was so embarrassing but the police officers were so young and very kind. They must have thought I was a silly old lady and it only seems like a "blink" ago that I was their age.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753



    Phoenix Arizona with my Cousin

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911


    I will have to also admit that I have no sense of direction. In a follow up apt with my surgeon when I was having some complications after my bc I got lost in the parking garage. I am NOT kidding. I will say it was under construction but still I didn't know what I was going to do next as I was still weak and not feeling well. I tried the old trick with the remote and no sound. I finally found my way back. I was a long ways away from my car. I was never so thankful to see my car when I finally did see it!!!!  So I could see me on those trails you are talking about. LOL

    My mom is turning 89 next month and she is still living alone and has dementia. My Dad died of cancer in 2005. My sister and I are her caregivers but she is three hours away from me. My sister lives in the same town as my mom so she does the weekly things for her. I have spent about a third of my year at her house but since I got my dx that hasn't happened. I did get to spend two weeks with her in Aug. and then came back and started getting sick and haven't felt well since. She doesn't really understand what I have been through. It is sad. She was really like my best friend.

    It is so hard with elderly parents. I hope your step father didn't get too worried. It is hard to know just how honest to be with them when it comes to this disease. He is very far away.  I see an alternative doctor besides my traditional ones and when I saw him a few weeks after my surgery he did use that word epidemic and breast cancer. I hope we can survive the treatment! I have my first follow up mammogram tomorrow. I told a friend that and she said I wonder if that is going to hurt. I said well I am completely numb where he did surgery so probably not. My surgeon only made one incision which I guess is very unusual for him. He did the SNB and took three nodes and the tumor all with the one incision. It is a pretty long incision.  He obviously did something to the nerves in the process. Hopefully this is all normal.

    Yeah I hear you on the age thing. I still mentally feel quite young. You can send some of those cute policemen my way. LOL

  • lyzzysmom
    lyzzysmom Member Posts: 285

    Yeah Nancy!! Great to see you having fun. Awesome cactus! They don't grow up here in New England so I would like a big cactus indoors but the dog and DH would be sure to stick themselves!!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    Wow, Nancy C. that is one BIG cactus. Looks like you are having fun. You go girl!

  • lyzzysmom
    lyzzysmom Member Posts: 285

    BW, I hope everything goes smoothly and all is good with the mammo tomorrow. BS suggested I have next years at the hospital so she can check it out but thats not for a while and I am not going to suggest an earlier one.I kind of put it out of my mind until it gets close to the time. BS did quite a neat job and though there are 2 scars the one for the SNB is very thin and barely noticible now. The area of the main scar feels like it will be a bit lumpy for good but I don't think it will make much difference to discomfort having a mammo.

    I thought for a long time before I told my stepfather. It is difficult with elderly parents but my mom died 17 years ago at 73 from pure red cell aplasia which is quite uncommon. My stepfather looked after her for years while she was unwell. He was quite a bit younger than her and although I did not meet him until I was 16 he is like a father as mine died when I was 9. He has friends and is an honorary grandpa  to some very lively kids so he is not alone but he has heart issues and I always fear that one day I will get that phone call given his age and health. I used to try to get to see him every year but have not felt up to the long trip to Wales the last couple of years and he has always told us that he is not allowed to fly. 

    I managed to get lost in Maine. I left DH and dog and took the car for just a 5 minute drive to one of the lighthouses. I set the GPS but the location was a bit peculiar and  I went the wrong way then ended up nearly in tears in a dead end street that was really difficult to back up and turn around in. At that point I set the GPS to take me straight back to the hotel. DH had to take me back to the lighthouse later Lol.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    BW and Lizzysmom I am having a great time! I am so glad to be with my cousin and to just be away for a bit by myself. I call the cactus Cactus Man. (lol) Hope you all are doing well.


    It was 107 here today. At least that is what the car said. But I loved it!! This was called hole in the rock. Lol

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


    Had a great weekend with my son and daughter in law..my son is a family practice MD and in private practice. He just moved into his new offices and we were given the grand tour. I am very proud of both of them. My DIL runs the office. It was a huge move for them. They ended up buying an office building right next to the local hospital.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,911

    Lizzysmom, You poor thing. I can so relate. I have gotten lost so many times. Thank goodness for GPS now but that darn thing has led me on wild goose chases for some unknown reason.

    Nancy C. Neat hole in the rock pic. I have been wanting to get out West with my camera for a long time. One of these days this will happen. I can't imagine what 107 feels like. It really cooled off here today. I feel like I am having a hot flash right now. Maybe I do know what 107 feels like. LOL  Gee what a thrill to experience these things all over again.

    Lisa, How nice to have a doctor in the family. You have every reason to be proud of them. That's awesome that they could buy an office next to the hospital.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    BW you know it really wasnt that bad as long as I was standing still. Had to make sure I had plenty of water.  I didnt even feel like drinking anything else.