Picture This!!



  • There are some really wonderful Powershots!! There is a guy Raymond Troumbly who posts a lot on National Geographic Your Shot. He uses a Powershot a lot and his photos are crazy good. I love my little Fuji but not so much when it zooms (20X optical but it gets horrible if you extend it to the digital zoom. ) I am looking forward to spending more time with my new Sony BUT I had to get a backpack. It is so heavy with the bits and pieces. I have to forget the tripod unless its a road trip. I have a mini tripod but I don't think it would take the camera/lens weight so will have to find a flat surface to rest everything on. The camera is quite heavy and I wanted to upgrade from my original basic Sony zoom lens to something better for the new camera so I got a Tamron as higher end  Sony lenses cost a fortune like the Canon or Nikon. The Tamron lens is 75-300 and its really heavy. Well it should be good exercise!! The camera has some sort of electronic teleconverter built in, so in theory I could do 600 but I dont think it would give me the clarity I would like for birds.

  • My longest lens is 18-200 and I thought it would work for birds but I was very disappointed in the results and soon realized I needed a 300 and upward to achieve what I wanted. My first digital camera was a Fuji 620sx I think. I haven't used it in a very long time. It was considered a bridge camera. It took great pics. I wasn't really as interested in photography back then as I just didn't have the time to pursue it. I would love to take some photography courses at the local junior college but my sister and I are caretakers for my mom who has dementia and still living in her home. She will be 89 next month. She lives three hours away and until my bc dx in March I was going back and forth and spending about a third of my time with my mom. That schedule just doesn't lend itself to taking most courses. My sister BTW lives in the same town as my mom and does the weekly things for her. I go down actually to relief my sister besides helping out my mom. My sister is still working and is older than I am.  I have only been retired for three years and this happened to my mom in my first year of retirement. Sure not the way I was expecting things to work out. Then getting bc in March was another detour. I am determined to get better and learn photography on my own. I have found some really good online photography tutors with lessons. I just discovered this one place just recently so I am hoping to feel better and do the lessons. I have felt pretty good the last three days but then in the evening after eating dinner things just don't set very well. When all my tests come back in that I did last week if they are all normal which some of them have been I will seek out my MO and see if he thinks it is the cancer drug. I sure hope not. I hope your stomach issues resolve on Tamoxifin.


  • I forgot to say I bought a backpack with my Nikon D90 DSLR because of the weight of all the lens I own plus the camera. I have not actually used it on my back but I have a favorite lens I use quite a bit when I am away from home. I realize that I now have so much invested in all this camera equipment I need to get them insured.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


    This is in Maine

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184






  • Beautiful pics Lisa. I finally found the night scene mode in the menu! A day late and a dollar short. LOL I had dialed in a HD mode and it flashed on the screen that you need a tripod. I at least figured out what I did wrong. I went out tonight to see if there was any moon and it is apparently too cloudy. We are expecting lots of rain in the middle of the night. Oh well I'll be prepared for the next full moon.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    some of the things are hard to find

  • I agree.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    That lighthouse is fabulous. When I was a kid, my Dad, who had been an engineer on cruise ships, would always say he wanted to live in a lighthouse. It was a long standing joke, and I would always buy him cards with a lighthouse, or if I saw a lighthouse when I was traveling, I'd get a photo for him. That lovely shot took me back to the fun times, with my dear Dad. 

  • Thanks for the advice ladies.  I would love to take a photography class some time. Are there some good ones you can do online? 

    Lisa I love the Main pictures, I will have to make it up there some day.

  • image

    This was a picture someone took of a lake here in IN, I thought it was cool how they caught the lightining.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    Wow! really cool, ncollett.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    I am doing up an old boat shed into a little studio and found this fabulous Mantis had moved in today. 


  • Nancy C, if you look online there are quite a bit of online photo courses. Some look really intense and some you do the lessons as you have time. That would be more suitable for my situation. Some are pricy and there is lots of good info for free. One thing of interest is what is called an exposure wheel. Look it up and you will see how it works. It is a great tool for a novice like me.

    My swan photo was in the paper today with a nice article. I told them the swans were a gift from God so they have a Heavenly Sight in their caption. It was exciting.

    Ariom, Aren't praying mantises really special. How fun to create a studio. What kinds of things will you do in your new found space?

    Nancy BW

  • Nancy C,
    That is a gorgeous photo.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    This is how it turned out!


    Hi Bandwoman, this was a little boat shed at the front of our property which was built at the same time as the old fisherman's cottage that originally stood on the site. It hadn't been used for a boat for a long time and we had just used it for storage, till I decided I wanted to line it and do it up.

    I am a collector of antique glass beads and I like to make sun catchers, with large lead crystal balls. I can do that out in that room without having to put everything away every day. I am also working on some clothing designs, so I can keep the house tidy and make a mess out there!

  • Ariom I love your studio that is such a great idea and so peaceful.

    Thanks BW I will look those up.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    Thanks Ncollett! How cheerful and pretty those flowers are!

  • Hi Ladies,   I just love the beautiful photos.  What a treat!   Must get out my camera and send some PA farm pictures as our season is about to change.  Thank you.....made my morning!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    GREAT studio!!! Love all the pics.

    So, it WAS an HD setting!! I love being right...Winking On film cameras YOU have to click 3 times, but on digital it does the bracketing for you. 

    I have some excellent books that I pore over and over. Because sometimes if something is "taught" I might not see the relevance immediately, but if I come across a situation, sure enough, it's already written up! Check out books, they are cheaper than classes and you won't have to bore through stuff you already know.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184

    the problem now is that the "book" for the camera is on the web...not paper...

  • Ariom, I love, love, love your studio. I would like a little "woman cave" like that. I did my best with the basement but DH is large and well, untidy and the house is small. I spent years gradually trying to make most of it more acceptable but I am sure he was happier with a mess!! I had a neat little condo years ago. Sigh....

    Lisa, I found a lot of books on individual camera models available on Amazon as real little books. I bought one for my previous camera. I love the lighthouse and Maine shots. I am so excited to be going up there even for a day or two soon. I was literally looking at the lighthouses an hour before I saw your photo.

    Nancy C, that is one cool lightening shot. I love the pretty yellow flowers too. I see sunflowers starting to appear locally. Guess its the time of year although I found some pics I took last year and they were in July. Everything seemed to bloom later this year but I think I missed so much this summer anyway with treatment going on. Anyway here are a couple from last year.

    A lot of my sunflower pics ended up from the back as I never had the nerve to ask the farmer if I could walk on his property to get better pics!



    These are from the fall mumms they planted at work last year. They have just put them in again. Time flies!!



  • Nancy C, Did you have the lumpectomy thats on you dx today 9/10? I hope it went really well and you are feeling OK if so!!!!!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    Thank you lizzysmom! I love the idea of having a little "me" spot that I can leave everything out and close the doors and it will be there when I go back, just as I left it!

    Your flower shots are just beautiful. Aren't Sunflowers just the happiest flowers! Those mumms are lovely too. I don't have a lot of flowers in my garden, other than different types of Camelias, but I have several different types of Lavender that do really well here. Right now the Clivias are starting to come out. I love those.

  • Ariom, I love your studio. So cozy and inviting. Your hobbies sound fun. You go girl!

    Lizzysmom, Love the sunflowers and dahlias.

    Barbe, I actually learned a few things this morning looking up bracketing. I knew the concept and after doing a little research there is bracketing (for exposure) where you actually do get three or more(depending on your camera) separate pictures. Now this is the interesting part and the part I am not quite sure about. I was watching a short video on this and it just stopped without explaining further. It sounds like there is a way to take those three photos and make them into one photo which is HDR. Is that right? The picture I took by accident was an HDR (High Dynamic Range) three shots all rolled into one. That was the worst choice I could have accidentally made for a moon shot because trying to hold the camera steady through one long shutter speed is bad enough but holding it for three shots was going to be impossible. It definitely needed a tripod. There is bracketing for the flash as well. That might only be for some cameras though. I found more on the internet than I could from my manual. I guess a big thing coming out on the new iphones is this HDR capacity. So maybe this subject is boring to everyone reading this but thanks for allowing me to learn something new about photography.

    If you are interested exposure bracketing is where you can dial in an exposure maybe one or more stops underexposed and then a normal exposure and then an overexposed shot by one or two stops. Basically your pictures if you get three separate ones will look a little darker, normal or a little lighter respectfully.  That way if you misjudge your surroundings you have choices which photo you want to go with. Your camera is deciding what is the normal exposure. Your camera may say AED for that feature.

  •                                                           REMEMBERING 9-11-01





  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027

    Never forgotten!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Posts: 7,605

    LOVELY mums!!! Lisa, the books I meant are written by photographers for tips and tricks, like lighting, flashes etc. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184


    I took this today at Liberty Station which is the former

    Naval Training Center, San Diego...

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Posts: 1,826

    beautiful Lisa. I still get chills from the activities of 911. God rest their souls 


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